11 research outputs found

    Análisis de la influencia de Florence Nightingale en la obra de Federico Rubio y Galí

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    INTRODUCCIÓN Es en el Siglo XIX cuando la Enfermería tomó conciencia de la importancia en conocer la historia y los pilares básicos de su profesión. En la actualidad, se puede afirmar que hay mucho escrito, sobre todo en lo que se refiere a las disciplinas de Ciencias de la Salud. Consideramos de relevancia e interesante empezar nuestra gran historia con la descomposición y reformulación objetiva de la historia de la Enfermería contemporánea en España, objetivo del presente estudio. Estamos asediados de escuchar que la Historia de la Enfermería es la Historia de los Cuidados, pero ¿de qué cuidados? ¿Cómo se hacen esos cuidados? ¿Quién dio los primeros pasos para la fundación de las primeras escuelas en la Enfermería contemporánea española? HIPOTESIS Los orígenes de la Enfermería contemporánea en España (siglos XIX-XX), instituidos por Federico Rubio y Galí a través de la Escuela de Enfermeras de Santa Isabel de Hungría (1896), se relacionan directamente con la evolución histórica de las Escuelas de Enfermería fundadas a nivel Europeo, concretamente con la Escuela de Enfermeras del Saint Thomas Hospital en Londres, dirigida por Florence Nightingale (1860); lo que implicaría un cambio trascendental de los orígenes históricos de la Enfermería española como profesión. OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL Clarificar y especificar si existe una influencia de la obra de la enfermera británica Florence Nightingale en las contribuciones enfermeras del cirujano español Federico Rubio y Galí en la España de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. METODOLOGIA El empleo de diversas estrategias de investigación sirvió para obtener una visión más amplia de los resultados. Empezando con el planteamiento de la Teoría de los Seis Grados de Separación, profundizando con la heurística y la hermenéutica; sirviéndono de apoyo la herramienta WordSimth 6.0 de análisis conceptual y estadístico de los textos de Florence Nightingale y Federico Rubio y Galí. Finalizando con la discusión a partir de la textualización y la visión crítica de los resultados. RESULTADOS Por un lado, se presentan los resultados descriptivos obtenidos con la ejecución del WordSimth 6.0: tamañano de los textos, índices de especialización y riqueza léxica. Por otro, las tablas de paralelismos reflejan semejanzas ideológicas enfermeras entre las ideas promulgadas por Nightingale y repercusión en Rubio y Galí; acompañadas de mapas conceptuales que resumen las ideas clave en la obra enfermera de Nightingale, así como el conjunto de palabras clave empleadas para la búsqueda de concordancias enfermeras entre ambos profesionales. DISCUSIÓN A partir de las tablas de paralelismos derivados de los resultados, se han valorado diferentes aportaciones documentales que favorecen la discusión y el análisis de esa posible influencia de los postulados de Nightingale en la ideología enfermera de Federico Rubio y Galí, no solo en el campo de los cuidados sino en aspectos relaciondados con la sanidad de la época. Surgiendo un análisis de contexto relacionado con distinición de género y la clase social que pudiese haber sido la causa de ese rechazo como mujer y enfermera, reflejada en el desarrollo de la Enfermería Contemporánea en España. CONCLUSIONES Somos de la convicción, compartida con otros autores, de la existencia de una influencia de los principios e ideas enfermeras de Nightingale sobre los esquemas formativos y profesionales de Rubio y Galí, en relación a la profesionalización de la Enfermería en España, instituida a través de la Escuela de Enfermeras de Santa Isabel de Hungría. Profundizar en otros campos de investigación aportaría argumentos desde distintas perspectivas, hacia la demostración de un vínculo profesional y personal entre Nightingale y Rubio y Galí, a través del cumplimiento de Teorías como la de los Seis Grados de Separación. Estudios que evidenciarían nuestros postulados en favor de la influencia nightingueliana en España; y en consecuencia, los orígenes de la Enfermería Española

