920 research outputs found

    Education and Knowledge Management: Pedagogical Challenges

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    The instructor of Knowledge Management in Higher Education needs the formation of a systematic process of pedagogical training, which allows him/her to develop his/her skills as an educator. Dealing with adult students does not exempt the university instructor from enabling practical application of the knowledge acquired in the classroom. The background of the study is the pedagogical practice of the authors at a university in the interior of Santa Catarina, one of the three southern Brazilian states. The students are from middle to lower classes, who mostly work during the day to finance their evening studies. Thus, in the teaching of Knowledge Management it is not enough for the instructor to have a mastery of the knowledge related to the subject he teaches. The instructor needs to develop the ability to create teaching material for students and strategies of different teaching methods, such as: the lecture; discussion; simulations and audiovisual resources. Despite all the preparation and planning of the instructor to teach the contents, the primary pedagogical tool is dialogue. The communication between teacher and students waives all the content of a class, because it depends on it that the learning happens. Keywords: Knowledge Management, Pedagogy, Higher Education. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-8-01 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Agricultura sostenible en tierras semiáridas cálidas

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    El objetivo de este ensayo fue realizar una síntesis de la agricultura sostenible en el estado de Ceará, Región Semiárida de Brasil, desde la agroecología. Resulta de un esfuerzo colaborativo entre organizaciones del desarrollo rural e instituciones de enseñanza e investigación y toma por base resultados de debate y de investigación, materiales de enseñanza y la bibliografía. Debido a la severidad del clima y las inciertas condiciones socioeconómicas y políticas, la agricultura en la región semiárida de Brasil se caracteriza por un bajo uso de recursos financieros, agricultura de secano y producción ganadera extensiva. Alrededor del 70% de los productores son agricultores familiares, que producen maíz y frijoles en áreas pequeñas, sin asistencia técnica, la mayoría de ellos practicando la agricultura de subsistencia. La ganadería extensiva se basa en el pastoreo de vegetación nativa y los pastos degradados son frecuentes. El análisis realizado sugiere que la agricultura sostenible en Ceará pasa por un proceso de construcción de conocimiento y conciencia agroecológica, a partir de las prácticas y del debate sobre la convivencia con las condiciones de semiaridez. El uso de especies animales y vegetales adaptadas, la conservación de suelos y aguas, la conservación local y el aumento de la agrobiodiversidad y la integración entre las actividades agrícolas, el procesamiento y la comercialización han sido señaladas como estrategias para mejorar la sostenibilidad de la agricultura en la región. Así, aparentemente, se está produciendo un cambio hacia una racionalidad socioambiental de la sostenibilidad, opuesta a la noción de combate a la sequía. Esos cambios, impulsados por las bases, tienen lugar en medio a proposiciones contradictorias de los gobiernos federal y estadual que se alían y benefician al agronegocio con grandes volúmenes de inversión pública, por un lado, y destinan modestos recursos a la agricultura sostenible, por otro.The objective of this essay was to carry out a synthesis of sustainable agriculture in the state of Ceará, Semiarid Region of Brazil, from the perspective of agroecology. It is the result of a collaborative effort between rural development organizations and teaching and research institutions and is based on the results of debates and research, teaching materials and the bibliography. Due to climate severity and uncertain socioeconomic and political conditions, agriculture in the semiarid region of Brazil is characterized by the low use of financial resources, rainfed agriculture and extensive livestock farming. About 70% of the producers are family farmers, who grow corn and beans in small areas, without technical assistance, most of them practicing subsistence agriculture. Extensive livestock farming is based on grazing native vegetation and there are often degraded pastures. The following analysis suggests that sustainable agriculture in Ceará goes through a process of building agroecological knowledge and awareness, based on practices and debates on how to coexist with the semiarid condition. The use of adapted plant and animal species, soil and water conservation, the local preservation and increase of agrobiodiversity and integration between agricultural, processing and commercialization activities have been pointed out as strategies to improve agriculture sustainability in the region. Thus, apparently, there is a shift towards a socio-environmental rationality for sustainability, as opposed to the notion of fighting drought. These changes in basis take place amid contradictory proposals from the federal and state governments which are allied with and benefit agribusiness with large volumes of public investment, on the one hand, and allocate modest resources to sustainable agriculture on the other

