652 research outputs found

    Fracture test of a Gothic ribbed vault

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    A Gothic ribbed vault has been built at the School of Architecture of Madrid in order to investigate the construction complexities of this kind of vaults. The ribbed vault is described in the manuscript of Alonso de Vandelvira, and its shape was reconstructed making using the drawings this architect from the 16th century. The fracture test was carried on by loading the central keystone of the vault until its collapse took place. The experiment was filmed and by doing so, it was possible to observe the failure mechanism of the vault. At the same time, it was interesting to compare this collapse experience with the results obtained using two different me-thods. First, a stability calculation was carried out through graphic statics, and secondly a calcu-lation was performed using the rigid-block analysis method. The focus of this paper is to show and analyze the results of both studies

    Are Gauss-Legendre methods useful in molecular dynamics?

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    AbstractWe apply the two-stage Gauss-Legendre method to the numerical simulation of liquid argon, a typical problem in molecular dynamics. It is found that the scheme is less efficient than the Verlet/leapfrog method, standard in this sort of simulation

    Interpolating between low and high energy QCD via a 5D Yang-Mills model

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    We describe the Goldstone bosons of massless QCD together with an infinite number of spin-1 mesons. The field content of the model is SU(Nf)xSU(Nf) Yang-Mills in a compact extra-dimension. Electroweak interactions reside on one brane. Breaking of chiral symmetry occurs due to the boundary conditions on the other brane, away from our world, and is therefore spontaneous. Our implementation of the holographic recipe maintains chiral symmetry explicit throughout. For intermediate energies, we extract resonance couplings. These satisfy sum rules due to the 5D nature of the model. These sum rules imply, when taking the high energy limit, that perturbative QCD constraints are satisfied. We also illustrate how the 5D model implies a definite prescription for handling infinite sums over 4D resonances. Taking the low energy limit, we recover the chiral expansion and the corresponding non-local order parameters. All local order parameters are introduced separately.Comment: Corresponds to published version, with some typos correcte

    “Sonrisa Felíz” en la Escuela Nº 827, Paraje el Rincón

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    Objetivo General: Desarrollar con la comunidad escolar este programa de atención integral, teniendo como eje la prevención de las enfermedades producidas por el biofilms. Promover en los niños el cuidado de su Salud Bucal y motivarlos para que valoren la importancia de alcanzarla y mantenerla.Objetivos específicos. Conocer las características anatómicas de las piezas dentarias. Reconocer la presencia del biofilms. Conocer las características de un cepillo dental adecuado. Distinguir los alimentos cariogénicos de los no cariogénicos. Realizar correctamente la remoción de la placa por medio del cepillado y el uso del hilo dental. Seleccionar alimentos que no alteren la Salud Bucal. Practicar a diario hábitos de higiene oral. Valorar la importancia de una correcta higiene bucal. Apreciar la importancia de la visita periódica al odontólogo. Sentirse parte de un plan para mejorar su salud bucal y multiplicar lo aprendido en su entorno familiar. Mantener la salud bucal adquirida mediante la ejecución este proyecto. Metodología: El componente educativo del Plan consistirá en formar docentes, padres y alumnos en agentes multiplicadores, respecto a la Salud Bucal. Se aplicarán monitoreos epidemiológicos a los niños bajo programa, para llevar a cabo diferentes tareas: Indices a utilizar: CPOD, ceo, O´Leary y el Gingival de Loe Silness. Módulo de Atención Preventiva y Clínica. El programa preventivo básico consistente en: Motivación: personalización del paciente según riesgo y actividad de caries y/o enfermedad periodontal. Eliminación de la infección. Eliminación de nichos ecológicos. Refuerzo del huésped. Asesoramiento dietético. Actividades: Las actividades a desarrollar en etapas, serán: Primera Etapa: Calibración del Equipo de trabajo. Segunda Etapa: Capacitación a docentes: a través de un curso teórico dictado por odontólogos. Charlas a padres: para transformarlos en agentes multiplicadores de salud para toda su familia. Tercera Etapa: Relevamiento catastral. Cuarta Etapa: Prevención: se enseñará la técnica de cepillado acorde a la edad del grupo etáreo que corresponde. Quinta Etapa: Inactivación de caries: eliminación de nichos ecológicos por medio de selladores. Aplicación de flúor: se aplicará flúor por medio de topicaciones con gel de flúor fosfato de sodio acidulado al 1,23% PH 3.5 según evaluación de riego de los receptores. Sexta Etapa: Medición del impacto: se evaluará el impacto de lo programado en los distintos receptores. Recitación. Principales resultados de la actividad. Los resultados son parciales ya que corresponden a un 55% de las metas propuestas. Es un proyecto que se viene desarrollando a partir del mes de abril y finaliza en el mes de diciembr

    The fifth dimension as an analogue computer for strong interactions at the LHC

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    We present a mechanism to get S ~ 0 or even negative, without bringing into play the SM fermion sector. This mechanism can be applied to a wide range of 5D models, including composite Higgs and Higgsless models. As a realization of the mechanism we introduce a simple model, although the effect on S does not rely on the underlying dynamics generating the background. Models that include this mechanism enjoy the following features: weakly-coupled light resonances (as light as 600 GeV) and degenerate or inverted resonance spectrum.Comment: JHEP version. References adde

