30 research outputs found
Microbial Diversity and Its Relationship to Physicochemical Characteristics of the Water in Two Extreme Acidic Pit Lakes from the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain)
The Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) hosts one of the world's largest accumulations of acidic mine wastes and pit lakes. The mineralogical and textural characteristics of the IPB ores have favored the oxidation and dissolution of metallic sulfides, mainly pyrite, and the subsequent formation of acidic mining drainages. This work reports the physical properties, hydrogeochemical characteristics, and microbial diversity of two pit lakes located in the IPB. Both pit lakes are acidic and showed high concentrations of sulfate and dissolved metals. Concentrations of sulfate and heavy metals were higher in the Nuestra Señora del Carmen lake (NSC) by one order of magnitude than in the Concepción (CN) lake. The hydrochemical characteristics of NSC were typical of acid mine waters and can be compared with other acidic environments. When compared to other IPB acidic pit lakes, the superficial water of CN is more diluted than that of any of the others due, probably, to the strong influence of runoff water. Both pit lakes showed chemical and thermal stratification with well defined chemoclines. One particular characteristic of NSC is that it has developed a chemocline very close to the surface (2 m depth). Microbial community composition of the water column was analyzed by 16S and 18S rRNA gene cloning and sequencing. The microorganisms detected in NSC were characteristic of acid mine drainage (AMD), including iron oxidizing bacteria (Leptospirillum, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans) and facultative iron reducing bacteria and archaea (Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidiphilium, Actinobacteria, Acidimicrobiales, Ferroplasma) detected in the bottom layer. Diversity in CN was higher than in NSC. Microorganisms known from AMD systems (Acidiphilium, Acidobacteria and Ferrovum) and microorganisms never reported from AMD systems were identified. Taking into consideration the hydrochemical characteristics of these pit lakes and the spatial distribution of the identified microorganisms, a model explaining their geomicrobiology is advanced.This work has been supported by grants from the MINECO-Spain (www.mineco.gob.es) (CGL2011-22540 and CGL2009-11059), IGME 478 Grant (www.igme.es) and an ERC project ( erc.europa.eu) (250-350-IPBSL).Peer Reviewe
Comparative microbial ecology of the water column of an extreme acidic pit lake, Nuestra Señora del Carmen, and the Río Tinto basin (Iberian Pyrite Belt)
The Iberian Pyrite Belt, located in Southwestern Spain, represents one of the world’s largest accumulations of mine wastes and acid mine drainages. This study reports the comparative microbial ecology of the water column of Nuestra Señora del Carmen acid pit lake with the extreme acidic Río Tinto basin. The canonical correspondence analysis identified members of the Leptospirillum, Acidiphilium, Metallibacterium, Acidithiobacillus, Ferrimicrobium and Acidisphaera genera as the most representative microorganisms of both ecosystems. The presence of archaeal members is scarce in both systems. Only sequences clustering with the Thermoplasmata have been retrieved in the bottom layer of Nuestra Señora del Carmen and one station of Río Tinto. Although the photosynthetically active radiation values measured in this lake upper layer were low, they were sufficient to activate photosynthesis in acidophilic microorganisms. All identified photosynthetic microorganisms in Nuestra Señora del Carmen (members of the Chlamydomonas, Zygnemopsis and Klebsormidium genera) are major members of the photosynthetic eukaryotic community characterized in Río Tinto basin. This study demonstrates a close relationship between the microbial diversity of Nuestra Señora del Carmen pit lake and the diversity detected in the Río Tinto basin, which underlain the influence of the shared mineral substrates in the microbial ecology of these ecosystems. [Int Microbiol 2014; 17(4):225-233]Keywords: iron cycle · acidic pit lakes · acidophilic microorganisms · Río Tinto · Iberian Pyrite Bel
A Case Study of Geometric Modelling via 3-D Point Interpolation for the Bathymetry of the Rabasa Lakes (Alicante, Spain)