    Nightingale e a Guerra da Criméia através da imprensa espanhola

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    La labor de Nightingale y su equipo en la Guerra de Crimea fue trascendental. Sus intervenciones fueron reconocidas en Inglaterra y otros países. Por aquel momento, en España, el cuidado estaba mayoritariamente en manos de la Iglesia. El presente trabajo pretende identificar el posicionamiento ideológico difundido en prensa española sobre el papel de Nightingale en la Guerra de Crimea. Se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica en la Hemeroteca Digital de la Biblioteca Nacional de España, obteniendo 27 publicaciones en prensa española que referían noticias de Nightingale y la Guerra de Crimea. El contenido fue analizado siguiendo la hermenéutica de Gadamer. Atendiendo a la ideología política y religiosa de cada periódico, las publicaciones muestran discrepancias en relación con la percepción de la labor de Nightingale. Algunos periódicos la definen como imitadora de instituciones religiosas; otros destacan a una mujer con formación académica y gran capacidad de liderazgo en temas de gestión sanitaria. Estas divergencias resultan del análisis de Nightingale en un contexto cultural, político y social diferente a la Inglaterra protestante. Para futuras investigaciones se propone analizar si la información en la prensa española en relación con la iniciativa de formación enfermera de Nightingale también generó discrepancias en este contexto.The work of Nightingale and his team in the Crimean War was significant. Their interventions were recognized in England and other countries. At that time, in Spain, care was mostly in the hands of the Church. This paper aims to identify the ideological position disseminated in the Spanish press on the role of Nightingale in the Crimean War. A bibliographic review was carried out in the Digital Newspaper Library of the National Library of Spain, obtaining 27 publications in Spanish press that referred to news of Nightingale and the Crimean War. The content was analysed following Gadamer’s hermeneutics. Based on the political and religious ideology of each newspaper, the publications show discrepancies regarding the perception of Nightingale’s work. Some newspapers define her as a imitator of religious institutions; others highlight a woman with an academic background and great leadership in health management. These divergences result from Nightingale’s analysis in a cultural, political, and social context that was different from Protestant England. For future research it is proposed to analyse whether the information in the Spanish press in relation to the Nightingale nursing training initiative also generated discrepancies in this context.O trabalho de Nightingale e sua equipe na Guerra da Crimeia foi significativo. Suas intervenções foram reconhecidas na Inglaterra e em outros países. Naquela época, na Espanha, o cuidado estava principalmente nas mãos da Igreja. Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar a posição ideológica disseminada na imprensa espanhola sobre o papel do Nightingale na Guerra da Crimeia. Uma revisão bibliográfica foi realizada na Biblioteca de Jornais Digitais da Biblioteca Nacional da Espanha, obtendo 27 publicações na imprensa espanhola que se referiam a notícias de Nightingale e da Guerra da Crimeia. O conteúdo foi analisado seguindo a hermenêutica de Gadamer. Com base na ideologia política e religiosa de cada jornal, as publicações mostram discrepâncias em relação à percepção do trabalho de Nightingale. Alguns jornais a definem como uma imitadora de instituições religiosas; outros destacam uma mulher com formação acadêmica e grande liderança na gestão da saúde. Essas divergências resultam da análise de Nightingale em um contexto cultural, político e social que era diferente da Inglaterra protestante. Para futuras pesquisas propõe-se analisar se as informações da imprensa espanhola em relação à iniciativa de formação em enfermagem Nightingale também geraram discrepâncias neste contexto

    Florence Nightingale : higienista y estadística de referencia para Pedro Felipe Monlau

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    Pedro Felipe Monlau fue un destacado higienista español y defensor de la Teoría Miasmática de las enfermedades. La España del siglo XIX tenía escasa infraestructura sanitaria, por lo que sus publicaciones se convirtieron en una poderosa fuente de transmisión de las ideas científicas dominantes del higienismo europeo. Levy, Londe, Villermé, Chadwick, Farr y Smith fueron personajes que influenciaron en el pensamiento del higienista español. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evidenciar si la doctrina higienista de Florence Nightingale influyó en España a través de la obra de Monlau. Se realizó una revisión de fuentes documentales primarias y se analizaron los resultados desde la perspectiva hermenéutica. Se utilizó como recurso principal la Hemeroteca Digital de la Biblioteca Nacional de España. Monlau referenció a Nightingale en once ocasiones. Nueve fragmentos respondían a los Aforismos Higiénicos de Monlau. Recomendaba las ideas de Nightingale en relación con la ventilación, iluminación y limpieza doméstica, entre otros. Además, Monlau sugería la necesidad de elaborar estadísticas hospitalarias siguiendo la propuesta de Nightingale. En este sentido, el cirujano Rubio y Galí fue un claro ejemplo de su aplicabilidad en el Instituto de Terapéutica Operatoria. Monlau también reconoció la labor de Nightingale en la Guerra de Crimea. Los resultados muestran la necesidad de visibilizar a la mujer científica en la historia contemporánea, revisitando las biografías escritas hasta el momento

