2,008 research outputs found

    Comparison of VLBI, TV and traveling clock techniques for time transfer

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    A three part experiment was conducted to develop and compare time transfer techniques. The experiment consisted of (1) a very long baseline interferometer (VLBI), (2) a high precision portable clock time transfer system between the two sites, and (3) a television time transfer. A comparison of the VLBI and traveling clock shows each technique can perform satisfactorily at the five nsec level. There was a systematic offset of 59 nsec between the two methods, which we attributed to a difference in epochs between VLBI formatter and station clock. The VLBI method had an internal random error of one nsec at the three sigma level for a two day period. Thus, the Mark II system performed well, and VLBI shows promise of being an accurate method of time transfer. The TV system, which had technical problems during the experiment, transferred time with a random error of about 50 nsec

    TetraDENSITY. A database of population density estimates in terrestrial vertebrates

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    Motivation: Population density is a key demographic parameter influencing many ecological processes, and macroecology has described both intra- and interspecific patterns of variation. Population density data are expensive to collect and contain many forms of noise and potential bias; these factors have impeded investigation of macroecological patterns, and many hypotheses remain largely unexplored. Population density also represents fundamental information for conservation, because it underlies population dynamics and, ultimately, extinction risk. Here we present TetraDENSITY, an extensive dataset with > 18,000 records of density estimates for terrestrial vertebrates, in order to facilitate new research on this topic. Main types of variable contained: The dataset includes taxonomic information on species, population density estimate, year of data collection, season, coordinates of the locality, locality name, habitat, sampling method and sampling area. Spatial location and grain: Global. Spatial accuracy varies across studies; conservatively, it can be considered at 1°, but for many data it is much finer. Time period and grain: From 1926 to 2017. Temporal accuracy is yearly in most cases, but studies with higher temporal resolution (season, month) are also present. Major taxa and level of measurement: Amphibians in terrestrial phase, reptiles, birds and mammals. Estimates derive from multiple methods, reflecting the study taxon, location and techniques available at the time of density estimation

    Triple-q octupolar ordering in NpO_2

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    We report the results of resonant X-ray scattering experiments performed at the Np M_4,5 edges in NpO_2. Below T_0 = 25 K, the development of long-range order of Np electric quadrupoles is revealed by the growth of superlattice Bragg peaks. The electronic transition is not accompanied by any measurable crystallographic distortion, either internal or external, so the symmetry of the system remains cubic. The polarization and azimuthal dependence of the intensity of the resonant peaks is well reproduced assuming Templeton scattering from a triple-q longitudinal antiferroquadrupolar structure. Electric quadrupole order in NpO_2 could be driven by the ordering at T_0 of magnetic octupoles of Gamma_5 symmetry, splitting the Np ground state quartet and leading to a singlet ground state with zero dipole magnetic moment.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 Figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. v2: resubmitted after referee report

    Reflectionless analytic difference operators II. Relations to soliton systems

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    This is the second part of a series of papers dealing with an extensive class of analytic difference operators admitting reflectionless eigenfunctions. In the first part, the pertinent difference operators and their reflectionless eigenfunctions are constructed from given ``spectral data'', in analogy with the IST for reflectionless Schr\"odinger and Jacobi operators. In the present paper, we introduce a suitable time dependence in the data, arriving at explicit solutions to a nonlocal evolution equation of Toda type, which may be viewed as an analog of the KdV and Toda lattice equations for the latter operators. As a corollary, we reobtain various known results concerning reflectionless Schr\"odinger and Jacobi operators. Exploiting a reparametrization in terms of relativistic Calogero--Moser systems, we also present a detailed study of NN-soliton solutions to our nonlocal evolution equation

    Identification of z~>2 Herschel 500 micron sources using color-deconfusion

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    We present a new method to search for candidate z~>2 Herschel 500{\mu}m sources in the GOODS-North field, using a S500{\mu}m/S24{\mu}m "color deconfusion" technique. Potential high-z sources are selected against low-redshift ones from their large 500{\mu}m to 24{\mu}m flux density ratios. By effectively reducing the contribution from low-redshift populations to the observed 500{\mu}m emission, we are able to identify counterparts to high-z 500{\mu}m sources whose 24{\mu}m fluxes are relatively faint. The recovery of known z~4 starbursts confirms the efficiency of this approach in selecting high-z Herschel sources. The resulting sample consists of 34 dusty star-forming galaxies at z~>2. The inferred infrared luminosities are in the range 1.5x10^12-1.8x10^13 Lsun, corresponding to dust-obscured star formation rates (SFRs) of ~260-3100 Msun/yr for a Salpeter IMF. Comparison with previous SCUBA 850{\mu}m-selected galaxy samples shows that our method is more efficient at selecting high-z dusty galaxies with a median redshift of z=3.07+/-0.83 and 10 of the sources at z~>4. We find that at a fixed luminosity, the dust temperature is ~5K cooler than that expected from the Td-LIR relation at z<1, though different temperature selection effects should be taken into account. The radio-detected subsample (excluding three strong AGN) follows the far-infrared/radio correlation at lower redshifts, and no evolution with redshift is observed out to z~5, suggesting that the far-infrared emission is star formation dominated. The contribution of the high-z Herschel 500{\mu}m sources to the cosmic SFR density is comparable to that of SMG populations at z~2.5 and at least 40% of the extinction-corrected UV samples at z~4 (abridged).Comment: 33 pages in emulateapj format, 24 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the ApJ

    T-PHOT: A new code for PSF-matched, prior-based, multiwavelength extragalactic deconfusion photometry

