319 research outputs found

    Probing global aspects of a geometry by the self-force on a charge: Spherical thin-shell wormholes

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    The self-interaction for a static point charge in the space-time of a thin-shell wormhole constructed connecting two identical Schwarzschild geometries is calculated in a series expansion. The electrostatic self-force is evaluated numerically. It is found to be attractive towards the throat except for some values of the throat radius proximate to the value of the Schwarzschild horizon for which the force is repulsive or attractive depending on the position of the charge. The result differs from the self-force in the space-time of the Schwarzschild black hole, where it is always repulsive from the center. Although these wormhole and black hole geometries are locally indistinguishable, the different topologies of both backgrounds are manifested in the electrostatic field of a point charge.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figue

    Irreversible Thermodynamics in Multiscale Stochastic Dynamical Systems

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    This work extends the results of the recently developed theory of a rather complete thermodynamic formalism for discrete-state, continuous-time Markov processes with and without detailed balance. We aim at investigating the question that whether and how the thermodynamic structure is invariant in a multiscale stochastic system. That is, whether the relations between thermodynamic functions of state and process variables remain unchanged when the system is viewed at different time scales and resolutions. Our results show that the dynamics on a fast time scale contribute an entropic term to the "internal energy function", uS(x)u_S(x), for the slow dynamics. Based on the conditional free energy uS(x)u_S(x), one can then treat the slow dynamics as if the fast dynamics is nonexistent. Furthermore, we show that the free energy, which characterizes the spontaneous organization in a system without detailed balance, is invariant with or without the fast dynamics: The fast dynamics is assumed to reach stationarity instantaneously on the slow time scale; they have no effect on the system's free energy. The same can not be said for the entropy and the internal energy, both of which contain the same contribution from the fast dynamics. We also investigate the consequences of time-scale separation in connection to the concepts of quasi-stationaryty and steady-adiabaticity introduced in the phenomenological steady-state thermodynamics

    Diseño y Optimización del tamaño de grano triturado para alimentación avícola para criaderos y suministro de balanceado/Design and Optimization of crushed grain size for poultry feed for hatcheries and supply of balanced

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    En la investigación se diseñó, modeló y mejoró un molino de martillo económico y accesible aplicando métodos lógicos deductivos, la máquina provee un tamaño de grano ideal, que sirve como alimentación directa para aves, o también se puede utilizar como un componente para balanceado en la producción avícola, acorde a los requerimientos de las distintas pymes ya sea para consumo cárnico, producción de huevos, entre otros. Por esta razón es necesario definir distintos parámetros como el tamaño adecuado del tamiz teniendo una variedad desde los 2mm hasta los 5 mm, cuchillas, selección adecuada del motor dependiendo de la cantidad de horas por día, para esto se realizó un análisis mecánico y dinámico de los distintos elementos de la máquina mediante simulación en el software Solidworks free students, luego de tener el dimensionamiento óptimo bajo parámetros ingenieriles de cada una de las partes de la máquina, se realizó una cotización de los materiales bajo consideración económica en el que fue necesario realizar una correcta selección de los mismo elementos basados en catálogos nacionales para que la maquina sea rentable y accesible a los micro productores así como a los mayoristas, una vez considerado todo el procedimiento se construyó la máquina con un costo final de 355,39 dólares americanos, siendo esta de fácil desmontaje, mantenimiento y aplicación para la sociedad, el cual permite la reducción de costos, tiempos de producción y aumenta la eficiencia en la obtención grano triturado para el consumo el sector avícola. In the research an economical and accessible hammer mill was designed, modeled and improved by applying deductive logical methods, the machine provides an ideal grain size, which serves as direct feed for birds, or it can also be used as a component for balanced in the poultry production, according to the requirements of the different SMEs, whether for meat consumption, egg production, among others. For this reason, it is necessary to define different parameters such as the appropriate size of the sieve having a variety from 2mm to 5 mm, blades, suitable engine selection depending on the number of hours per day, for this a mechanical and dynamic analysis of the different elements of the machine by means of simulation in the software Solidworks free students, after having the optimal dimensioning under engineering parameters of each one of the parts of the machine, a quotation of the materials was made under economic consideration in which it was necessary to carry out a correct selection of the same elements based on national catalogs so that the machine is profitable and accessible to the micro producers as well as to the wholesalers. Once the entire procedure was considered, the machine was built with a final cost of US $ 355.39. being this easy to disassembly, maintenance and application for society, which allows the reduction of costs, production times and increases the efficiency in obtaining crushed grain for consumption in the poultry sector. Palabras clave: diseño, producción avícola, grano, balanceado, molino, grano triturado. Keywords: design, poultry production, grain, balanced, mill, crushed grain

