79 research outputs found

    Fatores que motivam um estudante estrangeiro a permanecer no país, após a conclusão dos estudos

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research and CRMEste estudo tem como objetivo perceber quais são os principais motivos que são considerados por um estudante estrangeiro no processo de tomada de decisão, entre a permanência ou não no país em que se encontram a estudar após a conclusão de um curso universitário. Observou-se que, em 2017, havia 258 milhões de migrantes internacionais, ou seja, pessoas que migraram por melhores condições de vida e trabalho. Em 2019, segundo o ranking anual publicado pelo Institute of Management Development (IMD) que compara a capacidade de um país de atrair e reter os melhores talentos, nas Américas os países mais bem posicionados foram Estados Unidos (12º), Canadá (13º) e Chile (46º). Na Europa os três países mais capazes de reter talentos são Suíça (1º), Dinamarca (2º) e Suécia (3º). Desta forma, é necessário fornecer aos responsáveis por políticas económicas e sociais, informações para ajudá-los a elaborar planos de retenção desses talentos. Os resultados desta pesquisa são suportados pelas respostas dadas a um questionário online enviado a alunos e ex-alunos universitários de diversas nacionalidades. Neste estudo, foram considerados os principais pontos valorizados por um indivíduo na escolha de um lugar para viver. A amostra é constituída por 300 estudantes, que maioritariamente possuem a licenciatura (72,0%), como nível educacional, o mestrado (22,3%), pós-graduação (5,3%) e doutorado (0,3%); a idade dos participantes é a partir de 18 anos, a faixa etária com mais representantes englobam indivíduos entre 25 e 39 anos (69,3%). O género mais representado foi o masculino (59,0%). Os dados utilizados foram recolhidos através de um questionário online direcionado a alunos e ex-alunos situados em diversos lugares do mundo. Nos resultados foi verificado que a variável latente que mais explica “Saúde e Bem-estar” é “Percepção (Educação)” e “Meio Ambiente”. A variável latente que mais explica “Motivação” é “Saúde e Bem-estar”. A variável latente “Motivação” explica “Intenção de viver no exterior”. A variável latente “Influência Social” explica “Intenção de viver no exterior” e “Viver no exterior”. Por fim, a variável latente “Intenção de viver no exterior” explica “Viver no exterior”. O conjunto dos resultados obtidos possibilita o desenvolvimento de mais análises relevantes com outras variáveis, que auxiliarão a perceber que fatores podem ou não estar associados à decisão de um indivíduo em permanecer ou não, no local em que se encontram a estudar após a conclusão de um curso universitário. Desta forma, possibilitará mapear detalhadamente diversos fatores que motivam a permanência e a consequente retenção destes talentos no país em que concluíram os seus estudos.This study aims to understand what are the main reasons that are considered by a foreign student in the decision-making process, between staying or not in the country in which they are studying, after completing a university course. It was observed that, in 2017, there were 258 million international migrants, that is, people who migrated due to the better living and working conditions. In 2019, according to the annual ranking published by the Institute of Management Development (IMD) that compares a country's ability to attract and retain the best talent, in the Americas the best positioned countries were the United States (12th), Canada (13th) and Chile (46th). In Europe, the three countries most capable of retaining talent are Switzerland (1st), Denmark (2nd) and Sweden (3rd). Thus, it is necessary to provide policymakers with information to help them develop talent retention plans for talent. The results of this research are supported by the answers given to an online questionnaire sent to former university students of nationalities. In this study, the main points valued by an individual when choosing a place to live were considered. The sample is verified by 300 students, who mostly have a degree (72.0%), as an education level, a master's degree (22.3%), postgraduate (5.3%) and doctorate (0.3%); the participants' ages are from 18 years old, the age group with more representatives includes 25 and 39 years old (69.3%). The most represented gender was male (59.0%). The data used were collected through an online questionnaire aimed at students and alumni located in different parts of the world. In the results, it was verified that the latent variable that most explains Health and well-being is Perception (Education) and Environment. The latent variable that most explains Motivation is Health and well-being. Latent variable Motivation explains Intention to live abroad. The latent variable Social Influence explains Intention to live abroad and Live abroad. Finally, the latent variable Intention to live abroad explains Living abroad. The set of results allows the development of more relevant analyzes with other variables, which will help to understand which factors may or may not be associated with an individual's decision to remain or not, no place where they are studying, after the conclusion of the higher Education course. In this way, it will make it possible to map in detail several factors that motivate the permanence and the consequent retention of these talents in the country where they completed their studies

