3,529 research outputs found

    Política inmigratoria de puertas cerradas. Uruguay frente a la llegada de refugiados españoles republicanos y judíos alemanes

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    Due to the political polarization of the Uruguayan society of the thirties, it was possible to establish a «closed doors» political immigration. In spite of this political, an important contingent of Jews from Germany and Republicans from Spain could enter in Uruguay, thanks to the labour of some consuls, international assintance institutions and people that turn a «deaf ear» to the acts and regulations that imposibilited their entrance through the normals channels.Gracias a la polarización política que se vivía en la sociedad uruguaya de los años 30 se logró establecer una política inmigratoria de «puertas cerradas». Pero a pesar de la puesta en práctica de esta política, logró ingresar a Uruguay un importante contingente de refugiados judíos alemanes y de españoles republicanos, gracias a la labor realizada por algunos cónsules y varias instituciones de ayuda internacional o simplemente de personas solidarias que hacían «oídos sordos» a muchos de los decretos y reglamentaciones que imposibilitaban su entrada por los cauces normales

    Role of M3 Muscarinic Acethylcholine Receptor Antibodies as a New Marker in Primary Sjögren Syndrome

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    Aims: This paper investigates the presence of M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor autoantibody present in the serum of patients with primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS). Main methods: We detected the levels of M3mAChR peptide IgG, PGE2, IL-1β in serum of SS patients using the enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA). To measure the quantity of nitrite/nitrate, we used Griess reagent system. Key findings: Titres of M3mAChR antibody in sera from SS patients are significantly enhanced compared to healthy subjects (control). The enhancement of these autoantibodies is accompanied by the increase of the levels of PGE2, IL-1β and nitrite/nitrate in serum. Under in vitro conditions, the synthetic human M3 peptide impaires the increment of M3mAChR antibody but not that of nati-Ro/SSA antibody. In positive anti-Ro/SSA antibody patients, the increment of M3mAChR peptide IgG and the measured pro-inflammatory substances is related. Significance: On this basis, anti M3mAChR peptide IgG can be said to act as a modulator of the immune system and to play a role in the host-chronic increment of proinflammatory substances in SS patients with positive Ro/SSA antibody. This association between the antibody and the pathogenesis of SS disease may result in useful predicting SS.Fil: Reina, Silvia Lorena. Universidad Catolica de Las Misiones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pisoni, Cecilia. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigación Clínica ; ArgentinaFil: González Arana, Roberto. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigación Clínica ; ArgentinaFil: Ganzinelli, Sabrina Belen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Farmacología; ArgentinaFil: Borda, Enri Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Farmacología; Argentin

    Autoantibodies against Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor on Exocrine Glands in Sjögren Syndrome

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    These investigations demonstrate that serum antibodies against muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR) in primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS) and associated Sjögren syndrome (aSS) bind and activate both cholinergic receptors of M3 in salivary gland and M1 in neonatal myocardium and in the cerebral frontal cortex area subtypes; triggering the production of the second messengers and proinflammatory mediators related to mAChR activation. In this way the cholinergic autoantibodies damages these receptors, which thus starts acting as an antigen. On this basis M3 and M1 mAChR IgG can be considered new markers of pSS/aSS allowing the differentiation between dry eye and mouth of autoimmune and non-autoimmune nature. Given that cholinergic autoantibodies also deregulate the parasympathetic system of the target organs, they can also be seen as a new factor contributing to the etiopathology of the syndrome.Fil: Reina, Silvia Lorena. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Farmacología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Borda, Enri Santiago. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Farmacología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Estrategias de Reconversión de la Arquitectura Industrial

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    El campo del reciclaje industrial ha dado pie a profundas reflexiones respecto a la tradicional oposición entre ruina y conservación. Especialmente hoy una parte de la profesión ha concentrado su pensamiento en esas estrategias de actuación sobre lo construído, como lugar desde donde recuperar un nuevo sentido para la arquitectura, con un atisbo de esperanza semejante al que en el siglo XIV tuvieron los arquitectos del renacimiento con los restos romanos. Hoy sabemos que las intervenciones sobre esas arquitecturas industriales no pueden ser realizadas con las mismas actitudes que han producido mucha de la construcción insustancial de los últimos tiempos. Por ello se propone un listado de acciones trasnsitivas que adquiere voluntariamente la forma de una simple sucesión : llenar, vaciar, limpiar, evocar, artealizar, localizar, borrar, camuflar, ampliar… Una sucesión clara y aséptica, como una mera enumeración, que evita las relaciones entre estrategias, despojándolas de toda intencionalidad narrativa o ideológica. Se trata de un catálogo de acciones posibles que, desde el estudio de las relaciones entre lo existente y lo proyectado, en el contexto de la arquitectura industrial, tal vez contribuya a un debate más general sobre el estado en que se encuentra la propia disciplina