    Higher Education in Times of Pandemic. Experiences at the Orellana de la ESPOCH Headquarters

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    Education worldwide has been modified and led to new teaching canons due to the presence of the pandemic caused by COVID 19. Therefore, the objective of this research is to study the impact of COVID 19 on higher education, in this special case in the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, Sede Orellana. For this, the enrollments were analyzed from 2019 to the present, 30 students and 3 teachers from the different careers were interviewed. The main result is that the campus has been gradually increasing its students, reaching 911 students today, more than double that of 2019. This has increased more strongly in the pandemic. The teachers, in agreement with the students, affirm that careers should be created that allow not only faceto-face education, but also virtual education that allows education to be more widespread. So also that hybrid education be considered that combines virtuality with face-to-face to promote careers that require face-to-face practices, such as zootechnics, tourism, agronomy, among others. Keywords: Covid 19, education in pandemic, Study in pandemic. Resumen La educación a nivel mundial se ha visto modificada y llevada a nuevos cánones de enseñanza debido a la presencia de la pandemia ocasionada por el COVID 19. Por lo cual el objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar el impacto del COVID 19 en la educación superior, en este caso especial en la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Sede Orellana. Para ello se analizó las matrículas desde el 2019 hasta la actualidad, se entrevistó a 30 estudiantes y 3 docentes de las distintas carreras. El principal resultado es que la sede ha ido incrementando de manera paulatina sus estudiantes, llegando a tener 911 estudiantes en la actualidad, más del doble que en el 2019. Llegando a incrementar con mayor fuerza en la pandemia. Los docentes en coincidencia con los estudiantes afirman que se deben crear carreras que permitan que no solo la educación presencial, sino que se debe optar por una educación virtual que permita que la educación sea más extendida. Así también que se considere la educación hibrida que conjuga la virtualidad con la presencialidad para potenciar las carreras que necesitan de manera obligatoria practicas presenciales, como lo es la zootecnia, el turismo, agronomía entre otras. Palabras Clave: Covid 19, educación en pandemia, Estuiar en pandemia

    CEPAD, Desaparición forzada

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    El presente proyecto de aplicación profesional se desarrolla en el Centro de Justicia para la Paz y el Desarrollo o por sus siglas CEPAD en el área de Desaparición Forzada, donde se dará seguimiento y acompañamiento a familiares de personas víctimas del delito fungiendo como una herramienta para adquirir los conocimientos respecto al delito que acontece en nuestro país. El objetivo general de este proyecto de aplicación profesional consiste en identificar y analizar a profundidad la problemática con el fin de encontrar la causante del aumento desmedido de dicho delito; esto, dentro de los múltiples casos a los cuales CEPAD, como una organización que vela por el acceso a la justicia, da seguimiento. Dando apoyo a las familias, señalando soluciones e impulsando por medio de herramientas jurídicas los procesos para el acceso a la verdad y a una reparación integral del daño. Finalmente, el desarrollo del presente proyecto nos permitirá como estudiantes situarnos e involucrarnos en una realidad por la que está pasando México la cual, afecta a miles de familias cada año, cifras que son comúnmente disfrazadas por funcionarios evitando así, afrontar las consecuencias derivadas de las violaciones de los derechos humanos.ITESO, A.C

    Revisiting gene typing and phylogeny of Trypanosoma cruzi reference strains: Comparison of the relevance of mitochondrial DNA, single-copy nuclear DNA, and the intergenic region of mini-exon gene.

