613 research outputs found

    Pontine and Extrapontine Myelinolysis

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    Introdução: A mielinólise define-se como uma doença desmielinizante aguda, associada a um quadro clínico de tetraplegia flácida e a incapacidade na fala e na deglutição. A patogenia em geral está associada a perturbações electrolíticas, particularmente hiponatrémia profunda e sua rápida correcção. A confirmação imagiológica do diagnóstico pode ser feita recorrendo à Ressonância Magnética Nuclear. Objectivo: Os autores fazem a descrição do caso clínico, evidenciando a sua evolução e programa de reabilitação instituído, realçando os ganhos da funcionalidade. São descritas também as intercorrências clínicas relevantes no atraso do diagnóstico. Caso clínico: Apresenta-se uma doente com antecedentes psiquiátricos e polidipsia, internada na sequência de um quadro convulsivo resistente à medicação, tendo sido identificada hiponatrémia e feita a sua correcção. Após a correcção a doente desenvolveu um quadro de tetraplegia e hipotonia generalizada, tendo realizado uma Ressonância Magnética compatível com o diagnóstico de mielinólise centropôntica e extrapôntica

    Induced p-type semiconductivity in Mg-doped Nd2Zr2O7 pyrochlore system

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    Heterovalent B-site MgO substitution in the Nd2Zr2O7-system (Nd2Zr2−xMgxO7−x) has been explored. The pyrochlores were synthesized by a polymeric sol-gel method and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy to determine structure, phase composition and microstructure. Impedance Spectroscopy (IS) was employed to study the electrical behavior of the ceramics over the ranges 200–800 °C and under pure N2 and O2. The XRD showed that the solid solution limit was x > 0.02 and all the materials show a cubic ̅ structure. The Raman results confirm the structural disorder created by the introduction of Mg2+ and the subsequent generation of oxygen vacancies. The IS data shows a dramatical increase of the oxide-ion conductivity when doping and that the conductivity depends strongly on the atmosphere, leading to p-type semiconductivity under pure O2 atmosphere. The present study highlights the use of heterovalent dopants to drastically increase the oxide-ion conductivity of pyrochlore-like materials

    Impacts of climate and land use changes on the hydrological and erosion processes of two contrasting Mediterranean catchments

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    The impacts of climate and land use changes on streamflow and sediment export were evaluated for a humid (São Lourenço) and a dry (Guadalupe) Mediterranean catchment, using the SWAT model. SWAT was able to produce viable streamflow and sediment export simulations for both catchments, which provided a baseline for investigating climate and land use changes under the A1B and B1 emission scenarios for 2071–2100. Compared to the baseline scenario (1971–2000), climate change scenarios showed a decrease in annual rainfall for both catchments (humid: − 12%; dry: − 8%), together with strong increases in rainfall during winter. Land use changes were derived from a socio-economic storyline in which traditional agriculture is replaced by more profitable land uses (i.e. corn and commercial forestry at the humid site; sunflower at the dry site). Climate change projections showed a decrease in streamflow for both catchments, whereas sediment export decreased only for the São Lourenço catchment. Land use changes resulted in an increase in streamflow, but the erosive response differed between catchments. The combination of climate and land use change scenarios led to a reduction in streamflow for both catchments, suggesting a domain of the climatic response. As for sediments, contrasting results were observed for the humid (A1B: − 29%; B1: − 22%) and dry catchment (A1B: + 222%; B1: + 5%), which is mainly due to differences in the present-day and forecasted vegetation types. The results highlight the importance of climate-induced land-use change impacts, which could be similar to or more severe than the direct impacts of climate change alone

    Depressive symptomatology, temperament and oxytocin serum levels in a sample of healthy female university students