    Comportamento de porta-enxertos de citros em presença do alumínio

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    With the objective of evaluating the performance of Rangpur lime, Volkameriano lemon, Orlando tangelo, and Sunki tangerine citrus rootstock cultivars, using different aluminum concentrations, an experiment was conducted in a split-plot design, in greenhouse of the Seção de Fisiologia do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, SP, Brazil, with aluminum levels of 0 ppm, 15 ppm, 30 ppm and 60 ppm, as ALK (SO4)2. 12H2O in nutritive solution. Growth data and macro and micronutrient levels in leaves and roots were analysed. It was observed that the aluminum affected the root length of all cultivars. The plant height and the dry matter weight of leaves and roots of Sunki and Rangpur lime cultivars were negatively affected by aluminum. The increasing dosage of aluminum reduced the leaf absorption of phosphorus and calcium and increased the potassium for all cultivars. In general, the cultivar Orlando had a better tolerance for aluminum than the other cultivars, so it is suggested for citrus cultivation in acid soils.Com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de cultivares dos porta-enxertos cítricos limão Cravo, limão Volkameriano, tangelo Orlando e tangerina Sunki, sob diferentes concentrações de alumínio, instalou-se um experimento em parcelas subdivididas, em casa de vegetação da Seção de Fisiologia do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, com as doses de 0 ppm, 15 ppm, 30 ppm e 60 ppm de alumínio, na forma de ALK (SO4)2.12H2O em solução nutritiva. Foram analisados os dados de crescimento e os teores de macro e micronutrientes nas folhas e raízes. Constatou-se que a presença de alumínio afetou significativamente o comprimento da raiz em todas as cultivares. A altura da planta e o peso de matéria seca de folhas e raízes foram afetados nas cultivares Sunki e Cravo. O aumento de doses de alumínio diminuiu a absorção de cálcio e fósforo pela folha em todas as cultivares e aumentou a de potássio. A cultivar Orlando apresentou, de mancha geral, melhor tolerância ao íon alumínio, sendo recomendada sua utilização em solos ácidos

    Nutrientes na serapilheira acumulada em um povoamento de Eucalyptus saligna Smith em São Grabriel, RS

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    The aim of this work was quantify the stock of nutrients in litter in Eucalyptus saligna Smith stand at 4 and 5 years of age in the municipality of São Gabriel - RS. All material collected at the end of each season, was sent to the laboratory for determination of macronutrients. Total litter for the years 2011 and 2012 was 12.76 and 12.00 Mg ha-1, respectively. The amounts of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S stored in the litter were 94.4; 4.8; 21.8; 138.8; 25.6 and 8.8 kg ha-1 respectively. The litter is an excellent source of organic matter and nutrient reserves for future rotations.O objetivo deste trabalho foi, quantificar o estoque de nutrientes na serapilheira acumulada em um povoamento de Eucalyptus saligna Smith aos 4 e 5 anos de idade no município de São Gabriel – RS. Todo o material coletado, ao final de cada estação do ano, foi levado para o Laboratório para determinação dos macronutrientes. O total de serapilheira acumulada sobre o solo para os anos de 2011 e 2012 foi de 12,76 e 12,00 Mg ha-1, respectivamente. As quantidades de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S estocadas na serapilheira foram de 94,4; 4,8; 21,8; 138,8; 25,6 e 8,8 kg ha-1 respectivamente. A serapilheira acumulada é uma excelente fonte de matéria orgânica e reserva de nutrientes para as rotações futuras

