8 research outputs found

    Toward guidelines on running multi-country, multi-site projects: summary report of an in-house workshop held on 18 January 1997

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    ICLARM, Research programmes, Development projects, Project management, International cooperation

    South and South-East Asian coastal fisheries: their status and directions for improved management: conference synopsis and recommendations

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    As a step to address the problems of coastal fisheries in Asia, the WorldFish Center joined forces with fisheries agencies from eight developing Asian countries (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam) and the Asian Development Bank, to implement a project entitled “Sustainable Management of Coastal Fish Stocks in Asia” (also known as the “TrawlBase” project). The project was implemented between 1998 and 2001. The main achievements of this partnership were: (a) Development of a database called “Fisheries Resource Information System and Tools” (FiRST), which contains trawl research survey data and socioeconomic information for selected fisheries, and facilitates its analysis; (b) Evaluation of the extent of resource decline and over-fishing, both biological and economic, in the region; (c) Identification of the measures needed to manage coastal fisheries in the participating countries, resulting in draft strategies and action plans; and (d) Strengthening of national capacity in coastal fisheries assessment, planning and management

    Fish consumption pattern in major freshwater fisheries provinces of Cambodia

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    Production and consumption of fish were estimated for a one year period during 1995-96 using a sample of 5 117 households. The sample was taken from a study area covering 83 sample communes in 51 fishing districts belonging to eight freshwater fisheries provinces. About 39% of households in fishing dependent communities were actively involved in fishing. Of the total fishing households, 14% took part in commercial fishing using middle-scale fishing gear. Average annual catch per household for middle-scale and family fishing was 3 319 kg and 647 kg, respectively. Nearly 40% of the fish catch was consumed within the communes. The per capita consumption of fresh fish by fishing households (49.7 kg/yr) was higher than that of non-fishing households (39.9 kg/yr). Including processed fish, the total fish consumption by the fishing dependent communes was estimated at 75.6 kg per capita per annum. Given this high rate of fish consumption, development interventions must consider the role of fisheries in ensuring a sustainable livelihood and food security to Cambodia's growing population

    Adaptação do teste de tetrazólio para avaliação da viabilidade e do vigor de sementes de girassol

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar metodologias para realização do teste de tetrazólio, na avaliação da viabilidade e do vigor de sementes de girassol, e estabelecer classes de qualidade para interpretação do teste. Foram avaliadas diferentes formas de extração do pericarpo e do tegumento das sementes, além do pré-condicionamento em água por 16 e 18 horas (25°C) e da coloração em solução de tetrazólio (30ºC), nas concentrações de 0,1 e 0,5%, por 2, 3 e 4 horas; e de 1,0%, por 1, 2 e 3 horas. Após a definição da metodologia mais adequada para realização do teste, classes de vigor foram estabelecidas de acordo com a emergência das plântulas no campo. Foram identificadas cinco classes, as quais apresentaram correlação perfeita com a emergência. Para avaliar a viabilidade das sementes de girassol, o pericarpo e o tegumento devem ser retirados após corte longitudinal com até 1/3 do comprimento da semente, o pré-condicionamento deve ser feito pela imersão em água por 16 horas, e a coloração deve ser realizada em solução de tetrazólio a 0,1%, durante 3 horas

    Evaluation Of Some Physical Attributes Of An Oxisol Under Different Crop Cover [avaliação De Alguns Atributos Físicos De Um Latossolo Vermelho-amarelo Sob Diferentes Coberturas Vegetais]

