46 research outputs found

    Posturas positivas e construção da identidade negra

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    Orientador : Sérgio Luís do NascimentoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Educação das Relações Étnico-RaciaisInclui referênciasResumo : Este trabalho propõe algumas reflexões sobre o exercício de práticas positivas acerca da historia e cultura africana e afro-brasileira que possibilitem a construção e a afirmação da identidade negra, em crianças e adolescentes negros e afrodescendentes, na realidade das salas de aula das escolas públicas. Inicialmente discorrerá sobre a constatação de práticas e atos de discriminação e racismo no momento histórico atual, e sobre a lei 10 639/03, sua obrigatoriedade e dificuldades de sua implementação devido a fatores como: desconhecimento do corpo docente sobre o conteúdo estabelecido pela lei, falha da educação superior dos docentes; a falsa concepção da democracia racial presente no imaginário popular; o conceito de uma única cultura, a cultura eurocêntrica para a educação implantada desde os primórdios da formação da sociedade brasileira; a negação e desvalorização de outro modelo de cultura, no caso, africana, como meio de disseminar atitudes e atos de discriminação e racismo. Em seguida, é abordado o conceito de construção de identidade, segundo alguns autores da psicologia psicossocial. E, enfim, há um convite para o debate e para a reflexão de como práticas positivas, em sala de aula, no enfoque da história e culturas africana e afro brasileira podem contribuir para a construção, fortalecimento e o empoderamento da identidade negra.Abstract : This paper proposes some reflections on the exercise of good practices about the history and African culture and african-Brazilian to enable the construction and affirmation of black identity in children and adolescents black and African descent, in the reality of classrooms in public schools. Initially discusses the realization practices and acts of discrimination and racism in the current historical moment, and the law 10 639/03, its obligation and difficulties to implement it due to factors such as faculty ignorance of the content established by law, failure of higher education teachers, the false conception of racial democracy present in the popular imagination, the concept of a single culture, Eurocentric culture for education implemented since the beginning of the formation of Brazilian society, denial and devaluation of another culture model in this case, African, as a means of disseminating attitudes and acts of discrimination and racism. It is then discussed the concept of building identity according to some authors psychosocial psychology. And finally, there is an invitation to the debate and reflection of how positive practices in the classroom, the focus of history and African and african-Brazilian cultures, can contribute to building, strengthening and empowerment of black identity

