7 research outputs found

    Strengthening Ties to L2: Improving Secondary Students’ Attitudes through Dialogic Literary Gatherings.

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    Over the last decades, many efforts have been made to establish the Basque minority language as a normalized language in the Basque Country. Research has shown that language use, language proficiency and attitudes towards language are closely associated. Likewise, the benefit of interactive learning environments for improving language proficiency is well known. However, the effect of such environments on attitudes towards second languages (L2) has been less studied. This article presents a qualitative study that explores the extent to which the implementation of a particular dialogue-based classroom strategy, named Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs), may transform secondary students’ attitudes towards Basque (L2). The DLGs were carried out with 46 secondary education students in the Basque Country. After implementing DLGs, teachers’ interviews and students’ focus groups were conducted and analysed inductively. Results show that participants reported changes in students’ attitudes towards Basque and they related these changes to the dialogical space they experienced during the DLGs, since this created affordances for them to engage in meaningful discussions when speaking in Basque. Implications of the study are discussed

    Preventing bullying of students with special educational needs through dialogic gatherings: a case study in elementary education

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    Scientific literature has clarified that bullying is a global challenge and students with special educational needs (SEN) are at a higher risk of experiencing it. Educational actions focused on dialogue and interaction as dialogic gatherings (DG) have been widely studied as a successful educational action (SEAs) rooted in egalitarian dialogue that promotes social cohesion. However, its potential to prevent bullying among students with SEN remains to be investigated. This qualitative case study explores the impact of implementing DG in two elementary classrooms and its potential to prevent school violence in a comprehensive school setting (43 students, 10–12 years old, from which 5 had SEN). Classroom observations of DGs and focus groups with teachers and students were conducted. Data analysis indicated that DG effectively contributed to students’ increased awareness regarding the distinction between violent and non-violent relationships, and influenced their personal preferences, guiding them towards non-violent behaviours. Implications for practice highlight the potential of DG to enhance non-violent behaviours among elementary students, which is particularly relevant to ensure students with SEN’s protection and inclusion

    Impact of Interactive Learning Environments on Learning and Cognitive Development of Children With Special Educational Needs: A Literature Review.

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    Children with special educational needs (SEN) achieve lower educational levels than their peers without special needs, leading to a higher risk of social exclusion in the future. Inclusive education aims to promote learning and to benefit the cognitive development of these students, and numerous research studies have indicated that interactive environments benefit inclusion. However, it is necessary to know how these inclusive environments can positively impact the academic improvement and development of these students' cognitive skills. This article provides a review of the scientific literature from Web of Science, SCOPUS, ERIC, and PsychINFO to understand the impact of interactive environments on the academic learning and cognitive skill development of children with SEN. A total of 17 studies were selected. Those studies showed the effectiveness of interactive learning environments in promoting instrumental learning, increasing academic involvement, and improving the cognitive development of children with disabilities. Based on these results, it can be concluded that interaction-based interventions with an inclusive approach nurture the learning and cognitive development of students with SEN

    The ‘Other’ in Ourselves: Exploring the Educational Power of the Humanities and Arts