The interpolation of points by means of Information Technology programs appears as a technical tool of some relevancy in the hydrogeology in general and in the study of the humid zones in particular. Our approach has been the determination of the 3-D geometry of the humid zones of major depth of the Rabasa Lakes. To estimate the topography of the lake bed, we proceed to acquire information in the field by means of sonar and GPS equipment. A total of 335 points were measured both on the perimeter and in the lake bed. In a second stage, this information was used in a kriging program to obtain the bathymetry of the wetland. This methodology is demonstrated as one of the most reliable and cost-efficient for the 3-D analysis of this type of water masses. The bathymetric study of the zone allows us to characterize the mid- and long-term hydrological evolution of the lakes by means of depth-area-volume curves
The Interactive Role of Hydrocarbon Seeps, Hydrothermal Vents and Intermediate Antarctic/MediterraneanWater Masses on the Distribution of Some Vulnerable Deep-Sea Habitats in Mid Latitude NE Atlantic Ocean
In this work, we integrate five case studies harboring vulnerable deep-sea benthic habitats in different geological settings from mid latitude NE Atlantic Ocean (24–42º N). Data and images of specific deep-sea habitats were acquired with Remoted Operated Vehicle (ROV) sensors (temperature, salinity, potential density, O2, CO2, and CH4). Besides documenting some key vulnerable deep-sea
habitats, this study shows that the distribution of some deep-sea coral aggregations (including scleractinians,
gorgonians, and antipatharians), deep-sea sponge aggregations and other deep-sea habitats are influenced by water masses’ properties. Our data support that the distribution of scleractinian reefs and aggregations of other deep-sea corals, from subtropical to north Atlantic could be dependent of the latitudinal extents of the Antarctic IntermediateWaters (AAIW) and the Mediterranean Out- flow Waters (MOW). Otherwise, the distribution of some vulnerable deep-sea habitats is influenced,
at the local scale, by active hydrocarbon seeps (Gulf of Cádiz) and hydrothermal vents (El Hierro, Canary Island). The co-occurrence of deep-sea corals and chemosynthesis-based communities has been identified in methane seeps of the Gulf of Cádiz. Extensive beds of living deep-sea mussels (Bathymodiolus mauritanicus) and other chemosymbiotic bivalves occur closely to deep-sea coral
aggregations (e.g., gorgonians, black corals) that colonize methane-derived authigenic carbonates
High-resolution multibeam bathymetry of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45–46° N: the Moytirra hydrothermal field
This work presents a new high-resolution multibeam bathymetric map of a segment of active deep sea-floor spreading in the Atlantic Ocean, the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) at 45–46º N. New high-resolution bathymetry data were acquired using an Atlas multibeam echosounder onboard the research vessel Sarmiento de Gamboa during the EXPLOSEA-2 survey in 2019. The final map of the MAR (50 m cell grid size) at the original scale of 1:200,000 shows a segment of 140 × 35 km of the MAR, at water depths from 715 to 3700 m. This new high-resolution bathymetric map allows to better defining the submarine morphology of the Moytirra hydrothermal active field, the only high-temperature field identified between the Azores Archipelago (Portugal) and Iceland. ROV submarine observations reaching the deepest part of the system for the first time show giant anhydrite-sulfide chimneys up to 20 m high, active strong black smokers and polymetallic massive sulfides
Multidisciplinary Scientific Cruise to the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Azores Archipelago
This work presents the preliminary result of the multidisciplinary cruise EXPLOSEA2
surveying the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Azores Archipelago from 46 300 N to 38
300 N aboard the R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa and ROV Luso over 54 days (June 11 to
July 27, 2019). In this cruise report, we detail the geophysical, hydrographic, geological,
oceanographic, ecological, and microbiological data acquired and a brief of main
findings. The cruise addressed the exploration and comprehensive characterization
of venting sites, including the water column, the sediments and rocks that host the
hydrothermal activity, and the associated mineralizations, biology, and microbiology.