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    Chagas disease is a widespread neglected disease in Latin America. Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of the disease, is currently subdivided into six DTUs (discrete typing units) named TcI-TcVI, and although no clear association has been found between parasite genetics and different clinical outcomes of the disease or different transmission cycles, genetic characterization of T. cruzi strains remains crucial for integrated epidemiological studies. Numerous markers have been used for this purpose, although without consensus. These include mitochondrial genes, single or multiple-copy nuclear genes, ribosomal RNA genes, and the intergenic region of the repeated mini-exon gene. To increase our knowledge of these gene sequences and their usefulness for strain typing, we sequenced fragments of three mitochondrial genes, nine single-copy nuclear genes, and the repeated intergenic part of the mini-exon gene by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) on a sample constituted of 16 strains representative of T. cruzi genetic diversity, to which we added the corresponding genetic data of the 38 T. cruzi genomes fully sequenced until 2022. Our results show that single-copy nuclear genes remain the gold standard for characterizing T. cruzi strains; the phylogenetic tree from concatenated genes (3959 bp) confirms the six DTUs previously recognized and provides additional information about the alleles present in the hybrid strains. In the tree built from the three mitochondrial concatenated genes (1274 bp), three main clusters are identified, including one with TcIII, TcIV, TcV, and TcVI DTUs which are not separated. Nevertheless, mitochondrial markers remain necessary for detecting introgression and heteroplasmy. The phylogenetic tree built from the sequence alignment of the repeated mini-exon gene fragment (327 bp) displayed six clusters, but only TcI was associated with a single cluster. The sequences obtained from strains belonging to the other DTUs were scattered into different clusters. Therefore, while the mini-exon marker may bring, for some biological samples, some advantages in terms of sensibility due to its repeated nature, mini-exon sequences must be used with caution and, when possible, avoided for T. cruzi typing and phylogenetic studies

    Revisión conjunta del desarrollo de actividades ecoturísticas del ejido Emiliano Zapata, Mcpio. El Arenal, dentro del área natural protegida del bosque de La Primavera.

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    El presente proyecto de aplicación profesional se denomina Clínica de Derecho y Gestión Ambiental el cual pretende fungir como un observatorio ambiental en donde se lleve a cabo el análisis, discusión y propuestas de soluciones respecto a situaciones ambientales que acontecen en el Estado de Jalisco. El objetivo general del mencionado proyecto de aplicación profesional consiste en “Identificar escenarios de adversidad ambiental desde lo público, lo privado y lo social para implementar estrategias jurídicas, dar voz a los involucrados y señalar las áreas de oportunidad para el diseño de las posibles soluciones”, situación que nos permitirá como integrantes de esta PAP, realizar el contraste de los principales obstáculos para el ejercicio efectivo de este Derecho Humano de tercera generación, los cuales según la doctrina los describe como los Políticos, la desigualdad en el litigio, económica y procesal. Finalmente, el desarrollo del presente proyecto nos permitirá llevar a cabo un análisis de cuáles son algunas de las principales problemáticas ambientales que acontecen en nuestro estado, así como cuál es el papel de las instituciones públicas para la garantía de este Derecho a través de la implementación de Políticas Públicas y la impartición de Justicia Ambiental, el papel de la sociedad para exigirlo y el acceso a la información siguiendo lo planteado por el Acuerdo de Escazú.ITESO, A.C

    Molecular thermodynamics of adsorption using discrete-potential systems

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    A molecular thermodynamics approach has been developed in order to describe the adsorption of fluids onto solid surfaces based on the use of discrete-potential fluid models. Using perturbation theories for fluids such as the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (SAFT) and the Discrete Potential Theory (DPT), in combination with molecular simulation, we have formulated a two-dimensional approach to describe systems of interest for the oil industry, such as adsorption isotherms of carbon dioxide and asphaltenes

    Boolean Models of Bistable Biological Systems

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    This paper presents an algorithm for approximating certain types of dynamical systems given by a system of ordinary delay differential equations by a Boolean network model. Often Boolean models are much simpler to understand than complex differential equations models. The motivation for this work comes from mathematical systems biology. While Boolean mechanisms do not provide information about exact concentration rates or time scales, they are often sufficient to capture steady states and other key dynamics. Due to their intuitive nature, such models are very appealing to researchers in the life sciences. This paper is focused on dynamical systems that exhibit bistability and are desc ribedby delay equations. It is shown that if a certain motif including a feedback loop is present in the wiring diagram of the system, the Boolean model captures the bistability of molecular switches. The method is appl ied to two examples from biology, the lac operon and the phage lambda lysis/lysogeny switch