    Is there any benefit of adding a central nervous system–focused intervention to a manual therapy and home stretching program for people with frozen shoulder? A randomized controlled trial

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    Frozen shoulder (FS) is a highly disabling pathology of poorly understood etiology, which is characterized by the presence of intense pain and progressive loss of range of motion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding a central nervous system (CNS)–focused approach to a manual therapy and home stretching program in people with FS. Methods A total of 34 patients with a diagnosis of primary FS were randomly allocated to receive a 12-week manual therapy and home stretching program or manual therapy and home stretching program plus a CNS-focused approach including graded motor imagery and sensory discrimination training. The Shoulder Pain and Disability Index score, self-perceived shoulder pain (visual analog scale score), shoulder range of motion, and the Patient-Specific Functional Scale score were measured at baseline, after a 2-week washout period just before starting treatment, after treatment, and at 3 months’ follow-up. Results No significant between-group differences in any outcome were found either after treatment or at 3 months’ follow-up. Conclusion A CNS-focused approach provided no additional benefit to a manual therapy and home stretching program in terms of shoulder pain and function in people with FS

    Increased levels of hyaluronic acid in bronchoalveolar lavage from patients with interstitial lung diseases, relationship with lung function and inflammatory cells recruitment

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    Purpose: Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD) are characterized by inflammation and fibrosis. It described the role of hyaluronic acid (HA) as an immune-regulator. It is not known if HA contributes to the recruitment of inflammatory cells associated with ILD. If this hypothesis was correct, then concentrations of HA in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) should correlate with the severity of ILD. Methods: We collected BAL from 22 ILD patients and 15 control subjects. We determined HA and cytokine levels by ELISA. In vitro chemotaxis assays were performed by using a transwell system. Results: We found that ILD patients showed a significant increase in HA, IL-6 levels and the amount of cells in BAL compared to control subjects. We detected a significant positive correlation between HA and IL-6 levels (r = 0.53 and p < 0.001) and an inverse relationship between HA levels and diffusion capacity (r = -0.59, p < 0.01). In vitro, HA induced migration of macrophages and monocytes through a CD44-dependent process. BAL from patients with ILD stimulated macro-phage migration and this was abrogated by hyaluronidase. Conclusions: Our results support the hypothesis that HA contributes to the recruitment of monocytes towards the alveolar space, leading to exacerbation of lung inflammation in ILD patients.Fil: Ernst, Glenda. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital María Ferrer; ArgentinaFil: Jancic, Carolina Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Medicina Experimental. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Auteri, Santiago. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital María Ferrer; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez Moncalvo, Juan. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital María Ferrer; ArgentinaFil: Galíndez, Fernando. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital María Ferrer; ArgentinaFil: Grynblat, Pedro. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Hospital María Ferrer; ArgentinaFil: Hajos, Silvia Elvira. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; Argentin

    Incidence of viral respiratory infections in a prospective cohort of outpatient and hospitalized children aged ≤5 years and its associated cost in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Background: Although information about the incidence of viral respiratory illnesses and their associated cost can help health officials explore the value of interventions, data are limited from middle-income countries. Methods: During 2008-2010, we conducted a prospective cohort study and followed ~1,800 Argentinian children aged ≤5years to identify those children who were hospitalized or who sought care at an emergency room with any acute respiratory infection sign or symptom (e.g., rhinorrhea, cough, wheezing, tachypnea, retractions, or cyanosis). Respiratory samples were obtained for respiratory syncytial virus, influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, and metapneumovirus testing by immunofluorescence and for rhinovirus by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: The incidence of respiratory syncytial virus (24/1000 children-years), human metapneumovirus (8/1000 children-years), and influenza (8/1000 children-years) illnesses was highest among hospitalized children aged <6months and decreased among older children. In contrast, the incidence of rhinovirus was highest (12/1000 children-years) among those aged 6-23 months. In the emergency room, the incidence of rhinovirus was 459; respiratory syncytial virus 352; influenza 185; parainfluenza 177; metapneumovirus 130; and adenovirus 73/1,000 children-years. The total cost of hospitalization was a median of US529(Interquartilerange,US529 (Interquartile range, US362-789). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that respiratory viruses, in particular rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, metapneumovirus, and influenza may be associated with severe illness causing substantial economic burden.Fil: Marcone, Débora Natalia. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigación Clínica ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Durand, Lizette O.. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Estados UnidosFil: Azziz Baumgartner, Eduardo. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Estados UnidosFil: Vidaurreta, Santiago Manuel. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigación Clínica ; ArgentinaFil: Ekstrom, Jorge. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigación Clínica ; ArgentinaFil: Carballal, Guadalupe. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigación Clínica ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Echavarría, Marcela Silvia. Centro de Educaciones Médicas e Investigación Clínica ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    The Structural–Functional Crosstalk of the Calsequestrin System: Insights and Pathological Implications

