452 research outputs found

    Formal [3+2] Cycloaddition Reactions of Electron-Rich Aryl Epoxides with Alkenes under Lewis Acid Catalysis Affording Tetrasubstituted Tetrahydrofurans

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    We report on the regio- and stereoselective synthesis of tetrahydrofurans by reaction between epoxides and alkenes in the presence of a Lewis acid. This is an unprecedented formal [3+2] cycloaddition reaction between an epoxide and an alkene. The chemical reaction represents a very concise synthesis of tetrahydrofurans from accessible starting compounds

    Genetic Algorithm for Epidemic Mitigation by Removing Relationships

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    Min-SEIS-Cluster is an optimization problem which aims at minimizing the infection spreading in networks. In this problem, nodes can be susceptible to an infection, exposed to an infection, or infectious. One of the main features of this problem is the fact that nodes have different dynamics when interacting with other nodes from the same community. Thus, the problem is characterized by distinct probabilities of infecting nodes from both the same and from different communities. This paper presents a new genetic algorithm that solves the Min-SEIS-Cluster problem. This genetic algorithm surpassed the current heuristic of this problem significantly, reducing the number of infected nodes during the simulation of the epidemics. The results therefore suggest that our new genetic algorithm is the state-of-the-art heuristic to solve this problem.Comment: GECCO '17 - Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conferenc

    Accessibility to the contributing regime of health in Colombia: the case of the migrant rural population.

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    The objective of this document is to analyze the determinants of the probability that the migrant rural population colombian, will acceded to the contributing regime of health in 2006. We consider a logit model and data of the Encuesta Continua de Hogares, which is applied by the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE). The model contains variables such as: sex, age, civil state, head of household, education,education of the head of household and reason of the migration. All the variables including in the model turned out to be signicant. In agreement with the results, to have more years of approved education, to be man, and to be married or in free union they generate a positive effect on the probability of being aliate to the contributing regime of health. Of another side, an increase in the age, being head of household or migrated for involuntary reasons aects the probability that negatively the migrant ones of the countryside accede to the contributing regime.Acceso a Salud; Régimen Contributivo; Modelo Logit; Migrantes;

    Identifying relationship patterns inside communities

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    Community detection is an important problem for Computer and other sciences. Following Agarwal and Kempe one of the most important reasons to make clustering over a network is to identify the function/role of each element in a community. If the communities have hundreds or thousands of elements, it is important to understand the functions of internal elements, but that will require an automatic process. In this context, we propose to develop a model, capable to identify elements with common features in different communities, based on the connection between elements and communities, agreeing with Newman and Girvan model features. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Experiencia perceptual y sustento epistémico

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    In this paper we analyze the problem of how our perceptual experiences give epistemic support to our beliefs. We begin with some considerations formulated by Fodor, but revise them in some respects. We consider, in particular, his recent proposal for the existence of non-conceptual representations in perceptual information processing. Our aim is to vindicate, against the arguments raised by some representatives of so-called ‘perceptual conceptualism’, a normative role for perceptual experiences insofar as they are conceived as representations with non-conceptual content.En este trabajo analizamos el problema de cómo nuestras experiencias perceptuales sustentan epistémicamente nuestras creencias. Partimos de algunas consideraciones de Fodor al respecto, aunque revisadas en ciertos aspectos. Especialmente nos ocupamos de su reciente defensa de la existencia de representaciones no-conceptuales en el procesamiento de la información perceptual. Nuestra pretensión es reivindicar, frente a los argumentos en contra esgrimidos por algunos representantes del llamado ‘conceptualismo perceptual’, un papel normativo para las experiencias perceptuales concebidas como representaciones con contenido no-conceptual

