75 research outputs found

    Implications of new generations on neutrino masses

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    We explore the possible implications that new families, that are being searched for at the LHC, would have on neutrino masses. In particular, we have explored the possibility that the smallness of the observed neutrino masses is naturally understood in a modified version of the Standard Model (SM) with complete extra generations of fermions, i.e., that have right-handed neutrinos, in which neutrino masses are generated at two loops. With one extra family it is not possible to fit the observed spectrum of masses and mixings. However, the radiative mass generated provides an important constraint in these kind of models, so the neutrino masses do not exceed their cosmological bound. Within the context of two extra families, we analyse the allowed parameter space and the possible phenomenological signals

    Validation of the geographic position of EPER-Spain industries

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    BACKGROUND: The European Pollutant Emission Register in Spain (EPER-Spain) is a public inventory of pollutant industries created by decision of the European Union. The location of these industries is geocoded and the first published data correspond to 2001. Publication of these data will allow for quantification of the effect of proximity to one or more such plant on cancer and all-cause mortality observed in nearby towns. However, as errors have been detected in the geocoding of many of the pollutant foci shown in the EPER, it was decided that a validation study should be conducted into the accuracy of these co-ordinates. EPER-Spain geographic co-ordinates were drawn from the European Environment Agency (EEA) server and the Spanish Ministry of the Environment (MOE). The Farm Plot Geographic Information System (Sistema de Información Geográfica de Parcelas Agrícolas) (SIGPAC) enables orthophotos (digitalized aerial images) of any territorial point across Spain to be obtained. Through a search of co-ordinates in the SIGPAC, all the industrial foci (except farms) were located. The quality criteria used to ascertain possible errors in industrial location were high, medium and low quality, where industries were situated at a distance of less than 500 metres, more than 500 metres but less than 1 kilometre, and more than 1 kilometre from their real locations, respectively. RESULTS: Insofar as initial registry quality was concerned, 84% of industrial complexes were inaccurately positioned (low quality) according to EEA data versus 60% for Spanish MOE data. The distribution of the distances between the original and corrected co-ordinates for each of the industries on the registry revealed that the median error was 2.55 kilometres for Spain overall (according to EEA data). The Autonomous Regions that displayed most errors in industrial geocoding were Murcia, Canary Islands, Andalusia and Madrid. Correct co-ordinates were successfully allocated to 100% of EPER-Spain industries. CONCLUSION: Knowing the exact location of pollutant foci is vital to obtain reliable and valid conclusions in any study where distance to the focus is a decisive factor, as in the case of the consequences of industrial pollution on the health of neighbouring populations.This study was funded by grant FIS 040041 from the Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria)S

    Oesophageal cancer mortality in Spain: a spatial analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Oesophageal carcinoma is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Its incidence and mortality rates show a wide geographical variation at a world and regional level. Geographic mapping of age-standardized, cause-specific death rates at a municipal level could be a helpful and powerful tool for providing clues leading to a better understanding of its aetiology. METHODS: This study sought to describe the geographic distribution of oesophageal cancer mortality for Spain's 8077 towns, using the autoregressive spatial model proposed by Besag, York and Mollié. Maps were plotted, depicting standardised mortality ratios, smoothed relative risk (RR) estimates, and the spatial pattern of the posterior probability of RR being greater than 1. RESULTS: Important differences associated with area of residence were observed in risk of dying from oesophageal cancer in Spain during the study period (1989-1998). Among men, excess risk appeared across the north of the country, along a band spanning the length of the Cantabrian coastline, Navarre, the north of Castile & León and the north-west of La Rioja. Excess risk was likewise observed in the provinces of Cadiz and part of Seville in Andalusia, the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, and some towns in the Barcelona and Gerona areas. Among women, there was a noteworthy absence of risk along the mid-section of the Cantabrian seaboard, and increases in mortality, not observed for men, in the west of Extremadura and south-east of Andalusia. CONCLUSION: These major gender- and area-related geographical differences in risk would seem to reflect differences in the prevalence of some well-established and modifiable risk factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity and diet. In addition, excess risks were in evidence for both sexes in some areas, possibly suggesting the implication of certain local environmental or socio-cultural factors. From a public health standpoint, small-area studies could be very useful for identifying locations where epidemiological research and intervention measures ought to receive priority, given the potential for reducing risk in certain places.This study was funded by Grant No. EPY-1176/02 from the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) and RCESP FIS-C03/09 (Spanish Network for Cooperative Research in Epidemiology and Public Health)S