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    Humanities and arts have been considered some of the central legacies of the former classical civilizations and ancient civilizations. Taking this knowledge as a base, the cultural-related disciplines or fields of study that humanities and arts cover have been working deeply along the centuries. Likewise, this evolution of the production of this knowledge has been widen and developed in deeper ways and with more empirical methods.The book “The ‘Other’ in Ourselves: Exploring the Educational Power of the Humanities and Arts” edited by Medeiros, Niles-Yokum and Howe aims at strengthening the link between education, humanities and arts. Particularly, this work aims to explore the potential of different productions in arts and humanities for education. In this framework, the book shows the readers different ways of making use of humanistic and artistic resources as pedagogical tools for gerontology and geriatrics education. Moreover, some evidences of the positive validity of these actions in different fields of teaching-learning techniques, applied in different educational levels and with a diversity of participants are also integrated. Overall, the entire book follows the purpose of connecting these educational processes with the experience of ageing.Medeiros discusses in the introduction how useful tools’ cultural representations are, despite the decrease of humanities and arts in education over time. She strongly argues humanistic and artistic productions are valid and powerful instruments in gerontological and geriatric education. This potential enables the participants to develop a new critical and complete vision taking into account other people’s perspectives and the ‘Other’ in themselves. The compilation includes five chapters. Each of them tackles a particular strategy to introduce arts and humanities with students or older adults in a successful and meaningful way in educational settings. The first three chapters put the spotlight on some forms of expression such as novels, reminiscences and other multimedia resources to emphasize their significant value to handle ageing issues. Chapter 1 starts with an introduction of novels as a pedagogical tool. They link the advantages of the use of novels in classrooms in relation to critical reflections and better perception of the support of ageing services. The second chapter aim was to show the impact of using participants’ written reminiscences in order to link them with the author's own experiences. The research pointed out and developed the pedagogical method that worked effectively in: clearing some theoretical concepts, encouraging group discussions, and developing social skills for transferring them while breaking the traditional and fixed constrictions of ageing. The third chapter brings up the incorporation of the arts and the humanities as two main resources in an interactive online course. The article describes how some dramatic, artistic, cinematographic, dance, musical and multimedia tools were implicated as pedagogical approaches in an ageing and arts course. The principal achievement of the practice carried out was to develop an interdisciplinary collaboration of a community engagement learning-based model, in the field of science and art in relation to ageing. The interactive theatre has been presented in the fourth chapter as an engaging tool for provoking the audience the feeling of taking care of LGTB aged adults. It was focused on representing the usual challenges that LGTB older adults have to deal with if they do not use the services they need. Finally, the book presents a research carried out during a pilot interprofessional training course. The design of the course magnified the knowledge and awareness on ageing between different professional groups using the storytelling technique. After having finished the training period on various experiences of ageing, the participants’ feedback puts the focus on the positive impact of having mixed interprofessional and interdisciplinary arts-based training. Through the practices presented, there are clear evidences that arts and humanities could be effective pedagogical tools. In this case, the authors especially highlight their positive impact for working on the issues of ageing and gerontology. For these reasons, this book is a highly recommended tool for educators and researchers working in the areas of education of ageing and gerontology

    The ‘Other’ in Ourselves: Exploring the Educational Power of the Humanities and Arts

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    Humanities and arts have been considered some of the central legacies of the former classical civilizations and ancient civilizations. Taking this knowledge as a base, the cultural-related disciplines or fields of study that humanities and arts cover have been working deeply along the centuries. Likewise, this evolution of the production of this knowledge has been widen and developed in deeper ways and with more empirical methods.The book “The ‘Other’ in Ourselves: Exploring the Educational Power of the Humanities and Arts” edited by Medeiros, Niles-Yokum and Howe aims at strengthening the link between education, humanities and arts. Particularly, this work aims to explore the potential of different productions in arts and humanities for education. In this framework, the book shows the readers different ways of making use of humanistic and artistic resources as pedagogical tools for gerontology and geriatrics education. Moreover, some evidences of the positive validity of these actions in different fields of teaching-learning techniques, applied in different educational levels and with a diversity of participants are also integrated. Overall, the entire book follows the purpose of connecting these educational processes with the experience of ageing.Medeiros discusses in the introduction how useful tools’ cultural representations are, despite the decrease of humanities and arts in education over time. She strongly argues humanistic and artistic productions are valid and powerful instruments in gerontological and geriatric education. This potential enables the participants to develop a new critical and complete vision taking into account other people’s perspectives and the ‘Other’ in themselves. The compilation includes five chapters. Each of them tackles a particular strategy to introduce arts and humanities with students or older adults in a successful and meaningful way in educational settings. The first three chapters put the spotlight on some forms of expression such as novels, reminiscences and other multimedia resources to emphasize their significant value to handle ageing issues. Chapter 1 starts with an introduction of novels as a pedagogical tool. They link the advantages of the use of novels in classrooms in relation to critical reflections and better perception of the support of ageing services. The second chapter aim was to show the impact of using participants’ written reminiscences in order to link them with the author's own experiences. The research pointed out and developed the pedagogical method that worked effectively in: clearing some theoretical concepts, encouraging group discussions, and developing social skills for transferring them while breaking the traditional and fixed constrictions of ageing. The third chapter brings up the incorporation of the arts and the humanities as two main resources in an interactive online course. The article describes how some dramatic, artistic, cinematographic, dance, musical and multimedia tools were implicated as pedagogical approaches in an ageing and arts course. The principal achievement of the practice carried out was to develop an interdisciplinary collaboration of a community engagement learning-based model, in the field of science and art in relation to ageing. The interactive theatre has been presented in the fourth chapter as an engaging tool for provoking the audience the feeling of taking care of LGTB aged adults. It was focused on representing the usual challenges that LGTB older adults have to deal with if they do not use the services they need. Finally, the book presents a research carried out during a pilot interprofessional training course. The design of the course magnified the knowledge and awareness on ageing between different professional groups using the storytelling technique. After having finished the training period on various experiences of ageing, the participants’ feedback puts the focus on the positive impact of having mixed interprofessional and interdisciplinary arts-based training. Through the practices presented, there are clear evidences that arts and humanities could be effective pedagogical tools. In this case, the authors especially highlight their positive impact for working on the issues of ageing and gerontology. For these reasons, this book is a highly recommended tool for educators and researchers working in the areas of education of ageing and gerontology