    One-year rehospitalisations for congestive heart failure in Portuguese NHS hospitals: a multilevel approach on patterns of use and contributing factors

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    Identification of rehospitalisations for heart failure and contributing factors flags health policy intervention opportunities designed to deliver care at a most effective and efficient level. Recognising that heart failure is a condition for which timely and appropriate outpatient care can potentially prevent the use of inpatient services, we aimed to determine to what extent comorbidities and material deprivation were predictive of 1 year heart failure specific rehospitalisation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Direct and lost productivity costs associated with avoidable hospital admissions.

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    BACKGROUND: Hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions are commonly used to evaluate primary health care performance, as the hospital admission could be avoided if care was timely and adequate. Previous evidence indicates that avoidable hospitalizations carry a substantial direct financial burden in some countries. However, no attention has been given to the economic burden on society they represent. The aim of this study is to estimate the direct and lost productivity costs of avoidable hospital admissions in Portugal. METHODS: Hospitalizations occurring in Portugal in 2015 were analyzed. Avoidable hospitalizations were defined and their associated costs and years of potential life lost were calculated. Direct costs were obtained using official hospitalization prices. For lost productivity, there were estimated costs for absenteeism and premature death. Costs were analyzed by components, by conditions and by variations on estimation parameters. RESULTS: The total estimated cost associated with avoidable hospital admissions was €250 million (€2515 per hospitalization), corresponding to 6% of the total budget of public hospitals in Portugal. These hospitalizations led to 109,641 years of potential life lost. Bacterial pneumonia, congestive heart failure and urinary tract infection accounted for 77% of the overall costs. Nearly 82% of avoidable hospitalizations were in patients aged 65 years or older, therefore did not account for the lost productivity costs. Nearly 84% of the total cost comes from the direct cost of the hospitalization. Lost productivity costs are estimated to be around €40 million. CONCLUSION: The age distribution of avoidable hospitalizations had a significant effect on costs components. Not only did hospital admissions have a substantial direct economic impact, they also imposed a considerable economic burden on society. Substantial financial resources could potentially be saved if the country reduced avoidable hospitalizations

    O crescimento da indústria brasileira de estruturas metálicas e o boom da construção civil: um panorama do período 2001-2010

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    Bibliografia: p. 81-83Este artigo aborda alguns dos principais aspectos da indústria brasileira de estruturas metálicas, desde as características da cadeia produtiva nacional até as perspectivas de investimento para o período 2012-2014, passando pelo panorama mundial, pela inserção dos produtores brasileiros no comércio internacional e pelo papel do BNDES no financiamento aos investimentos do setor. Mostra-se que há grande potencial de crescimento dessa indústria no Brasil, em parte por conta das características técnicas de seus principais produtos, em parte em função da recente boa evolução da economia brasileira, em especial quanto à construção civil. Esse setor em sendo impulsionado pela ampliação do acesso ao crédito, pelo crescimento do PIB, por programas públicos de combate ao déficit habitacional e pelas obras relacionadas à futura realização de dois grandes eventos esportivos

