160 research outputs found

    Analysis of Regional Economic Development in the Regency/Municipality at South Sulawesi Province In Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the characteristics of the regional economy in each regency/municipality in the province of South Sulawesi. Second, the research is also strived to identify economic sectors that could potentially be developed as a leading economic at each district/municipality in the province of South Sulawesi. Third, future study is aim to determine the economic regional development using Klassen Typology Analysis, Location Quotient Analysis, and Krugman Regional Index. The result of this research shows that from 23 regency/municipality in South Sulawesi Province, only Luwu Timur, Makassar, and Pare-Pare that belong to the classification of high growth and high-income regions. Luwu and Palopo belong to high income but low growth region. Pangkep and Pinrang could be classified as high growth but low-income region, whereas other regency/municipality as low growth and low-income regions. Next, the location quotient analysis shows that each regency/municipality has different superior/main economic sector. Finally, the result of regional specialization analysis shows that inter-regonal specialization has economic dependability, although the dependability in some part of the regency/municipality is still weak as shown by the increasing diversification of economic sector. Keywords: Indonesia regional development, Klassen typology, Location quotient, Krugman regional index, Superior sector, Regional specializatio

    An Empirical Analysis of Cash Flow and Investment Fluctuations Using Firm-Level Panel Data

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    Since the pioneering work of Gurley and Shaw (1955), the attempt has been done to justify money as a primary focal point of macroeconomic theorizing. However, other researchers argue that variables such as financial development and indicators are also important to be linked with macroeconomic performance. Here, if money can be thought as means of production and consumer goods as the ultimate end toward which production is directed, and then capital also occupies a position that is both logically and temporarily intermediate between original means and ultimate ends. This temporarily intermediate status of capital is not in serious dispute, but its significance for macroeconomic theorizing is rarely recognized. The firms’ decision to acquire funds through debt and equity financings affects the capital structure, and, in the firm’s balance sheet, the impact of capital appears to influence the inventory investment. Hence, the significance of capital structure –induced inventory distortions in the context of firm-level is the basis for our article. The sample for our analysis is compiled from the balance sheets of listed syaria firms in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange for the period 1995-2000

    A Study on the Performance of Manufacturing Employees: Organizational Culture, Compensation, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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    This study aims to examine the impact of organizational culture, compensation, and organizational commitment to employee performance, as well as the role of organizational citizenship behavior as a mediating factor for employee performance in the garment company in the Regency of Semarang, Indonesia. The study population was employees of garment companies that have been in the business for at least 5 years with 43,056 employees. Samples chosen were as many as 120 employees. The questionnaire with Likert scale was the primary data collection instrument. The study was quantitative, with a survey method, and hypothesis approach used was positivism. Structural Modeling Equation was used as the inferential statistics and descriptive statistics. Data was collected through questionnaires. The analysis technique used was SEM analysis. The results show that (1) organizational culture, compensation, and organizational commitment affects organizational citizenship behavior; (2) organizational culture, compensation, and organizational commitment affects employee performance; (3) organizational citizenship behavior affects employee performance; and (4) organizational culture, compensation, and organizational commitment affects employee performance through organizational citizenship behavior. Keywords: organizational culture, compensation, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, employee performanc

    A Study on Employees Performance: Spiritual Leadership and Work Motivation with Mediation Work Satisfaction at the University of Darul Ulum, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to examine a work satisfaction with the emphasize on a spiritual leadership and a work motivation in reaching a employees performance. The research was held at University of Darul Ulum, Jombang, East Java. The four research variables measured by applying Likert scale for collecting a employees perception. The amount of population research is 326 people and completed with 180 people for a sample. The method of collecting data is Simple Random Sampling and this research is quantitative. The method for analyzing data for a coefficient model is performing the Structural Equation Modeling and the Path Analysis. Originality of this research is to investigate the work satisfaction of employees as a mediator for the spiritual  leadership and work motivation in improving the employees performance in the Structural Equation Modeling. The result of this research suggest that a work motivation can be able to strengthen a employees satisfaction in improving a work performance at University of Darul Ulum implementing a spiritual  leadership model. Keywords: spiritual leadership, work  motivation, work satisfaction, employees performance

