1,142 research outputs found

    Infección Nosocomial: situación en España

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    Las infecciones Relacionadas con la Asistencia Sanitaria (IRAS) afectan a un 5-10% de todos los hospitalizados, cifras que con frecuencia no incluyen las adquiridas fuera del medio hospitalario, pero en relación con procedimientos para el cuidado de la salud. Las más importantes son la Infección Urinaria relacionada con el catéter urinario (CAUTI), la bacteriemia nosocomial, habitualmente causada por infección de catéteres endovasculares, la infección respiratoria, la de piel y tejidos blandos, encabezada por la infección del sitio quirúrgico y la diarrea asociada a C. difficile. Los microorganismos causantes van desde los virus a los parásitos, pero son las bacterias y en segundo lugar,los hongos los más frecuentemente causales de infección nosocomial. La resistencia a antimicrobianos de muchos de estos agentes es un motivo más de preocupación. La pandemia de COVID-19 ha venido a deteriorar las medidas de control de las infecciones nosocomiales y a deteriorar sus cifras. España, según datos del estudio EPINE, tiene cifras de IRAS que podemos considerar aceptables pero que testimonian que no hemos mejorado en los últimos 10 años. Finalmente, y pese a las dificultades de cuantificarlo, el coste económico de estas infecciones es astronómico y puede estimarse para nuestro país por encima de los 1.000 millones de euros.Healthcare-associated infections (HCAI) affect 5-10% of all hospitalized patients, figures that often do not include those acquired outside the hospital environment but in relation to healthcare procedures. The most important are catheter-related urinary tract infection (CAUTI), nosocomial bacteremia, usually caused by endovascular catheter infection (CR-BSI or CLABSI), respiratory infection, skin and soft tissue infection, led by surgical site infection, and C. difficile-associated diarrhea. The causative microorganisms range from viruses to parasites, but bacteria and, secondly, fungi are the most frequent causes of nosocomial infection. Antimicrobial resistance of many of these agents is a further cause for concern. The COVID-19 pandemic has deteriorated nosocomial infection control measures and has worsened the numbers of nosocomial infections. Spain, according to data from the EPINE study, has HCAI figures that can be considered acceptable, but which show that we have not improved in the last 10 years. Finally, and despite the difficulties in quantifying it, the economic cost of these infections is astronomical and can be estimated at over 1,000 million euros for our country

    A novel strategy based on genomics and specific PCR reveals how a multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain became prevalent in Equatorial Guinea 15 years after its emergence.

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    OBJECTIVE: Molecular epidemiology techniques in tuberculosis (TB) can identify high-risk strains that are actively transmitted. We aimed to implement a novel strategy to optimize the identification and control of multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB in a specific population. METHODS: We developed a strain-specific PCR tailored from whole genome sequencing (WGS) data to track a specific MDR prevalent strain in Equatorial Guinea (EG-MDR). RESULTS: The PCR was applied prospectively on remnants of GeneXpert reaction mixtures owing to the lack of culture facilities in Equatorial Guinea. In 147 (93%) of 158 cases, we were able to differentiate between infection by the EG-MDR strain or by any other strain and found that 44% of all rifampicin-resistant TB cases were infected by EG-MDR. We also analysed 93 isolates obtained from Equatorial Guinea 15 years ago, before MDR-TB had become the problem it is today. We found that two of the scarce historical MDR cases were infected by EG-MDR. WGS revealed low variability-six single nucleotide polymorphisms acquired by this strain over 15 years-likely because of the lack in the country of a specific program to treat MDR-TB. CONCLUSIONS: Our novel strategy, which integrated WGS analysis and strain-specific PCRs, represents a low-cost, rapid and transferable strategy that allowed a prospective efficient survey and fast historical analysis of MDR-TB in a population

    A critical view on the current use of daptomycin in Spain: The daptomise study

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    Background: The Study on the Clinical Use of DAPTOMycin in Spain (DAPTOMISE Study) is a national surveillance program of daptomycin use. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the current variability in daptomycin consumption across the different hospitals and the adequacy of therapy, specially focused on underdosing. Methods: All adult and pediatric patients who received, at least, one dose of daptomycin in a single week in 98 institutions in Spain were included. The adequacy of daptomycin use was evaluated with respect to the indication, dosage, adjustments after microbiology results, switching to an oral agent and length of treatment. Results: A total of 615 patients received daptomycin during the study week. The prevalence use was 2.3 patients / 100,000 inhabitants per week, 12.4 patients / 1000 admissions and 9.2 Days of Therapy (DOT) / 1000 hospital stays. These rates varied between hospitals: from 0 to 13.9 patients / 100,000 inhabitants, from 0 to 76.1 patients / 1000 admissions and from 0 to 49.4 DOT / 1000 hospital stays. The most frequent infections were bacteremia (31.6 %) and skin and soft tissue infections (17.9 %). Microbiological results were available in only 65.4 % of infections. The most frequent microorganisms were Staphylococcus aureus (192 isolates, of which 87 were resistant to methicillin) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (124 isolates). A total of 136 prescriptions (22.1 %) were underdosed. Dosages < 8 mg/kg were used for 35.6 % of endovascular infections and for 26.2 % of osteoarticular infections. Overall, 57.2 % of prescriptions were not optimal in, at least, one item. Clinical cure rate was 76.1% and mortality attributable to the infection 8.1%. Conclusion: This is the first registry that identifies the prevalence of use of daptomycin in Spain and shows a high variability in the consumption between the different hospitals. Daptomycin underdosing was present in more than 20 % of cases. (c) 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    New variants of SARS-CoV-2