    Las bibliotecas de los hospitales públicos en España. Un análisis económico

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    ResumenIntroducciónEn el campo de la salud, el constante aumento de la producción científica, el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías y el incremento en los costes de las publicaciones hacen a las bibliotecas fundamentales en la asistencia, docencia e investigación. En España se perciben deficiencias en las bibliotecas hospitalarias y se desconoce su coste. Por ello, este trabajo analizar el coste de las bibliotecas de hospitales públicos en España y estima el coste de adaptación a estándares internacionales.MétodosEstudio transversal mediante encuesta dirigida a las bibliotecas de los hospitales públicos mayores de 100 camas, o menores con acreditación docente. La información sobre las variables de interés fue recogida mediante un cuestionario enviado a las bibliotecas por correo con seguimiento telefónico. La recogida de datos finalizó en 1996. La información sobre costes se refiere al año 1994. Para examinar el efecto de la imprecisión en las estimaciones y asunciones se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad.ResultadosSe identificaron 314 hospitales, de los cuales 211 (67,2%) tienen biblioteca. El coste de las 211 bibliotecas fue de 3.060 millones de pesetas (coste medio: 14,5 millones de pesetas). Los costes de personal son la partida más importante (38% del total) seguidos del coste de suscripciones (29%). El coste de las bibliotecas hospitalarias supuso el 0,08% del gasto sanitario público nacional. Corregir las infradotaciones, según estándares internacionales, supondría unos 400 millones de pesetas adicionales el primer año (0,01% del gasto sanitario público).ConclusionesEl coste de las bibliotecas hospitalarias supone una pequeña fracción del gasto sanitario público. La corrección de las deficiencias observadas y la relevancia de las bibliotecas en el sistema sanitario requerirían incrementar el gasto hasta casi el 0,1% del gasto sanitario público.SummaryBackgroundThe continuous increase in scientific knowledge in the health field, the development of new technologies and the rising cost of publications means that libraries are essential for patient care, medical education and research. In Spain some deficiencies have been seen in hospital libraries, and their cost is unknown.ObjectiveTo analyze the cost of public hospital libraries in Spain and to estimate the cost of adapting them to international standards.MethodsCross-sectional survey of public hospitals larger than 100 beds, or smaller public hospitals with teaching accreditation. Information on the variables of interest was collected by questionnaire mailed to the libraries and followed up by telephone. Data collection was completed in 1996. The information on costs is for 1994. A sensitivity analysis was done to examine the effects of imprecise estimates and assumptions.ResultsOf the 314 hospitals identified, 211 (67.2%) had libraries. The 1994 cost of the of the 211 libraries was 3,060 million pesetas (mean cost: 14.5 million pesetas). Personnel costs were the most important item (38% of the total), followed by the cost of subscriptions (29%). The cost of hospital libraries represented 0.08% of national public expenditures on health. The cost of correcting inadequacies in accordance with international standards would increase spending by about 400 million pesetas the first year (0.01% of public spending on health).ConclusionsThe cost of hospital libraries represents only a small fraction of public spending on health. Correction of the observed deficiencies and the importance of libraries in the health system would require increasing spending to about 0.1% of public spending on health

    Orographic Effects on Berry Morphology and Chemical Composition of Carignan and Grenache Noir Grapes

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    A variation in the climatic parameters of an orographic vineyard influences the growth and developmentof vines and grapes. Understanding the effects of this is highly beneficial in determining how viticulturepractices can be modified to enhance grape quality. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of in-rowgrape position, altitude and vigour on berry morphology and grape maturity. The effects of vigour, altitudeand in-row grape position on berry weight and diameter, titratable acidity, pH and sugar concentrationof Carignan and Grenache noir grapes grown in a vineyard located in Priorat were investigated in the2021 vintage. The results show that Carignan grapes with a lower vigour demonstrated a higher sugarconcentration, berry weight and diameter, as well as lower titratable acidity, while the Grenache noirgrapes with a lower vigour achieved only a higher sugar concentration. The grapes at high altitude had ahigher sugar concentration in Carignan and higher titratable acidity in Grenache noir. Outer-row grapesof Carignan were characterised by lower titratable acidity and a higher sugar concentration, berry weightand diameter, while the outer-row grapes of Grenache noir displayed lower berry diameter, and a higherpH and sugar concentration. Vigour and in-row grape position have stronger effects on berry morphologyand chemical composition than altitude. Sugar concentration is more susceptible than other parameters tobe influenced by variability in the vineyard conditions

    Nonlinear analysis of a simple model of temperature evolution in a satellite

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    We analyse a simple model of the heat transfer to and from a small satellite orbiting round a solar system planet. Our approach considers the satellite isothermal, with external heat input from the environment and from internal energy dissipation, and output to the environment as black-body radiation. The resulting nonlinear ordinary differential equation for the satellite's temperature is analysed by qualitative, perturbation and numerical methods, which show that the temperature approaches a periodic pattern (attracting limit cycle). This approach can occur in two ways, according to the values of the parameters: (i) a slow decay towards the limit cycle over a time longer than the period, or (ii) a fast decay towards the limit cycle over a time shorter than the period. In the first case, an exactly soluble average equation is valid. We discuss the consequences of our model for the thermal stability of satellites.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures (5 EPS files