    Systemic Trans- and Postoperative Evaluations of Patients Undergoing Dental Implant Surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to examine the trans- and postoperative systemic characteristics of patients undergoing dental implant surgery and to investigate the relationship between pre- and post- surgery anxiety levels. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-nine patients were analyzed in 3 call centers to determine anxiety levels, pain levels, and preoperative and postoperative histories using the State-Trait (STAI) questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 93 dental implants were installed, with a success rate of 100%. The most frequently reported systemic disease was hypertension. There was a significantly higher rate of effective clamping (torque) to the mandibular bone than to the maxillary bone. The association between postoperative surgical complications and longer operative time was not significant, but there was a significant correlation between the alteration of mouth opening and daily routine activities and a significant decrease in anxiety levels between the day of surgery and the postoperative time point (p =0.006). CONCLUSION: A longer surgical time was associated with surgery-related complications and with a higher anxiety index on the preoperative evaluation

    A natureza da inflação de serviços no Brasil: 1999-2014

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    XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a dinâmica da infl ação de serviços no Brasil. Para isso, procurou-se identifi car todos os elementos (“subitens”) constitutivos do IPCA passíveis de serem classifi cados como serviços nas diversas encarnações do índice desde 1999 e propôs- se um tradutor entre esses subitens e os conceitos da Classifi cação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas- CNAE – versão 2.0. Com base no referido tradutor foi possível extrair dados da Pesquisa Anual de Serviços (PAS), Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) e relação Anual das Informações sociais (RAIS) sobre a composição do valor da produção, das ocupações e dos rendimentos do trabalho dos vários setores de serviços que compõem o IPCA. Os dados analisados e as regressões econométricas apresentadas corroboram visões pré- existentes sobre o tema e as estendem, propondo, em particular, que atenção seja dada a alguns poucos setores de serviços com taxas excepcionais de crescimento da produção e/ou do número de ocupados e/ou dos rendimentos desses trabalhadores e que demandam políticas públicas específi casBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    Quantificação da biomassa e nutrientes em um povoamento de Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden estabelecido no Bioma Pampa

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    Studies related to biomass production and accumulation of nutrients, are the basis for understanding the nutritional dynamics in forest stands. The objective of this study was to quantify the biomass and nutrient stocks, in a Eucalyptus dunnii stand, at 60 months old, established in Alegrete, Rio Grande do Sul. The sampling of biomass was taken from twelve trees which were cut at soil level and the fractional biomass components: leaf, branches, trunk bark and stem wood, with dry mass determination and nutrients concentration. The total above ground biomass was 58.76 Mg ha-1, with decreasing sequence in the magnitude of the stem wood > trunk bark > branches > leaves. The total stock of nutrients was 175.5; 18.2; 171; 278.1; 69.1 and 21.5 kg ha-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively. We emphasize the importance of maintaining of harvest residues in the soil to optimize nutrient cycling due to high levels of these in the leaves, bark and branches.Estudos relacionados à produção de biomassa e acúmulo de nutrientes são a base para a compreensão da dinâmica nutricional em povoamentos florestais. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi quantificar a biomassa e o estoque de nutrientes, em um povoamento de Eucalyptus dunnii, aos 60 meses de idade, estabelecido em Alegrete, Rio Grande do Sul. A amostragem da biomassa foi realizada a partir de doze árvores, que foram seccionadas ao nível do solo e a biomassa foi fracionada nos componentes: folhas, galhos, casca do tronco e madeira do tronco, com determinação de massa seca e tores de nutrientes. A biomassa total acima do solo foi de 58,76 Mg ha-1, com sequência decrescente de alocação em madeira do tronco > casca do tronco > galhos > folhas. O estoque total de nutrientes foi de 175,5; 18,2; 171; 278,1; 69,1 e 21,5 kg ha-1 de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, respectivamente. Ressalta-se a importância da manutenção de resíduos da colheita sobre o solo, a fim de otimizar a ciclagem de nutrientes em função dos altos teores destes contidos nas folhas, casca e galhos