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    Abstract Background Depressive symptomatology is prevalent among female university students with adverse effects on their quality of life and academic performance. Previous research suggested associations between depressive symptomatology and oxytocin levels and between depressive symptomatology and Temperament Traits. Despite this evidence, to the best of our knowledge no research has studied the effects fboth oxytocin serum levels and temperament dimensions on depressivesymptoms in a healthy sample. The present study aimed to analyse the effect of oxytocin levels and temperament traits on depressive symptomatology in healthy female university students. Methods All participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory and the Adult Temperament Questionnaire. Blood samples were collected between 8 and 8H30 a.m. after 12 h of fasting and between 5 and 8 day of the menstrual cycle and serum oxytocin levels were quantified using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. A hierarchical multiple regression model using a stepwise method was conducted to identify predictors of depression. Results Forty-five women aged between 18 and 25 years old (19.37 ± 1.32 years) volunteered to participate in this study. Depressive symptomatology was negatively associated with oxytocin serum levels and "Negative affect" and positively associated with "Effortful control" and "Activation Control". In the final regression model, only oxytocin level was a predictor (B = − 0.090, p < 0.0001), the model explaining 65.2% of the depression variation. Oxytocin played a mediation role between "Negative affects" and Depressive symptomatology. Conclusions Our results showed that oxytocin level, rather than personality dimensions, was associated with depressive symptomatology. These results highlight the relevance of the discussion on the use of oxytocin as a biological marker of emotional and social symptoms that characterize depression.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Polymerase Chain Reaction Screening for Fungemia and/or Invasive Fungal Infections in Patients with Hematologic Malignancies

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    INTRODUCTION: Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are a life-threatening complication in patients with hematologic malignancies, mainly in acute leukemia patients, following chemotherapy. IFI incidence is increasing, and associated mortality remains high due to unreliable diagnosis. Antifungal drugs are often limited by inadequate antimicrobial spectrum and side effects. Thus, the detection of circulating fungal DNA has been advocated as a rapid, more sensitive diagnostic tool. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between June 01 and January 03, weekly blood samples (1,311) were screened from 193 patients undergoing intensive myelosuppressive or immunosuppressive therapy. IFI cases were classified according to European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycoses Study Group criteria. Fungal DNA was extracted from whole blood and amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) published primers that bind to the conserved regions of the fungal 18S rRNA gene sequence. In our study, two or more consecutive positive samples were always associated with fungal disease. RESULTS: PCR screening predicted the development of IFI to be 17 days (median). This test had a specificity of 91.1% and a sensitivity of 75%. IFI incidence was 7.8%. DISCUSSION: Therefore, our results confirm the potential usefulness of PCR serial screening and the clinical applicability in everyday routine. PCR screening offers a noninvasive repeatable aid to the diagnosis of IFI

    Atividade alelopática de substâncias químicas isoladas do capim-marandu e suas variações em função do pH.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivos isolar, identificar e caracterizar a atividade alelopática de substâncias químicas produzidas pela Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu e determinar as variações na atividade dessas substâncias em função da variação do pH da solução. A atividade alelopática foi realizada em bioensaios de germinação e desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo, utilizando as plantas daninhas malícia (Mimosa pudica) e mata-pasto (Senna obtusifolia) como receptoras. Os efeitos do pH foram analisados na faixa de 3,0 a 9,0. Os triterpenos pentacíclicos friedelina e epifriedelinol isolados da parte aérea de B. brizantha apresentaram baixa atividade inibitória na germinação de sementes e no desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo das duas plantas daninhas. As duas substâncias apresentaram comportamento diferenciado em relação à variação do pH da solução, com inibições mais marcantes em relação à planta daninha mata-pasto.Disponível também on-line

    Grupo de Pesquisa em Enfermagem na Prevenção e Controle de Infecções: 20 anos de contribuições