    La situación del cáncer en España, 1975-2006

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    El objetivo del nuevo informe “La situación del cáncer en España. 1975-2006” es describir la situación actual del cáncer en nuestro país actualizando los datos de mortalidad e incidencia hasta el año 2006. Hasta el momento, se han estudiado los patrones de mortalidad e incidencia en el conjunto de España y en las diferentes comunidades autónomas, así como las tendencias desde el año 1975 hasta hoy, que se presentan a continuación. Se han actualizado, asimismo, los datos de supervivencia y prevalencia de los diferentes tumores, y hemos dedicado un capítulo a los tumores infantiles. Esperamos que esta información sirva de soporte a la definición de prioridades en las políticas de salud, teniendo en cuanta que el objetivo final de este estudio es contribuir a disminuir la carga de cáncer en nuestra población, así como reducir las desigualdades existentes entre las diferentes áreas geográficas españolas

    Prevalence of healthy lifestyles against cancer in Spanish women

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    Modifying behavior towards healthier lifestyles could prevent a significant number of malignant tumors. We evaluated the prevalence of healthy habits against cancer in Spanish women free of this disease, taking as a reference the recommendations for cancer prevention included in the European Code Against Cancer (ECAC), and we explored the characteristics associated with it. Our population comprised 3,584 women recruited in a population-based cross-sectional study carried out in 7 breast cancer screening programs. Information was directly surveyed and used to calculate a score based on ECAC recommendations referred to bodyweight, physical activity, diet, breastfeeding, tobacco, alcohol and hormone replacement therapy use. The degree of adherence was estimated with a score that evaluated null (0 points), partial (0.5 points) and full adherence (1 point) of each specific recommendation. Associations were explored using binary and ordinal logistic regression models. The median score was 5.7 out of 9 points. Recommendations with lower adherence were those related to intake of red/processed meat and foods high in salt (23% of total adherence), physical activity (24%) and body weight (29%), and recommendations with greater adherence where those related to hormone replacement therapy use (91%), vegetable intake (84%), alcohol (83%) and tobacco (61%). Overall adherence was better among older women, parous women, and in those living in rural areas, and worse among women with higher caloric intake. These recommendations should be evaluated periodically. Screening programs can be an appropriate place to disseminate this information.This study was supported by the Spanish Public Health Research Fund (FIS PI060386 & PS09/0790); by the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality (EC11-273), by the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) (AESI PI15CIII/00013); by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Juan de la Cierva de Incorporación grant (IJCI-2014-20900); by the EPY 1306/06 Collaboration Agreement between Astra-Zeneca and the Carlos III Institute of Health; and a grant from the Spanish Federation of Breast Cancer patients (FECMA EPY 1169/10). The authors wish to thank the participants in the DDM-Spain study for their contribution to breast cancer research.S

    Reproducibility of data-driven dietary patterns in two groups of adult Spanish women from different studies