Deep hydrothermal chimneys and massive sulfide deposits (up 3,000 m in depth) within
the Moytirra hydrothermal active field were identified on slopes that had not been
explored previously. Another striking finding made during the EXPLOSEA2 cruise was
the field of carbonate chimneys named the “Magallanes-Elcano” field, a potentially relict
ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal site sourced by abiotic methane. This field is related to a
serpentinite and gabbro rock outcropping on a dome-shaped massif named the “Iberian
Massif.” An outstanding finding of the EXPLOSEA2 survey was the identification of the
first garden of soft corals growing after active submarine eruptions were reported in the
Azores Archipelago composed by a high density of soft corals the suborder Alcyoniina
at the summit and flanks of a recent volcanic cone at 160 m water depth developed
during the 1957–1958 eruption of Capelinhos. Several cold-water coral habitats formed
by colonial scleractinians (e.g., Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata), coral gardens
composed of mixed assemblages of black corals (Leiopathes sp.), and octocorals and
dense aggregations of the glass sponge Pheronema carpenteri that may be classified as vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) have been discovered during the EXPLOSEA2
cruise along the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This work reveals the importance of
multidisciplinary surveys to the knowledge of deep-sea environments
Memoria del Informe Cintífico-Técnico de la campaña oceanográfica SUBVENT-1.Anexos de operatividad y de las distintas técnicas utilizados a lo largo de la misma.La campaña SUBVENT1-0913 se ha realizado a lo largo del talud inferior del margen continental de las Islas Canarias, área que también es conocida en la literatura como Cuenca Canaria. Esta zona se caracteriza por la presencia de una serie de estructuras geológicas recientes, así se encuentran la parte distal de los depósitos de debris procedentes de las avalanchas volcánicas generadas desde las Islas Canarias, a favor de la pendiente y probablemente en relación con episodios eruptivos. En la parte meridional se encuentra además un conjunto de montes submarinos, de diversa entidad, de origen volcánico y, en general, aparece todo un conjunto de montículos con desniveles comprendidos entre 30 y 300 m que han constituido el principal objetivo de esta campaña. Así mismo, en este sector existen numerosos escarpes lineales de orientación subparalela a la del propio talud a los que se encuentran asociados en ocasiones los citados montículos.
La adquisición de nuevos datos geofísicos y el muestreo llevado a cabo durante la campaña permitirá conocer mejor el origen de estos montículos y el proceso de emisión que los ha generado. Por otro lado, el conocimiento de las relaciones entre los sedimentos de debris y hemipelágicos junto con los asociados a las posibles emisiones de la zona permitirá conocer no sólo la evolución sedimentaria de este margen, sino establecer los episodios de emisión que generaron los montículos y conocer sus patrones de crecimiento. Así mismo, se podrá evaluar la tasa de sedimentación de la zona y el papel de la masa de agua de fondo antártica (AABW) en esta evolución.The SUBVENT1-0913 cruise has been carried out along the lower slope of the continental margin of the Canary Islands. This area is characterized by the presence of several recent geological structures. Among these are the distal parts of the volcano-clastics debris deposits originated by volcanic avalanches of the Canary Islands, transported by gravity along the slope and probably related in origin to eruptive episodes. In the southern part, numerous and different reliefs (seamounts, hills or mounds) of volcanic origin occur. The most frequents features display heights between 30 and 300 m and they have constituted one of the main aims of this survey. Moreover, in this sector there are several subparallel linear scarps with similar directions to the slope trend that could be associated with the aforementioned mounds.
The acquisition of new geophysical data and samples during this campaign will allow a better understanding of the origin of these mounds and the emission processes that have generated them. On the other hand, the knowledge of the relationships between debris and hemipelagic sediments together with those associated with possible venting processes in the area, will reveal not only the sedimentary evolution of this margin, but also to establish emission episodes generating mounds and to know their growth patterns. Furthermore, it would be possible to evaluate the sedimentation rate in the area and the role played by the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) mass on this process.Plan Nacional de I+D, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Investigación fundamental no Orientada. Proyecto de Investigación Coordinado SUBVENT “Emisiones submarinas de fluidos en los márgenes continentales de las Islas Canarias y del Golfo de Cádiz: Análisis comparativo de las construcciones asociadas” (CGL2012‐39524‐C02). Acción Complementaria EXARCAN “Trabajos científico-técnicos para la preparación, presentación y defensa de las propuestas de España ante Naciones Unidas para la Extensión de la Plataforma Continental de las Islas Canarias y Galicia” (CTM2010-09496-E)