    Análisis de las Tertulias Literarias Dialógicas en Educación Primaria: un Estudio de Caso a través de las Voces y Dibujos Argumentados del Alumnado

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    This article presents the impact that a Successful Educational Action (SEA), specifically the Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLG) have had among the 4th grade students, after its implementation, during 10 sessions. Data analyzed has been written communicative accounts and argued drawings that these boys and girls provided, without having been required as part of the investigation, but which informed about the deep lived experience. The study is part of the RTD research: Impact of interactive learning environments on academic and social success (García-Carrión, 2015-2017). The contributions of these 48 students have been qualitatively analyzed. The results show that DLGs promote understanding, reflection, knowledge and learning from the enjoyment of works of classical literature. At the same time, they positively highlight their evolution in classroom dynamics and participation in their educational and family environment, by increasing interactions based on egalitarian dialogue.Este artículo muestra el impacto que una Actuación Educativa de Éxito (AEE), en concreto las Tertulias Literarias Dialógicas (TLD) han tenido entre el alumnado de 4º de primaria, después de su implementación, durante 10 sesiones. Se ha contado con los relatos comunicativos escritos y los dibujos argumentados que estos niños y niñas aportaron, sin haber sido requeridos como parte de la investigación, pero que recogieron en profundidad la experiencia vivida. El estudio se enmarca en la investigación I+D+i: Impacto de los entornos interactivos de aprendizaje en el éxito académico y social (García-Carrión, 2015-2017). Se han analizado cualitativamente las aportaciones de estos 48 estudiantes. Los resultados evidencian, que las TLD favorecen la comprensión, la capacidad de reflexión, el conocimiento y el aprendizaje desde el disfrute de obras de literatura clásica. Paralelamente, destacan positivamente su evolución en las dinámicas de aula y en la participación en su entorno educativo y el familiar, mediante el aumento de las interacciones basadas en el diálogo igualitario

    Análisis de las Tertulias Literarias Dialógicas en Educación Primaria: un Estudio de Caso a través de las Voces y Dibujos Argumentados del Alumnado

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    Este artículo muestra el impacto que una Actuación Educativa de Éxito (AEE), en concreto las Tertulias Literarias Dialógicas (TLD) han tenido entre el alumnado de 4º de primaria, después de su implementación, durante 10 sesiones. Se ha contado con los relatos comunicativos escritos y los dibujos argumentados que estos niños y niñas aportaron, sin haber sido requeridos como parte de la investigación, pero que recogieron en profundidad la experiencia vivida. El estudio se enmarca en la investigación I+D+i: Impacto de los entornos interactivos de aprendizaje en el éxito académico y social (García-Carrión, 2015-2017). Se han analizado cualitativamente las aportaciones de estos 48 estudiantes. Los resultados evidencian, que las TLD favorecen la comprensión, la capacidad de reflexión, el conocimiento y el aprendizaje desde el disfrute de obras de literatura clásica. Paralelamente, destacan positivamente su evolución en las dinámicas de aula y en la participación en su entorno educativo y el familiar, mediante el aumento de las interacciones basadas en el diálogo igualitario