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    The objective of the present study was to assess the reproducibility of data-driven dietary patterns in different samples extracted from similar populations. Dietary patterns were extracted by applying principal component analyses to the dietary information collected from a sample of 3550 women recruited from seven screening centres belonging to the Spanish breast cancer (BC) screening network (Determinants of Mammographic Density in Spain (DDM-Spain) study). The resulting patterns were compared with three dietary patterns obtained from a previous Spanish case-control study on female BC (Epidemiological study of the Spanish group for breast cancer research (GEICAM: grupo Español de investigación en cáncer de mama)) using the dietary intake data of 973 healthy participants. The level of agreement between patterns was determined using both the congruence coefficient (CC) between the pattern loadings (considering patterns with a CC≥0·85 as fairly similar) and the linear correlation between patterns scores (considering as fairly similar those patterns with a statistically significant correlation). The conclusions reached with both methods were compared. This is the first study exploring the reproducibility of data-driven patterns from two studies and the first using the CC to determine pattern similarity. We were able to reproduce the EpiGEICAM Western pattern in the DDM-Spain sample (CC=0·90). However, the reproducibility of the Prudent (CC=0·76) and Mediterranean (CC=0·77) patterns was not as good. The linear correlation between pattern scores was statistically significant in all cases, highlighting its arbitrariness for determining pattern similarity. We conclude that the reproducibility of widely prevalent dietary patterns is better than the reproducibility of more population-specific patterns. More methodological studies are needed to establish an objective measurement and threshold to determine pattern similarity.This study was supported by Carlos III Institute of Health FIS(Spanish Public Health Research Fund: PI060386 FIS; PS09/00790 and PI15CIII/0029 research grants), the Spanish Ministryof Health (EC11-273), the Spanish Ministry of Economyand Competitiveness (IJCI-2014-20900), the Spanish Federationof Breast Cancer Patients (FECMA: EPY 1169-10) and theAssociation of Women with Breast Cancer from Elche (AMAC-MEC: EPY 1394/15). None of the funders had any role in thedesign, analysis or writing of this article.V.L.,N.A.,B.P.-G.andM.P.designedthestudy;A.C.,J.V.,C.S.,C.P.-P.,S.A.,M.E.,D.S.-T.,C.V.andC.S.-C.collectedthedataand/or prepared the database. A. C. performed statistical analysisand wrote the initial version of the manuscript that M. P. revised andcorrected in its different versions. All the authors have read andapproved thefinal version of the manuscript.The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.S

    Lifetime exposure to brominated trihalomethanes in drinking water and swimming pool attendance are associated with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a Multicase-Control Study in Spain (MCC-Spain)

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    Background: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) etiology is poorly understood, and carcinogenic chemicals in drinking and recreational water are candidates. Objective: To evaluate the association between drinking-water exposure to trihalomethanes (THMs) and nitrate as well as lifetime swimming pool attendance and CLL. Methods: During 2010-2013, hospital-based CLL cases and population-based controls were recruited in Spain, providing information on residential histories, type of water consumed and swimming pool attendance. Average THMs and nitrate levels in drinking water were linked to lifetime water consumption. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using mixed models. Results: Final samples for residential tap water analyses and swimming pool attendance analyses were 144 cases/1230 controls and 157 cases/1240 controls, respectively. Mean (SD) values for average lifetime residential brominated THMs and chloroform in tap water (μg/L), and ingested nitrate (mg/day) were 48.1 (35.6), 18.5 (6.7) and 13.7 (9.6) respectively in controls; and 72.9 (40.7), 17.9 (5.4), and 14.1 (8.8) in CLL cases. For each 10 μg/L increase of brominated THMs and chloroform lifetime-average levels, the ORs (95% CI) were 1.22 (1.14, 1.31) and 0.54 (0.34, 0.87), respectively. For each 5 mg/day increase of ingested nitrate, the OR of CLL was 0.91 (0.80, 1.04). The OR of lifetime pool users (vs. non-users) was 2.38 (1.61, 3.52). Upon performing annual frequency of attending pools analysis through categorization, the second and third categories showed an ORs of 2.36 (1.49, 3.72) and 2.40 (1.51, 3.83), respectively, and P-trend of 0.001. Impact statement: This study identifies an association of long-term exposure to THMs in drinking water, at concentrations below the regulatory thresholds and WHO guidelines, and swimming pool attendance, with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). These unprecedented findings are highly relevant since CLL is an incurable cancer with still unknown etiology and because the widespread exposure to chlorination by-products that remain in drinking and recreational water worldwide. Despite the demonstrated carcinogenicity in animals of several chlorination by-products, little is known about their potential risks on human health. This study makes a significant contribution to the search for environmental factors involved in the etiology of CLL and to the evidence of the health impact of these high prevalent water contaminants.The study was partially funded by the “Accion Transversal del Cancer”, approved on the Spanish Ministry Council on the 11th October 2007, by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER (PI08/1770, PI08/0533, PI08/1359, PS09/00773, PS09/01286, PS09/01903, PS09/02078, PS09/01662, PI11/01889, PI11/00226, PI12/01270, PI12/00715, PI14/0613, PI15/00914, PI17CIII/00034), by the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla (API 10/09), by the Conselleria de Sanitat of the Generalitat Valenciana (AP_061/10), by the European Commission grants FOOD-CT-2006-036224-HIWATE, by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation, by the Catalan Government Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) grants 2017SGR723, 2021SGR01354 and 2014SGR850, by the Fundación Caja de Ahorros de Asturias and by the University of Oviedo. ISGlobal acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019-2023” Program (CEX2018-000806-S), and support from the Generalitat de Catalunya through the CERCA Program.S

