825 research outputs found

    Extranjería y nuevos Estatutos de Autonomía

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    Una lectura del repartiment constitucional de competències en matèria d’estrangeria adequada a la consolidació de l’Estat autonòmic i a la importància creixent del fenomen migratori consisteix a afirmar que correspon a l’Estat fixar els drets dels estrangers, és a dir, l’estrangeria, i la immigració en sentit estricte, és a dir, les decisions que impliquin l’entrada o l’expulsió del territori nacional, i a les comunitats autònomes completar, d’acord amb les seves pròpies opcions polítiques i capacitat de despesa, aquest estàndard de drets i exercir, també sobre els estrangers, la totalitat de les seves competències sectorials. Els estatuts poden ser un instrument, almenys parcial, per regular aquesta nova realitat. Les reformes analitzades mereixen un judici divergent, però alguns d’ells, en particular el català i, sobretot, l’andalús, mostren la voluntat clara d’acarar un problema que no poden eludir, la influència de la immigració en les seves competències, i l’aborden mitjançant solucions acceptables i que probablement responen a la lògica de l’Estat descentralitzat. Això no obstant, és imprescindible que la reforma de la Llei d’estrangeria i de la delegació de competències en matèria de residència acompanyin aquestes previsions estatutàries. A més a més, és ben possible que optar per una generalització del model actual en els dos estatuts esmentats sigui el més raonable.This article discusses the division of constitutional jurisdiction as it relates to a suitable foreign policy for the strengthening of the autonomous state. It also treats the growing importance of the migratory phenomenon consisting of the state establishing specific foreigner and immigration rights. This means that any decisions that imply entry into or expulsion from the national territory and the autonomous communities are made in accordance with their own political frameworks, available funds, standards of rights and are subject, even in the case of foreign immigrants, to sectorial jurisdiction. The statutes may be an instrument, at least in part, for regulating this new reality. The reforms analysed deserve to be judged separately, however some of them, in particular the Catalan and, especially, the Andalusian statutes show a clear willingness to confront a problem that cannot be avoided, the influence of immigration on their responsibilities, and to approach these with acceptable solutions that are more than likely in keeping with the logic of a decentralised state. Nevertheless, it is vital that reform to immigration laws and the delegation of responsibilities regarding residency accompany these statutory provisions. Furthermore, it is perfectly possible to opt for a generalisation of the current model in the two aforementioned statutes and this is the most reasonable course of action to take.1. La normativa de extranjería. Una interpretación excesivamente estatalista del reparto competencial. – 2. Una lectura más adecuada a la realidad autonómica. – 3. La extranjería y la inmigración en las reforma de los Estatutos de autonomía. 3.1. Consideraciones generales. 3.2. Estatuto valenciano y Proyecto de las Islas Baleares. 3.3. Estatuto catalán. 3.4. El Proyecto de Estatuto andaluz. 3.5. Los proyectos de Aragón, Castilla y León, y Canarias. – 4. A modo de conclusión. – Bibliografía citada

    Revealing the molecular mechanism underlying inhibition of FAPs adipogenesis in co-culture with myotubes

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    [EN] The characterization of the molecular mechanisms that control fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs) differentiation into adipocytes when they are co-cultured with myotubes. FAPs are known to have a dual role in skeletal muscle; on one hand, in healthy conditions, they promote its regenerations, while in pathological conditions they contribute to fatty and fibrous tissue filtration. The molecular mechanism that controls their differentiation into adipocytes is not fully characterized, but cell-cell contact with myotubes seems to play an important role. In this project I tried to characterize the molecular mechanism underlying the inhibition of the adipogenic differentiation

    Development of product design projects applying specificaions and factors matrix (SFM) as a support tool in higher education