    Peran dan kontribusi BP4 KUA Kec. Margacinta pada Tahun 2012 – 2013 terhadap rendahnya tingkat perceraian

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    Fluktuatif tingkat perceraian antar kecamatan di Kota Bandung sangat bervariasi, ada kecamatan yang memiliki tingkat perceraian terendah dan ada kecamatan yang memiliki tingkat perceraian tertinggi dibandingkan dengan kecamatan lainya. Pada tahun 2012, data percerian di Pengadilan Agama Kota Bandung menunjukan bahwa wilayah kerja BP4 Kec. Margacinta memiliki tingkat peceraian yang rendah dibandingkan wilayahlainya. Peristiwa ini menarik untuk diteliti, sehingga penulis mengangkat fenomena tersebut sebagai judul penelitian skripsinya. Skripsi ini disusun secara deskriftif dengan menganalisa segala temuan informasi yang berguna untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan-pertanyaan penelitian. Penyusunan penelitian ini menggunakan standar penulisan skripsi Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Penyusunan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apa saja peran dan kontribusi yang telah dilakukan oleh BP4 Kec. Margacinta dalam menekan tingkat percerian, juga untuk meneliti apa yang menjadi faktor pendukung dan penghambat mereka dalam menekan tingkat perceraian dan bagaimana strategi yang dilakukan oleh BP4 Kecamatan Margacinta dalam menekan tingkat perceraian di wilayahnya. Badan Penasehat Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Perkawinan (BP4) merupakan satu-satunya organisasi sosial keagamaan di tingkat kecamatan yang berupaya untuk mewujudkan tujuan perkawinan. Hal ini membentuk BP4 sebagai lembaga pelestari prkawinan yang berperan dalam pencegahan perceraian. Pada dasarnya semua BP4 memiliki visi dan misi yang sama, akan tetepi tidak semua BP4 memiliki efektivitas yang sama pula. Untuk itu, penulis menerapkan indikator teori efektivitas untuk mengukur efektivitas peran dan kontribusi BP4 Kec. Margacinta pada tahun 2012 dan tahun 2013 terhadap rendahnya tingkat perceraian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pada tahun 2012 dan tahun 2013 di Kecamatan Margacinta tidak terjadi satu perkawinanpun di bawah umur, dan sekitar 600 calon pengantin mengikuti kursus calon pengantin serta sekitar 400 orang mengikuti pendidikan keluarga sakinah. Penulis juga menemukan bahwa BP4 Kecamatan Margacinta berperan sebagai Pembina perkawinan, penasihat perkawinan dan pelestari perkawinan. Kotribusinya dengan terbinaya keluarga sakinah, terciptanya kesadaran hukum pada masyarakat akan undang-undang perkawinan dan terpecahkanya masalah yang timbul dalam perkawinan. Peran dan kontribusi ini cukup efektif karena indikator utama efektifitas organisasi terlah tercapai dengan masih rendahnya tingkat perceraian di Kecamatan Margacinta pada tahun 2013 dibandingkan dengan wilayah lainnya

    Tax Incentives for Green Industries: Determinants of Performance between Green Building Index (GBI) and Non-Green Building Index Firms in Malaysia

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    Industrialization, urbanization, and economic growth are among the major causes of environmental degradation. These factors are closely related to the construction sector. To curb the issue, the government has initiated tax incentives to encourage developers embracing green technology. Developers who entitled to these tax incentives should enjoy a considerable amount of tax savings, which can be employed for capital reinvestment. Consequently, this study aims to determine whether firms that specifically involve with the construction of green buildings and have received the tax incentives are more likely to achieve relatively better financial performance, as a result of tax benefits gained from the government assistance. For the empirical analyses, secondary data was employed. A total of 138 firm-year observations from 2015 until 2017 used to measure the firm’s characteristic of board size, asset tangibility, deferred tax balances, and leverage against financial performance. The Theory of the Growth of the Firm was used to interpret the relationship between the financial characteristics and firm performance. We obtain evidence that indicates there is no significant difference in the financial performance between the GBI and non-GBI firms. The deferred tax balance, a proxy of the investment tax allowances granted by the Malaysian government to the GBI firms, is shown to be ineffective in improving the financial performances of these firms. The finding of this study suggests that any form of tax assistance from the government for the construction sector has not benefitted its recipients and requires remodeling

