113 research outputs found

    Uso de co-clustering para análise de imagens de altíssima resolução espacial

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    Dissertação (mestrado) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências Aplicadas, 2022.No contexto de mineração de dados, ao se realizar a classificação em imagens de sensoriamento remoto, a extração de padrões é um importante passo. O uso de coclustering para análise de imagens agrega novas possibilidades de identificação de padrões, no ramo do conhecimento do sensoriamento remoto. Comumente se realiza a busca de padrões em imagens considerando-se cada dimensão por vez, portanto uma única banda. A proposta do uso de técnicas de co-clustering é justamente considerar-se, de forma iterativa, na dimensão espectral, todas as bandas da imagem original, além de camadas criadas, por exemplo de textura e morfologia matemática, simulando novas bandas de imagem. Ao final do processo, resulta-se em clusters de pixels efetivamente classificados. A partir de medidas de similaridade dadas pelos Índice de Jaccard, Índice de Rand e Índice de Rand Ajustado avaliaram-se os agrupamentos resultantes da técnica de co-clustering quando aplicada a um cubo de imagem gerado a partir de uma imagem RGB de altíssima resolução, concatenada a resultados de morfologia matemática e de análise de textura. Utilizou-se o método tradicional de classificação não supervisionada K-médias como base de comparação para avaliação dos resultados encontrados. Concluiu-se que o método é eficiente, desenvolvido a partir de imagens e classificação prévia, disponibilizadas pela ISPRS, classificação essa tratada como verdade para o contexto deste trabalho.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).In the context of data mining, when performing classification on remote sensing images, pattern extraction is an important step. The use of co-clustering for image analysis adds new possibilities for pattern identification in the field of remote sensing knowledge. Commonly, the search for patterns in images is performed considering each dimension individually at a time, therefore, a single band. The proposal for the use of co-clustering techniques is precisely to consider, in an iterative way, in the spectral dimension, all bands of the original image, in addition to created layers of texture and mathematical morphology, simulating new image bands. At the end of the process, effectively classified clusters of pixels are obtained. Based on similarity measures given by the Jaccard Index, Rand Index and Adjusted Rand Index, the resulting clusters of the co-clustering technique were evaluated when applied to an image cube generated from a very high resolution RGB image, concatenated to mathematical morphology and texture analysis results. The traditional method of unsupervised classification Kmeans was used as a basis for comparison to evaluate the results. It was concluded that the method is efficient, developed from images and previous classification, made available by the ISPRS, which was treated as true for the context of this work


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    The study analyzed the variables that interfere in the choice of the soil cultivation system, using conventional and/or biodynamic agricultural practices for the production of Vitis vinifera grapes. The method was an exploratory and descriptive quali-quanti analysis study. The intentional sample, for convenience and non-probability, included 26 vineyards of Vitis vinifera Chardonnay, 19 of which were conventional vineyards and seven in transition to the cultivation system using biodynamic farming practices. It was concluded that economic variables are the driving force in decision making, rather than environmental or social issues in the management of the cultivation system, as well it has also been noticed that some properties are seeking new cultivation practices. In the case of biodynamic agriculture, however, there is a faint signal that environmental issues may gain greater value in equalizing alternatives for decision-making in vineyard management and especially in soil care.     &nbsp

    Relações hídricas de videiras cultivadas no Vale do São Francisco sob diferente porta-enxertos e estratégias de irrigação