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    Soil attributes are dynamic and are subject to change according to the use and management adopted, is important for determining its best use agricultural soil. Thus, it was aimed to evaluate some physical attributes (particle size, water dispersible clay and flocculation) of an Oxisol on different uses, namely: cultivated with two species of legumes and natural vegetation, in an area previously cultivated with vegetables, for about 10 years, under intense agricultural mechanization and application of lime and fertilizer. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design, being conducted in factorial 2 x 3, two depths (0 to 20 and 20 to 40 cm) and three cover cro ps, with four replications. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and averages compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. It was observed that the slow agitation provides better physical dispersion when compared with the fast agitation, showing greater accuracy and precision. The values of clay dispersed in water are larger at a depth of 20-40 cm. The soil under Mucuna pruriens L., in depth of 20-40 cm, has a higher value of water dispersible clay in water compared with to other cover crops and the soil under natural vegetation greater degree of flocculation this depth.266940947Alleoni, L.R.F., Camargo, O.A., Atributos físicos de Latossolos ácricos do norte paulista (1994) Scientia Agrícola, Piracicaba, 51, pp. 321-326Camargo, O.A., Alleoni, L.R.F., (1997) Compactação Do Solo E O Desenvolvimento Das Plantas, p. 132. , Piracicaba: ESALQCarvalho, I.A., (1995) Estimativas De Parâmetros Sedimetológicos Para Estudo De Camadas Compactas E/ou Adensadas Em Latossolo De Textura Média, Sob Diferentes Usos, p. 83. , Dissertação (Mestrado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas), Universidade Federal de Viçosa, ViçosaCenturion, J.F., Cardoso, J.P., Natale, W., (2001) Efeito De Formas De Manejo Em Algumas Propriedades Físicas E Químicas De Um Latossolo Vermelho Em Diferentes Agroecossistemas, 5 (2), pp. 254-258. , Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Campina GrandeCoser, S.M., Mesquita, L.F., Passos, R.R., Andrade, F.V., (2007) Análise Textural Do Solo Utilizando Métodos De Dispersão Física Com Agitação Lenta E Rápida, , In: XXXI Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Solo, Gramado - RSCosta, F.S., Albuquerque, J.A., Bayer, C., Fontoura, S.M.V., Wobeto, C., (2003) Propriedades Físicas De Um Latossolo Bruno Afetadas Pelos Sistemas Plantio Direto E Preparo Convencional, 27, pp. 527-535. , Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, ViçosaCosta, L.M., Sediyama, C.S., Novais, R.F., Bruneli, J.R.H.C., Fogli, M.G.R., Estudo do sistema radicular de cinco variedades de soja em solos com camadas compactadas na Fazenda Itamarati (1984) Encontro Técnico Sobre a Cultura Da Soja, pp. 113-114. , Anais... Viçosa: Universidade Federal de ViçosaDoran, J.W., Parkin, T.B., Defining and assessing soil quality (1994) Defining Soil Quality For a Sustainable Environment, pp. 3-21. , In: DORAN, J. W.COLEMAN, D. C.BEZDICEK, D. F.STEWART, B. A., Madison: Soil Science Society of America, SSSA Special publication, 35Dufranc, G., Dechen, S.C.F., Freitas, S.S., Camargo, O.A., (2004) Atributos Físicos, Químicos E Biológicos Relacionados Com a Estabilidade De Agregados De Dois Latossolos Em Plantio Direto No Estado De São Paulo, 28, pp. 505-517. , Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, ViçosaEffgen, E.M., Dardengo, M.C.J.D., Silva, P.A., Passos, R.R., Effgen, T.A.M., (2006) Caracterização De Atributos Físicos De Solos Em Área Sob Cultivo De Sorgo No Sul Do Estado Do Espírito Santo, pp. 2842-2845. , X Encontro Latino Americano de Iniciação Científica e VI Encontro Latino Americano de Pós- Graduação - Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, São José dos Campos - SP(1997) Manual De Métodos De Análise De Solos, p. 212. , EMBRAPA. Centro de Pesquisas de Solos, 2 ed. Rio de JaneiroSistema brasileiro de classificação de solos (1999) Rio De Janeiro, p. 412. , EMPRESA BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISA AGROPECUÁRIA. Centro Nacional de Pesquisas de SolosGonçalves, W.G., Jimenez, R.L., de Araújo, F.J.V., de Assis, R.L., Silva, G.P., Pires, F.R., Sistema radicular de plantas de cobertura sob compactação do solo (2006) Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, 26 (1), pp. 67-75Jimenez, R.L., Gonçalves, W.G., de Araújo, F.J.V., de Assis, R.L., Pires, F.R., Silva, G.P., (2008) Crescimento De Plantas De Cobertura Sob Diferentes Níveis De Compactação Em Um Latossolo Vermelho, 12 (2), pp. 116-121. , Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Campina Grande-PBJucksch, I., (1987) Calagem E Dispersão De Argila Em Amostrade Um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, p. 37. , Dissertação (Mestrado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas), Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosade Lemos, C.F., da Silva, E.T., (2005) Comparação Das Características Morfológicas, Mineralógicas, Químicas E Físicas Do Solo Entre Áreas De Cultivo Com Plantio Direto E Plantio Convencional, 3 (1), pp. 11-18. , Revista Acadêmica: ciências agrárias e ambientais, Curitiba, jan./marMetzner, A.F., Centurion, J.F., Marchiori Jr., M., (2003) Relação Entre Grau De Floculação E Atributo Do Solo, 29. , CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIÊNCIA DO SOLO, Ribeirão Preto-SP, Anais... Botucatu, CDNunes, L.A.P.L., (2003) Qualidade De Um Solo Cultivado Com Café E Sob Mata Secundária No Município De Viçosa-MG, p. 102. , Tese (Doutorado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas), Universidade Federal de Viçosa, ViçosaResende, M., Curi, N., Rezende, S.B., Corrêa, G.F., (1999) Pedologia: Base Para Distinção De Ambientes, p. 304. , Viçosa, NEPUTSeybold, C.A., Herrick, J.E., Brejda, J.J., Soil resilienc: A fundamental component of soil quality (1999) Soil Science, Baltimore, 164, pp. 224-234Souza, Z.M., Leite, J.A., Beutler, A.N., Comportamento de atributos físicos de um Latossolo amarelo sob agroecossistemas do amazonas (2004) Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, 24 (3), pp. 654-662. , set./dezSumner, M.E., (1992) Uso Atual Do Gesso No Mundo Em Solos Ácidos, 2, pp. 7-40. , SEMINÁRIO SOBRE O USO DO GESSO NA AGRICULTURA, Uberaba. Anais... Brasília: Nag