    Pengelompokan kabur dalam perantauan kecenderungan kemarau di Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Dalam kajian ini, pendekatan pengelompokan kabur Gustafson-Kessel (GK) telah digunakan untuk mengelaskan 35 stesen hujan di Semenanjung Malaysia ke dalam rantau homogen. Pertama, algoritma pengelompokan kabur GK digunakan untuk mengenal pasti rantau awal. Kemudian, diuji keserasian dan kehomogenan rantau berkenaan. Akhir sekali, penyesuaian rantau dilakukan untuk mendapatkan rantau homogen. Hasil kajian mendapati 35 stesen hujan kajian boleh dibahagikan kepada enam rantau yang homogen. Rantau 1 meliputi bahagian barat laut dan utara Semenanjung Malaysia, rantau 2, 3 dan 4 meliputi bahagian barat, rantau 5 meliputi bahagian barat daya dan rantau 6 meliputi bahagian timur. Hasil kajian ini juga memperlihatkan bahawa berdasarkan nilai purata Indeks Kerpasan Piawai (SPI) skala masa satu bulan, rantau 2 lebih sering mengalami keadaan kemarau melampau. Walau bagaimanapun, berdasarkan SPI skala masa satu bulan, peristiwa kemarau terjadi secara rawak dalam semua rantau yang dianalisis, bahkan semua rantau tersebut pernah mengalami kejadian kemarau melampau dalam tempoh masa setahun. Hasil kajian ini turut menunjukkan bahawa pendekatan pengelompokan kabur Gustafson-Kessel boleh digunakan untuk membina rantau homogen

    Service Quality In Improving Customer Satisfaction At Bmt Barokatul Ummah In Merauke District

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    This study using quantitative descriptive research that is to know the Quality of Service In Improving Customer Satisfaction. While the survey was conducted on the customers at BMT Barokatul Ummah in Merauke District. The results of this study indicate that all aspects of Assurance, Reliability, Tangible, and Responsiveness dimensions have been well executed, and have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction on BMT Barokatul Ummah. This means that the increased dimensions Assurance, Reliability, Tangible, and Responsiveness the higher the customer satisfaction. While Compliance dimenis has a negative and significant impact on customer satisfaction. This means that if the dimensions of Compliance actually implemented according to Islamic Shari'a on BMT Barokatul Ummah, then the level of customer satisfaction will decrease. And for Empathy dimension has negative and insignificant effect to customer satisfaction. This means that the Empathy dimension does not affect customer satisfaction in BMT Barokatul Ummah in Merauke Regency


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    Introduction : The daily diet of preconception women can affect their nutritional status and health status. Objective: To assess the description of functional food consumption intake in preconceptional women in North Polongbangkeng District, Takalar Regency. Methods: This type of research is a descriptive study where consumption patterns are measured using the FFQ (food frequency questions) questionnaire. Functional foods are divided into seven groups, namely staple foods, animal side dishes, vegetable side dishes, vegetables, fruits, drinks and spices. Sampling used purposive sampling technique. The number of samples was 67 preconception women from North Polongbangkeng District, Takalar Regency. Results: The subjects were 67 people with the highest age being 18-25 years (62.7%), the highest length of education having graduated from high school (53.7%) with the majority of the subjects being Muslim (100%) and ethnic Makassar (98.5%) and most of the work in IRT (64.1%). Based on each functional food group the most frequently consumed were corn (14.6), fish (42.0), tempe (15.9), kale (18.2), mango (29.5), honey (8,2), shallots (44.9). Conclusion: All types of functional food that are often consumed are the types of food that are easiest to obtain around the home environment, are generally available in the market at affordable prices and have good nutritional content and bioactive compounds to maintain health and are abundant in the area. Suggestion: Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits more and eat nutritious foods

    Bahasa Gayo

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    Buku Bahasa Gayo ini semula merupakan naskah laporan penelitian_ yang disusun oleh tim peneliti dari Fakultas Keguruan Univeraitas Syiah Kuala dan Lembaga Riset IAIN Jami'ah Ar Raniri da1aJn rangka kerja sama denpn ~ek Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastnt Indonesia dan Daerah-Daerah Istimewa Aceh 1976/1977
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