4,562 research outputs found

    Recovering the sunk costs of R&D: the moulds industry case

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    Sunk costs for R&D are an important determinant of the level of innovation in the economy. In this paper I recover them using a Markov equilibrium framework. The contribution is twofold. First, a model of industry dynamics which accounts for selection into R&D, capital accumulation and entry/exit is proposed. The industry state is summarized by an aggregate state with the advantage that it avoids the "curse of dimensionality". Second, the estimated sunk costs of R&D for the Portuguese moulds industry are shown to be important (3.4 million Euros). They become particularly relevant since the industry is mostly populated by small firms. Institutional changes in the early 1990s generated an increase in demand from European car makers and created the incentives for firms to pay the costs of investment. Trade-induced innovation reinforced the selection effect by which international trade leads to productivity growth. Finally, using the estimated parameters, simulations evaluate the effects of changes in market size, sunk costs and entry costs

    Recovering the Sunk Costs of R&D: the Moulds Industry Case

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    Sunk costs for R&D are an important determinant of the level of innovation in the economy. In this paper I recover them using a Markov equilibrium framework. The contribution is twofold. First, a model of industry dynamics which accounts for selection into R&D, capital accumulation and entry/exit is proposed. The industry state is summarized by an aggregate state with the advantage that it avoids the "curse of dimensionality". Second, the estimated sunk costs of R&D for the Portuguese moulds industry are shown to be important (3.4 million Euros). They become particularly relevant since the industry is mostly populated by small firms. Institutional changes in the early 1990s generated an increase in demand from European car makers and created the incentives for firms to pay the costs of investment. Trade-induced innovation reinforced the selection effect by which international trade leads to productivity growth. Finally, using the estimated parameters, simulations evaluate the effects of changes in market size, sunk costs and entry costs.Aggregate state, industry dynamics, Markov equilibrium, moulds industry, R&D, structural estimation, sunk costs

    Leaving a trade area can substantially reduce innovation and productivity

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    The advantage of being in a trade area like the European Union is that a company can sell its products and services to a larger pool of customers. These are the usual gains from trade: each company/country specializes in what it does best, and by doing so, increases consumer welfare. By selling to a larger pool of customers, companies also ..

    An aggregation method for large-scale dynamic games

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    It is a well known fact that many dynamic games are subject to the curse of dimensionality, limiting the ability to use them in the study of real-world problems. I propose a new method to solve complex large-scale dynamic games using aggregation as an approximate solution. I obtain two fundamental characterization results. First, approximations with small within-state variation in the primitives have a smaller maximum error bound. I provide numerical results which compare the exact errors and the bound. Second, I find that for monotone games, order preserving aggregation is a necessary condition of any optimal aggregation. I suggest using quantiles as a straightforward implementation of an order preserving aggregation architecture for industry distributions. I conclude with an illustration, by solving and estimating a stylized dynamic reputation game for the hotel industry. Simulation results show maximal errors between the exact and approximated solutions below 6%, with average errors below 1%.publishersversionpublishe

    A note on measuring the importance of the uniform nonsynchronization hypothesis

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    In this note we reappraise the measure of the importance of time-dependent price setting rules suggested by Klenow and Kryvtsov (2005, "State-Dependent or Time-Dependent Pricing: Does It Matter for Recent U.S. Inflation?," Bank of Canada Working Paper 05-4). Furthermore, we propose an alternative way to gauge the significance of this type of price setting behavior, which can be interpreted as an upper bound for the proportion of price trajectories which are compatible with the uniform nonsynchronization hypothesis. The merits of the proposed measure are highlighted in an application using micro-data. Our results suggest that a large proportion of price trajectories may be compatible with simple time-dependent price setting mechanisms, but the strength of this evidence very much depends on the way that is used to evaluate the importance of this type of behavior.perfect synchronization.

    Um canto dissonante do pósguerra civil espanhola

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    IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016El canto de la juventud é o conto de abertura da obra homônima de Montserrat Roig, publicada em 1990. Nele, a partir do posicionamento da protagonista em um leito de hospital, desenvolvemse imagens sobre o presente relativo em que ela se encontra, que mediante enfrentamentos sinestésicos, veiculados por sua audição, visão e tato, desencadeiam a rememoração de um relacionamento íntimo ocorrido no tempo da Guerra Civil. Buscamos analisar a maneira como os elementos sensitivos da personagem principal se configuram como eixo de articulação entre presente e passado, considerando que a escuta alcança um posicionamento central no delineamento do texto por meio do canto de uma juventude situada em uma conjuntura coerciva. Nesse sentido, iremos nos ater à multivocidade que constitui a narrativa, buscando averiguar o modo como a pluralidade de vozes – que conforma o estilo fragmentário da obra – aponta para a composição de um canto dissonante, construído pela “transmissão do inenarrável” (GAGNEBIN: 2006) e consolidado no período do pósGuerra Civil EspanholaUNILA­-UNIOEST

    Time or state dependent price setting rules? Evidence from Portuguese micro data

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    In this paper we analyse the ability of time and state dependent price setting rules to explain durations of price spells or the probability of changing prices. Our results suggest that simple time dependent models cannot be seen as providing a reasonable approximation to the data and that state dependent models are required to fully characterise the price setting behaviour of Portuguese firms. Inflation, the level of economic activity and the magnitude of the last price change emerge as relevant variables affecting the probability of changing prices. Moreover, it is seen that the impact differs for negative and positive values of these covariates. JEL Classification: C41, D40, E31CPI data, Hazard functions, inflation