1,709 research outputs found

    Health Care Utilization Pilot Study: Recruiting and Interviewing Residents of the South Valley

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    Although research nationwide has shown that health care utilization amongst undocumented immigrants is substantially lower than U.S. citizens, the former are often blamed for the inadequacies of our health care system. In order to test whether utilization patterns amongst undocumented immigrants in our own city of Albuquerque coincide with current data, we first needed to determine the best recruitment methods for identifying undocumented immigrants. This pilot project tested three commonly used methods in survey research: 1) in-person household surveys (from here on referred to as canvassing), 2) RDD telephone survey (from here on referred to as calling) and 3) a combination of the two (initial phone call to set up appointment for in-person household survey; from here on referred to as making appointments). Each method was assessed based on time efficiency, effectiveness and overall performance. Time efficiency was defined as the number of attempted contacts (e.g. # of doors knocked on) per hour and successful contact rate (e.g. ratio of doors answered to doors knocked on). The effectiveness of a recruitment method was measured by cooperation rate (ratio of participants to contacts) and percentage of surveys corresponding to undocumented immigrants. Overall, by combining both time efficiency and effectiveness, the number of undocumented surveys per hour was used as a good estimate of overall performance for each method. In addition, this pilot study tested the effectiveness of the survey instrument together with efforts to maintain confidentiality. Effectiveness was defined as the ability of the survey to safely identify a responder as undocumented (i.e. did participants answer survey questions about immigration status and thus disclose their undocumented status?). The South Valley of Albuquerque was chosen as the setting due the proportionally greater number of immigrants that reside there. Overall, our results show that although calling was the most time efficient method, canvassing was more effective and had a better overall performance. Moreover, although not originally factored as a performance measurement, canvassing proved to be much more affordable than calling. Lastly, the survey instrument and informed consent process were effective in identifying undocumented immigrants without incurring discomfort or compromising personal safety

    Дослідження динаміки навантаженості рами двигуна коренезбиральної машини КС-6Б

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    This article studies five Swedish cities, their membership in international city networks, the different motivations for such membership, and their administrations’ expected and perceived benefits. Particular focus is put on sustainability, environmental technology, and municipal companies as potential beneficiaries of such network membership. This study is motivated by the fact that city networks can potentially contribute to global sustainability goals by accelerating the diffusion of innovations, giving members access to bidirectional information flows, improving the user-producer relationship, and providing legitimacy in the potential recipient regimes. The study relies on a documentation review, the collection of data from the websites of the studied cities and numerous international city networks, and interviews with city officials responsible for international city networks. It was found that four of the five studied cities are active members of international networks for sustainability, but also that there are large gaps between the two largest cities and the rest when it comes to the number of memberships and the geographical outreach they have through the networks they belong to. Some city officials claim that it is easier to be active in national networks than in international networks, due to time requirements and coordination among so many members. However, city officials see benefits for their municipal companies when they are members of international networks, and these companies are usually independent when it comes to choosing and administering their memberships. It was found that it is difficult to measure direct benefits from network membership, and link improvements in the studied cities to participation in a particular network (with the exception of groups created for a specific infrastructure project, reported as “networks” by the administrations). In addition, there is no apparent direct correlation between membership and diffusion of environmental solutions from municipal companies. However, the administrations expect indirect benefits such as gaining legitimacy and access to milieus where they can share information and best practices, which could lead to the improvement of both local and global environmental conditions.Funding agencies: Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA); Swedish Energy Agency; Tekniska Verken AB</p

    Managing in Latin America: Common issues and a research agenda

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    Latin America is a paradoxical region. It has unique conditions that make it one of the most attractive contexts worldwide for doing business, but it also faces serious challenges that severely underscore these opportunities. We apply a simple framework of analysis to describe the Latin American business environment and detect research opportunities. For that, we focus on four aspects of the region: (1) the institutional context, (2) the macroeconomic environment, (3) the consumer profile, and (4) the natural resource endowments. We summarize firms' strategic choices that result from this context and analyze their consequences for new business creation, incumbents' survival and growth, and sources of competitive advantages. We conclude by outlining a management research agenda.Fil: Vassolo, Roberto Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Austral; ArgentinaFil: De Castro, Julio O.. IE University; EspañaFil: Gomez Mejia, Luis R.. Texas A&M University; Estados Unido