    Association Between Western and Mediterranean Dietary Patterns and Mammographic Density

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between two dietary patterns (Western and Mediterranean), previously linked to breast cancer risk, and mammographic density. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 3,584 women attending population-based breast cancer screening programs and recruited between October 7, 2007, and July 14, 2008 (participation rate 74.5%). Collected data included anthropometric measurements; demographic, obstetric, and gynecologic characteristics; family and personal health history; and diet in the preceding year. Mammographic density was blindly assessed by a single radiologist and classified into four categories: less than 10%, 10-25%, 25-50%, and greater than 50%. The association between adherence to either a Western or a Mediterranean dietary pattern and mammographic density was explored using multivariable ordinal logistic regression models with random center-specific intercepts. Models were adjusted for age, body mass index, parity, menopause, smoking, family history, hormonal treatment, and calorie and alcohol intake. Differences according to women's characteristics were tested including interaction terms. RESULTS: Women with a higher adherence to the Western dietary pattern were more likely to have high mammographic density (n=242 [27%]) than women with low adherence (n=169 [19%]) with a fully adjusted odds ratio (ORQ4vsQ1) of 1.25 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.03-1.52). This association was confined to overweight-obese women (adjusted ORQ4vsQ1 [95% CI] 1.41 [1.13-1.76]). No association between Mediterranean dietary pattern and mammographic density was observed. CONCLUSION: The Western dietary pattern was associated with increased mammographic density among overweight-obese women. Our results might inform specific dietary recommendations for women with high mammographic density.S

    A new ex vivo method to evaluate the performance of candidate MRI contrast agents: a proof-of-concept study

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    BACKGROUND: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays an important role in tumor detection/diagnosis. The use of exogenous contrast agents (CAs) helps to improve the discrimination between lesion and neighbouring tissue, but most of the currently available CAs are non-specific. Assessing the performance of new, selective CAs requires exhaustive assays and large amounts of material. Accordingly, in a preliminary screening of new CAs, it is important to choose candidate compounds with good potential for in vivo efficiency. This screening method should reproduce as close as possible the in vivo environment. In this sense, a fast and reliable method to select the best candidate CAs for in vivo studies would minimize time and investment cost, and would benefit the development of better CAs. RESULTS: The post-mortem ex vivo relative contrast enhancement (RCE) was evaluated as a method to screen different types of CAs, including paramagnetic and superparamagnetic agents. In detail, sugar/gadolinium-loaded gold nanoparticles (Gd-GNPs) and iron nanoparticles (SPIONs) were tested. Our results indicate that the post-mortem ex vivo RCE of evaluated CAs, did not correlate well with their respective in vitro relaxivities. The results obtained with different Gd-GNPs suggest that the linker length of the sugar conjugate could modulate the interactions with cellular receptors and therefore the relaxivity value. A paramagnetic CA (GNP (E_2)), which performed best among a series of Gd-GNPs, was evaluated both ex vivo and in vivo. The ex vivo RCE was slightly worst than gadoterate meglumine (201.9 ± 9.3% versus 237 ± 14%, respectively), while the in vivo RCE, measured at the time-to-maximum enhancement for both compounds, pointed to GNP E_2 being a better CA in vivo than gadoterate meglumine. This is suggested to be related to the nanoparticule characteristics of the evaluated GNP. CONCLUSION: We have developed a simple, cost-effective relatively high-throughput method for selecting CAs for in vivo experiments. This method requires approximately 800 times less quantity of material than the amount used for in vivo administrations