17 research outputs found

    Oligodendrocyte origin and development in the zebrafish visual system

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    Oligodendrocytes are the myelinating cells in the central nervous system. In birds and mammals, the oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) originate in the preoptic area (POA) of the hypothalamus. However, it remains unclear in other vertebrates such as fish. Thus, we have studied the early progression of OPCs during zebrafish visual morphogenesis from 2 days post fertilization (dpf) until 11 dpf using the olig2:EGFP transgenic line; and we have analyzed the differential expression of transcription factors involved in oligodendrocyte differentiation: Sox2 (using immunohistochemistry) and Sox10 (using the transgenic line sox10:tagRFP). The first OPCs (olig2:EGFP/Sox2) were found at 2 dpf in the POA. From 3 dpf onwards, these olig2:EGFP/Sox2 cells migrate to the optic chiasm, where they invade the optic nerve (ON), extending toward the retina. At 5 dpf, olig2:EGFP/Sox2 cells in the ON also colocalize with sox10:tagRFP. When olig2:EGFP cells differentiate and present more projections, they become positive only for sox10:tagRFP. olig2:EGFP/sox10: tagRFP cells ensheath the ON by 5 dpf when they also become positive for a myelin marker, based on the mbpa:tagRFPt transgenic line. We also found olig2:EGFP cells in other regions of the visual system. In the central retina at 2 dpf, they are positive for Sox2 but later become restricted to the proliferative germinal zone without this marker. In the ventricular areas of the optic tectum, olig2:EGFP cells present Sox2 but arborized ones sox10:tagRFP instead. Our data matches with other models, where OPCs are specified in the POA and migrate to the ON through the optic chiasm.Consejería de EducaciónJCyL. GIR-SA136G18, Consejeria de Sanidad de la JCyL GRS2167/1/2020 y GRS2334/A/21, GIR-USAL: “Plasticidad, degeneración y regeneración del sistema visual,” and Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de la JCyL

    Characterisation of neuronal and glial populations of the visual system during zebrafish lifespan

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    [EN] During visual system morphogenesis, several cell populations arise at different time points correlating with the expression of specific molecular markers We have analysed the distribution pattern of three molecular markers (zn-1, calretinin and glial fibrillary acidic protein) which are involved in the development of zebrafish retina and optic tectum. Zn-1 is a neural antigen expressed in the developing zebrafish central nervous system. Calretinin is the first calcium-binding protein expressed in the central nervous system of vertebrates and it is widely distributed in different neuronal populations of vertebrate retina, being a valuable marker for its early and late development. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), which is an astroglial marker, is a useful tool for characterising the glial environment in which the optic axons develop. We describe the expression profile changes in these three markers throughout the zebrafish lifespan with special attention to ganglion cells and their projections. Zn-1 is expressed in the first postmitotic ganglion cells of the retina. Calretinin is observed in the ganglion and amacrine cells of the retina in neurons of different tectal bands and in axons of retinofugal projections. GFAP is localised in the endfeet of Müller cells and in radial processes of the optic tectum after hatching. A transient expression of GFAP in the optic nerve, coinciding with the arrival of the first calretinin-immunoreactive optic axons, is observed. As axonal growth occurs in these regions of the zebrafish visual pathway (retina and optic tectum)throughout the lifespan, a relationship between GFAP expression and the correct arrangement of the first optic axons may exist. In conclusion we provide valuable neuroanatomical data about the best characterised sensorial pathway to be used in further studies such as teratology and toxicology

    Mortality from mental disorders and suicide in male professional American football and soccer players: A meta-analysis

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    Objective To determine the risk of mortality from mental disorders and suicide in professional sports associated with repeated head impacts. Methods A systematic search was performed in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus (since inception to June 8, 2021) to find studies comparing the incidence of mortality from mental disorders or suicide in former or active professional athletes of sports characterized by repeated head impacts vs athletes with no such exposure or the general non-athletic population. Results Seven retrospective studies of moderate-to-high quality that included data from boxers and from basketball, ice hockey, soccer, and National Football League (NFL) players, respectively (total = 27 477 athletes, 100% male) met all inclusion criteria. Former male NFL players (n = 13 217) had a lower risk of mortality from mental disorders (standard mortality rate [SMR] = 0.30; 0.12-0.77; p = 0.012) and suicide (SMR = 0.54; 0.37-0.78; p < 0.001) than the general population. This finding was also corroborated in male soccer players (n = 13,065; SMR = 0.55; 0.46-0.67; p < 0.001). Male athletes participating in sports associated with repeated head impacts (n = 18,606) had also a lower risk of all-cause, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancer mortality (all p < 0.01) than the general population. Conclusions Participation of male athletes in American football or soccer at the professional level might confer a certain protective effect against mortality from mental disorders or suicide, besides its association with a lower risk of all-cause, CVD, or cancer-related mortality.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) [grant PI18/00139, AL