    Productivity increase in the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus by the use of inoculum as supplement

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    Antecedentes: El aumento de la rentabilidad en un cultivo puede obtenerse incrementando los rendimientos, la productividad o ambos, de modo de obtener mayor cantidad de hongos con el mismo esfuerzo.Objetivos: Buscar la tasa de inoculación óptima para incrementar la productividad del cultivo de una cepa altamente productiva de Pleurotus ostreatus.Métodos: Usamos como sustrato paja de trigo, se inocularon bolsas de 1 kg peso húmedo con diferentes porcentajes de inóculo (producido sobre sorgo) variando del 1 al 16.6 %.Resultados y conclusiones: Se obtuvieron fructificaciones en todos los tratamientos; el tiempo de incubación se redujo una semana inoculando al 13 y 16.6%. Observamos un aumento en los rendimientos a medida que aumentaba el porcentaje de inóculo. Los porcentajes de eficiencia biológica más altos se alcanzaron en las muestras con 13 y 16.6%, obteniéndose valores de 116,08 y 116.04% respectivamente, sin mostrar diferencias significativas entre ellos, pero si con el resto de los tratamientos. El número de ciclos de cultivo por año se incrementó a 5.5. Cuando evaluamos los kilogramos totales producidos en un año y los comparamos con el costo del inóculo, el balance económico muestra que al usar un porcentaje del 13%, el productor casi duplica sus ganancias.Background: To increase profitability, it can be obtained by increasing yields, productivity or both, and in this way to obtain more fungi with the same effort. Objective: To seek for the optimal inoculation rate to increase the productivity of the culture of a highly productive commercial strain of Pleurotus ostreatus. Methods: Wheat straw was used as a substrate; bags of 1 kg wet weight were inoculated with different percentages of inoculum (produced on sorghum) varying from 1 to 16.6 %. Results and conclusions: Fruit bodies were obtained in all treatments; the incubation time was reduced by one week inoculating at 13 and 16.6 %. We observed an enhance in yields as the percentage of inoculum increased. The highest biological efficiency percentages were reached in the samples inoculated with 13 and 16.6 %, obtaining values of 116.08 and 116.04 % respectively, without showing significant differences between them even though there were differences among treatments. The number of growing cycles per year was increased to 5.5 inoculating to 13-16.6 %. When we evaluated the total kilograms produced in one year and compared them with the cost of the inoculum, the economic balance showed that by using a percentage of 13 %, the producer doubled his profits.Fil: Jaramillo Mejia, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Alberto, Edgardo Omar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); Argentin

    Malleable Character: Organizational Behavior Meets Virtue Ethics and Situationism

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    This paper introduces a body of research on Organizational Behavior and Industrial/Organizational Psychology (OB/IO) that expands the range of empirical evidence relevant to the ongoing character-situation debate. This body of research, mostly neglected by moral philosophers, provides important insights to move the debate forward. First, the OB/IO scholarship provides empirical evidence to show that social environments like organizations have significant power to shape the character traits of their members. This scholarship also describes some of the mechanisms through which this process of reshaping character takes place. Second, the character-situation debate has narrowly focused on situational influences that affect behavior episodically and haphazardly. The OB/IO research, however, highlights the importance of distinguishing such situational influences from influences that, like organizational influences, shape our character traits because they are continuous and coordinated. Third, the OB/IO literature suggests that most individuals display character traits that, while local to the organization, can be consistent across situations. This puts pressure on the accounts of character proposed by traditional virtue ethics and situationism and provides empirical support to interactionist models based on cognitive-affective processing system theories of personality (CAPS). Finally, the OB/IO literature raises important challenges to the possibility of achieving virtue, provides valuable and untapped resources to cultivate character, and suggests new avenues of normative and empirical research

