13 research outputs found

    Diseño básico del layout de una terminal interior de contenedores con mercancías peligrosas a través de la priorización de alternativas aplicando la teoría de decisión multicriteria (métodos AHP y ANP)

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    [EN] In an inland terminal of containers with dangerous goods, operational, safety & security and environmental criteria are usually in conflict in the decision making process of the layout's design. But this conflict can be only a result of a partial analysis where not all involved criteria are being considered. If we really consider all criteria that should affect a decision perhaps the conflict between operational, safety & security and environmental aspects disappears. Decisions about machines and the layout in an inland terminal with dangerous goods must consider aspects as hazards of products, reliability, evacuation time, etc., jointly with other economical and operational criteria. Through this research, we are going to develop a holistic analysis based on the multicriteria theory (AHP - Analytic hierarchic process / ANP - Analytic network process) to provide terminals' decision makers with a methodology in order to design the layout of an inland terminal in a more productivity, safety, environment-friendly and efficient way. This methodology is addressed to decision makers of existent inland terminals for the management of change or to design new parts of the business, and also to freight forwarding companies' decision makers that see inland terminals of containers as a strategic business. Outputs of this methodology are optimal solutions not only from the point of view of productivity and operational efficiency, but also environment-friend and safety terminals. We think that this principle can be fulfilled with actual technology and this is the core of this research. Other way, a sensitive analysis using the methodology will be followed up to analyze what is the influence of the environmental and safety criteria in the decision process outputs.[ES] En una terminal de contenedores con mercancías peligrosas, los criterios operacionales, de seguridad y protección y los medioambientales suelen ser contrapuestos en un proceso de toma de decisión en relación con el diseño del layout. Sin embargo esta contraposición se debe únicamente a un análisis parcial en el que no se han considerado todos los criterios que pueden influir. Si realmente consideramos todos los criterios que influyen en la toma de decisión, ese conflicto entre aspectos operacionales, seguridad y protección y medioambientales puede desaparecer. Las decisiones sobre máquinas y el layout en una terminal interior con mercancías peligrosas deben considerar aspectos como la peligrosidad de las sustancias, la fiabilidad de los equipos, el tiempo de evacuación, etc., juntamente con otros criterios de carácter económico y operacional. En esta investigación vamos a desarrollar un análisis holístico basado en la teoría de decisión multicriteria (AHP - Analytic hierarchic process /ANP - Analytic network process) para proveer a las personas que toman decisiones sobre el layout en una terminal interior con mercancías peligrosas de una metodología para diseñar el layout de forma más productiva, segura, medioambiental y eficiente. Esta metodología va dirigida a gestionar adecuadamente el cambio en terminales interiores ya existentes o diseñar nuevas áreas de la terminal, así como a operadores logísticos que vean en las terminales interiores de contenedores una oportunidad de negocio. Los resultados de aplicar esta metodología son soluciones eficientes tanto desde el punto de vista productivo y operacional, como desde el punto de vista de la seguridad y el medio ambiente. Entendemos que puede hacerse realidad con la tecnología actual y ese es el corazón de esta investigación. En cualquier caso, se seguirá un análisis de sensibilidad para evaluar el grado de influencia de los criterios medioambientales y seguridad en los resultados del proceso de toma de decisión.[CA] En una terminal de contenidors amb mercaderies perilloses, els criteris operacionals, de seguretat i protecció i els mediambientals solen ser contraposats en un procés de presa de decisió en relació amb el disseny del layout. No obstant aquesta contraposició es deu únicament a un anàlisis parcial en el qual no s'han considerat tots els criteris que poden influir. Si realment considem tots els criteris que influeixen en la presa de decisió, aquest conflicte entre aspectes operacionals, seguretat i protecció i mediambientals pot desaparèixer. Les decisions sobre màquines i el layout en una terminal interior amb mercaderies perilloses han de considerar aspectes com la perillositat de les substàncies, la fiabilitat dels equips, el temps d'evacuació, etc., juntament amb altres criteris de caràcter econòmic i operacional. En aquesta investigació desenvoluparem una anàlisis holístic basat en la teoria de decisió multicriteria (AHP - Analytic hierarchic process / ANP - Analytic network process) per proveir a les persones que prenen decisions sobre el layout en una terminal interior amb mercaderies perilloses d'una metodologia per dissenyar el layout de forma mes productiva segura, mediambiental i eficient Aquesta metodologia va dirigida a gestionar adequadament el canvi en terminals interiors ja existents o dissenyar noves àrees de la terminal, així com a operadors logístics que vegin en les terminals interiors de contenidors una oportunitat de negoci. Els resultats d'aplicar aquesta metodologia son solucions eficients tant des del punt de vista productiu i operacional, com des del punt de vista de la seguretat i el mediambient. Entenem que pot fer-se realitat amb la tecnologia actual i aquest és el cor d'aquesta investigació. En qualsevol cas, es seguirà un anàlisis de sensibilitat per avaluar el grau d'influència dels criteris mediambientals i seguretat en els resultats del procès de presa de decisió.Santarremigia Rosaleny, FE. (2016). Diseño básico del layout de una terminal interior de contenedores con mercancías peligrosas a través de la priorización de alternativas aplicando la teoría de decisión multicriteria (métodos AHP y ANP) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61961TESI