    Demandas de produtores de conteúdo audiovisual para mídias sociais digitais

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    As mídias sociais digitais fazem parte do cotidiano de muitas pessoas atualmente. Pelas suas características tecnológicas e por não passarem por um controle tão rígido quanto os meios de comunicação de massa mais tradicionais, as mídias digitais permitem a publicação e o consumo de conteúdos mais diversos por um grupo significativamente maior de produtores, desde os sem formação e experiência até os profissionais bastante experientes. As pesquisas sobre comunicação mediada pelas tecnologias digitais têm abordado uma variedade de temas, onde é possível destacar a análise dos conteúdos e a atuação profissional dos produtores. Pouco se conhece sobre o processo de produção audiovisual para as mídias sociais digitais. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve por objetivo investigar demandas de produtores de conteúdo audiovisual para mídias sociais digitais. Os dados foram coletados por um questionário online, entre maio e agosto de 2021. Eles foram analisados por estatística descritiva e análise de conteúdo. Os 43 participantes relataram uma diversidade de demandas, dentre as quais é possível destacar: realização de cursos específicos relacionados com a produção audiovisual, mais tempo para produzir conteúdo, mais e melhores equipamentos, equipes maiores e melhor capacitadas. Alguns participantes relataram dificuldades na edição do áudio e do vídeo, além de não saberem utilizar os softwares de edição. Trabalhos futuros podem tomar alguma dessas demandas como ponto de partida para uma investigação que busca entendê-la em profundidade, propor intervenções e avaliar seus impactos. Iniciativas multi e interdisciplinares tendem a ser promissoras nesses casos

    Can Vertical Integration Reduce Hospital Readmissions? A Difference-in-Differences Approach.

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    BACKGROUND: Vertical integration is expected to improve communication and coordination between inpatient care and care after discharge. Despite being used across health systems worldwide, evidence about its impact on readmissions is sparse and contradictory. OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of vertical integration on hospital readmissions. RESEARCH DESIGN, SUBJECTS, AND MEASURES: Using difference-in-differences we compared readmissions before and after vertical integration in 6 Portuguese hospitals for years 2004-2013. A control group with 6 similar hospitals not integrated was utilized. Considered outcome was 30-day unplanned readmission. We used logistic regression at the admission level and accounted for patients' risk factors using claims data. Analyses for each hospital and selected conditions were also run. RESULTS: Our results suggest that readmissions decreased overall after vertical integration [odds ratio (OR)=0.900; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.812-0.997]. Hospital analysis indicated that there was no impact for 2 hospitals (OR=0.960; 95% CI, 0.848-1.087 and OR=0.944; 95% CI, 0.857-1.038), and a positive effect in 4 hospitals (greatest effect: OR=0.811; 95% CI, 0.736-0.894). A positive evolution was observed for a limited number of conditions, with better results for diabetes with complications (OR=0.689; 95% CI, 0.525-0.904), but no impact regarding congestive heart failure (OR=1.067; 95% CI, 0.827-1.377). CONCLUSIONS: Merging acute and primary care providers was associated with reduced readmissions, even though improvements were not found for all institutions or condition-specific groups. There are still challenges to be addressed regarding the success of vertical integration in reducing 30-day hospital readmissions

    Organoides de cérebro como modelos de doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson: uma revisão narrativa sobre as perspectivas para medicina regenerativa e personalizada

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    Há muitos anos a cultura celular bidimensional (2D) é utilizada como modelo de estudo de doenças, possuindo grande importância na medicina regenerativa, apesar de ainda conter limitações significativas. A fim de contornar essas limitações, a cultura celular tridimensional (3D) propõe uma organização mais complexa e sustentável que pode ser produzida a partir de células-tronco adultas (ASCs), células-tronco embrionárias (ESCs) ou células-tronco pluripotentes induzidas (iPSCs). A cultura 3D possibilitou o cultivo de células em um ambiente mais próximo do fisiológico, levando à formação de distintos tecidos órgãos-específicos. Em outras palavras, a cultura de células 3D possibilita a criação de estruturas orgânicas muito semelhantes aos órgãos de um ser humano, tanto estruturalmente, quanto funcionalmente. Desse modo, tem-se o que é chamado de organoides. O uso dos organoides tem crescido exponencialmente em ambientes in vitro, permitindo a análise e observação dos diversos fenômenos fisiológicos existentes. Como exemplo, pode-se citar os organoides cerebrais (“mini-brains”) reproduzidos in vitro buscando delinear as peculiaridades e complexidades do cérebro humano, com o objetivo de compreender algumas disfunções neurológicas que acometem esse sistema, como as duas principais doenças neurodegenerativas: Doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson. Portanto, os organoides cerebrais podem permitir notável avanço da medicina regenerativa aplicada a doenças neurodegenerativas, já que esses “mini-brains” podem ser produzidos a partir de células do próprio paciente. Isso permitirá intervenções personalizadas, como testagens farmacológicas, a fim de definir qual seria o melhor tratamento medicamentoso. Consequentemente, essa tecnologia pode permitir terapias mais eficientes e individualizadas - o que é fundamental para a Medicina Personalizada.For many years, two-dimensional (2D) cell culture has been used as a model to study diseases, having great importance in regenerative medicine, despite still having significant limitations. In order to circumvent these limitations, threedimensional (3D) cell culture proposes a more complex and sustainable organization that can be produced from adult stem cells (ASCs), embryonic stem cells (ESCs) or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The 3D culture enabledthe cultivation of cells in an environment closer to the physiological one, leading to the formation of different organspecific tissues. In other words, 3D cell culture makes it possible to create organic structures very similar to the organs of a human being, both structurally and functionally. In this way, we have what are called organoids. The use of organoids has grown exponentially in in vitro environments, allowing the analysis and observation of the various existing physiological phenomena. As an example, we can mention the brain organoids (“mini-brains”) reproduced in vitro, seeking to delineate the peculiarities and complexities of the human brain, in order to understand some neurological dysfunctions that affect this system, such as the two main neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases. Therefore, brain organoids may allow a remarkable advance in regenerative medicine applied to neurodegenerative diseases, as these “mini-brains” can be produced from the patient’s own cells. This will allow for personalized interventions, such as drug testing, in order to define what would be the best drug treatment. Consequently, this technology can enable more efficient and individualized therapies - which is fundamental for Personalized Medicine