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    We present T-PHOT, a publicly available software aimed at extracting accurate photometry from low-resolution images of deep extragalactic fields, where the blending of sources can be a serious problem for the accurate and unbiased measurement of fluxes and colours. T-PHOT has been developed within the ASTRODEEP project and it can be considered as the next generation to TFIT, providing significant improvements above it and other similar codes. T-PHOT gathers data from a high-resolution image of a region of the sky, and uses it to obtain priors for the photometric analysis of a lower resolution image of the same field. It can handle different types of datasets as input priors: i) a list of objects that will be used to obtain cutouts from the real high-resolution image; ii) a set of analytical models; iii) a list of unresolved, point-like sources, useful e.g. for far-infrared wavelength domains. We show that T-PHOT yields accurate estimations of fluxes within the intrinsic uncertainties of the method, when systematic errors are taken into account (which can be done thanks to a flagging code given in the output). T-PHOT is many times faster than similar codes like TFIT and CONVPHOT (up to hundreds, depending on the problem and the method adopted), whilst at the same time being more robust and more versatile. This makes it an optimal choice for the analysis of large datasets. In addition we show how the use of different settings and methods significantly enhances the performance. Given its versatility and robustness, T-PHOT can be considered the preferred choice for combined photometric analysis of current and forthcoming extragalactic optical to far-infrared imaging surveys. [abridged]Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures, 2 table

    The Consistency of Causal Quantum Geometrodynamics and Quantum Field Theory

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    We consider quantum geometrodynamics and parametrized quantum field theories in the framework of the Bohm-de Broglie interpretation. In the first case, and following the lines of our previous work [1], where a hamiltonian formalism for the bohmian trajectories was constructed, we show the consistency of the theory for any quantum potential, completing the scenarios for canonical quantum cosmology presented there. In the latter case, we prove the consistency of scalar field theory in Minkowski spacetime for any quantum potential, and we show, using this alternative hamiltonian method, a concrete example where Lorentz invariance of individual events is broken.Comment: Final version. See also http://www.cosmologia.cbpf.b

    Dust temperature and CO-to-H2 conversion factor variations in the SFR-M* plane

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    Deep Herschel imaging and 12CO(2-1) line luminosities from the IRAM PdBI are combined for a sample of 17 galaxies at z>1 from the GOODS-N field. The sample includes galaxies both on and above the main sequence (MS) traced by star-forming galaxies in the SFR-M* plane. The far-infrared data are used to derive dust masses, Mdust. Combined with an empirical prescription for the dependence of the gas-to-dust ratio on metallicity (GDR), the CO luminosities and Mdust values are used to derive for each galaxy the CO-to-H2 conversion factor, alpha_co. Like in the local Universe, the value of alpha_co is a factor of ~5 smaller in starbursts compared to normal star-forming galaxies (SFGs). We also uncover a relation between alpha_co and dust temperature (Tdust; alpha_co decreasing with increasing Tdust) as obtained from modified blackbody fits to the far-infrared data. While the absolute normalization of the alpha_co(Tdust) relation is uncertain, the global trend is robust against possible systematic biases in the determination of Mdust, GDR or metallicity. Although we cannot formally distinguish between a step and a smooth evolution of alpha_co with the dust temperature, we can conclude that in galaxies of near-solar metallicity, a critical value of Tdust=30K can be used to determine whether the appropriate alpha_co is closer to the starburst value (1.0 Msun(K kms pc^2)^-1, if Tdust>30K) or closer to the Galactic value (4.35 Msun (K kms pc^2)^-1, if Tdust<30K). This indicator has the great advantage of being less subjective than visual morphological classifications of mergers/SFGs, which can be difficult at high z because of the clumpy nature of SFGs. In the absence of far-infrared data, the offset of a galaxy from the main sequence (i.e., log[SSFR(galaxy)/SSFR_MS(M*,z)]) can be used to identify galaxies requiring the use of an alpha_co conversion factor lower than the Galactic value.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A); 15 pages, 6 figures; V2: updated reference lis

    Multipole Ordering and Fluctuations in f-Electron Systems

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    We investigate effects of multipole moments in f-electron systems both from phenomenological and microscopic viewpoints. First, we discuss significant effects of octupole moment on the magnetic susceptibility in a paramagnetic phase. It is found that even within mean-field approximation, the magnetic susceptibility deviates from the Curie-Weiss law due to interactions between dipole and octupole moments. Next, we proceed to a microscopic theory for multipole ordering on the basis of a j-j coupling scheme. After brief explanation of a method to derive multipole interactions from the ff-electron model, we discuss several multipole ordered phases depending on lattice structure. Finally, we show our new development of the microscopic approach to the evaluation of multipole response functions. We apply fluctuation exchange approximation to the f-electron model, and evaluate multipole response functions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of ASR-WYP-200

    29-Si NMR and Hidden Order in URu2Si2

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    We present new 29-Si NMR spectra in URu2Si2 for varying temperature T, and external field H. On lowering T, the systematics of the low-field lineshape and width reveal an extra component (lambda) to the linewidth below T_N ~ 17 K not observed previously. We find that lambda is magnetic-field independent and dominates the low-field lineshape for all orientations of H with respect to the tetragonal c axis. The behavior of lambda indicates a direct relationship between the 29-Si spin and the transition at T_N, but it is inconsistent with a coupling of the nuclei to static antiferromagnetic order/disorder of the U-spin magnetization. This leads us to conjecture that lambda is due to a coupling of 29-Si to the system's hidden-order parameter. A possible coupling mechanism involving charge degrees of freedom and indirect nuclear spin/spin interactions is proposed. We also propose further experiments to test for the existence of this coupling mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR
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