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    Existe aumento na demanda por vinhos de alta qualidade no Vale do São Francisco, nova região produtora de vinhos no Brasil. Como a qualidade da uva depende do estado hídrico da videira, o conhecimento dos efeitos do porta-enxerto e do manejo de irrigação sobre as relações hídricas da videira é essencial para otimizar a produção e qualidade da uva. Sendo assim, avaliou-se a influência de porta-enxertos e estratégias de irrigação sobre as relações hídricas e o vigor vegetativo de videiras cultivadas em Petrolina, PE. Duas variedades copa, 'Moscato Canelli' e 'Syrah', enxertadas sobre IAC 572 e 1103 Paulsen foram submetidas a duas estratégias de irrigação: irrigação com deficit, na qual a irrigação foi suspensa após o início da maturação; e irrigação parcial das raízes, em que a água foi aplicada (100% da evapotranspiração da cultura) após o pegamento dos frutos, em apenas metade do sistema radicular, alternando os lados periodicamente (24 dias). Em geral, todos os tratamentos apresentaram valores de potencial hídrico foliar de base superiores a -0,2 MPa, indicando ausência de estresse hídrico. O estado hídrico da videira foi mais afetado pela porta-enxerto que pelos tratamentos hídricos. Os dois cultivares enxertadas sobre o IAC 572 apresentaram os maiores valores de potencial hídrico foliar, medido ao meio dia, e de potencial hídrico do caule, medido em folhas 1 hora após o acondicionamento em saco plástico e papel alumínio. Nos dois cultivares, a condutância estomática (g s), transpiração (E) e índice de área foliar (IAF) foram mais afetados pelos porta-enxertos que pelos tratamentos de irrigação. Os cultivares enxertados sobre IAC 572 apresentaram maiores g s, E e IAF em relação às enxertadas sobre o 1103 Paulsen. O elevado vigor vegetativo das cultivares foi provavelmente devido ao efeito do IAC 572 sobre a condutividade hidráulica das folhas e à maior absorção de água pelo sistema radicular deste porta-enxerto.There is an increased demand for high quality winegrapes in the São Francisco Valley, a new wine producing area in Brazil. As the grape quality is closely linked to the soil water status, understanding the effects of rootstock and irrigation management on grapevine water relations is essential to optimize yield and quality. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of irrigation strategies and rootstocks on water relations and scion vigour of field-grown grapevines in Petrolina, Pernambuco state, Brazil. The cultivars used as scions are Moscato Canelli and Syrah, both grafted onto IAC 572 and 1103 Paulsen rootstocks. The following water treatments were used: deficit irrigation, with holding water after veraison; and partial root-zone drying, supplying (100% of crop evapotranspiration) of the water loss to only one side of the root system after fruit set, alternating the sides periodically (about 24 days). In general, all treatments had values of pre-dawn leaf water potential higher than -0.2 MPa, suggesting absence of water stress. The vine water status was more affected by rootstock type than irrigation strategies. Both cultivars grafted on IAC 572 had the highest values of midday leaf water potential and stem water potential, measured on non-transpiring leaves, which were bagged with both plastic sheet and aluminum foil at least 1 h before measurements. For both cultivars, the stomatal conductance (g s), transpiration (E) and leaf area index (LAI) were also more affected by roostsotck type than by irrigation strategies. The IAC 572 rootstock presented higher g s, E and LAI than the 1103 Paulsen. Differences in vegetative vigor of the scion grafted onto IAC 572 rootstocks were related to its higher leaf specific hydraulic conductance and deeper root system as compared to the 1103 Paulsen, which increased the water-extraction capability, resulting in a better vine water status

    Prevalência de distúrbio ostemuscular e qualidade de vida em alunos do curso de Fisioterapia

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    Objetivo: avaliar a prevalência dos distúrbios osteomusculares e a qualidade de vida dos alunos do curso de fisioterapia do Uniaraxá. Método: trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal, com 110 indivíduos, de ambos os gêneros na faixa etária de 18 a 45 anos, sendo todos alunos regulares do curso de fisioterapia de uma instituição de ensino superior. A coleta de dados foi iniciada com o preenchimento da ficha de avaliação, contendo informações sócio-demográficas, seguida pelo questionário SF-36, e finalmente pelo Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares. Resultados: a idade média dos alunos foi de 20,9 anos. De acordo com o questionário Nórdico, a queixa mais frequente de dor nos últimos 12 meses foi na região da coluna lombar com 58,2%. Já, nos últimos 7 dias a região álgica permanece a mesma porém com diminuição para 35,5% dos casos. De acordo com o questionário SF- 36, pode-se perceber que a o menor valor encontrado foi no domínio vitalidade (57,1%) e o maior valor para capacidade funcional (87,9%). Considerações finais: observamos que os pacientes apresentaram uma boa qualidade de vida, sendo que o menor valor encontrado foi no domínio vitalidade. Há, porém, grande prevalência de distúrbios osteomusculares. Este fato indica a importância de se fazer avaliações periódicas e ver a necessidade de implantação de estratégias em promoção de saúde para melhorar a condição de hábitos de vida diária, ajudar no trabalho e nos estudos, minimizando a prevalência de distúrbios osteomusculares, como forma de prevenção, para que haja uma diminuição destes índices relacionados à dor