    Accuracy of the Timed Up and Go test for predicting sarcopenia in elderly hospitalized patients

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    OBJECTIVES: The ability of the Timed Up and Go test to predict sarcopenia has not been evaluated previously. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the Timed Up and Go test for predicting sarcopenia in elderly hospitalized patients. METHODS: This cross-sectional study analyzed 68 elderly patients (≥60 years of age) in a private hospital in the city of Salvador-BA, Brazil, between the 1st and 5th day of hospitalization. The predictive variable was the Timed Up and Go test score, and the outcome of interest was the presence of sarcopenia (reduced muscle mass associated with a reduction in handgrip strength and/or weak physical performance in a 6-m gait-speed test). After the descriptive data analyses, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of a test using the predictive variable to predict the presence of sarcopenia were calculated. RESULTS: In total, 68 elderly individuals, with a mean age 70.4±7.7 years, were evaluated. The subjects had a Charlson Comorbidity Index score of 5.35±1.97. Most (64.7%) of the subjects had a clinical admission profile; the main reasons for hospitalization were cardiovascular disorders (22.1%), pneumonia (19.1%) and abdominal disorders (10.2%). The frequency of sarcopenia in the sample was 22.1%, and the mean length of time spent performing the Timed Up and Go test was 10.02±5.38 s. A time longer than or equal to a cutoff of 10.85 s on the Timed Up and Go test predicted sarcopenia with a sensitivity of 67% and a specificity of 88.7%. The accuracy of this cutoff for the Timed Up and Go test was good (0.80; IC=0.66-0.94; p=0.002). CONCLUSION: The Timed Up and Go test was shown to be a predictor of sarcopenia in elderly hospitalized patients

    the influence of chronic conditions on inpatient readmissions

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    Background: In Portugal, a public policy established the Local Health Units (LHUs), merging primary and hospital care providers. LHUs are expected to provide better continuity and coordination of care, thus decreasing the number of unplanned readmissions among those with chronic conditions. This study aims to evaluate the influence of chronic conditions on the risk of readmission at LHUs. Methods: We used inpatient care administrative databases for the years 2002-2014 (n = 1,679,634). We assessed the effects of chronic conditions on the risk of readmission with a difference-in-differences technique, comparing LHUs with a control group. Multivariate Cox regression was used to evaluate time to readmission. Results: The risk of readmission decreased in four LHUs, but significantly only in two. Individuals with more chronic conditions presented a lesser risk of read-mission at LHUs, in contrast to those in the control group. Conclusions: After adjusting for the number of chronic conditions and comorbidities, we concluded that LHUs may successfully decrease unplanned readmissions. Several challenges still have to be addressed to achieve a larger and long-lasting effect. Further investigation is needed to account for contextual and organizational effects that may explain differences across LHUs.publishe