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    Relato de experiência sobre as atividades realizadas por um Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Enfermagem, no desenvolvimento da temática de prevenção e controle de infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever a trajetória histórica, a importância e contribuição de um grupo de pesquisa da área de prevenção e controle de infecção em seus vinte anos de existência. O texto discute a trajetória do grupo, que foi pioneiro na área deenfermagem na região Centro Oeste do Brasil e destaca a relevância da experiência no fortalecimento, consolidação da produção de conhecimento dos pesquisadores envolvidos e na formação de jovens pesquisadores. O grupo de pesquisa constitui-se em oportunidade de compartilhar conhecimentos teóricos e práticos, instigar estudantes e docentes à criação e aos estudos, com foco na busca de soluções para problemas identificados na realidade

    Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Associated with Hypertrophic Osteopathy in a Dog

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    Background: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a malignant mesenchymal neoplasm rarely described in the veterinary routine. The aim of this study was to report a case of GIST accompanied by a periosteal reaction, suggestive of hypertrophic osteopathy, in a dog.Case: An 11-year-old male dog had a history of progressive weight loss, difficulty in locomotion, and dyspnea. During clinical care, increased bone volume was observed. Blood samples were collected for a complete blood count and biochemical analysis. The dog also underwent thoracic radiography and abdominal ultrasonography. The test results revealed anemia, leukocytosis, hypocalcemia, hypoalbuminemia, and hypocholesterolemia. The radiographic images of the limbs showed a generalized periosteal reaction, and thoracic radiography indicated changes compatible with mild chronic lung disease. Ultrasonographic findings indicated a neoformation in the intestinal loop of the right mesogastric region and increased volume in the left testicle, both of which were indicative of neoplasia. Therefore, the dog was referred for surgery, wherein the intestinal mass and both testes were removed; the intestinal mass and left testicle were subjected to histopathological diagnosis. The results of the biopsies confirmed that the testicular neoplasm was a seminoma, whereas the intestinal nodule was compatible with GIST, and immunohistochemical analysis was necessary to confirm the diagnosis. On the basis of positive labeling for the antibodies vimentin, desmin, S100, and c-kit, the diagnosis of GIST was confirmed. Therefore, the animal underwent metronomic chemotherapy with 12 mg/m2 cyclophosphamide every 24 h for 3 months, and thereafter every 48 h for 6 months. Moreover, the dog was periodically monitored via imaging (radiography of the anterior and posterior limbs, abdominal ultrasonography, and computed tomography). A few months after the surgical resection of the intestinal nodule, radiography revealed that the periosteal reactions had disappeared, but ultrasonography revealed nonspecific alterations of mild thickening and enlargement of the intestinal loops. Computed tomography revealed two nodular areas of soft-tissue attenuation in the right mesogastric region. Although the possibility of tumor recurrence was raised, the animal’s owner chose only to perform palliative treatment. After 4 months, ultrasonography revealed a neoformation in the right mesogastric region. On July 29, 2018 the animal had a worsening of its clinical condiction, with tumor recurrence by ultrasound exam. The owners didn´t accept returning to the oncologist and made an option for a conservative treatment with tramadol (3 mg/kg/TID), dipirone(25 mg/kg/TID), and vitaminic supplement based on docosahexaenoic acid plus eicosapentaenoic acid (30 mg/kg, once daily) On August, 28, 2018 he was euthanized. The dog’s postsurgical survival time was 15 months.Discussion: The dog described in the present report was large and elderly, both of which are predisposing factors for GIST development. Although non-specific, progressive weight loss may be associated with intestinal neoplasia, owing to the impairment of digestion and nutrient absorption, because a part of the duodenal mucosa was compromised by neoplasia. The difficulty in locomotion, which did not respond to treatment, was attributed to the periosteal reaction confirmed by radiographic exam. This, in turn, was associated with hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to neoplasia, because the condition regressed after the removal of the intestinal nodule. The histopathological findings related to intestinal neoplasia were suggestive of GIST; positive immunoblotting for c-kit, vimentin, S100, and desmin confirmed the diagnosis. Although the veterinarian alerted the owner to the suspicion of recurrence and suggested continuing treatment, the owner chose not to

    Novos desafios da pesquisa em nutrição e produção animal.

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