    Mineralogical and geochemical influences on sediment color of Amazon wetlands analyzed by visible spectrophotometry

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    Based on sedimentological and geochemical data, this work relates spectrophotometric measurements with sediment composition and its application in palaeoecological studies of Amazon wetlands. The CIELAB values are directly related to mineralogical and chemical composition, mostly involving quartz, iron oxyhydroxides and sulfides (e.g. pyrite), and total organic carbon. Total organic carbon contents between 0.4-1%, 1-2%, 3-5% and 15-40% were related to L* (lightness) data of 27, 26-15, 7-10 and 7 or less, respectively. The CIELAB values of a deposit in Marabá, Pará, were proportional to variations in quartz and total organic carbon contents, but changes in zones of similar color, mainly in the +a* (red) and +b* (yellow) values of deposits in Calçoene, Amapá and Soure, Pará, indicate a close relationship between total organic carbon content and iron oxyhydroxides and sulfides. Furthermore, the Q7/4 diagram (ratio between the % re?ectance value at 700 nm to that at 400 nm, coupled with L*) indicated iron-rich sediments in the bioturbated mud facies of the Amapá deposit, bioturbated mud and bioturbated sand facies of Soure deposit, and cross-laminated sand and massive sand facies of the Marabá core. Also, organic-rich sediments were found in the bioturbated mud facies of the Amapá deposit, lenticular heterolithic and bioturbated mud facies of the Soure deposit, and laminated mud and peat facies of the Marabá deposit. At the Marabá site, the data suggest an autochthonous influence with peat formation. The coastal wetland sites at Marajó and Amapá represent the development of a typical tidal flat setting with sulfide and iron oxyhydroxides formation during alternated flooding and drying