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    How does the Type of Task Influence the Performance and Social Regulation of Collaborative Learning?

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    In this paper we analyze the effects of the type of collaborative task (elaboration of concept map vs elaboration of expository summary) on the performance and on the level of collaboration achieved by Mexican university students in the multimedia learning of a social sciences content (Communication Psychology). Likewise, the processes of social regulation that are put into play in these collaborative tasks are described. Forty-five students (17 women and 28 men) grouped in 15 triads participated in the study. Each triad was assigned to one of the two collaborative conditions: elaboration of concept map (8 groups) and elaboration of an expository summary (7 groups). It was monitored that there were no significant previous differences between two conditions regarding: reading comprehension, reading comprehension regulation strategies and domain-specific prior knowledge. To evaluate the performance in learning, the quality of the proposals made in concept maps and summaries were taken adapting the procedure proposed by Haugwitz, Nesbit and Sandmann (2010), and also the results obtained by the students in a multiple-choice questionnaire about the knowledge area. Likewise, the level of collaboration perceived by each member of the teams was examined using a Collaboration questionnaire developed by Chan and Chan (2011). The identification and characterization of the processes of social regulation was carried out through a qualitative analysis of the exchanges registered during the collaborative activity, considering the type (co-regulation and shared regulation) and the regulation orientation (directed to the task or to the management of collaboration). The quantitative results analysis showed the existence of significant effects working with collaborative concept maps in the knowledge acquired during the collaborative task and in some of the indicators of perceived collaboration. Although no significant statistical differences were found, in the teams that elaborated expository summaries, a predominance of episodes of regulation directed towards the cognitive activity of the collaborative task was observed, being scarce, in both conditions, the episodes of social regulation directed towards collaboration within the triadsThis work integrates a series of studies in progress on collaboration and digital technologies that were carried out within the framework of the research project called "Communicative innovation and management in organizations" of the Thematic Network of Academic Collaboration "Management, Culture and Communication in Organizations", which was supported by PRODEP-SEP (México) DSA/103.5/15/11048 (UASLP-CA-232), in which the first author participate

    El bienestar subjetivo y el desempeño en el trabajo: análisis de un efecto supresor

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    This is a four-year follow-up study on the relationship between the cognitive and emotional components of subjective well-being (SWB) and job performance. We hypothesized a positive relationship between these variables and job performance. The sample consisted of 170 managers of a Spanish company in the Information Technology and Communication (ITC) industry. The cognitive component of SWB was assessed with the Satisfaction with Life (SWL) scale and the emotional component with the SPANE scale. Two independent ratings, one from the direct supervisor and another from the HR manager, served as evaluations of job performance during four years in a row. Results showed that the two components of SWB predicted job performance over the four years. Additionally, when the two components are entered in a regression equation the validity increases over time as a consequence of a suppressor effect on the cognitive component of SWB. Finally, we discuss the implications for the theory and the practice of SWB at work.Este es un estudio de seguimiento a cuatro años sobre la relación entre los componentes cognitivos y emocionales del bienestar subjetivo (SWB) y el desempeño laboral. Nuestra hipótesis se refiere a la relación positiva entre estas variables y el desempeño laboral. La muestra estuvo formada por 170 managers de una empresa española de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). El componente cognitivo de SWB se evaluó con la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWL) y el componente emocional con la escala SPANE. Dos calificaciones independientes, una del supervisor directo y otra del manager de recursos humanos, sirvieron para evaluar el desempeño laboral durante cuatro años consecutivos. Los resultados mostraron que los dos componentes de SWB predijeron el desempeño laboral durante los cuatro años. Además, cuando los dos componentes se incluyen en una ecuación de regresión, la validez aumenta con el tiempo como consecuencia de un efecto supresor sobre el componente cognitivo del SWB. Finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones para la teoría y la práctica de SWB en el trabajo.The research reported in this manuscript was partially supported by Grant PSI2017-87603-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economics and CompetitivenessS