91 research outputs found

    On the Caesura in Dance: Reading Black Waters as history at a standstill

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    The art of dance, as a practice expressed in the body language of the dancer, addresses our bodily existence by resembling it. It has the narrative power to make us, as audiences who inhabit bodies ourselves, rediscover the body as a condition of being human that we all share. This illumination can lead us to look at each other’s bodies with more care. With this premise in mind, I call for a moment in the perception of dance that creates an awareness of the social references enacted in the performance. In my consideration, I focus on dance as evocative of imaginative thought, its stillness as dialectical, in which dance takes on an interrupting quality, and ask: How does the perception of a dancing body influence us as spectators in our thinking about the bodies of others? I read Phoenix Dance Theatre’s performance Black Waters (2020) as a representation of colonial history that sheds light on the visibility of Black identities and how they are read through the White gaze. This article particularises dance as a possibility of encounter that enhances decolonial thinking


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    Timing errors are an important concern in nanometer CMOS technologies. A promising way to overcome the timing errors is the development of error detection and correction techniques. A local error detection and correction technique is done in this work. It is based on a new bit flipping flip flop. Whenever a timing error is detected, it is corrected by complementing the output of the corresponding flip flop. No extra circuitry is inserted in the design. Timing errors are identified and corrected within a single cycle and hence design complexity is reduced which results in reduced power consumption and low silicon area when compared to the earlier designs


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    Vietnam dan Tiongkok memiliki hubungan asimetris dimana Vietnam menghadapi Tiongkok sebagai Negara dengan kapabilitas yang besar. Vietnam mengambil langkah hati-hati agar tidak mengancam hubungannya dengan Tiongkok, terutama dalam bidang ekonomi. Adanya ketergantungan ekonomi kepada Tiongkok membuat Vietnam harus berhati-hati dalam menghadapi Tiongkok di Laut Tiongkok Selatan untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan nasionalnya. Dengan kondisi seperti ini, maka Vietnam menggunakan strategi yang bias membantu melindungi kepentingan nasionalnya sekaligus tetap bias mempertahankan hubungan bilateralnya dengan baik terhadap Tiongkok. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep bandwagoning dan hedging serta metodologi penelitian kualitatif deskriptif untuk melihat strategi yang dilakukan Vietnam dalam menghadapi Tiongkok di Laut Tiongkok Selatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Vietnam cenderung menggunakan strategi hedging melalui soft balancing lewat comprehensive partnership, enmeshment lewat kebijakan cooperation and struggle dan complex engagement lewat multilateralization and diversification. Kata Kunci :Bandwagoning, Hedging, Laut Tiongkok Selatan, Tiongkok dan Vietnam


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan uji beda untuk dua ke1ompok sampel yang bebas dengan level of significant sebesar 1%, Pengujian ini dilakukan pada masing-masing variabel untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan masjng-masing variabel antara laki-Iaki dan wanita

    Kejadian penyakit gumoro pada ayam ras petelur

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    Telah dilakukan penyidikan penyakit Gumboro di kabupaten Bangli Propinsi Bali dan Sikka, Flores Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur.Dalam penyidikan tersebut dilakukan pengamatan epidemiologis, gejala klinis, patologis, isolasi dan identifikasi agen penyebab.Dari gambaran epidemiologis menunjukkan penyakit menyerang ayam jenis AA Brown CP 909, Superharco CP 306 dan Logman pada umur 32,64 dan 58 hari denganmorbiditas masing-masing 100.0%, 5.97% dan 100.0%, mortalitas 38.48%, 2.24% dan 49.75% atau CFR 38.48%, 37.50% dan 49.75%. Tingkat mortalitas harian pada ayam AA Brown CP 909 menunjukkan paling tinggi terjadi pada hari ke lima sebesar 77.43% sedangkan pada ayam Superharco CP 306 terjadi pada hari ketiga dengan 19.89% dan pada jenis Logman terjadi pada hari ketiga dengan 1.01%. Kesembuhan terjadi pada ketiga jenis ayam tersebut masing-masing pada hari ke-12, ke-10 dan ke-5. Gejala klinis dan perubahan patologis ketiga jenis ayam adalah sama dan khas, serta virusnya mudah turnbuh pada telur ayam berembrio

    Survei Serologis antibodi Blue Tongue pada ternak sapi di Propinsi Bali; NTB; NTT; dan Timor Timur

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    Telah dilakukan survei serologis terhadap Blue Tongue (BT) di Propinsi Bali, NTB, NTT dan Timor Timur. Pada survei tersebut telah diambil 1562 serum sapi yang kemudian diuji dengan agar gel precipitation (AGP).Sero positif Blue Tongue telah ditemukan di Propinsi Bali, NTB, NTT dan Timor Timur. Di Propinsi Bali ditemukan di 7 kabupaten meliputi 10 kecamatan dengan prevalensi antibodi rata-rata 8.80 persen. Di Propinsi NTB ditemukan di 6 kabupaten tersebar di 7 kecamatan dengan rata-rata prevalensi antibodi 4.17 persen. Di Propinsi NTT ditemukan di 4 kabupaten tersebar di 4 kecamatan dengan prevalensi rata-rata 6.25 persen dan di Timor Timur hanya ditemukan di kecamatan Meliana, kabupaten Babonaro dengan prevalensi 0.93 persen

    Ecolinguistics for and beyond the Sustainable Development Goals

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    This article considers potential impacts the study of language, including ecolinguistics, can have on important real-world issues, and how linguists and others can involve themselves in addressing these issues for a sustainable future. The article is divided into two parts. The first part provides an illustrative study in which computer tools were utilized to investigate media reporting. The study examined the relative coverage of issues of basic human needs (food, clean water, and sanitation), which are part of the focus of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, in four major newspapers from Malaysia, Singapore, the UK and the US. Data were collected between November 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic was in its early days in terms of worldwide attention. During that time period, the pandemic received far more coverage in those newspapers than did the other issues, even though basic human needs greatly outweighed the COVID-19 pandemic as to deaths and other forms of suffering at the time of data collection, not to mention the toll on human life in the many years before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Reasons for this severe discrepancy were explored with insights from professionals working in the media and related sectors. The skewed distribution of media coverage, we argue, reflects a crisis of responsibility and values. The second part of the article serves to highlight how those of us in language studies can make a contribution to the wider discussion about, among other important concerns, the role and responsibility of media in shaping the public’s views and actions on issues that are at the heart of sustainable development, and how we can be more socially engaged. We conclude by arguing that ecolinguists have much to contribute to the sustainability of the world, which ultimately requires a respect for the entire ecological community

    Survei Serologis antibodi bovine viral diarrhea pada ternak sapi di Propinsi Bali; NTB; NTT; dan Timor Timur

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    Telah dilakukan sumei serologis terhadap Bovine Viral Diarrahea (BVD) di wilayah kerja BPPH Wilayah VI Denpasar. Pada survei tersebut telah diambil 1562 serum sapi yang kemudian diuji dengan Agar Gel Precipitation (AGP).Bovine viral Diarrhea telah ditemukan di Propinsi Bali, NTB, NTT dan Timor Timur. Di Propinsi Bali tersebar di 8 Kabupaten dengan prevalensi 13.49 persen, NTB tersebar di 6 Kabupaten dengan prevalensi 14.17 persen, NTT hanya di Kabupaten Sikka dengan prevalensi 3.23 persen dan Timor Timur terdapat di Kabupaten Bobonaro dengan prevalensi 9.26 persen