    Railway safety by designing the layout of inland terminals with dangerous goods connected with the rail transport system

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    [EN] While rail transport is growing for medium-distance journeys, the first and last miles are travelled by road, marking a change of transport mode in inland terminals (ITs). Moreover, the introduction of ITs in seaport hinterlands is increasing with a view to decongesting ports, and the best transport mode to connect these ITs with ports is that of rail. In 2013, chemicals were involved in 48 rail accidents in the EU-28 and in 667 in the United States (US). An appropriate design for the layout of inland terminals for containers with dangerous goods (ITDGs) involved in the rail system will increase the safety and operability of rail transport, avoiding accidents such as Tianjin (2015). The novelty of this work is a methodology to design the layout of ITDGs involved in rail transport through a hierarchy of container handling equipment (CHE), used in the yard of the terminal for a safer, more resilient and more environmentally friendly rail transport. The AHP (analytic hierarchy process) was used to hierarchize five alternative layouts, one for each CHE used in the yard; and according to criteria belonging to three areas: safety and security, environment and equipment performance. Results show that a layout linked to platforms is the preferred alternative for storing containers with dangerous goods (DGs) in ITs connected to railways. The implementation of this methodology will reduce consequences in the case of a serious accident in, or terrorist attack on, ITDGs involved in the rail system and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions in the terminal.The authors want to acknowledge the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) for their financial support and the help of the members of the expert board (sorted alphabetically): AITEC, FEPORTS, FITOTRANS, IMEDES, JOFESA.Santarremigia, FE.; Molero, GD.; Poveda-Reyes, S.; Aguilar Herrando, J. (2018). Railway safety by designing the layout of inland terminals with dangerous goods connected with the rail transport system. Safety Science. 110:206-216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2018.03.001S20621611

    Modelling the performance of port terminals using microsimulation

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    [EN] Globalization has caused an increase in cargo volumes in ports, which is starting to produce congestion in some of the main ports, delays in the whole supply chain, higher costs, retention in the vicinity of ports, and more pollution. All of these issues highlight the need to improve current container terminals by searching for enhanced management models. The terminal operating system (TOS) is the operational control system used in container terminals. An improvement of TOS with better functionalities, and their optimization, would increase the efficiency of the terminal. In a previous study, the authors identified and weighted TOS functionalities using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The aim of this paper is to analyse by simulation how the improvement of the most influential TOS functionalities affects the operational and the environmental performance of a container terminal. Two new TOSs (TOS 2 and TOS 3) were compared with the TOS (TOS 1) currently used at Intersagunto terminal (Spain) by microsimulation using FlexTerm. Results show that modifications to the TOS can improve certain operational aspects, such as the number of containers handled, the occupation of the storage yard, and the dwell times; however, there were not significant improvements in energy consumption and carbon footprint. Further developments should address this issue by modifying other TOS functionalities in order to obtain both operational and environmental improvements at the terminal. This paper is addressed to managers of container terminals, TOS designers, researchers in the field of ports and terminals, and port authorities.This study was co-funded by Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad (IVACE) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under project reference IMIDCA/2017/32.Hervás-Peralta, M.; Rozic, T.; Poveda-Reyes, S.; Santarremigia, FE.; Pastor-Ferrando, J.; Molero, GD. (2020). Modelling the performance of port terminals using microsimulation. European Transport / Trasporti Europei. (76):1-11. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/165840S1117

    Computational Solutions Based on Bayesian Networks to Hierarchize and to Predict Factors Influencing Gender Fairness in the Transport System: Four Use Cases

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    : Previous studies have highlighted inequalities and gender differences in the transport system. Some factors or fairness characteristics (FCs) strongly influence gender fairness in the transport system. The difference with previous studies, which focus on general concepts, is the incorporation of level 3 FCs, which are more detailed aspects or measures that can be implemented by companies or infrastructure managers and operators in order to increase fairness and inclusion in each use case. The aim of this paper is to find computational solutions, Bayesian networks, and analytic hierarchy processes capable of hierarchizing level 3 FCs and to predict by simulation their values in the case of applying some improvements. This methodology was applied to data from women in four use cases: railway transport, autonomous vehicles, bicycle sharing stations, and transport employment. The results showed that fairer railway transport requires increased personal space, hospitality rooms, help points, and helpline numbers. For autonomous vehicles, the perception of safety, security, and sustainability should be increased. The priorities for bicycle sharing stations are safer cycling paths avoiding hilly terrains and introducing electric bicycles, child seats, or trailers to carry cargo. In transport employment, the priorities are fair recruitment and promotion processes and the development of family-friendly policies