    A Salvaguarda do Património Arquitectónico na Força Aérea Portuguesa

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    A conservação do legado patrimonial da FAP tem vindo a merecer, nos últimos anos, uma crescente atenção da Instituição, presente em diversas iniciativas desenvolvidas no sentido da salvaguarda efectiva do património móvel e imóvel que encerra, enquanto Ramo independente, ou como herdeira dos primeiros passos da Aeronáutica Militar em Portugal. A progressiva consciencialização institucional para a importância daqueles bens, manifesto sinal de cidadania, acarreta naturalmente o surgimento de novos desafios teóricos e práticos, associados à necessidade de classificação dos edifícios que importa salvaguardar, e sobre a qualidade e adequação das intervenções fundamentais à sua preservação. Circunscrito à salvaguarda do património arquitectónico na Força Aérea, o presente trabalho tem por objectivo, partindo da caracterização dos principais conceitos associados à salvaguarda do património, contribuir para a divulgação e estabelecimento de critérios tendentes à sua protecção cautelar, classificação, preservação, valorização de edifícios, “conjuntos” e “sítios” que, pela singularidade arquitectónica, histórica e carácter de exemplo único, assumem inegáveis referência, per si, como património edificado e enquanto sede de outros patrimónios, tangíveis ou intangíveis. Abstract: The conservation of the patrimonial legacy of the Portuguese Air Force has come in recent years to deserve an increasing attention of the Institution, manifest in diverse initiatives developed in the direction of effective safeguards of the mobile and immovable heritege that locks up, while independent branch or as inheriting of the first steps of the Military Aeronautics in Portugal. The gradual institucional perception of the importance of those goods, as a citizenship signal, of course causes the sprouting of new theoretical and practical challenges, associates to the necessity of classification of the buildings that matters to safeguard and on the quality and adequacy of the basic interventions to its preservation. Circumscribed to it safeguards of the architectural heritage in the Air Force, the present work has for goal, leaving of the characterization of the main concepts associates to safeguards of the patrimony, to contribute for its spreading and the establishment of tending criteria to its action for a provisional remedy protecção, classification, preservation and valuation of buildings and small farms that, for its arquitectónic, historical singularity and character of only example, assumes as undeniable reference, per itself, un edifying heritage and headquarters of others, tangible or intangible

    Dog sensitization and allergy to mites: do they respond the same way to poultry red mite as to house-dust and storage mites?

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    Background Dermanyssus gallinae, the European poultry red mite (PRM), is a common ectoparasite of laying chickens and pigeons but can also feed on other birds, humans and domestic animals, causing from mild discomfort to severe dermatitis, with possible transmission of several infectious agents. In affected dogs clinical signs resembling flea allergy were reported, but very little is known about either a possible type I hypersensitivity to PRM in dogs or an eventual cross-sensitization with house-dust or storage mites. Investigating on IgE-mediated allergy to PRM in dogs is important from both veterinary and human health perspectives as knowledge about an IgE-mediated allergy in humans and their dogs, and possible cross-sensitization with dust and storage mites will favor a better clinical approach. Our aim was to clarify i) whether there is evidence of type I hypersensitivity to PRM in dogs, by testing for specific IgE to PRM and ii) the possible occurrence of cross-sensitization with dust and storage mites. Method Sixteen dogs with long-lasting close contact with chickens from traditional bird houses and 5 control dogs from an allergy outpatient consultation, with no direct contact with birds, were subjected to commercial intradermal tests for the most common dust and storage mites (Diater, Spain) and with D. gallinae extract (LETI, Spain) in four concentrations (1, 0.5, 0.1 and 0.01 mg/mL). Serum specific IgE (sIgE) to PRM was determined by ELISA at LETI Animal Health Laboratories (Spain). Results Three control dogs presented positive IDT to PRM and 2 were negative, each of them to every concentration. IDT were found positive in 10 chicken-contacting dogs with 0.1 mg and in only 6 with 0.01 mg/mL. IDT response to PRM was found gradual between 0.1 and 0.01 mg/mL of extract concentration. Serum sIgE to PRM was detected in 1 control (20%) and in 7 (44%) chicken-contacting dogs. No significant correlation was found between PRM and dust and storage mites IDT and between IDT and sIgE to PRM. Conclusion The adequate PRM IDT extract concentration could be in the 0.1-0.01 mg/mL range. Close contact with infested chickens, hence with PRM may conduce to a possible state of sensitization with detectable sIgE without allergy, necessarily. Sensitization and allergy to PRM may be independent from their equivalent to dust and storage mites