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    The emergence and spread of new variants of SARS-CoV-2 has produced enormous interest due to their possible implication in the improved transmissibility of the virus, their consequences in the individual evolution of the infection, as well as in the possible escape from the immunity generated by the current vaccines. The variants that attract most attention are those of public health concern, including B.1.1.7 (UK), P.1 (Brazilian) and B.1.351 (South African). This list is extended by the variants of interest that emerge and are expanding in certain countries but are found sporadically in others, such as B.1.427 and B.1.429 (Californians) or B.1.617 (Indian). Whole genome sequencing or strategies specifically targeting the spicule gene are used in the microbiology laboratories for characterization and detection. The number of infected individuals, the sanitary situation of each country, epidemiological measures and vaccination strategies influence its dispersion and new variants are expected to emerge. This emergence can only be avoided today by increasing the vaccinated population in all countries and by not relaxing epidemiological containment measures. It is not excluded that in the future it will be necessary to revaccinate against new variants.post-print186 K

    Persistence and viability of SARS-CoV-2 in primary infection and reinfections

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    Since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, virus isolation in the infected patient was only possible for a short period of time and it was striking that this occurred constantly and did not provide guidance on the clinical course. This fact led to confusion about the efficacy of some of the drugs initially used, which seemed to have a high efficiency in viral clearance and proved ineffective in modifying the course of the disease. The immune response also did not prove to be definitive in terms of evolution, although most of the patients with very mild disease had a weak or no antibody response, and the opposite was true for the most severe patients. With whatever the antibody response, few cases have been re-infected after a first infection and generally, those that have, have not reproduced a spectrum of disease similar to the first infection. Among those re-infected, a large number have been asymptomatic or with very few symptoms, others have had a moderate picture and very few have had a poor evolution. Despite this dynamic of rapid viral clearance, laboratory tests were still able to generate positive results in the recovery of genomic sequences and this occurred in patients who were already symptom-free, in others who were still ill and in those who were very seriously ill. There was also no good correlate. For this reason and with the perspective of this year and the half of pandemic, we compiled what the literature leaves us in these aspects and anticipating that, as always in biology, there are cases that jump the limits of the general behavior of the dynamics of infection in genera

    Actions and attitudes on the immunized patients against SARS-CoV-2

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    The access to COVID vaccines by millions of human beings and their high level of protection against the disease, both in its mild and severe forms, together with a plausible decrease in the transmission of the infection from vaccinated patients, has prompted a series of questions from the members of the College of Physicians of Madrid (ICOMEM) and the society. The ICOMEM Scientific Committee on this subject has tried to answer these questions after discussion and consensus among its members. The main answers can be summarized as follows: The occurrence of new SARS-CoV-2 infections in both vaccinated and previously infected patients is very low, in the observation time we already have. When breakthrough infections do occur, they are usually asymptomatic or mild and, purportedly, should have a lower capacity for transmission to other persons. Vaccinated subjects who have contact with a SARS-CoV-2 infected patient can avoid quarantine as long as they are asymptomatic, although this decision depends on variables such as age, occupation, circulating variants, degree of contact and time since vaccination. In countries with a high proportion of the population vaccinated, it is already suggested that fully vaccinated persons could avoid the use of masks and social distancing in most circumstances. Systematic use of diagnostic tests to assess the immune response or the degree of protection against reinfection after natural infection or vaccination is discouraged, since their practical consequences are not known at this time. The existing information precludes any precision regarding a possible need for future revaccination. This Committee considers that when mass vaccination of health care workers and the general population is achieved, SARS-CoV-2 screening tests could be avoided at least in out-patient care and in the case of exploratory procedures that do not require hospitalizatio

    COVID-19: Some unresolved issues

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    Two years after the COVID-19 pandemic, many uncertainties persist about the causal agent, the disease and its future. This document contains the reflection of the COVID-19 working group of the Official College of Physicians of Madrid (ICOMEM) in relation to some questions that remain unresolved. The document includes considerations on the origin of the virus, the current indication for diagnostic tests, the value of severity scores in the onset of the disease and the added risk posed by hypertension or dementia. We also discuss the possibility of deducing viral behavior from the examination of the structure of the complete viral genome, the future of some drug associations and the current role of therapeutic resources such as corticosteroids or extracorporeal oxygenation (ECMO). We review the scarce existing information on the reality of COVID 19 in Africa, the uncertainties about the future of the pandemic and the status of vaccines, and the data and uncertainties about the long-term pulmonary sequelae of those who suffered severe pneumonia.post-print462 K