    Epidemiological and sociodemographic characterization of women and men with cancer in a State in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Objective: Objective: Analyzes the epidemiological and sociodemographic characterization of women and men with cancer in the State of Rondônia, Western Amazon (Brazil), diagnosed over a period of 2 (two) years. Materials and Methods: It is a documentary, cross-sectional and descriptive study, with the systematization of primary data, according to the methodological model recommended by Paraguassú-Chaves et al [25]. We used an instrument developde by Paraguassu-Chaves et al [26], semi-structured, divided into two blocks: (a) Block I – sociodemographic profile and (b) Block II – epidemiological profile. The Ethics Committee on Human Research at the reference hospital was asked to waive the Informed Consent Form. The research project is in accordance with Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council of Brazil. Results: Of the 3.333 new cases of cancer, 53.4% ​​were female and 46.5% male. The 10 (ten) most common types of cancer among men and women in Rondônia over a 2-year period were non-melanoma skin (C44), breast (C50), prostate (C61), cervix (C53), stomach (C16), thyroid gland (C73), bronchi and lungs (C33-C34), colon (C18), reticuloendothelial hematopoietic system (C42) and rectal cancer (C20). An age range of 50 to 69 years was predominant in both sexes and patients with low educational level. The highest frequency was for married patients. There was a predominance of brown skin, patients born in the State of Rondônia (22.6%) and agricultural workers. The Unified Health System - SUS was responsible for the entry for treatment of 99.5% of patients. Most patients underwent “other isolated therapeutic procedures” and with the disease in advanced stages. Conclusions: The estimate of new cancer cases in Rondônia follows an increasing trend. The scenarios selected from the variables of the sociodemographic and epidemiological indicators of the research require the public health authorities of Rondônia, urgent redirection of actions and strategies for the prevention, control, assistance and treatment of cancer in women and men in Rondônia

    A new marseillevirus isolated in Southern Brazil from Limnoperna fortunei

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    Members of the family Marseilleviridae are giant viruses that have the ability to infect amoebas. Such viruses were initially described in 2009. Since then, this family has grown, and diverse members have been found in different environments and geographic locations. Previous phylogenetic analyses suggested the existence of four marseillevirus lineages. A fourth lineage was described with the discovery of the Brazilian marseillevirus (BrMr), isolated from Pampulha Lake, Brazil. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of the Golden marseillevirus (GMar), a new marseillevirus isolated from golden mussels (Limnoperna fortunei) in South of Brazil. This new representative of Marseilleviridae has circular, double-stranded (dsDNA) that contains 360, 610 base pairs and encodes 483 open read frames (ORFs). The complete virus genome was sequenced and phylogenic analyses indicated clear differences between this virus and other marseilleviruses. In addition, this is the only marseillevirus so far that has been isolated from mussels, and this report expands the diversity of environments from which giant viruses could be recovered

    Root canal contamination or exposure to lipopolysaccharide differentially modulate prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4 signaling in apical periodontitis

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    Purpose: To evaluate the kinetics of apical periodontitis development in vivo , induced either by contamination of the root canals by microorganisms from the oral cavity or by inoculation of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the regulation of major enzymes and receptors involved in the arachidonic acid metabolism. Methodology: Apical periodontitis was induced in C57BL6 mice (n=96), by root canal exposure to oral cavity (n=48 teeth) or inoculation of LPS (10 µL of a suspension of 0.1 µg/µL) from E. coli into the root canals (n= 48 teeth). Healthy teeth were used as control (n=48 teeth). After 7, 14, 21 and 28 days the animals were euthanized and tissues removed for histopathological and qRT-PCR analyses. Histological analysis data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA followed by Sidak’s test, and qRT-PCR data using two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test (α=0.05). Results: Contamination by microorganisms led to the development of apical periodontitis, characterized by the recruitment of inflammatory cells and bone tissue resorption, whereas inoculation of LPS induced inflammatory cells recruitment without bone resorption. Both stimuli induced mRNA expression for cyclooxygenase-2 and 5-lipoxygenase enzymes. Expression of prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4 cell surface receptors were more stimulated by LPS. Regarding nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR), oral contamination induced the synthesis of mRNA for PPARδ, differently from inoculation of LPS, that induced PPARα and PPARγ expression. Conclusions: Contamination of the root canals by microorganisms from oral cavity induced the development of apical periodontitis differently than by inoculation with LPS, characterized by less bone loss than the first model. Regardless of the model used, it was found a local increase in the synthesis of mRNA for the enzymes 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-2 of the arachidonic acid metabolism, as well as in the surface and nuclear receptors for the lipid mediators prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4

    Sustainable Tourism as a Strategy for Generating Employment and Income in the Local Economy

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    The study addresses and deepens the debate on which are the best choices of sustainable strategic public policies to promote income and employment generation in economically depressed local economies and unattractive in attracting investments. In this context, public actions and strategies to stimulate the development of sustainable tourism are a promising path, as long as they are thought of as a regionalized process. The success of these policies largely depends on the integration and cooperation between tourist regions. However, failures in the coordination of actions, low understanding of local managers of the micro and macroeconomic scenario make more articulated and consequently more effective actions difficult. The study through a descriptive research of qualitative analysis and making use of content analysis addresses ways to ensure the promotion of sustainable growth of local economies. Sustainable tourism depends on improving regional governance, articulation and integration between territories, reliability and transparency in the management of data collection and sharing for satisfactory decision-making in the strategies of public policies for regional development of tourism