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    The application of work strategies taking into account, from the initial stages, all the factors in- volved in the product design process is considered essential by the researches to generate higher quality products, assess users’ needs and anticipate design problems. This paper presents two approaches of design project development, denominated respectively: projects with imposed spe- cifications and projects with derived specifications and proposes the use of the matrix that inte- grates specifications and design factors (SFM). This design support tool complements others al- ready used in the development of product concepts by higher education students, increasing the capacity of synthesis and structuring of information in order to facilitate decision-making into the design process. Its elaboration implies understanding of objectives, identifying of factors and es- tablishing of specifications. At the same time, it aims to foster the reflection process and an inte- grated information analysis. The application of SFM and its contribution to different project ap- proaches are shown in this pape

    La sociedad de la información y sus aportaciones para el trabajo social = The information society and its contribution to social work

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    Uno de los retos a los que se enfrenta el Trabajo social en los próximos años se vincula con la capacidad de adaptación de la intervención social a la sociedad de la información. En los últimos años estamos asistiendo a cambios radicales en la gestión de la información y las comunicaciones, mediante la expansión de Internet. Las Administraciones Públicas han realizado diferentes iniciativas para evitar el riesgo de brecha digital, que afecta de forma particular a los sectores que padecen mayor exclusión. Sin embargo, este riesgo de brecha digital también puede observarse a nivel de sistemas o estructuras, afectando de forma especial a los sistemas de servicios sociales y bienestar, que presentan un nivel de desarrollo inferior respecto a otros sistemas como la e-educación y e-salud. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo consiste en explorar las potencialidades que proporciona Internet, y en particular web 2.0, para el desarrollo de los procesos de intervención. El articulo se estructura en tres apartados, en el primero se presentan las bases conceptuales sobre las que se asienta la investigación; en el segundo se presenta brevemente los materiales y métodos utilizados para el desarrollo del trabajo; y, finalmente se expone a través de un DAFO los resultados a modo de discusión sobre la situación del Trabajo Social respecto a las TICs (Tecnologías de la Información y el Conocimiento).___________________________________________One of the challenges of Social Work in the near future has to do with its ability to adapt social interventions to the Information Society. In recent years, we have seen dramatic changes in the areas of information management and communications due to the generalization of the Internet. Public Administrations have carried out a number of actions to avoid the risk of the “digital gap”, which particularly affects the most excluded groups. However, this risk is also present at the level of systems or structures and affects in particular the social services and welfare systems as they are less developed than other systems such as e-education or e-health. This study explores the potential of Internet and, in particular, web 2.0, with a view to developing intervention processes. The paper is divided into three sections: first, a description of the conceptual basis of the research; second, an explanation of the materials and methods used; and third, the results presented through a SWOT as a discussion on the situation of Social Work compared to IKT (Information and Knowledge Technologies)

    Sobre el Portugal ilustrado

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    El mismo título invita a preguntarse, a modo de introducción, en qué consistió la Ilustración en Portugal. Me refiero a las prácticas, sin pretender entrar en un debate filosófico. Desde luego, las prácticas políticas y económicas de los Estados del XVIII poco tuvieron que ver con las ideas de los filósofos de la Ilustración. El fenómeno de la Ilustración se aprovechió de una propaganda anecdótica para hacer suponer a los lectores de libros sobre ella que en los diversos Estados de Europa se había producido un cambio

    Estimation of electric vehicle battery capacity requirements based on synthetic cycles

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    The adoption of the Electric Vehicle requires a switch towards a circular system to reduce their environmental impact. Under this framework, the correct sizing of the batteries and avoiding their underuse are key actions. Based on the analysis of real data, this work proposes a model to synthesize current profiles representative of trips containing urban and highway sections. The model is used to generate cycles for common daily driving distances. Different sized batteries are analysed at their beginning and end of life to evaluate their ability to provide the required range. Based on the results, it is suggested that the ongoing trend of battery capacity increase is not justified. The commonly assumed threshold of 70–80% State of Health has proved to be too conservative in most cases, allowing for an extension of the first life that should be individually defined based on functional aspects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version