    Nightingale e a profissionalização da enfermagem na Espanha

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    La Historia de la Enfermería Contemporánea en España está siendo replanteada por múltiples historiadores, que luchan contra las distorsiones que han desvirtuado la identidad enfermera en la historia. Teniendo como punto de partida la Escuela de Enfermeras de Santa Isabel de Hungría (1896), fundada por Rubio y Galí y tomando como referencia la Nightingale Training School (1860) fundada por Nightingale; el presente estudio muestra algunas de las evidencias sobre cómo la profesionalización de la Enfermería en España siguió el mismo proceso que la enfermería en otros países. Analizando la información histórica desde la perspectiva de género, se muestra como el origen ideológico de la Enfermería Profesional en España coincide con el modelo de enseñanza enfermero promulgado por Nightingale. Un sistema de formación que llegó a nuestro país, por medio del cirujano Rubio y Galí, pero enmarcado en un modelo paternalista y una visión social de la mujer anclada al ámbito maternal y doméstico.The History of Contemporary Nursing in Spain is being rethought by multiple historians, who fight against the distortions that have distorted the nursing identity in history. Taking as a starting point the “Escuela de Enfermeras de Santa Isabel de Hungría” (1896), founded by Rubio y Galí and taking as a reference the Nightingale Training School (1860); This study shows some of the evidence on how the professionalization of Nursing in Spain followed the same process as nursing in other countries. Analyzing the historical information from the gender perspective, it is shown how the ideological origin of Professional Nursing in Spain coincides with the nursing teaching model promulgated by Nightingale. A training system that came to our country, through the surgeon Rubio y Galí, but framed in a paternalistic model and a social vision of women anchored in the maternal and domestic sphere.A História da Enfermagem Contemporânea na Espanha está sendo repensada por múltiplos historiadores, que lutam contra as distorções que distorceram a identidade da enfermagem na história. Tomando como ponto de partida a “Escuela de Enfermeras de Santa Isabel de Hungría” (1896), fundada por Rubio y Galí e tendo como referência a Nightingale Training School (1860) fundada por Nightingale; Este estudo mostra algumas evidências de como a profissionalização da Enfermagem na Espanha seguiu o mesmo processo da enfermagem em outros países. Analisando as informações históricas na perspectiva de gênero, mostra-se como a origem ideológica da Enfermagem Profissional na Espanha coincide com o modelo de ensino de enfermagem promulgado por Nightingale. Um sistema de formação que chegou ao nosso país, através do cirurgião Rubio y Galí, mas enquadrado num modelo paternalista e numa visão social da mulher ancorada na esfera materna e doméstica

    Florence Nightingale e Federico Rubio: reformadores enfermagem moderna española

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    En diferentes bases de datos aparecen publicaciones donde se menciona al cirujano Federico Rubio en relación con la enfermera Florence Nightingale, otorgándole un protagonismo en la enfermería moderna española. Mediante este trabajo proponemos analizar la influencia que Nightingale pudo haber tenido en Rubio. Partiendo de la vida y obra del fundador de la Escuela de Enfermeras de Santa Isabel de Hungría, valoraremos las coincidencias temporo-espaciales con la Dama de la Lámpara. Nuestros objetivos persiguen establecer paralelismos entre ambas vidas, así como reflejar la repercusión de Nightingale en la enfermería española moderna. El análisis documental fue la técnica escogida para contrastar la biografía y obra de Nightingale y Rubio, recurriendo tanto a fuentes de información primarias como secundarias. Algunos de los datos obtenidos tales como la similitud en los planes de estudios de sus respectivas escuelas y las medidas sanitarias relacionadas con la Salud Pública, podrían ratificar la influencia directa de Nightingale en Rubio. Estos ejemplos, entre otros, muestran coincidencias y similitudes entre la enfermería difundida por Nightingale y el plan propuesto por Rubio. Sin embargo, sólo en Hernández (1996), Nightingale es considerada un punto clave en las aportaciones de Rubio.The surgeon Federico Rubio-Gali is mentioned in connexion with Florence Nightingale. In different publications giving him a prominence in the development of the modern Spanish nursing profession. With this work we propose to analyze the influence that Nightingale could have had over Rubio-Gali. We want to analyse the life and works of the founder of the School of Nurses of Santa Isabel de Hungría establishing the intellectual temporary and spatial coincidences with the Lady of the Lamp. Our objective is to establish the parallelisms between both lives and examine the possible impact of Nightingale in the beginnings of the modern Spanish nursing. The analysis of primary and secondary documental sources was the technique chosen to compare the biography and works of Nightingale and Rubio-Gali. Some of the similarities founded, e.g. in the syllabuses of their respective schools and different health measures would confirm the influence of Nightingale in Rubio-Gali, nevertheless, only in Hernández (1996), Nightingale is recognised as a key point in the contributions of Rubio-Gali.Em diferentes bases de dados aparecem publicações que mencionam o cirurgião Federico Rubio em relação a enfermeira Florence Nightingale, dando-lhe um protagonismo na enfermagem española. Mediante este trabalho nos propomos a analizar a influência que Nightingale pode ter tido sobre Rubio. Partindo da vida e obra do fundador da Escola de Enfermagem de Santa Isabel da Hungría, valorizaremos as coincidencias tempo-espaciais con a Dona da Lâmpada. Nossos objetivos visam establecer paralelismos entre ambas vidas, assim como repercutir a percepção de Nightingale na enfermagem española moderna. A análise documental foi a técnica escolhida para cadastrar a bibliografía e obra de Nightingale e Rubio, recorrendo tanto a fontes de informação primárias como secundárias. Alguns dos dados obtidos tais como a similaridade nos papéis de estudos e de suas respectivas escolas e as medidas sanitárias relacionadas a Saúde Pública, poderiam reinterar a influência de Nightingale sobre Rubio. Estes exemplos, entre outros, mostram coincidencias y similaridades entre a enfermagem difundida por Nightingale e o plano proposto por Rubio. No entanto, somente Hernandez (1996), considerada Nightingale um ponto chave nas contribuições de Rubio