    Methodology for Gender Analysis in Transport: Factors with Influence in Women’s Inclusion as Professionals and Users of Transport Infrastructures

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    This work analyzes gendered processes by a methodology based on clustering factors with influence in the decision-making process of women as users or employees of the transport system. Considering gender as a social construction which changes over time and space, this study is based on the concept of a woman as a person who adopts this role in society. This paper performs a deep analysis of those factors women consider as needs and barriers to use or work in the transport system in four scenarios: railway public transport infrastructures, automated vehicles, bicycle sharing, and jobholders. A literature review and focus group discussions were performed under the consideration that the definition of woman includes the addition of several personal characteristics (age, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, and culture). The data analysis allowed the identification of fairness characteristics (FCs) that affect the interaction of women with the transport system for each scenario. A methodology for clustering the fairness characteristics identified the main areas of action to improve the inclusion of women within each use case. Further studies will be focused on the quantification and prioritization of the FCs through mathematical methods and the suggestion of inclusive measures by an interdisciplinary panel

    A formulation model for computation to estimate the Life Cycle Cost of NiZn Batteries

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    [EN] The increasing demand for electricity and the electrification of various sectors require more efficient and sustainable energy storage solutions. This paper focuses on the novel rechargeable nickel¿zinc battery (RNZB) technology, which has the potential to replace the conventional nickel¿cadmium battery (NiCd), in terms of safety, performance, environmental impact, and cost. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive and systematic analysis of RNZBs by modeling their lifecycle cost (LCC) from cradle to grave. This paper also applies this LCC model to estimate costs along the RNZB¿s lifecycle in both cases: per kilogram of battery mass and per kilowatt hour of energy released. This model is shown to be reliable by comparing its results with costs provided by recognized software used for LCC analysis. A comparison of LCCs for three widely used battery technologies: lead¿acid, Li-ion LFP, and NMC batteries, which can be market competitors of NiZn, is also provided. The study concludes that the NiZn battery was found to be the cheapest throughout its entire lifecycle, with NiZn Formulation 1 being the cheapest option. The cost per unit of energy released was also found to be the lowest for NiZn batteries. The current research pain points are the availability of data for nickel¿zinc batteries, which are in the research and development phase, while other battery types are already widely used in energy storage. This paper recommends taking into account the location factor of infrastructures, cost of machinery, storage, number of suppliers of raw materials, amount of materials transported in each shipment, and the value of materials recovered after the battery recycling process to further reduce costs throughout the battery¿s lifecycle. This LCC model can be also used for other energy storage technologies and serve as objective functions for optimization in further developments.This research has received funding from the European Union s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program within the LOLABAT project, under grant agreement number 963576.Malviya, AK.; Zarehparast Malekzadeh, M.; Santarremigia, FE.; Molero, GD.; Villalba Sanchis, I.; Yepes, V. (2024). A formulation model for computation to estimate the Life Cycle Cost of NiZn Batteries. Sustainability. 16(5). https://doi.org/10.3390/su1605196516

    A Methodological Framework Based on a Quantitative Assessment of New Technologies to Boost the Interoperability of Railways Services

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    [EN] Concerning the increase in the number of trips and tourists after the Covid-19 pandemic TSPs (Transport Service Providers) and transport organizations are trying to improve their operability to answer the need and expectations of passengers. This paper presents a methodology to assess and evaluate to what extent innovative technologies meet the needs of tourists and TSPs involved in the digital ecosystem for door-to-door trips in Europe, making railways and public transport more attractive and consequently encouraging people to use more intermodal solutions in public transport. In this study, two kinds of quantitative data are used: operational KPIs (Key Perfor-mance Indicators) and USI (User Satisfaction Index) surveys. The Effectiveness concept, as a metric of the capacity to meet these needs and expectations by the innovative technology, is calculated by merging both types of quantitative data. The method considers tourists' socio-demographic pro-files, allowing comparisons among TSPs and profiles for a specific technology. In addition, specific socio-demographic data relevant to needs and expectations were studied. This work belongs to the methodological framework of the IP4MaaS (Innovation Program 4 Mobility as a Service) project, which sets six demo sites on which this assessment method will be applied in a further stage. The concept of effectiveness is applied in all the above-mentioned demo sites for the final assessment. This work could be interesting for TSPs and IT (Information Technology) developers, researchers, policymakers, and organizations in the transport sector.This paper was supported and funded by the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement and funding number no. 101015492, Shift2Rail IP4 to support the deployment of Mobility as a Service (IP4MaaS).Zarehparast Malekzadeh, M.; Santarremigia, FE.; Molero, GD.; Malviya, AK.; Arroyo-López, MR.; Ruiz Sánchez, T. (2023). A Methodological Framework Based on a Quantitative Assessment of New Technologies to Boost the Interoperability of Railways Services. Sustainability. 15(13). https://doi.org/10.3390/su151310636151

