3,624 research outputs found

    La travesía del desierto: la prensa socialista (1886-1900)

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    Depto. de Historia, Teorías y Geografías PolíticasFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    De cómo un aprendiz de tipógrafo se hizo socialista: Juan José Morato

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    Recoge los contenidos presentados a: Coloquios de Historia Madrileña (3. 1987)Depto. de Historia, Teorías y Geografías PolíticasFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Implementing Transition P Systems

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    Ponencia en el Congreso NIT 201

    La formación profesional de trabajadores en el extranjero, 1903-1936: (III) La madurez de un sistema, 1920-1928

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    Desde comienzos de siglo, España inició la singular experiencia de enviar expediciones primero de obreros, luego de éstos y de ingenieros y técnicos pensionados al extranjero para trabajar en los oficios e industrias mejor organizadas y adelantadas con el fin de adquirir y/o completar una formación profesional aprovechable después en las fábricas y talleres españoles. En este articulo, se analizan, entre otras cuestiones, los planteamientos de partida, las cambiantes fórmulas de selección de pensionados y de instituciones para realizar las expediciones; las problemáticas suscitadas en los lugares de trabajo en los países de destino; las soluciones buscadas y sus efectos, los resultados a la vuelta a España... todo ello para las expediciones del tercer periodo de esta experiencia, años 1920-1928, dado que los dos periodos anteriores, 1903-1910 y 1910-1920 se estudiaron en los números 69 y 73 de esta revista. Abstract:Since the beginning of the XX century, Spain was developing the singular experience of sending abroad expeditions of workers. Later on, expeditions of engineers and technical staff pensioned were send abroad too in order to be employed at skills and industries better organized and advanced to acquire and/or to complete a usable vocational training to develop back in the factories and workshops of Spain. In tow previous articles (see Issues 69 and 73 of this journal), the initial approach to the question, the changing ways of pensioners and institutions selection, the problems in the destination workplaces, and the solutions given to these and others questions were examined, in a time period from 1903 to 1920. This article presents a third part of the same research topic, where the same pattern of analysis will be displayed for the subsequent years, 1920 -1928

    El socialismo madrileño hace un siglo: un anhelo de reformas

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    Not available<br><br>Dos ideas básicas subyacen en este texto. Los años 1900-1904 marcan el inicio en España de un proceso sistemático de promulgación de textos normativos en materia laboral y de creación de instituciones y cauces para su aplicación. Es decir, comienza el intervencionismo legal del Estado en la cuestión obrera. Coincidiendo con el cambio también se detecta, en el movimiento socialista español en general y en el madrileño en particular, la cristalización de una estrategia reformista coincidente con el inicio de un significativo despegue en cuanto a su implantación.<br />A la puesta en relación de ambas cuestiones dedicaremos las siguientes páginas

    All the Pretty Horses: a Transnational Reading

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    [Abstract] In this paper, we develop a close-reading of McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses from a transnational point of view. Prompted by the increasing fame of the author and the numerous studies about the text, which acknowledge the existence of several myths such as the frontier or the notion of American exceptionalism while avoiding the one of globalization from an American point of view, we decided to focus our attention on the transnational analysis of the journey and the language present in the novel. The reason for this is that these two elements are among the most important stylistic and thematic strategies used by the author to provide the reader with the opportunity of taking a closer look at the mythological processes taking place in Cole’s world and psyche as well as their deconstruction. On the one hand, the journey, from this perspective, depicts a clear opposition between the United States (as the global) and Mexico (as the other) that will fade progressively as the plot develops, as John Grady Cole becomes more and more conscious of the falsity of this image of Mexico, which enables him to build “transnational bridges” between both nations. The Spanish language, on the other hand, enables us to perceive a sort of linguistic transnationalism because it is made part of the United States’ identity through its presence in the graveyard and through the crucial role of the abuela. Moreover, as neither Spanish, nor English, can convey every reality, language helps us to understand how this linguistic transnationalism functions in a symbiotic way. Nevertheless, in order to be able to develop this reading, we first summarize McCarthy’s professional trajectory as a writer and we link its topics and main characteristics with those present in All the Pretty Horses. Moreover, we explain and apply Slotkin’s definition of “myth” to McCarthy’s novel and, from this basis, we explore the concepts of “globalization”, “otherness” and “transnationalism” in the context of the novel. As a result, this reading of the novel allows us to present McCarthy’s discourse from a new perspective that will not only restate that the: “frontier was the imaginary boundary (for whites) that demarcated the turning of space to place and McCarthy’s texts explore the power of this thought in American society, a power which extends far beyond the material demise of the frontier” (Estes 43), but that will also enable us to redefine the relationship between Mexico and the United States in transnational terms, thus rewriting the characterization of both nations.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIL). Inglés: estudios lingüísticos y literarios. Curso 2018/201

