393 research outputs found

    World financial liberalization and its effects on capital flows

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    This paper investigates the determining factors in private capital flow, differentiating foreign direct investment (FDI) from other flows and emphasizing the role of financial liberalization and. Two reasons brought about this examination. The first is the substantial increase in private capital flow mainly in the 90s, not only in developed countries but also in developing ones. The second is a greater liberalization process in these economies. This article builds financial liberalization indicators based on political rules. The capital account liberalization is introduced as an explanatory variable in the model that investigates the determinants behind the capital flows. The resulting estimates confirm the econometric results suggested by some of the literature on the subject: the size of the market and the rate of inflation are important variables to explain the private capital flows, just like the infrastructure is relevant when it comes to developing nations. The positive influence of capital account liberalization on capital flows, which comes up in robust estimates, contrasts with the results included in the recent literature on this issue. The new findings are attributable to the differentiation between the types of capital flows, to the use of a proper liberalization indicator and to the econometric method appliedLiberalization, Capital flows, FDI, determinants of capital flows

    The state of the art of government policy and program e valuation methodologies

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    This research analyzes the conceptual aspects and the state of the art of evaluation methodologies within government policies and programs, based on theoretical and empirical evidence on the subject. This article aims to map the evaluation study and discuss evaluation practices in Brazil, the United States and Europe. It is, therefore, an exploratory and bibliographic research, with a qualitative approach, based on studies indicated in the selected literature. Although the evaluation practices in Brazil are recent and not fully established, the results point out a similarity in the evaluation activities, when compared with the American and European countries. On the other hand, these evaluation practices are still little used in Brazil, which still faces contextual and methodological challenges in the evaluation of public policies and programs, as well as the implementation of continued evaluation policies

    Innovation and intellectual property system: Proposal for a conceptual framework

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    Developing a resilient infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation correspond to one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDG/UN), notably the ninth. However, meeting this result, in the case of developing countries such as Brazil, seems complex, demanding a review of the organization of industrial and innovation systems. Based on that, this study analyzes the panorama of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil (ST&I), through indicators. Then, a conceptual framework is presented with suggestions for planning and organizing an innovation and intellectual property system. The analysis of the country\u27s indicators revealed some important challenges in the area of ST&I, such as the need to improve the financing process and better adhesion of national companies to the system of protection of their intellectual property. Additionally, the framework presented a series of suggestive actions for the system\u27s actors, based on 05 main functions: Regulatory, Coordination, Protection of Intellectual Property, Promotion and Production and Operationalization of Knowledge


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    Nas últimas décadas, a discussão sobre a utilização do Valor de Existência (VE) na composição do Valor Econômico Total (VET) tem acentuado a necessidade da sua aplicação na formulação de políticas públicas ambientais. O seu uso compreende a avaliação de programas e projetos que incluem a busca do desenvolvimento sustentável. Políticas ambientais resultam em benefícios para alguns e em custos para outros. Freqüentemente, os custos de um programa na área ambiental são custos para a sociedade envolvida no programa. No caso das Unidades de Conservação (UC) de uso indireto dos recursos, tem sido difícil a quantificação dos benefícios sociais que essas áreas geram em razão dos diversos valores nelas existentes. Nesses casos, faz-se a avaliação de valores indiretos das funções dos ecossistemas. No presente estudo, foi empregado o Método de Valoração Contingente (MVC), por intermédio da aplicação de um questionário (survey) por meio eletrônico (e-mail). Como contexto, foi utilizado o Parque Nacional do Jaú (PNJ), e a população amostrada foi constituída da totalidade dos bolsistas em Produtividade em Pesquisa (PQ) do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), os quais declararam uma Disposição a Pagar média no valor de R2,12.Tambeˊmforamavaliadasquesto~essobrepercepc\ca~oambiental,conhecimentosobreosParquesNacionaisedadossocioecono^micos.AbstractInthelastdecadesthequarrelontheuseoftheExistenceValue(EV)inthecompositionofTotalEconomicValue(TEV)isaccentingthenecessityofitsapplicationintheformularizationofenvironmentpublicpolicies.Itsusegoessincetheevaluationofprogramsandprojectsuntilthesearchofthesustainabledevelopment.Environmentpoliciesresultinbenefitsforsomeandcostsforothers.Frequently,thecostsofoneprogramintheenvironmentalaareaarecostsfortheinvolvedsocietyintheprogram.InthecaseoftheConservationUnitsofindirectuseoftheresources,ithasbeendifficultthequantificationofthesocialbenefitsthattheseareasgenerateinreasonofthediverseexistingvalues.Inthesecasesonebecomesthroughtheevaluationofindirectvaluesofthefunctionsofecosystems.InthepresentstudyMethodofContingentValuationwasused(MCV),throughtheoneapplicationsurveyforhalfelectronic(email).AscontextwasusedtheNationalParkofJauˊ(NPJ),andtheshowedpopulationwasconstitutedofthetotalityofthescholarshipholdersinProductivityinResearch(PR)oftheNationalCouncilforScientificandTechnologicalDevelopment(CNPq).ThePRscholarshipholdershadarrivedatanaverageWillingtoPayWTPthevalueofR 2,12. Também foram avaliadas questões sobre percepção ambiental, conhecimento sobre os Parques Nacionais e dados socioeconômicos. Abstract In the last decades the quarrel on the use of the Existence Value (EV) in the composition of Total Economic Value (TEV) is accenting the necessity of its application in the formularization of environment public policies. Its use goes since the evaluation of programs and projects until the search of the sustainable development. Environment policies result in benefits for some and costs for others. Frequently, the costs of one program in the environmental a area are costs for the involved society in the program. In the case of the Conservation Units of indirect use of the resources, it has been difficult the quantification of the social benefits that these areas generate in reason of the diverse existing values. In these cases one becomes through the evaluation of indirect values of the functions of ecosystems. In the present study Method of Contingent Valuation was used (MCV), through the one application survey for half electronic (e-mail). As context was used the National Park of Jaú (NPJ), and the showed population was constituted of the totality of the scholarship holders in Productivity in Research (PR) of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). The PR scholarship holders had arrived at an average Willing to Pay-WTP the value of R 2,12. Also partner-economic questions on ambient perception, knowledge on the National Parks and socio-economic data had been made