    Variação linguística: trabalhando crenças, atitudes e o livro didático

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    This work came from the professional concern that permeates the school environment when the subject is the approach of the Portuguese Language Teaching at the Brazilian public schools, specially, corresponding to the recognition of social, cultural and linguistic diversity that characterizes the national reality. Starting from the consideration that the language is heterogeneous, we have to rethink the way Portuguese Language Teaching is developed. The work with the language must respect the social experience that the students bring with themselves to the classroom, however, starting from this (re)cognition, it must be provided to the one mentioned, conditions of understanding how the language functions and of comprehending the strategies of its use in different contexts of social interaction. Because of that, the main goal of this work was to evaluate the possible changes that could be generated on the beliefs and linguistic attitudes of the 6th year of Middle School students of a municipal school of Uberlândia-MG, starting from the substitution of a traditional approach of the Portuguese Language Teaching by a sociolinguistic approach, supported by, overall, by the production and application of a complementary activity notebook contemplated by the didactic book. To consolidate our research, concerning the legal orientations for the Portuguese Language Teaching in Fundamental School ll, we accomplished a documental review of the National Curricular Parameter (1997;1998) of the Municipal Curricular Guidelines of the Portuguese Language of Uberlândia-MG (2011) and of the National Didactic Book Program (2014; 2016). This documental review gave us the required support to accomplish the theoretical review, which was based, mainly by the Educational Sociolinguistic (BORTONI-RICARDO, 2005) by the fundamentals of Pedagogy and Linguistic Variation (FARACO, 2008; 2015; BAGNO, 2007; 2011) and by the concepts tied to the beliefs and linguistic attitudes (CYRANKA, 2007; 2014; 2015; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2005; BARCELOS, 2004; LIMA, 2005; ANTUNES, 2009). We also verify, how is the approach of the language teaching in the book of the 6th year of Middle School taken by the school where the research was done. The research was based, yet, on the presupposition of the research-action, once that after we identify the necessity, we apply an interventional proposal. Our corpus was composted by one questionnaire of beliefs and linguistic attitudes applied in two different moments of the school year of 2016, just like an elaborated activity notebook, highlighted by the educational sociolinguistic. The analysis of the results allowed us to observe that the methodological change, of the classes as much as the activities related to the Portuguese Language Teaching, contributed positively to a more critical and reflexive learning process in relation to the mother language and, consequently, with the enlargement of the communicative competence of the students involved in the interventional proposal.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorDissertação (Mestrado)Este trabalho surgiu da preocupação profissional que permeia o ambiente escolar quando o assunto é a abordagem do ensino de Língua Portuguesa nas escolas públicas brasileiras, principalmente, no que tange ao reconhecimento da diversidade social, cultural e linguística que caracterizam a realidade nacional. Partindo da consideração de que a língua é heterogênea, temos que repensar a forma como o ensino de Língua Portuguesa é desenvolvido. O trabalho com a língua deve respeitar a vivência social que o aluno traz consigo para a sala de aula, entretanto, a partir desse (re)conhecimento, deve-se proporcionar ao mesmo, condições de entender o funcionamento da língua e compreender as estratégias de seus usos em diferentes contextos de interação social. Em vista disso, o objetivo principal desse trabalho foi avaliar as possíveis mudanças que poderiam ser geradas nas crenças e atitudes linguísticas de alunos do 6° ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola municipal de Uberlândia-MG, a partir da substituição de uma abordagem tradicional do ensino de Língua Portuguesa por uma abordagem sociolinguística, respaldada, sobretudo, pela produção e aplicação de um caderno de atividades complementar às atividades contempladas pelo livro didático. Para alicerçarmos nossa pesquisa, no que diz respeito às orientações legais para o ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Ensino Fundamental II, realizamos uma revisão documental dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (1997; 1998), das Diretrizes Curriculares Municipais de Língua Portuguesa de Uberlândia-MG (2011) e do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (2014; 2016). Essa revisão documental nos deu o suporte necessário para realizarmos a revisão teórica, a qual foi embasada, principalmente, pela Sociolinguística Educacional, (BORTONI-RICARDO, 2005), pelos fundamentos da pedagogia da variação linguística (FARACO, 2008; 2015; BAGNO, 2007; 2011) e pelos conceitos atrelados às crenças e atitudes linguísticas (CYRANKA, 2007; 2014; 2015; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2005; BARCELOS, 2004; LIMA, 2005; ANTUNES, 2009). Verificamos, também, como é a abordagem do ensino de língua no livro do 6° ano do Ensino Fundamental adotado pela escola em que a pesquisa foi realizada. A pesquisa se fundamentou, ainda, nos pressupostos da pesquisa- ação, uma vez que após identificarmos a necessidade, aplicamos uma proposta de intervenção. Nosso corpus foi composto por um questionário de crenças e atitudes linguísticas aplicado em dois momentos distintos do ano letivo de 2016, bem como um caderno de atividades elaborado, à luz da Sociolinguística Educacional. A análise dos resultados nos permitiu observar que a mudança metodológica, tanto das aulas quanto das atividades relacionadas ao ensino de Língua Portuguesa, contribuíram positivamente para um aprendizado mais crítico e reflexivo em relação à língua materna e, consequentemente, com a ampliação da competência comunicativa dos alunos envolvidos na proposta de intervenção

    Um estudo de caso sobre o aprendizado de crianças com déficit intelectual

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    Um estudo de caso sobre o aprendizado de crianças com déficit intelectual

    Quality of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum) haylage in relation to plant dry matter content