    Informalidade em Medellín sob os óculos da governança

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    Las ciudades del Sur global han ganado representatividad en las discusiones internacionalesacerca de gobernanza y sostenibilidad. Esto parece apenas lógico considerando que la mayoríade la población mundial habita en ellas. En particular, Medellín ha recibido bastante atencióngracias a una serie de intervenciones urbanas que han sido vinculadas con el mejoramiento de diferentes aspectos de la calidad de vida de sus habitantes. En este artículo discutimos cómo se materializa la gobernanza y cómo toma diferentes formas, de acuerdo con las condiciones y actores específicos en cada caso. Adicionalmente, exploramos el caso de Juan Bobo, un proyecto piloto de consolidación habitacional llevado a cabo en la ciudad de Medellín. A través de este caso buscamos entender cómo la gobernanza toma forma en condiciones de informalidad ycómo se pueden lograr combinaciones funcionales de estilos de gobernanza para solucionar algunos de los problemas que aquejan a los barrios autoconstruidos de la ciudad.Cities in the global South have received attention in global governance and sustainability discussions. This seems to be a logical result, considering that most people in the world live inthem. In particular, Medellín has received important attention thanks to a series of urban interventionsrelated to the improvement of different aspects of the quality of life of its inhabitants. In this article we discuss how governance is materialized and takes different shapes depending on the conditions and actors in each specific case. Additionally, we explore the case of Juan Bobo, a housing consolidation pilot project that took place in the city of Medellín. Through this case, we try to understand how governance takes shape under informal conditions andhow can different functional combinations of governance styles be achieved to solve some of the problems that affect self-built neighborhoods in the city

    Panhipopituitarismo secundario a Síndrome de Sheehan

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    Introduction: In pregnancy arise significant Adaptive changesas a result of the relationship between the mo-ther, theplacenta and the fetus. Anatomical and histological; changesare given in the pituitary gland even the glandular volumecan be increased. Sheehan syndrome occurs secondarily toan obstetric hemorrhage, causing a severe circulatorycollapse, which predisposes to ischemia of the pituitarygland. Objective: To describe a case of bread secondaryHypopituitarism Sheehan syndrome. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive study, clinical case presentation. Results: The case arises from a young patient who wasadmitted at the service of internal medicine by alterations inthe level of consciousness with decrease in response toverbal and painful stimuli, presented to the physical absenceof axillary and pubic hair. Analyzed the clinicalmanifestations, laboratory and Imaging tests; that allowed asystematic review of the medical literature. The items weretaken into account with greater consistency in the describedclinical presentation; allowing know the epidemiology,etiology, clinical and propose diagnostic and therapeuticstrategies for emerging management and subsequent followup of patients with this type of pathology. Conclusion: The bread secondary Hypopituitarism Sheehan syndrome is acondition that demands of clinical suspicion to make anearly diagnosis and prompt treatment to prevent theassociated complications.Introducción: En la gravidez ocurren importantes cambios adaptativos como consecuencia de la relación entre la madre, la placenta y el feto. En la hipófisis se dan cambios anatómicos e histológicos; incluso el volumen glandular puede aumentar. El síndrome de Sheehanse presenta de forma secundaria a una hemorragia obstétrica, ocasionando un colapso circulatorio intenso, el cual predispone a la isquemia de la hipófisis. Objetivo: Describir un caso de Pan hipopituitarismo secundario a Síndrome de Sheehan. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, presentación de caso clínico. Resultados: Se presenta el caso de una paciente joven que ingresó al Servicio de Medicina Interna por alteraciones del nivel de conciencia con disminución derespuesta a estímulos verbales y dolorosos, que al examen físico presento ausencia de vello axilar y púbico. Se analizaron las manifestaciones clínicas, exámenes de laboratorio y de Imagenología; que permitió una revisión sistemática de la literatura médica. Se tomaron en cuentalos artículos con mayor concordancia en la presentación clínica descrita; permitiendo conocer la epidemiologia, etiología, clínica y proponer estrategias diagnósticas y terapéuticas para el manejo emergente y posterior seguimiento de pacientes con éste tipo de patologías. Conclusiòn: El Pan hipopituitarismo secundario al Síndrome de Sheehan es una condición que demanda de la sospecha clínica para efectuar un diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento oportuno para prevenir las complicaciones asociadas