    Pasado y futuro de la infección por VIH. Un documento basado en la opinión de expertos

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    [EN] HIV infection is now almost 40 years old. In this time, along with the catastrophe and tragedy that it has entailed, it has also represented the capacity of modern society to take on a challenge of this magnitude and to transform an almost uniformly lethal disease into a chronic illness, compatible with a practically normal personal and relationship life. This anniversary seemed an ideal moment to pause and reflect on the future of HIV infection, the challenges that remain to be addressed and the prospects for the immediate future. This reflection has to go beyond merely technical approaches, by specialized professionals, to also address social and ethical aspects. For this reason, the Health Sciences Foundation convened a group of experts in different aspects of this disease to discuss a series of questions that seemed pertinent to all those present. Each question was presented by one of the participants and discussed by the group. The document we offer is the result of this reflection. [ES] La infección por VIH cumple ahora casi 40 años de existencia. En este tiempo, junto a la catástrofe y la tragedia que ha supuesto, ha representado también la capacidad de la sociedad moderna de asumir un reto de esta magnitud y de transformar, gracias al tratamiento antirretroviral, una enfermedad mayoritariamente letal en una enfermedad crónica, compatible con una vida personal y de relación prácticamente normales. Este aniversario parecía un momento idóneo para pararse a reflexionar sobre el futuro de la infección VIH, los retos que todavía quedan por abordar y las perspectivas para el inmediato futuro. Esa reflexión tiene que ir más allá de planteamientos meramente técnicos, de profesionales especializados, para abordar aspectos sociales y éticos. Por este motivo, la Fundación de Ciencias de la Salud convocó a un grupo de expertos en distintos aspectos de esta infección para discutir una serie de preguntas que parecieron pertinentes a todos los convocados. Cada pregunta era expuesta por uno de los participantes y discutida por el grupo. El documento que ofrecemos es el resultado de esa reflexión.For transparency purposes, we would like to inform you that GSK has contributed to the funding of this publication. Its content reflects the authors’ own opinions, criteria, conclusions and/or findings, which may not necessarily coincide with those of GSK. GSK always recommends that its products are used in accordance with the technical data sheet approved by the health authorities.S

    Factors associated with the development of septic shock in patients with candidemia: a post hoc analysis from two prospective cohorts

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    [Background] Almost one third of the patients with candidemia develop septic shock. The understanding why some patients do and others do not develop septic shock is very limited. The objective of this study was to identify variables associated with septic shock development in a large population of patients with candidemia.[Methods] A post hoc analysis was performed on two prospective, multicenter cohort of patients with candidemia from 12 hospitals in Spain and Italy. All episodes occurring from September 2016 to February 2018 were analyzed to assess variables associated with septic shock development defined according to The Third International Consensus Definition for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3).[Results] Of 317 candidemic patients, 99 (31.2%) presented septic shock attributable to candidemia. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identifies the following factors associated with septic shock development: age > 50 years (OR 2.57, 95% CI 1.03–6.41, p = 0.04), abdominal source of the infection (OR 2.18, 95% CI 1.04–4.55, p = 0.04), and admission to a general ward at the time of candidemia onset (OR 0.21, 95% CI, 0.12–0.44, p = 0.001). Septic shock development was independently associated with a greater risk of 30-day mortality (OR 2.14, 95% CI 1.08–4.24, p = 0.02).[Conclusions] Age and abdominal source of the infection are the most important factors significantly associated with the development of septic shock in patients with candidemia. Our findings suggest that host factors and source of the infection may be more important for development of septic shock than intrinsic virulence factors of organisms.This study was funded by a research grant from the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Instituto de Salud Carlos III [FIS PI15/00744], European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); CGV is a recipient of an INTENSIFICACIÓ Grant from the “Strategic plan for research and innovation in health-PERIS 2016-2020” and forms part of the Fungi CLINIC Research group (AGAUR-Project 2017SGR1432 of the Catalan Health Agency)

    Vacunación anti-COVID-19: la realidad tras los ensayos clínicos.

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    Tras el comienzo de la vacunación frente a SARS-CoV-2, se está acumulando ya suficiente experiencia clínica, en el mundo real y fuera de los ensayos clínicos, para resolver algunas de las cuestiones que siguen pendientes sobre este problema. El Comité Científico sobre COVID-19 del Colegio de Médicos de Madrid ha discutido y revisado algunos de estos temas con una aproximación multidisciplinar. El documento que sigue es un intento de responder a algunas de dichas cuestiones con la información disponible hasta el momento. Este documento se ha estructurado en preguntas sobre distintos aspectos de las indicaciones, eficacia y tolerancia de la vacunación anti- COVID-19.post-print214 K