    Flexibilidade à francesa: trabalhadores na Peugeot Citroën brasileira

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    The article discusses the effects of the recent process of flexibilization in industrial (automobile) production on labour relations, on workers and their unions. As an example, the authors examine the first Brazilian plant to be opened by the French manufacturer PSA Peugeot Citroën, installed in Porto Real, Rio de Janeiro, in 2001. They argue that the construction of a 'shrunk' and restructured plant - a project designed to move beyond Fordist organization as an integral part of a global productive chain - reconfigures the relations with workers (and with the union) in the factory space by creating the demand for higher levels of schooling, a greater capacity to adapt to new technologies, and new forms of organizing production. However, these relations maintain authoritarian practices while preventing the reproduction of previous forms of worker resistance. The debate benefits from the research on the same company conducted by Michel Pialoux and Stéphane Beaud, who have analyzed its managerial transformations over the last few decades and the impact on the lifestyles of different generations of workers.A proposta deste artigo é discutir os efeitos do processo recente de flexibilização da produção industrial (automotiva) sobre as relações de trabalho e sobre os operários e seus sindicatos. A partir do exemplo da primeira unidade brasileira da montadora francesa PSA Peugeot Citroën, instalada no município de Porto Real, Rio de Janeiro, em 2001, pretende-se argumentar que a construção de uma fábrica "enxuta" e reestruturada, com um projeto de superação da organização fordista e integrante de uma cadeia produtiva global, reconfigura as relações com os trabalhadores (e com o sindicato) no espaço fabril por meio da exigência de mais escolaridade, maior capacidade de adaptação às novas tecnologias e novas formas de organização da produção. No entanto, mantém práticas gerenciais autoritárias e evita a reprodução de experiências anteriores de resistência operária. O debate beneficia-se dos trabalhos sobre esta empresa na França realizados por Michel Pialoux e Stéphane Beaux, que nas últimas décadas analisaram suas transformações gerenciais e os desdobramentos sobre o modo de vida de diferentes gerações de operários

    A economia brasileira sob o olhar da ciência, tecnologia e inovação: cinquenta anos da política científica e tecnológica (1964 – 2014)

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    O Sistema Nacional de Inovação é tido como chave para o desenvolvimento econômico, por meio de políticas públicas e diversos agentes que o compõe. Portanto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a economia brasileira, com foco na trajetória da política científica e tecnológica, especialmente no período que inicia no Regime Militar ao primeiro mandato do Governo Dilma e por fim, levantar informações acerca das questões regionais voltadas a Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação no Brasil. O estudo mostra que as instituições e políticas brasileiras voltadas ao desenvolvimento da Ciência e Tecnologia possuem caráter tardio, com efetivo início no Regime Militar, oscilações nos posteriores governos e intensificação da consolidação nos governos de Lula e Dilma. No tocante a questão regional, a Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação brasileira possui grande concentração e elevadas disparidades regionais, consequência de uma herança que advém de todo o sistema econômico


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    The effects of oil royalties on regional inequality in Brazil

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    This article evaluates the impact of oil royalties on Brazil’s production structure and their effects on regional inequality. An interregional input-output model was used, encompassing the 27 Brazilian states and 26 sectors, with base year 2008. The simulation strategy assumed 75% of these funds are channelled into education and 25% into the health sector, as mandated by Law 12.858/2013. To measure the effect of royalties on regional inequality, the Gini coefficient was calculated both ex-ante and ex-post with respect to the impact analysis. The main findings indicate that interregional and intersectoral spillovers are weak; but, in the Southeast and Northeast regions, the investment of royalties in education and health could help reduce intraregional inequality