    Panhipopituitarismo secundario a Síndrome de Sheehan

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    Introduction: In pregnancy arise significant Adaptive changesas a result of the relationship between the mo-ther, theplacenta and the fetus. Anatomical and histological; changesare given in the pituitary gland even the glandular volumecan be increased. Sheehan syndrome occurs secondarily toan obstetric hemorrhage, causing a severe circulatorycollapse, which predisposes to ischemia of the pituitarygland. Objective: To describe a case of bread secondaryHypopituitarism Sheehan syndrome. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive study, clinical case presentation. Results: The case arises from a young patient who wasadmitted at the service of internal medicine by alterations inthe level of consciousness with decrease in response toverbal and painful stimuli, presented to the physical absenceof axillary and pubic hair. Analyzed the clinicalmanifestations, laboratory and Imaging tests; that allowed asystematic review of the medical literature. The items weretaken into account with greater consistency in the describedclinical presentation; allowing know the epidemiology,etiology, clinical and propose diagnostic and therapeuticstrategies for emerging management and subsequent followup of patients with this type of pathology. Conclusion: The bread secondary Hypopituitarism Sheehan syndrome is acondition that demands of clinical suspicion to make anearly diagnosis and prompt treatment to prevent theassociated complications.Introducción: En la gravidez ocurren importantes cambios adaptativos como consecuencia de la relación entre la madre, la placenta y el feto. En la hipófisis se dan cambios anatómicos e histológicos; incluso el volumen glandular puede aumentar. El síndrome de Sheehanse presenta de forma secundaria a una hemorragia obstétrica, ocasionando un colapso circulatorio intenso, el cual predispone a la isquemia de la hipófisis. Objetivo: Describir un caso de Pan hipopituitarismo secundario a Síndrome de Sheehan. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, presentación de caso clínico. Resultados: Se presenta el caso de una paciente joven que ingresó al Servicio de Medicina Interna por alteraciones del nivel de conciencia con disminución derespuesta a estímulos verbales y dolorosos, que al examen físico presento ausencia de vello axilar y púbico. Se analizaron las manifestaciones clínicas, exámenes de laboratorio y de Imagenología; que permitió una revisión sistemática de la literatura médica. Se tomaron en cuentalos artículos con mayor concordancia en la presentación clínica descrita; permitiendo conocer la epidemiologia, etiología, clínica y proponer estrategias diagnósticas y terapéuticas para el manejo emergente y posterior seguimiento de pacientes con éste tipo de patologías. Conclusiòn: El Pan hipopituitarismo secundario al Síndrome de Sheehan es una condición que demanda de la sospecha clínica para efectuar un diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento oportuno para prevenir las complicaciones asociadas

    Pre-service teachers’ participation in ELT content-based classes: a study of positioning

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    El presente trabajo de investigación busca explorar las razones y maneras en las cuales los profesores en formación participan en clases de contenido en inglés del programa de pregrado en la enseñanza del idioma inglés de la Universidad de La Salle. Este estudio determina el modo en el cual las formas de participación de los profesores en formación configuran el desarrollo de estas clases de contenido, y las razones que hacen que los estudiantes participen. El trabajo sigue los principios de la teoría de posicionamiento en un grupo de 21 estudiantes en la clase de contenido “Intercultural Communication”. Observaciones participantes, entrevistas semiestructuradas y sociogramas fueron los elementos usados para mostrar elementos que fomentan el posicionamiento; entonces la participación se sitúa en tres momentos: nominación, falta de suficiencia y grupabilidad. Estos resultados revelan que los profesores en formación participan en las clases de contenido en inglés a través de un proceso de interacción de profesor y compañeros, uniendo la nominación y su suficiencia del lenguaje, causando un auto-posicionamiento y posicionamiento de los otros en la dinámica de grupos específicos