Evolución hidroquímica del lago minero de Aznalcóllar, Sevilla
Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, Departamento de Geodinámica, leída el 02/07/2010.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEProQuestpu
La corta inundada de Aznalcóllar y su uso como vertedero de residuos mineros (Sevilla, España)
Desde su cierre en 1995 y el accidente de la balsa de lodos en 1998, la corta minera de Aznalcóllar ha sido utilizada como vertedero de diversos materiales, como los suelos contaminados retirados del área del río Guadiamar o residuos mineros de estériles, lodos piríticos y cenizas de tostación de pirita. La corta minera está parcialmente inundada y contiene un lago ácido (pH 2,7) con un volumen de ~6 Mm3 de agua enriquecida en metales y sulfato. Las investigaciones detalladas realizadas en la mina durante estos últimos años, han demostrado que los vertidos y la entrada de aguas ácidas de mina están modificando de manera notable la calidad del agua del lago. La mayor afección a la calidad del agua del lago de Aznalcóllar se debió al vertido de 1,4 Mm3 de una escombrera de pirita, entre 2005 y 2006. La disolución oxidativa de este mineral ha causado (i) un consumo total de oxígeno disuelto, (ii) un aumento notable de la conductividad eléctrica (de 8,6 a 12 mS/cm), (iii) una fuerte acidificación (pH de 4,2 a 2,7) y un calentamiento debido al carácter exotérmico de la oxidación
de la pirita. A pesar de la ausencia de los agentes que oxidan a la pirita en el lago, como O2 y Fe (III) (Fe (III) <5 % Fetotal), la pirita continúa oxidándose con un incremento de las concentraciones de SO4 2- y Fe.
Since its closure in 1995 and the subsequent failure of the slurry deposit dam in 1998, the Aznalcóllar pit has been used as a disposal site for diverse metal-rich materials, such as the polluted soils removed during the cleaning-up of areas along the Guadiamar river together with waste rock, pyrite sludge and ashes deriving from pyrite roasting. At present the pit is partly flooded with a highly acidic (pH 2.7) lake holding some 6 Mm3 of metal- and sulphate-rich water. Detailed research undertaken in the area during recent years has proved that the dumping of wastes and the inflow of acidic mine waters are having a dramatic effect on the quality of the water in the lake. The greatest effect upon the Aznalcóllar lake water was due to the dumping of 1.4 Mm3 of pyritic wastes during 2005 and 2006. The oxidative dissolution of this mineral has resulted firstly in the total consumption of dissolved oxygen, secondly, a notable increase in electric conductivity (from 8.6 to 12 mS/cm), thirdly, considerable acidification (from pH 4.2 to 2.7) and finally, heating due to the exothermic character of pyrite oxidation. Despite the almost total lack of oxidizing agents such as O2 and Fe(III) (Fe(III)<5% Fetotal) in the pit lake, pyrite continues to oxidize, producing a concomitant increase in SO4 2- and Fe
Comparative microbial ecology of the water column of an extreme acidic pit lake, Nuestra Señora del Carmen, and the Río Tinto basin (Iberian Pyrite Belt)
All rights reserved. The Iberian Pyrite Belt, located in Southwestern Spain, represents one of the world’s largest accumulations of mine wastes and acid mine drainages. This study reports the comparative microbial ecology of the water column of Nuestra Señora del Carmen acid pit lake with the extreme acidic Río Tinto basin. The canonical correspondence analysis identified members of the Leptospirillum, Acidiphilium, Metallibacterium, Acidithiobacillus, Ferrimicrobium and Acidisphaera genera as the most representative microorganisms of both ecosystems. The presence of archaeal members is scarce in both systems. Only sequences clustering with the Thermoplasmata have been retrieved in the bottom layer of Nuestra Señora del Carmen and one station of Río Tinto. Although the photosynthetically active radiation values measured in this lake upper layer were low, they were sufficient to activate photosynthesis in acidophilic microorganisms. All identified photosynthetic microorganisms in Nuestra Señora del Carmen (members of the Chlamydomonas, Zygnemopsis and Klebsormidium genera) are major members of the photosynthetic eukaryotic community characterized in Río Tinto basin. This study demonstrates a close relationship between the microbial diversity of Nuestra Señora del Carmen pit lake and the diversity detected in the Río Tinto basin, which underlain the influence of the shared mineral substrates in the microbial ecology of these ecosystems.This work has been supported by grants CGL2011-22540 and CGL2009-11059 from the MINECO, Grant 478 from IGME and grant 250-350-IPBSL from ERC.Peer Reviewe