2,378 research outputs found

    Estudo sobre os hábitos de leitura dos estudantes portugueses do ensino superior

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    O estudo que agora se apresenta (2014)resultou de um projeto do CEPLI - Centro de Estudios para la Promoción de la Lectura – da Universidade de Castilla-La Mancha, que incluiu um levantamento de dados sobre os hábitos de leitura dos estudantes do ensino superior em Espanha e Portugal. A colaboração entre professores da Universidade de Castilla-La Mancha e da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco foi determinante para ser possível concretizar o projeto. No entanto, nesta publicação apenas se analisam os resultados relativos à população portuguesa da amostra

    Socio-cognitive and emotional factors on perpetration of cyberbullying

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    Research on the characteristics shown by children who cyberbully others is scarce. The objective of this research is to know the variables that predict the involvement of youngsters in cyberbullying perpetration. The current study examined the relation between socio-cognitive and emotional variables and cyberbullying perpetration. It examined the cyberbullies' beliefs about moral disengagement towards cyberbullying. It tested also the social support and emotional reactions to cyberbullying with the aim of understanding their association with cyberbullying perpetration. A number of 1,062 teenagers (54% girls) between 12 and 19 years old (M=15.20, SD=1.91), from six public secondary schools in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), participated in the study. Results suggest that students who engage in cyberbullying perpetration have higher levels of cyberbullying victimization and bullying aggression when compared with their peers who do not engage in cyberbullying. The findings show that socio-cognitive and emotional variables are important to understand individual differences in engagement in cyberbullying. Result of regressions indicated that perpetration of cyberbullying was positively associated with cyberbullying victimization, bullying aggression, moral disengagement towards cyberbullying, social support and satisfaction expression. In contrast, perpetration of cyberbullying was not associated with negative emotions. Gender and age did not play a significant role in the prediction on perpetration of cyberbullying. Future research should continue to examine predictive factors associated with cyberbullying perpetration

    Role conflict of male gender and its effects on bullying

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    En este estudio se analiza la asociación entre el conflicto de rol de género masculino y las conductas de acoso y victimización escolar. La muestra estuvo formada por 786 chicos estudiantes españoles, de edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 17 años (M=14.5, DT=1.58). Se establecieron tres grupos de experimentación del conflicto de rol de género tanto a nivel global como en cada uno de sus patrones: nivel alto, medio y bajo. Los resultados de los distintos análisis de varianza indicaron que el constructo de conflicto de rol de género y los patrones de conflicto que lo componen está relacionados con las distintas formas de acoso y victimización escolar. El acoso escolar parece configurarse como la respuesta a la inadecuación a los roles de género restrictivos y también una forma de penalizar aquellos que no se adhieren a ellos.The aim of this study was to analyze the association between the masculine gender role conflict and school bullying. The sample was made up of 786 Spanish adolescents boys, aged 12 to 17 years (M = 14.5, SD = 1.58). Three groups of adolescents boys were distinguished according with their experimentation of the gender role conflict: high, average and low. The results of the ANOVAS indicated that the construct of gender role conflict and their conflict patterns were related to the different forms of school bullying and victimization. Bullying seems to be configured as a response to the fail in adhering the restrictive gender roles and also a way of punish peers who do not adhere these restrictive roles

    The Role Of Gender Identity In The Behavior Of Bullying

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    We explore the relation between gender stereotyping in traits and roles and bullying. The sample is comprised by 1835 students (993 boys and 842 girls) from the 4th to 6th grade of Primary school from Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). In order to measure gender roles we have used Sex Role Scale for Children, whilst gender stereotypes have been measured with Children´s Personal Attributes Questionnaire. The levels of school aggression have been assessed through Instrument to assess the incidence of involvement in bully/victim interactions at school. The evolution of gender role has a higher significance at work-related than in family roles. In the study of gender traits boys and girls show traditional differential characteristics. Results prove the role of gender stereotypical trait in aggressive behaviour among pairs

    Reading and associated competences of information and documentation professionals: the reading behavior of future librarians

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    Numerous studies have analyzed the reading habits of university students, demonstrating the benefits of voluntary reading for academic performance. It is thus paradoxical that a large fraction of university students only read instrumentally and are far from adopting stable reading habits. This general situation is repeated among future professionals in the education field, whose personal reading experiences have been proven to have a decisive influence on their training and professional practice. Students on information and documentation degree courses are among the group of future professionals who are strongly linked to reading and who must attain competence in reading and comprehension. The main aim of this study is to use a sample of 214 students on information and documentation degree courses at five Spanish universities to analyze the professional profiles of most interest to them and their relationship with reading, both at a global level and depending on their chosen profile. The results reveal that many students have not identified a clearly defined professional profile. We also confirm findings from other studies on reading habits and behaviors, where it is evident that voluntary reading is not part of their lifestyle, albeit with some differences here between students depending on the professional profile selected. These results support the idea that, although some of these competences do not seem to have a strictly information or documentation nature, given the importance given to them in professional opportunities related to these studies, their reinforcement should be considered in future revisions of such degrees