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    This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum) haylage with varying contents of dry matter (DM) and stored for 90 days. The quality of this grass was evaluated through the lens of a variety of physiochemical properties (e.g., chemical composition, aerobic stability, pH, microbial profile, etc.). A completely randomized design was used with four treatments (in natura, 400, 500, and 600 g kg-1 DM) and five replicates. Treatment with 600 g kg-1 DM yielded the highest DM haylage (p < 0.01) and soluble carbohydrate content (p < 0.01). Treatment in natura resulted in the highest O2concentration inside the bales (p < 0.01), whereas treatments with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM resulted in the highest CO2 values. The highest acetic acid concentrations of 36.4 ± 1.6, 38.2±1.6, and 48.9 ± 1.6 g kg-1 DM (p < 0.01) were observed post the in natura, 500 g kg-1 DM, and 600 g kg-1 DM treatments, respectively. Treatment with 600 g kg-1 DM yielded the highest pH value at hour zero (p < 0.01). Tanzania grass with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM produced the highest quality haylage. Highlights: Haylage can be defined as stored pre-dried forage with a dry matter (DM) content of approximately 400 to 800 g/kg. Aerobic stability was affected by the interaction between the different plant DM contents and hours of exposure of the Tanzania grass haylage to air after opening the bales. Haylage surface temperature has a linear relationship with the length of time the materials are exposed to air. Higher plant DM yields Tanzania grass haylage of high quality. Tanzania grass with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM for haylage production is indicated.This study aimed to evaluate the quality of Tanzania grass (Panicum maximum) haylage with varying contents of dry matter (DM) and stored for 90 days. The quality of this grass was evaluated through the lens of a variety of physiochemical properties (e.g., chemical composition, aerobic stability, pH, microbial profile, etc.). A completely randomized design was used with four treatments (in natura, 400, 500, and 600 g kg-1 DM) and five replicates. Treatment with 600 g kg-1 DM yielded the highest DM haylage (p < 0.01) and soluble carbohydrate content (p < 0.01). Treatment in natura resulted in the highest O2concentration inside the bales (p < 0.01), whereas treatments with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM resulted in the highest CO2 values. The highest acetic acid concentrations of 36.4 ± 1.6, 38.2±1.6, and 48.9 ± 1.6 g kg-1 DM (p < 0.01) were observed post the in natura, 500 g kg-1 DM, and 600 g kg-1 DM treatments, respectively. Treatment with 600 g kg-1 DM yielded the highest pH value at hour zero (p < 0.01). Tanzania grass with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM produced the highest quality haylage. Highlights: Haylage can be defined as stored pre-dried forage with a dry matter (DM) content of approximately 400 to 800 g/kg. Aerobic stability was affected by the interaction between the different plant DM contents and hours of exposure of the Tanzania grass haylage to air after opening the bales. Haylage surface temperature has a linear relationship with the length of time the materials are exposed to air. Higher plant DM yields Tanzania grass haylage of high quality. Tanzania grass with 500 and 600 g kg-1 DM for haylage production is indicated

    Water loss and chemical composition of cactus pear genotypes submitted to post-harvest storage periods

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate water loss and chemical composition of cactus pear genotypes submitted to post-harvest storage periods. The experimental design adopted was a the completely randomized, in a 3 × 5 factorial arrangement, with three cactus pear genotypes and five storage periods, and ten replications. The cactus pear genotypes [Doce, Baiana and Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM)] were harvested after 2 years of cultivation under rainfed conditions, and stored in a ventilated shed (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days). The genotype Baiana showed greater water reduction in the stored cladodes when compared to the other genotypes. All cactus pear genotypes showed reduction in crude protein and carbohydrates in the storage period of 60 days. There were no losses of nutrients, dry matter and ether extract during the storage periods for the genotype Doce. There was increase in the fiber content of the cladodes of all stored genotypes. During the storage period of the cladodes of all genotypes, there was reduction in the contents of Ca, Mg and Cu. The cactus pear genotypes Doce and OEM can be stored for up to 60 days after harvest. Highlights: • Cactus is also considered a strategic forage reserve and, in this case, the frequency of cutting can vary according to the producer's needs and weather conditions.• Post-harvest storage can be an alternative to reduce costs, as well as transporting the material.• The variety Doce Baiana showed greater water loss in relation to the other varieties.The objective of this study was to evaluate water loss and chemical composition of cactus pear genotypes submitted to post-harvest storage periods. The experimental design adopted was a the completely randomized, in a 3 × 5 factorial arrangement, with three cactus pear genotypes and five storage periods, and ten replications. The cactus pear genotypes [Doce, Baiana and Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM)] were harvested after 2 years of cultivation under rainfed conditions, and stored in a ventilated shed (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days). The genotype Baiana showed greater water reduction in the stored cladodes when compared to the other genotypes. All cactus pear genotypes showed reduction in crude protein and carbohydrates in the storage period of 60 days. There were no losses of nutrients, dry matter and ether extract during the storage periods for the genotype Doce. There was increase in the fiber content of the cladodes of all stored genotypes. During the storage period of the cladodes of all genotypes, there was reduction in the contents of Ca, Mg and Cu. The cactus pear genotypes Doce and OEM can be stored for up to 60 days after harvest. Highlights: • Cactus is also considered a strategic forage reserve and, in this case, the frequency of cutting can vary according to the producer's needs and weather conditions.• Post-harvest storage can be an alternative to reduce costs, as well as transporting the material.• The variety Doce Baiana showed greater water loss in relation to the other varieties