    REDOX Balance in Oligodendrocytes Is Important for Zebrafish Visual System Regeneration

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    [EN]Zebrafish (Danio rerio) present continuous growth and regenerate many parts of their body after an injury. Fish oligodendrocytes, microglia and astrocytes support the formation of new connections producing effective regeneration of the central nervous system after a lesion. To understand the role of oligodendrocytes and the signals that mediate regeneration, we use the well-established optic nerve (ON) crush model. We also used sox10 fluorescent transgenic lines to label fully differentiated oligodendrocytes. To quench the effect of reactive oxygen species (ROS), we used the endogenous antioxidant melatonin. Using these tools, we measured ROS production by flow cytometry and explored the regeneration of the optic tectum (OT), the response of oligodendrocytes and their mitochondria by confocal microscopy and Western blot. ROS are produced by oligodendrocytes 3 h after injury and JNK activity is triggered. Concomitantly, there is a decrease in the number of fully differentiated oligodendrocytes in the OT and in their mitochondrial population. By 24 h, oligodendrocytes partially recover. Exposure to melatonin blocks the changes observed in these oligodendrocytes at 3 h and increases their number and their mitochondrial populations after 24 h. Melatonin also blocks JNK upregulation and induces aberrant neuronal differentiation in the OT. In conclusion, a proper balance of ROS is necessary during visual system regeneration and exposure to melatonin has a detrimental impact.his project was funded by: Lanzadera TCUE21-21_003, C2 program for Universidad de Salamanca; Convocatoria de ayudas de investigación Biomédica 2021, FERP21/003, Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual; ESCI 2022 Exploratory Research Grants; ESCI22/001, European Society for Clinical Investigation ESCI; Internationalization Project “CL-EI-2021-08-IBFG Unit of Excellence” from Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), funded by the Regional Government of Castile and Leon and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF “Europe drives our growth”). CPM is a USAL fellow Plan Especial Grado Medicina. MGM is a Ramón y Cajal Researcher RYC2021-033684-I, MICIN. We are members of Women in Autophagy (WIA), la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SEBBM) and la Sociedad Española de Autofagia (SEFAGIA)

    Doublecortin in the fish visual system, a specific protein of maturing neurons Biology-basel

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    Doublecortin (DCX) is an essential protein in the development of the central nervous system and in lamination of the mammalian cortex. It is known that the expression of DCX is restricted to newborn neurons. The visual system of teleost fish has been postulated as an ideal model since it continuously grows throughout the animal’s life. Here, we report a comparative expression analysis of DCX between two teleost fish species as well as a bioinformatic analysis with other animal groups. Our results demonstrate that DCX is very useful for identifying new neurons in the visual systems of Astatotilapia burtoni, but is absent in Danio rerio.This research was funded by Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Sanidad. Centro en Red de Terapia Celular de la Junta de Castilla y León, grant number GRS2167/1/2020. L. DeOliveira-Mello was supported by a grant from The University of Salamanca and Santander Bank during her predoctoral period

    Effects of physical exercise on physical function in older adults in residential care: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

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    Background: Physical exercise is effective at attenuating ageing-related physical decline in general, but evidence of its benefits for older adults in residential care, who often have functional dependency, multimorbidity, and polypharmacy, is inconclusive. We aimed to establish the effects of exercise interventions on the physical function of this population. Methods: For this systematic review and network meta-analysis, we searched PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source, and SPORTDiscus to identify randomised controlled trials assessing the effects of exercise interventions (vs usual care) on physical function (ie, functional independence, physical performance, and other related measures, such as muscle strength, balance, or flexibility) in adults aged 60 years or older living in residential care. Relevant studies published in English or Spanish up to Jan 12, 2023, were included in the systematic review. The quality of studies was assessed using the Tool for the Assessment of Study Quality and Reporting in Exercise (TESTEX) score. A network meta-analysis was performed for physical function-related outcomes reported in at least ten studies, with subanalyses for specific intervention (ie, exercise type, training volume, and study duration) and participant (eg, having cognitive impairment or dementia, pre-frail or frail status, and being functionally dependent) characteristics. The study protocol was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42021247809). Findings: 147 studies (11 609 participants, with mean ages ranging from 67 years [SD 9] to 92 years [2]) were included in the systematic review, and were rated as having overall good quality (median TESTEX score 9 [range 3–14]). In the meta-analysis (including 105 studies, n=7759 participants), exercise interventions were associated with significantly improved overall physical function, with a standardised mean difference [SMD] of 0·13 (95% credible interval [CrI] 0·04–0·21), which was confirmed in all analysed subpopulations. The strongest association was observed with 110–225 min per week of exercise, and the greatest improvements were observed with 170 min per week (SMD 0·36 [95% CrI 0·20–0·52]). No significant differences were found between exercise types. Subanalyses showed significant improvements for almost all analysed physical function-related outcomes (Barthel index, five-times sit-to-stand test, 30-s sit-to-stand test, knee extension, hand grip strength, bicep curl strength, Short Physical Performance Battery, 6-min walking test, walking speed, Berg balance scale, and sit-and-reach test). Large heterogeneity was found between and within studies in terms of population and intervention characteristics. Interpretation: Exercise interventions are associated with improved physical function in older adults in residential care, and should, therefore, be routinely promoted in long-term care facilities. Funding: None. Translation: For the Spanish translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.10 página