    Leer para convivir. Lecturas para la prevención del acoso

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    Els problemes de convivència en els centres escolars són recurrents i els educadors socials no poden passar de llarg sobre un tema de caràcter interdisciplinar que requereix intervencions socioeducatives. En aquest treball, a partir de la lectura del llibre àlbum nombres robados (Tàssies, SM.) s’intervé sobre el concepte d’assetjament i les seves conseqüències. La lectura de l’àlbum ens ha permès despertar el diàleg per reconèixer l’assetjament per exclusió, les emocions de la víctima i treballar els valors d’acceptació i convivència entre iguals. Es tracta de parlar de l’assetjament amb els adolescents des de la distància personal i la proximitat contextual que ofereix la literatura. Presentem els resultats de l’experiència duta a terme amb 92 estudiants de 2n curs d’ESO, entre 13 i 14 anys, d’un centre d’educació secundària.Problems of harmonious coexistence are commonin schools, and social educators cannot ignore an issue that cries out for interdisciplinary socio-educational interventions. In this article a reading of the picture book Nombres robados [Stolen Names] (Tàssies, SM.) is the starting point for engagement with the concept of bullying and its consequences. The reading of the book served to open up a dialogue which recognized harassment in the form of exclusion, addressed the feelings of the victim and worked with the values of acceptance and coexistence among equals. This is harassment talking with adolescents from the personal distance and contextual closeness that literature provides. We present here the results of the experiment conducted with 92 second-year secondary students aged between 13 and 14.Los problemas de convivencia en los centros escolares son frecuentes y los educadores sociales no pueden pasar de largo sobre un tema de carácter interdisciplinar que requiere intervenciones socioeducativas. En este trabajo, a partir de la lectura del libro álbum nombres robados (Tàssies, SM.) se interviene sobre el concepto de acoso y sus consecuencias. La lectura del álbum nos ha permitido despertar el diálogo para reconocer el acoso por exclusión, las emociones de la víctima y trabajar los valores de aceptación y convivencia entre iguales. Se trata de hablar del acoso con los adolescentes desde la distancia personal y la cercanía contextual que ofrece la literatura. Presentamos los resultados de la experiencia llevada a cabo con 92 estudiantes de 2º curso de ESO, entre 13 y 14 años, de un centro de educación secundaria

    Variation of the ultraviolet extinction law across the Taurus-Auriga star forming complex. A GALEX based study

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    The Taurus-Auriga molecular complex (TMC) is the main laboratory for the study of low mass star formation. The density and properties of interstellar dust are expected to vary across the TMC. These variations trace important processes such as dust nucleation or the magnetic field coupling with the cloud. In this article, we show how the combination of near ultraviolet (NUV) and infrared (IR) photometry can be used to derive the strength of the 2175 \AA\ bump and thus any enhancement in the abundance of small dust grains and PAHs in the dust grains size distribution. This technique is applied to the envelope of the TMC, mapped by the GALEX All Sky Survey (AIS). UV and IR photometric data have been retrieved from the GALEX-AIS and the 2MASS catalogues. NUV and K-band star counts have been used to identify the areas in the cloud envelope where the 2175 \AA\ bump is weaker than in the diffuse ISM namely, the low column density extensions of L1495, L1498 and L1524 in Taurus, L1545, L1548, L1519, L1513 in Auriga and L1482-83 in the California region. This finding agrees with previous results on dust evolution derived from Spitzer data and suggests that dust grains begin to decouple from the environmental galactic magnetic field already in the envelope.Comment: Accepted in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Un algoritmo en tiempo real para etiquetado de componentes conectados en imágenes

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    Esta comunicación presenta un algoritmo de dos pasadas para el etiquetado en tiempo real de los componentes conexos en una imagen. El algoritmo propuesto es una buena opción frente a otras alternativas de dos y múltiples pasadas ya que ha sido diseñado considerando que su implementación en FPGAs ofrezca un buen compromiso entre recursos ocupados y velocidad de operación. Se describen dos implementaciones hardware de este algoritmo, cuyo desarrollo se ha llevado a cabo siguiendo un flujo de diseño basado en la herramienta System Generator de Xilinx.Comunidad Económica Europea MOBY-DIC FP7-IST- 248858Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España) TEC2008-04920Junta de Andalucía P08- TIC-03674Fondos Feder P08- TIC-0367

    O mercado de alimentos orgânicos da Região Metropolitana de Campinas-SP.

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    Considerando que o mercado é um espaço de construção social, o objetivo principal deste artigo é o de compreender a diversidade da comercialização de produtos de base ecológica, identificando as redes organizacionais da Região Metropolitana de Campinas, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, visitas exploratórias e entrevistas abertas nos principais pontos de vendas de alimentos orgânicos. Caracterizamos o mercado de venda indireta (varejo das redes de supermercados internacionais, nacionais e lojas especializadas) e o de venda direta (feiras-livres entregas em domicilio e grupo de consumidores). Embora atualmente a rede varejista desempenhe um papel importante na divulgação da produção orgânica, as vendas diretas, ainda com pequena expressão, são oportunidades para o agricultor familiar e para as organizações coletivas locais, atenderem às demandas do consumidor
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