700 research outputs found

    To take or not to take the laptop or tablet to classes, that is the question

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    In recent decades, so-called mobile learning or m-learning has become a new paradigm in education as a consequence of technological advances and the widespread use of mobile devices to access information and for communication. In this context, this paper analyzes different profiles depending on students’ preferences for taking mobile devices (specifically tablets and/or laptops) to economics classes at the University of Seville (Spain). A survey-based field study of a sample of 412 students and the application of bivariate probit models show a low level of mobile device integration in teaching (devices taken to class by only 29.8% of respondents) with a slight predominance of laptops. The results also show differences between users of the two types of devices. Students who take their laptops to class usually live at home with their family, have already used them in pre-university levels, and are concerned about recharging their devices in class. However, although users who take their tablets to class also live with their parents, they are much more active on social network sites and more concerned about the quality of the internet connection. These findings enable the design of strategies to encourage students to attend class with their own mobile devices

    Estudio comparativo del fraccionamiento de los carbohidratos de la miel mediante tratamiento con carbón activo y levaduras para la detección de adulteraciones

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    Recientemente se ha descrito la utilidad de los anhídridos de difructosa (DFAs) como buenos marcadores para la detección de adulteraciones de miel con jarabes de alto contenido en fructosa (HFCS) y de azúcar invertido (IS). Sin embargo, para la detección de estos compuestos es necesario realizar un fraccionamiento previo de los carbohidratos de estas muestras, dado que la alta concentración de monosacáridos (glucosa y fructosa) presentes en la miel dificulta el análisis de los compuestos minoritarios. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo se basó en la comparación de un tratamiento con levaduras propuesto con anterioridad y un fraccionamiento con carbónactivo para eliminar la fracción de monosacáridos,concentrando así los compuestos minoritarios de la miely en concreto los DFAs presentes en muestras adulteradas.Se llevó a cabo la optimización de dichos métodos para conseguir el mayor enriquecimiento en DFAs comprobándose que ambos son útiles para la detección de adulteraciones de miel de hasta un 5% de HFCS e IS

    La oración de Jesucristo

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    The prayer of Jesus is a privileged place to know the mystery of his being and redemptive work. It constitutes, therefore, a suitable path for Christological reflection. In his prayer, he shows himself as a true man, heir of the piety of Israel. At the same time, the originality of his prayer reveals the mystery of the Father and of himself as Son sent: true God and true man. Both dimensions serve as the basis for the uniqueness of Christ’s mediation. This paper delves into these issues and considers some their consequences for the Christian prayer.La oración de Jesús es un lugar privilegiado para conocer el misterio de su ser y de su obrar redentor, y en esa medida constituye un camino idóneo para la reflexión cristológica. En su oración se muestra como verdadero hombre, heredero de la piedad de Israel. Al mismo tiempo, la originalidad de su plegaria desvela el misterio del Padre, y de él mismo como Hijo enviado: verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre. Ambas dimensiones fundamentan la mediación única de Cristo. En el artículo se profundiza en estos aspectos, considerando algunas consecuencias para la oración cristiana

    A stochastic dynamical social model involving a human happiness index

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    This paper presents a new human happiness index built through five dimensions: development, freedom, solidarity, justice and peace. These five dimensions are evaluated through quantitative variables obtained from the Human Development Reports, World Data Bank and Eurostat. The new happiness index has been built following the guidelines set by the Human Development Reports of the UN for the construction of quality indices, and it has been compared on a set of 13 EU countries with the Overall Life Satisfaction Index, which is used by the UN. Moreover, the new index has been included in a dynamic mathematical model through the demographic rates to study the evolution of the population. The obtained model has been calibrated for the period 2004-2009 and validated for the period 2010-2015 for the case of Spain. Finally, the model has been used to maximize the happiness index in Spain for the period 2016-2030, with the conclusion that to achieve this purpose, it is necessary to invest in education, research and development

    Health aspects of physical education in the Community of Madrid (Spain)

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    Casi el 50% del alumnado tiene alguna enfermedad crónica. El desarrollo corporal es normal, la adaptación cardiovascular no es mala pero mejorable. La actividad física resulta insuficiente, la valoración de la condición física es inadecuada. Las instalaciones deportivas escolares en los centros públicos son claramente deficientes desde el punto de vista de la salud. Por último, en ninguno de los centros, el profesorado había recogido estos datos antes de la elaboración de esta investigación, salvo adaptaciones curriculares concretas pedidas por el alumnado. Es necesario buscar nuevas metodologías que estén ajustadas a criterios de salud y coordinadas con los servicios de saludThe results of this study, note that almost 50 % of students claim to have a chronic disease, vision problems are the most predominant. On the other hand, we can see that the physical development is suited to the average population; cardiovascular adaptation of students is not bad but should be better. In addition, school physical activity is insufficient, the assessment of the physical condition is inadequate and in public schools, school sports facilities are clearly deficient from the point of view of health. Finally, it is noted that none of the schools, the teachers had collected this data before making this research, except specific curricular adaptations requested by the student. It is necessary that teachers look for new work methods that comply with health criteria and that are coordinated with health service

    Test de activación de basófilos en el diagnóstico de alergia a medicamentos

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    In this paper we study the reliability of the basophil activation test (BAT) in the "in-vitro" diagnosis of allergy to betalactams and to metamizol, and the sensitivity and specificity of the technique are analyzed. To this end, we studied 58 patients allergic to betalactam antibiotics with a positive cutaneous test facing any derivative of penicillin and 30 healthy controls who tolerated betalactams, and 26 patients allergic to metamizol with an immediate reaction and 30 healthy controls who tolerated the medicine. Sensitivity to BAT in allergy to betalactams was 52.8%, and specificity was 92.6%. For metamizol, sensitivity was 42.3% and specificity was 100%. The positive predictive value of BAT in allergy to betalactams was 18.9% and the negative predictive value was 98.4%. For metamizol, the positive predictive value of the technique was 100% and the negative predictive value was 99.4%. The joint use of BAT and CAP (specific IgE) makes it possible to diagnose some 65% of patients allergic to betalactams. The combined use of cutaneous tests and BAT in allergy to metamizol detects 70% of the cases. BAT is a useful, non-invasive technique in the "in-vitro" diagnosis of allergy to betalactams and metamizol