    An Assessment Methodology about the Effectiveness of Mobility IT Solutions. Application to Six Demo Sites

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    [EN] Considering the significant growth rate of populations in urban areas, public transport has become vital to urban living. Promoting the culture of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) among travelers has become unavoidable to address climatic challenges, particularly the global warming phenomenon. To encourage the use of public transport, it is important to introduce innovative IT solutions to the ecosystem of TSPs (Transport Service Providers) backed by an in-depth analysis to meet the expectations and the needs of the TSPs and the travelers. Building on the work from a previous paper, which introduced an assessment methodology based on the calculation of the effectiveness of IT solutions to meet traveler's needs and expectations, this paper presents the results of an intersectional assessment by applying this methodology with data collected in six demo sites (Athens, Barcelona, Liberec, Osijek, Padua, and Warsaw). This paper will help to understand better this quantitative assessment methodology, and especially help IT developers and TSPs understand better how to apply it to their IT solutions. Results of this assessment show which of these IT solutions (functionalities) are worth investment, considering the satisfaction level of both TSPs and travelers. This assessment methodology is scalable to other demo sites and datasets in further developments.This paper was supported and funded by the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement and funding number no. 101015492, Shift2Rail IP4 to support the deployment of Mobility as a Service (IP4MaaS).Zarehparast Malekzadeh, M.; Santarremigia, FE.; Molero, GD.; Malviya, AK.; Kapoor, A.; Arroyo-López, MR.; Ruiz Sánchez, T. (2024). An Assessment Methodology about the Effectiveness of Mobility IT Solutions. Application to Six Demo Sites. Sustainability. 16(5). https://doi.org/10.3390/su1605212116

    Improving the Performance of Dry and Maritime Ports by Increasing Knowledge about the Most Relevant Functionalities of the Terminal Operating System (TOS)

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    Maritime transport in the European Union has increased in the last years, triggering congestion in many of the most important sea and river ports. A lot of works have highlighted how the connection between these ports and dry ports can contribute to reducing port congestion and emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs). This work aims to improve the knowledge about the functionalities of Terminal Operating Systems (TOSs) managing container terminals of sea, river, and dry ports, with the aim of improving their performance and contributing to reducing congestion and GHG emissions to achieve a higher sustainability. The contribution and novelty of this paper in the field of container-terminals logistics research is the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify and hierarchize TOS functionalities. The robustness of the model was checked by applying a sensitivity analysis. One hundred and seven functionalities were grouped into six main clusters: Warehouse, Maritime Operations, Gate, Master Data, Communications, and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Dashboard. The results show that time tracking of vessels, space optimization, development of loading and unloading lists, and optimization of container locations are the most important functionalities of a TOS. This work is addressed to developers, sellers, managers, and users of TOSs and researchers working on container-terminal performance

    Key factors for the implementation and integration of innovative ICT solutions in SMEs and large companies involved in the multimodal transport of dangerous goods

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    The increased number of transports with dangerous goods (TDG) increases the risk of both accidents and terrorist attacks. Digitalisation is crucial in order to avoid human errors and to increase safety, security and efficiency, however there are few research studies that analyse digitalisation for the TDG, this being the first time, to the author’s knowledge, that barriers to the implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) solutions for the transport of dangerous goods has been analysed. A new elicitation methodology called the ‘implementation acceleration methodology for ICT (IAM-ICT)’ has been created, with the aim of identifying and hierarchizing potential barriers to the implementation and integration of ICT solutions involved in the multimodal TDG, and with a view to overcoming the most relevant problems at an early stage. This methodology combines user-driven innovation (UDI), the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Bayesian networks. The application of this methodology, which is easily replicable in other fields, will enable a better design of ICT solutions so that they can be implemented and integrated in SMEs and large companies. The results show a hierarchy of potential barriers for a multi-modular ICT solution used as use case study, in two different co-designed schemes for a small and medium enterprise (SME) and for a large company.CDTI dentro de la convocatoria INNOGLOBAL con referencia EXP00100233 / INNO-20171024 y en el marco de una EUREKA proyecto (E! 11217-gADGeTs).2.275 JCR (2019) Q3, 20/36 Transportation Science & Technology0.741 SJR (2019) Q1, 18/248 Automotive EngineeringNo data IDR 2019UE