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    Objetivou-se obter informações atuais sobre morfologia, frequência de colheita e ensilagem de palma forrageira. O crescimento e o desenvolvimento satisfatório na palma forrageira, dependem da combinação adequada do manejo cultural, dos fatores ambientais e do potencial genético da variedade. A colheita é realizada com 1,5 a 2 anos ou mais, e dependendo do desenvolvimento da cultura de acordo as condições do solo e clima, possivelmente poderá ser feito o corte anual. Recursos de utilização de irrigação em pequenas quantidades e frequência pode aumentar a frequência de corte. Existem muitas variações nas características morfologias, e quando é priorizado acréscimo na produção de matéria seca em toneladas por hectare a cada dois anos, deve-se priorizar a seleção de clones de maior altura e largura da planta. Por apresentar cladódios ricos em carboidratos solúveis e água, antioxidantes, fibras dietéticas, vitaminas e apresentar massas viscosas na água devido a mucilagem, a palma forrageira pode ser ensilada. A frequência de colheita depende da necessidade dos produtores. A colheita influência nas características morfológicas. A palma pode ser ensilada em diferente frequência de corte, no entanto

    Typology of the Consumer of Cerrado Fruits

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    O Cerrado é um bioma altamente diversificado, rico em frutas que possuem sabor sui-generis, podendo ser consumidas in natura ou processada. A maioria desses frutos são ricos em vitaminas, antocianinas, flavonóides e possuem alto potencial antioxidante. No entanto ainda há pouco conhecimento da população quanto aos benefícios proporcionados pelo consumo, potencial econômico e aplicação tecnológica desses frutos. Com base nisso, essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o intuito de fazer um levantamento sobre o conhecimento da população em relação aos frutos nativos do Cerrado, além de verificar o perfil dos consumidores e o conhecimento sobre os benefícios desses frutos. Foram entrevistadas 352 pessoas de todos os estados brasileiros, que responderam a um questionário online. Constatou-se, que 91% possui conhecimento quanto aos frutos, no entanto 55,3% não tinham ciência quanto aos benefícios de consumo e 12,2% nunca consumiram, mesmo os residentes das regiões do Norte e Nordeste, que abrangem o bioma do Cerrado. Concluiu-se que a maioria dos consumidores de frutos do cerrado são mulheres, sendo cajuí, buriti e murici os frutos mais populares, por já estrem inclusos na alimentação da maioria dos entrevistados. No entanto ainda é vasto o desconhecimento dos consumidores quanto a diversidade dos frutos e potencial de processamento. Palavras-chave: Aplicação tecnológica; Benefícios; Pesquisa exploratória;The Cerrado is a highly diversified biome, rich in sui generis tasting fruits which can be consumed in natura or in a processed form. A majority of these fruits are rich in vitamins, anthocyanins, flavonoids and possess great antioxidant power. However, there still exists a lack of knowledge from the general population regarding the benefits of consumption, economic potential and technological application of these fruits. Based on this, this research was developed with the purpose of carrying out a survey regarding the population's knowledge regarding the native fruits of the Cerrado, besides checking the profile of the consumers and their knowledge in respect to the benefits of the fruits. We interviewed 352 people from all Brazilian states, who answered an online questionnaire. It was observed that 91% have knowledge about the fruits, however 55,3% were not aware of the benefits of consumption and 12.2% never consumed, even the residents of the North and Northeast regions, which cover the Cerrado biome. It was concluded that the majority of consumers of fruits of the cerrado are women, being cajuí, buriti and died the most popular fruits, already included in the diet of most of the interviewees. However, there is still a great deal of consumer ignorance about the diversity of fruits and processing potential. Keywords: Technological application; Benefits; Exploratory research