476 research outputs found

    Hydrothermal stability of Ru/SiO2-C: A promising catalyst for biomass processing through liquid-phase reactions

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    In this work, structural and morphological properties of SiO2-C composite material to be used as support for catalysts in the conversion of biomass-derived oxygenated hydrocarbons, such as glycerol, were investigated in liquid water under various temperatures conditions. The results show that this material does not lose surface area, and the hot liquid water does not generate changes in the structure. Neither change in relative concentrations of oxygen functional groups nor in Si/C ratio due to hydrothermal treatment was revealed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. Raman analysis showed that the material is made of a disordered graphitic structure in an amorphous silica matrix, which remains stable after hydrothermal treatment. Results of the hydrogenolysis of glycerol using a Ru/SiO2-C catalyst indicate that the support gives more stability to the active phase than a Ru/SiO2 consisting of commercial silica

    Polarization-selective excitation of N-V centers in diamond

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    The nitrogen-vacancy (N-V) center in diamond is promising as an electron spin qubit due to its long-lived coherence and optical addressability. The ground state is a spin triplet with two levels (ms=±1m_s = \pm 1) degenerate at zero magnetic field. Polarization-selective microwave excitation is an attractive method to address the spin transitions independently, since this allows operation down to zero magnetic field. Using a resonator designed to produce circularly polarized microwaves, we have investigated the polarization selection rules of the N-V center. We first apply this technique to N-V ensembles in [100] and [111]-oriented samples. Next, we demonstrate an imaging technique, based on optical polarization dependence, that allows rapid identification of the orientations of many single N-V centers. Finally, we test the microwave polarization selection rules of individual N-V centers of known orientation

    Hippocampal 2-Arachidonoyl Glycerol signaling regulates Time-of-day- and stress-dependent effects on rat short-term memory

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    Background: Cannabinoids induce biphasic effects on memory depending on stress levels. We previously demonstrated that different stress intensities, experienced soon after encoding, impaired rat short-term recognition memory in a time-of-day-dependent manner, and that boosting endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA) levels restored memory performance. Here, we examined if two different stress intensities and time-of-day alter hippocampal endocannabinoid tone, and whether these changes modulate short-term memory. Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to an object recognition task and exposed, at two different times of the day (i.e., morning or afternoon), to low or high stress conditions, immediately after encoding. Memory retention was assessed 1 hr later. Hippocampal AEA and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) content and the activity of their primary degrading enzymes, fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL), were measured soon after testing. Results: Consistent with our previous findings, low stress impaired 1-hr memory performance only in the morning, whereas exposure to high stress impaired memory independently of testing time. Stress exposure decreased AEA levels independently of memory alterations. Interestingly, exposure to high stress decreased 2-AG content and, accordingly, increased MAGL activity, selectively in the afternoon. Thus, to further evaluate 2-AG’s role in the modulation of short-term recognition memory, rats were given bilateral intra-hippocampal injections of the 2-AG hydrolysis inhibitor KML29 immediately after training, then subjected to low or high stress conditions and tested 1 hr later. Conclusions: KML29 abolished the time-of-day-dependent impairing effects of stress on short-term memory, ameliorating short-term recognition memory performance

    Low-temperature tapered-fiber probing of diamond NV ensembles coupled to GaP microcavities

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    In this work we present a platform for testing the device performance of a cavity-emitter system, using an ensemble of emitters and a tapered optical fiber. This method provides high-contrast spectra of the cavity modes, selective detection of emitters coupled to the cavity, and an estimate of the device performance in the single- emitter case. Using nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond and a GaP optical microcavity, we are able to tune the cavity onto the NV resonance at 10 K, couple the cavity-coupled emission to a tapered fiber, and measure the fiber-coupled NV spontaneous emission decay. Theoretically we show that the fiber-coupled average Purcell factor is 2-3 times greater than that of free-space collection; although due to ensemble averaging it is still a factor of 3 less than the Purcell factor of a single, ideally placed center.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Coupling of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond to a GaP waveguide

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    The optical coupling of guided modes in a GaP waveguide to nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond is demonstrated. The electric field penetration into diamond and the loss of the guided mode are measured. The results indicate that the GaP-diamond system could be useful for realizing coupled microcavity-NV devices for quantum information processing in diamond.Comment: 4 pages 4 figure

    A semiconductor source of triggered entangled photon pairs?

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    The realisation of a triggered entangled photon source will be of great importance in quantum information, including for quantum key distribution and quantum computation. We show here that: 1) the source reported in ``A semiconductor source of triggered entangled photon pairs''[1. Stevenson et al., Nature 439, 179 (2006)]} is not entangled; 2) the entanglement indicators used in Ref. 1 are inappropriate, relying on assumptions invalidated by their own data; and 3) even after simulating subtraction of the significant quantity of background noise, their source has insignificant entanglement.Comment: 5 pages in pre-print format, 1 tabl

    Improving the performance of bright quantum dot single photon sources using amplitude modulation

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    Single epitaxially-grown semiconductor quantum dots have great potential as single photon sources for photonic quantum technologies, though in practice devices often exhibit non-ideal behavior. Here, we demonstrate that amplitude modulation can improve the performance of quantum-dot-based sources. Starting with a bright source consisting of a single quantum dot in a fiber-coupled microdisk cavity, we use synchronized amplitude modulation to temporally filter the emitted light. We observe that the single photon purity, temporal overlap between successive emission events, and indistinguishability can be greatly improved with this technique. As this method can be applied to any triggered single photon source, independent of geometry and after device fabrication, it is a flexible approach to improve the performance of solid-state systems, which often suffer from excess dephasing and multi-photon background emission

    Practical quantum repeaters with linear optics and double-photon guns

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    We show how to create practical, efficient, quantum repeaters, employing double-photon guns, for long-distance optical quantum communication. The guns create polarization-entangled photon pairs on demand. One such source might be a semiconducter quantum dot, which has the distinct advantage over parametric down-conversion that the probability of creating a photon pair is close to one, while the probability of creating multiple pairs vanishes. The swapping and purifying components are implemented by polarizing beam splitters and probabilistic optical CNOT gates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures ReVTe

    Bio-propanol a partir de glicerol: Reacción en dos etapas empleando catalizadores de níquel

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es alcanzar alto rendimiento a 1-propanol en la hidrogenólisis de glicerol crudo en fase líquida empleando catalizadores de níquel como una alternativa al uso de metales nobles. En este sentido, fueron estudiados y caracterizados dos catalizadores de níquel, soportados en alúmina (γ-Al2O3) y en un composito carbonoso impregnado con fósforo (CS-P), para determinar sus propiedades ácidas y fases metálicas