25 research outputs found

    Los proyectos editoriales de Mario Verdaguer: la revista Mundo Ibérico y las editoriales Lux y Apolo

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    This paper aims to analyze Mario Verdaguer’s publishing projects. Avant-garde novelist, critic, translator, painter and occasional poet and dramatist, Verdaguer kept a difficult balance between art and business. Searching an economical profit which turned the cultural goods trade into a trade like any other one, Verdaguer aimed to combine the new literature and the commercial, as shown by Mundo Ibérico’s conciliator will, and Lux’s and Apolo’s aesthetic bets. These publishing houses gave birth to avant-garde experiments, translations from well-known European authors, and, at the same time, travel books and novels for young ladies. Through his unpublished collected letters, this paper will go in depth into his publishing and translating activities and into his role as mediator between modernity and academism.Este trabajo se propone analizar los proyectos editoriales de Mario Verdaguer —novelista de vanguardia, crítico, traductor, pintor y ocasional escritor de poesía y teatro— que trató de mantener un no siempre fácil equilibrio entre el arte y los negocios. A la búsqueda de un beneficio económico que convertía el comercio de bienes culturales en un comercio como cualquier otro, Verdaguer se propuso conjugar la nueva literatura y la literatura comercial, como se pone de manifiesto en la voluntad integradora de la revista Mundo Ibérico, y en las apuestas literarias de las editoriales Lux y Apolo, que sacaron a la luz experimentos vanguardistas, traducciones de encumbrados escritores europeos, y, al mismo tiempo, libros de viajes o novelas para señoritas. A través de su correspondencia inédita, el presente artículo incidirá en su tarea de editor, traductor y director literario y en el papel de mediador que Verdaguer desempeñó entre la modernidad y el academicismo

    La novela europea en la Barcelona de entreguerras

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    S’appuyant sur la comparaison entre quatre revues culturelles – La Revista (15 mai 1915-5 juin 1936), la Revista de Catalunya (1924-1938), Mirador (14 janvier 1929-10 juin1937) et Meridià (1938-1938) – et d’une publication périodique – La Vanguardia (1881 à aujourd’hui), le présent travail situe le lecteur dans l’esprit pleinement européen et cosmopolite qui caractérise la presse culturelle barcelonaise de l’entre deux guerres. Prise dans l’enclave du catalanisme, la critique de l’époque joue un rôle décisif dans la diffusion du roman catalan tout en prêtant l’attention la plus fervente à la littérature universelle et, tout particulièrement, à la littérature européenne. Avec la ferme intention de redécouvrir les frémissements des littératures française, allemande ou anglo-saxonne et les foyers de renouvellement auxquels avait accès le public des lecteurs dans la Barcelone de l’entre deux guerres, nous essaierons de voir quels ont été les auteurs, les lectures, les critiques et les traducteurs qui ont éveillé le plus d’intérêt dans les pages de critique littéraire.From the comparison of four cultural and literary magazines – ‘La Revista’ (1915 May 15th - 1936 June5th),‘Revista de Catalunya’ (1924-1938), Mirador (1929 January 14th - 1937 June 10th) and ‘Meridià’ (1938-1938), and one daily paper –‘La Vanguardia’ (1881-up to now), the following essay will range across the fully European and cosmopolitan mind which defined the cultural press in Barcelona between the First World War and the beginning of the Second World War. Set in the context of the Catalan political movement, the literary criticism played the decisive role of spreading the Catalan novel abroad. At the same time, we will show how this cultural criticism is interested not only in the worldwide literature but specially in the European one. With the aim of enlightening the best of French, German and English literature, and taking into account the renewal centres that Barcelona readers had access to between the two World Wars, we will try to point out the books, the authors, the reviews and the translators who ranked the highest in the pages of these literary journals.A partir del cotejo de cuatro revistas culturales –La Revista (15 de mayo de 1915-5 de junio de 1936), la Revista de Catalunya (1924-1938), Mirador (14 de enero de 1929-10 de junio de 1937) y Meridià (1938-1938)–, y una publicación periódica–La Vanguardia (1881-fecha actual) el siguiente trabajo se propone introducir al lector en el espíritu plenamente europeo y cosmopolita que caracterizó la prensa cultural barcelonesa de entreguerras. Engastada en el enclave del catalanismo, la crítica de la época asumió el papel decisivo de propagar la novela catalana, a la vez que demostraba su más férvida atención hacia la literatura universal y, particularmente, hacia la literatura europea. Con el firme propósito de redescubrir los pálpitos de la literatura francesa, alemana o anglosajona, y los focos de renovación que adquiría el público lector de la Barcelona de entreguerras, intentaremos dilucidar cuáles fueran las lecturas, los autores, los críticos y los traductores que mayor interés suscitaron en las páginas de crítica literaria

    Chapter 13 Translation in literary magazines

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    Translation history and literary translation, on the one hand, and periodical publications, on the other, have been extensively analysed within the fields of translation studies, comparative literature, and media studies, with numerous conferences and publications taking literary translation and the periodical as objects of enquiry. However, the relationship between both fields still remains underexplored and nationalistic approaches and disciplinary boundaries have precluded the development of further conceptual and methodological insights regarding literary translation and the media. This chapter highlights the innovative theoretical and methodological issues intrinsic to analysing literary translation in periodical publications at both small and large scales, whether using or not digital tools, and sheds light on its qualitative implications for research. To do so, we briefly present a case study related to the Spanish-speaking world’s literary journals at the beginning of the twentieth century

    Introduction: towards a cross-disciplinary history of the global in the humanities and the social sciences

