1,331 research outputs found

    Getting the right balance? : A mixed logit analysis of the relationship between UK training doctors' characteristics and their specialties using the 2013 National Training Survey

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyse how training doctors' demographic and socioeconomic characteristics vary according to the specialty that they are training for. DESIGN: Descriptive statistics and mixed logistic regression analysis of cross-sectional survey data to quantify evidence of systematic relationships between doctors' characteristics and their specialty. SETTING: Doctors in training in the United Kingdom in 2013. PARTICIPANTS: 27 530 doctors in training but not in their foundation year who responded to the National Training Survey 2013. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mixed logit regression estimates and the corresponding odds ratios (calculated separately for all doctors in training and a subsample comprising those educated in the UK), relating gender, age, ethnicity, place of studies, socioeconomic background and parental education to the probability of training for a particular specialty. RESULTS: Being female and being white British increase the chances of being in general practice with respect to any other specialty, while coming from a better-off socioeconomic background and having parents with tertiary education have the opposite effect. Mixed results are found for age and place of studies. For example, the difference between men and women is greatest for surgical specialties for which a man is 12.121 times more likely to be training to a surgical specialty (relative to general practice) than a woman (p-value<0.01). Doctors who attended an independent school which is proxy for doctor's socioeconomic background are 1.789 and 1.413 times more likely to be training for surgical or medical specialties (relative to general practice) than those who attended a state school (p-value<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: There are systematic and substantial differences between specialties in respect of training doctors' gender, ethnicity, age and socioeconomic background. The persistent underrepresentation in some specialties of women, minority ethnic groups and of those coming from disadvantaged backgrounds will impact on the representativeness of the profession into the future. Further research is needed to understand how the processes of selection and the self-selection of applicants into specialties gives rise to these observed differences

    Water-light interaction: A novel pathway for multi hallmark therapy in cancer

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    Laser photobiomodulation (LPBM) has been proposed as a multi-target (multi-hallmark) therapy for cancer and other complex diseases based on an approach that aims to substitute and/or complement metabolic energy pathways through oxygen-dependent (e.g., cytochrome c oxidase (CcO)) and/or oxygen-independent (e.g., light-water interactions (e.g., F0-F1 motors)) mechanisms with critical signaling pathways in primarily aqueous media. Cellular and molecular bases for water-mediated, long-range, energy supplementation aimed at inducing and modulating physiologically reparative processes, including apoptosis, have been previously presented through a mechanism termed Photo Infrared Pulsed Biomodulation (PIPBM). Water’s role as an oscillator in LPBM has also been documented. These ideas were recently complemented by integrating the role of the quasi-crystalline exclusion zone (EZ) described by Pollack as the fourth phase of water. This is retrospective analysis of experimental and clinical data using an infrared pulsed laser device (IPLD). It found photo-induced effects over the water dynamics of burned rat tissue monitored by 1H-NMR transverse relaxation times (1/T2), indicating significantly greater structuring of water. In addition, a microdensitometry study of T2 weighted tumor heterogeneities from a phase I clinical trial of the IPLD in patients with advanced neoplasias and an algorithm for tumor characterization indicated significantly increased structuring of water, possibly proving a photobiomodulation effect over the EZ associated with histologically-confirmed selective photo-induced tumor cell death. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first clinical demonstration of light-induced effects over the EZ. It supports our premise that LPBM can increase potential energy in the EZ, which then acts as a rechargeable electrolytic bio-battery for the external selective supplementation of the energy demand required for cellular work, signaling pathways and gene expression in the presence of injury-induced redox potentials. It further suggests that EZ structuring may be used as a predicator of anticancer response before measurable tumor volume reduction.------------------------------------------------Cite this article as: Santana-Blank L, Rodriguez-Santana E, Reyes H, Santana- Rodriguez J, Santana- Rodriguez K. Water-light interaction: A novel pathway for multi hallmark therapy in cancer. Int J Cancer Ther Oncol 2014; 2(1):02012.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14319/ijcto.0201.

    A Narrative Review of Protective Factors that Predict Enculturation Processes for Latinx Individuals in the U.S.

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    A Narrative Review of Protective Factors that Predict Enculturation Processes for Latinx Individuals in the U.S. Jane Sun, Dept. of Psychology, Jennifer Rodriguez, Alanna Cason, Yessica Flores, Karl Villareal, Arlenis Santana, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, & Chloe Walker, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, with Dr. Chelsea D. Williams, Dept. of Psychology According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the rise of immigration led the Latinx community to experience the largest population growth amongst all ethnic-racial groups (Sanchez et al., 2012). Enculturation is the process of preserving heritage cultural values while enduring the influence of the current, surrounding culture (Schwartz et al., 2013). Enculturation is a subcomponent in the broad spectrum of acculturation, the process through which the introduction of two differing cultures induces cultural changes (Rodriguez et al., 2002). While current research has focused on the protective factors involved in the acculturative process, minimal research has centered on the protective factors in enculturation amongst the Latinx community. The aim of the current narrative review was to identify the protective factors (e.g., language, values, generational differences, group membership) associated with enculturation of Latinx U.S. citizens. Implications will discuss the promotion of social awareness within the Latinx community.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1333/thumbnail.jp