    Algunhas consideracións sobre a posición do adxectivo nunha fala galega

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    This study, from Galician speech, has some general information on the placement of noun phrases in the subclasses of adjectives. We conclude that the preemption of the adjective in Galician is a resource that the speaker has, in order to make a value judgment or to highlight an expressive adjective.Este estudio, realizado a partir de un habla gallega, presenta algunas generalidades sobre la colocación en la frase nominal de las subclases de adjetivos. Se concluye que la anteposición del adjetivo en gallego es un recurso que el hablante tiene para realizar un juicio valorativo o para destacar expresivamente un adjetivo.Este estudo, feito a partir dunha fala galega, presenta algunhas xeneralidades sobre a colocación na frase nominal das subclases de adxectivos. Conclúese que a anteposición do adxectivo en galego é un recurso que o falante ten para realizar un xuízo valorativo ou para destacar expresivamente un adxectiv

    En la Tribuna del centro

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    Os sufixos –iño, -ito e –ico na fala do concello de Castrelo do Val

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    O concello de Castrelo do Val, situado na zona suroriental da provincia de Ourense, contaba en 1991 con 1.463 habitantes de dereito repartidos en dezaseis núcleos de poboación. Dende un punto de vista dialectolóxico (Fernández Rei, 1990), a fala deste concello englóbase no bloque central porque nesta zona dise pantalós fronte a pantalois do bloque oriental e a pantalóns do bloque occidental. Dentro do bloque central, esta fala sitúase na área oriental de transición, pois non se empregan il, iste, formas propias da área lucu-auriense; senón que se usan el, este. Os obxectivos do presente traballo son os seguintes: a) Facer un estudo descritivo dos sufixos -iño, -ito e -ico na fala viva do municipio de Castrelo do Val para axudar a concretar mellor a gramática descritiva do galego común actual no ámbito da sufixación. Os límites que este congreso impón para cada relatorio fan aconsellable un estudo reducido a estes tres sufixos. Por outra parte, considero que, para a descrición gramatical do galego común actual, é preferible analizar estes elementos nunha fala viva antes ca en obras literarias. b) Observa-lo reparto funcional de -iño e -ciño nesta fala. c) Subliña-la presencia do sufixo -ito na fala dos vellos de Castrelo do Val. d) Constatar que o valor “minorativo, empequenecedor” é o valor primordial do sufixo -ico na fala deste municipio. e) Intentar predicir cál será a evolución destes sufixos no futuro. Deixo fóra do meu estudo as chamadas funcións do diminutivo. Parto da hipótese de que estas formas expresan “minoración”. Esta “minoración” pode ir acompañada dun sentimento afectivo, quer positivo quer negativo. Tal sentimento afectivo, por veces, chega a borra-lo significado “diminutivo”. Para realizar este estudo botei man do material recollido para a miña tese de doutoramento sobre a fala de Castrelo do Val. Así, a información manexada procede de enquisas persoais e daquelas cintas gravadas máis aproveitables para este tema

    Outflow of hot and cold molecular gas from the obscured secondary nucleus of NGC3256: closing in on feedback physics

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    The nuclei of merging galaxies are often deeply buried in dense layers of gas and dust. In these regions, gas outflows driven by starburst and AGN activity are believed to play a crucial role in the evolution of these galaxies. However, to fully understand this process it is essential to resolve the morphology and kinematics of such outflows. Using near-IR integral-field spectroscopy obtained with VLT/SINFONI, we detect a kpc-scale structure of high-velocity molecular hydrogen (H2) gas associated with the deeply buried secondary nucleus of the IR-luminous merger NGC3256. We show that this structure is likely the hot component of a molecular outflow, which is detected also in the cold molecular gas by Sakamoto et al. This outflow, with a molecular gas mass of M(H2)~2x10^7 Msun, is among the first to be spatially resolved in both the hot H2 gas with VLT/SINFONI and the cold CO-emitting gas with ALMA. The hot and cold components share a similar morphology and kinematics, with a hot-to-cold molecular gas mass ratio of ~6x10^-5. The high (~100 pc) resolution at which we map the geometry and velocity structure of the hot outflow reveals a biconical morphology with opening angle ~40 deg and gas spread across a FWZI~1200 km/s. Because this collimated outflow is oriented close to the plane of the sky, the molecular gas may reach maximum intrinsic outflow velocities of ~1800 km/s, with an average mass outflow rate of at least ~20 Msun/yr. By modeling the line-ratios of various near-IR H2 transitions, we show that the H2 gas in the outflow is heated through shocks or X-rays to a temperature of ~1900K. The energy needed to drive the outflow is likely provided by a hidden Compton-thick AGN or by the nuclear starburst. We show that the global kinematics of the molecular outflow in NGC3256 mimic those of CO-outflows that have been observed at low spatial resolution in starburst- and active galaxies.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics (accepted 29 Aug 2014 v.3, initial submission v.1 14 March 2014), 13 pages, 8 figure