    A Mammalian Target of Rapamycin-Perilipin 3 (mTORC1-Plin3) Pathway is essential to Activate Lipophagy and Protects Against Hepatosteatosis

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    [Background and Aims] NAFLD is the most common hepatic pathology in western countries and no treatment is currently available. NAFLD is characterized by the aberrant hepatocellular accumulation of fatty acids in the form of lipid droplets (LDs). Recently, it was shown that liver LD degradation occurs through a process termed lipophagy, a form of autophagy. However, the molecular mechanisms governing liver lipophagy are elusive. Here, we aimed to ascertain the key molecular players that regulate hepatic lipophagy and their importance in NAFLD.[Approach and Results] We analyzed the formation and degradation of LD in vitro (fibroblasts and primary mouse hepatocytes), in vivo and ex vivo (mouse and human liver slices) and focused on the role of the autophagy master regulator mammalian target of rapamycin complex (mTORC) 1 and the LD coating protein perilipin (Plin) 3 in these processes. We show that the autophagy machinery is recruited to the LD on hepatic overload of oleic acid in all experimental settings. This led to activation of lipophagy, a process that was abolished by Plin3 knockdown using RNA interference. Furthermore, Plin3 directly interacted with the autophagy proteins focal adhesion interaction protein 200 KDa and autophagy-related 16L, suggesting that Plin3 functions as a docking protein or is involved in autophagosome formation to activate lipophagy. Finally, we show that mTORC1 phosphorylated Plin3 to promote LD degradation.[Conclusions] These results reveal that mTORC1 regulates liver lipophagy through a mechanism dependent on Plin3 phosphorylation. We propose that stimulating this pathway can enhance lipophagy in hepatocytes to help protect the liver from lipid-mediated toxicity, thus offering a therapeutic strategy in NAFLD.Supported by C0120R3166, C0245R4032, and BH182173 from Newcastle University. M. G.-M. is a Sara Borrell Postdoctoral fellow (CD18/00203) from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain). J. P. B. is funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, grants PID2019-105699RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and RED2018-102576-T, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CB16/10/00282), Junta de Castilla y León (Escalera de Excelencia CLU-2017-03), Ayudas Equipos Investigación Biomedicina 2017 Fundación BBVA, and Fundación Ramón Areces. V. I. K. acknowledges support from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/M023389/1, BB/R008167/1, BBPeer reviewe

    Desarrollo y diferenciación de las vesículas ópticas en condiciones normales y en modelos de ciclopia

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    [ES] En esta tesis se estudia el efecto del etanol en tres momentos distintos del desarrollo del sistema visual del pez cebra: durante la gastrulación, momento en el que se especifica el campo visual; durante la evaginación de las vesículas ópticas; y durante la organogénesis, que es cuando se produce la diferenciación del sistema visual.[EN] This thesis studies the effect of ethanol at three different stages of development of the visual system of zebrafish, during gastrulation, when the specified field of view, during the evagination of the optic vesicles, and during organogenesis, which is when the differentiation of the visual system

    Identification of novel Atg3-Atg8 inhibitors using virtual screening for autophagy modulation

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    A collection of 9050 natural products, their derivatives, and mimetics, was virtually screened against the human Atg3-Atg8 (Atg - autophagy) binding scaffold. By blocking this interaction, the lipidation of Atg8 does not occur and the formation of autophagosomes is inhibited. Forty-three (43) potential ligands were tested using enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (eGFP) tagged LC3, the human ortholog of Atg8, in MCF7 breast cancer cells. Three hits showed single digit µM IC50 values with AT110, an isoflavone derivative, being the best at 1.2 ± 0.6 µM. Molecular modelling against Atg8 in conjunction with structural activity relationship (SAR) strongly supports the binding to this target. Testing in a panel of cancer cell lines showed little cytotoxic effect as compared to chloroquine. However, same concentration of AT110 was shown to be toxic to young zebrafish embryos. This can be explained in terms of the autophagy process being very active in the zebrafish embryos rendering them susceptible to AT110 whereas in the cancer cells tested the autophagy is not usually active. Nevertheless, AT110 blocks autophagy flux in the zebrafish confirming that the ligand is modulating autophagy. A small molecule non-cytotoxic autophagy inhibitor would open the door for adjunct therapies to bolster many established anticancer drugs, reducing their efficacious concentration thus limiting undesirable site effects. In addition, since many cancer types rely on the autophagy mechanism to survive a therapeutic regime, recurrence can potentially be reduced. The discovery of AT110 is an important step in establishing such an adjunct therapy