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    Medical workforce planning is a key element of any health care system, however factors influencing medical career choice are poorly understood. This thesis contains three essays on the influence of doctors’ socio-demographic characteristics on their medical specialty in both the UK and Spain. This thesis aims at understanding the drivers of the occupational segregation between socio-demographic groups, with the objective of helping regulators and policy makers in the design of interventions aimed at reducing the undesired consequences associated with the occupational segregation. Chapter 2 constitutes a descriptive exercise of the socio-demographic composition of the new cohorts of junior doctors in the UK by analysing their distribution across specialties. The findings show large disparities in that distribution. This chapter provides a discussion of the possible sources of the observed disparities and relates the occupational segregation with the literature on statistical discrimination. Chapter 3 seeks to disentangle the origins of the outcomes observed in Chapter 2. It develops a conceptual framework that acknowledges the sequential, two-sided nature of the process and that serves as a base for the empirical analysis. The focus of the latter is the estimation of how doctors’ socio-demographic characteristics affect their application strategies and specialty choices and selectors’ valuations of candidates. Chapter 4 focuses on the Spanish resident market and explores two of the possible causes leading to the persistent gender gap in surgical specialties. The first focus is on the role of social interactions in shaping doctors’ decisions to specialize, more specifically whether female role models constitute an attractor factor for female doctors. The second analyses the functioning of the specialty allocation system and tests whether a policy change has had the unintended consequence of reducing the probability of female doctors accessing highly demanded specialties, including surgical specialties

    Cytokines and Maternal Omega-3 LCPUFAs Supplementation

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    Daily supplementation of maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation with a fish oil-enriched dairy product increases the percentage of DHA and other omega-3 (ω-3) long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) in mothers (placenta, plasma, erythrocyte membranes, and breast milk) and children (plasma and erythrocyte membranes). This supplementation during critical periods such as pregnancy, lactation, and early development of a newborn may influence the levels of certain inflammatory cytokines, reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines and promoting an anti-inflammatory “environment”. In pregnant women who have not received any supplement of omega-3 LCPUFAs, IL-6 plasma levels are higher, while TNF-alpha plasma levels are also higher in their breastfed infant at birth and 2 months thereafter. There could be a relationship between docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the concentrations of different cytokines

    Melhoria da Atenção aos Usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus na UBS Centro, Formigueiro, RS

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    Resumo SANTANA, Edeine Rodriguez. Melhoria da atenção aos usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus na UBS Centro, em Formigueiro, RS.2015. 89f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. As doenças cardiovasculares e o diabetes mellitus estão entre as primeiras causas de morte no mundo, incluindo no Brasil. Torna-se, portanto, imperativo a implementação de modelos de atenção à saúde que incorporem estratégias diversas individuais e coletivas a fim de melhorar a qualidade da atenção e alcançar o controle adequado destas doenças crônicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi melhorar a atenção à saúde aos usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitusna Unidade de Saúde Centro, localizada no município Formigueiro, Rio Grande do Sul. Para tal, uma intervenção foi realizada na unidade de saúde durante 12 semanas em 2015. Os protocolos preconizados pelo Ministério da Saúde foram adotados para guiarem as ações desenvolvidas em quatro eixos pedagógicos: monitoramento e avaliação, gestão e organização do serviço, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clínica. Para o registro específico foram adotados uma ficha espelho individual e uma planilha eletrônica de coleta de dados para avaliação e monitoramento dos dados. Ao final dos três meses de intervenção, 180 hipertensos e 83 diabéticos foram assistidos, o que permitiu o alcance de um percentual de cobertura de 54,7% para usuários hipertensos e de 41,1% para usuários diabéticos. As principais ações desenvolvidas durante a intervenção foram: capacitação e treinamento da equipe, reuniões periódicas com a equipe, mapeamento e cadastramento dos usuários, monitoramento e avaliação das ações semanalmente, atendimento clínico, busca ativa dos faltosos, visitas domiciliares e atividades coletivas de prevenção e promoção de saúde. Os Agentes Comunitários de Saúde tiveram participação fundamental nas buscas ativas, e ajudaram a determinar os casos mais vulneráveis. A intervenção qualificou a assistência aos diabéticos e hipertensos da Unidade de Saúde Centro no município Formigueiro/Rio Grande do Sul. Palavras-chave:Atenção Primária à Saúde; Saúde da Família; Hipertensão; Diabetes Mellitus; Doença Crônica


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    Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre acoso escolar e ideación suicida en estudiantes de secundaria de dos Instituciones Educativas Públicas de El Agustino. Lima, 2018. El estudio es de tipo Correlacional, y para determinar los resultados se empleó el Coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Cabe resaltar que los instrumentos que se utilizaron fueron: El Auto - Test de Acoso Escolar (Cisneros) y la Escala de Ideación Suicida de Beck (Scale for suicide Ideation, SSI). La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 305 estudiantes de nivel secundario. En los resultados se encontró que nivel de significancia entre el Acoso Escolar en la Ideación Suicida, existe un intervalo de confianza del 95%, se observa que la probabilidad de aceptación de la hipótesis nula es: p=0.000, siendo este valor menor al 0.05, por lo tanto, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna, concluyendo de este modo, que existe una asociación lineal directa entre el Acoso Escolar y la Ideación Suicida dentro de las dos Instituciones Educativas ya mencionadas. Es decir, el tamaño del efecto es pequeño, ya que, el valor del coeficiente de correlación, en todas las dimensiones de ambas variables son menores a 0.30, por ende, a mayor Acoso Escolar se estará presentando relativamente mayor incidencia de Ideación Suicida


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    La Geografía Rural Y El Ordenamiento Territorial.

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    Hoy más que nunca, Colombia debe volver su mirada hacia el campo. En él es notorio la agudización del conflicto armado, la disminución progresiva de la producción agropecuaria como producto de la apertura económica, los impactos negativos sobre los recursos naturales, el aumento de la pobreza y los problemas de desplazamiento forzado con la consecuente tugurizacion de las ciudades. La geografía como disciplina tiene mucho que aportar en el estudio de la realidad rural, como pre-requisito para entender lo que allí ocurre, así como para proponer medidas de intervención que redunden en el logro de condiciones dignas y de mayor bienestar