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    The interdisciplinary analysis of historical and contemporary global issues with increasingly productive flows of theories, concepts, methods, and practices is a principal goal in global studies. However, within the humanities and the social sciences, the idea of the 'global' is often restrained by disciplinary boundaries, with scant dialogue and transference between them. The present special issue addresses this fundamental gap by historicizing the notion of the 'global' in an interdisciplinary dialogue, with approaches from history, sociology, anthropology, literary studies, art history, and media and communication studies. Our objective is to gain greater insights on the global approach from several disciplines and to let their borrowings and contributions emerge

    Recepción del pensamiento político de Unamuno en «Mirador» (1929-1937): en torno a seis artículos y otras notas

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    [ES] La hipótesis de este trabajo, que se ocupa de la recepción del pensamiento político de Unamuno en Mirador, revista barcelonesa publicada entre 1929 y 1937, coincide con las líneas planteadas por Carles Singla, autor de la tesis doctoral «Mirador», un model de periòdic al servei de una idea de país, que define la publicación como un medio dirigido al ámbito cultural, pero que no abandona el terreno político o social. En este sentido, Mirador evoca el fervor regionalista del primer Unamuno y le reprocha, sin embargo, sus ataques en las intervenciones parlamentarias y en la discusión sobre el idioma oficial de la República. Asimismo, examina sus opiniones ante la forja de la nación catalana, y recala en esa idea del unitarismo de España que Unamuno cimentó sobre un fuerte centralismo. En definitiva, la revista se aproxima a su figura como caudillo de la intelectualidad española, pero sólo rescata, en la esfera de los valores del catalanismo, la obra de sus primeros años

    Quelques éléments pour une histoire des relations entre la Romanistik et la philologie de la péninsule Ibérique

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    La romanistique allemande occupe une place singulière dans la péninsule ibérique. Depuis le Romantisme, ses langues et ses littératures ont intéressé les romanistes allemands, qui ont intégré la philologie hispanique et catalane modernes au sein de la romanistique européenne. En médiateurs culturels, Johannes Fastenrath, Bernhard Schädel, Rudolf Grossmann ou Karl Vossler ont réussi à donner une plus grande visibilité internationale aux études sur les langues et les littératures de la péninsule, et ont favorisé son insertion dans un ensemble culturel européen plus large, et pas seulement latin. Cet article se propose d’offrir quelques éléments sur la relation de la romanistique à la philologie hispanique et catalane, et sur la valeur de son modèle. L’exemple de la réception de Vossler permet de montrer comment l’appropriation de la stylistique vosslérienne fut non seulement un modèle à importer mais aussi un processus de transformation, tel que l’illustre l’École de stylistique espagnole.Die deutsche Romanistik hat in der iberischen Halbinsel einen merkwürdigen Platz. Seit der Romantik haben ihre Sprachen und Literaturen die Aufmerksamkeit deutscher Romanisten auf sch gelenkt, die die spanische und katalanische Philologie zu einem Bestandteil der europäschen Romanistik gemacht haben. Die Kulturvermittler Johannes Fastenrath, Bernhard Schädel, Rudolf Grossmann oder Karl Vossler haben die Sichtarkeit der der iberischen Halbinsel gewidmeten Studien erhöht und ihre Einbettung in die gesamteuropäische Kultur über die Grenzen der romanischen Länder hinaus erleichtert Der Aufsatz beleuchtet in einzelnen Momenten die Beziehung der Romanistik zur spanischen und katalanischen Philologie und ihren Modellcharakter. Das Beispiel der Rezeption von Karl Vossler zeigt, wie die Aneignung der vosslerschen Stillehre nicht nur importiert wurde sondern auch Transformationsprozesse auslöste, was die spanische Schule der Stilistik beweist.German romance studies have an important place in the Iberian peninsula. From Romanticism, peninsular languages and literatures have interested German romance philologists, who have integrated the Hispanic and Catalan philology within European Romanistic. Cultural mediators such as Johannes Fastenrath, Bernhard Schädel, Rudolf Grossmann or Karl Vossler succeeded in giving more international visibility to the study of the peninsular languages and literatures, and they promoted their introduction in a wider cultural European context, which was not only a Latin one. This article aims to offer some clues on the relation between Romanistic and Hispanic and Catalan philology, and on the value of their model. The case of Vossler’s reception allows to show how the appropriation of vosslerian stylistic was not only an importable model but also a transformation process, as is shown by the Spanish School of stylistic

    La Nouvelle Revue Française y Revista de Occidente (1923-1936): un modelo transnacional de crítica literaria

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    Literary Translation and Cultural Mediators in 'Peripheral' Cultures Customs Officers or Smugglers?

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    This book sets the grounds for a new approach exploring cultural mediators as key figures in literary and cultural history.nrpages: 373status: publishe

    Edmond Vandercammen et le réseau du Journal des Poètes: la médiation culturelle du monde hispanique (1930-1970)

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    This article studies the role that the Belgian poet, critic, painter and translator Edmond Vandercammen (Ohain, 1901 - Uccle, 1980) has endorsed as a mediator of Hispanic literature in Belgium between 1930 and 1970. Specifically, we focus on the following elements: (1) analysis of the sociobiography of the mediator, i.e., his social and biographical trajectory in order to reconstruct his intercultural behaviors, perceptions and beliefs; and (2) analysis of the networks (here considered as written or oral, sometimes informal, sometimes institutionalized, exchange circuits between agents) which should allow to understand the role of the mediator within these networks as well as the (positive or negative) effects of these networks on the transfer activities of the mediator.status: publishe