    Confident Perception of Primary Care Physicians Correlates to the Attitude Toward Donation and Organ Transplantation: A Multicenter Study of Medical And Nursing Spanish Students

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    A primary care physician (PCP) not only accompanies the patient in the process of an illness, but throughout his or her life. The confidence we have in these health professionals is fundamental, and their favorable attitude toward organ donation and transplantation (ODT) has a significant influence on the population. Objective To analyze trust in PCPs among Spanish medical and nursing students, the relationship with their attitude toward ODT, and the factors that condition it. Methods and Design A sociologic, multicenter, and observational study. Population: medical and nursing students in Spanish universities. Database: Collaborative International Donor Project, stratified by geographic area and academic course. A validated questionnaire (PCID-DTO-RIOS) was self-administered and completed anonymously. A sample of 9598 medical and 10,566 nursing students (99% confidence and precision of ±1%), stratified by geographic area and year of study. Results Completion rate: 90%. With respect to students’ trust in their physician, 18% (n = 3267) of them totally trust (completely), 45% (n = 8101) trust enough, 30% (n = 5478) of them have not enough trust, and 7% not at all. Comparing groups, medical students totally trust more in PCPs than nursing students (55% vs 45%; P < .000), however, nursing students have less than enough trust in their PCP than medical students (53% vs 47%; P < .000). Students that totally trust in their PCP were more in favor toward ODT than students with not enough trust (83% vs 77%; P < .000). Conclusion Only 18% of Spanish medical and nursing students totally trust in their PCP. Attitude toward ODT is related to a higher level of trust in PCPs among these students.Sin financiación1.066 JCR (2020) Q4, 160/162 Immunology0.373 SJR (2020) Q3, 260/456 SurgeryNo data IDR 2020UE

    Exploring Health Science Students’ Notions on Organ Donation and Transplantation: A Multicenter Study

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    The knowledge acquired during university education about organ donation and transplantation (ODT) decisively influences the information future health professionals transmit. This is important in ODT where the participation of the general public is essential to obtain organs. Objective To determine notions of Spanish medicine and nursing students on ODT and its relationship with attitude toward ODT. Methods and Design and design. We conducted a sociologic, multicenter, and observational study. The population for our study consisted of medical and nursing students in Spanish universities. Our database was the Collaborative International Donor Project, stratified by geographic area and academic course. A validated questionnaire (PCID-DTO-RIOS) was self-administered and completed anonymously. Our sample consisted of 9598 medical and 10,566 nursing students (99% confidence interval; precision of ±1%), stratified by geographic area and year of study. Results The completion rate for our study was 90%. Only 20% (n=3640) of students thought their notions on ODT were good; 41% (n=7531) thought their notions were normal; 36% (n=6550) thought their notions were scarce. Comparing groups, there were differences between those who believed that their notions on ODT were good (44% nursing vs 56% medical students; P < .000), and those who believed it scarce (54% nursing vs 46% medical students; P < .000). Notions on ODT were related with attitude toward the donation of one's own organs: those who considered their notions were good were more in favor then those who considered it scarce (88% vs 72%; P < .000). Conclusion Only 20% of Spanish medical and nursing students thought their notions on ODT were good. Having good knowledge is related to a favorable attitude towards ODT. Receiving specific information on the subject could improve their knowledge about ODT during their training.Sin financiación1.066 JCR (2020) Q4, 160/162 Inmunology0.373 SJR (2020) Q3, 260/456 SurgeryNo data IDR 2020UE

    Nursing students faced with organ donation: Multicenter stratified national study

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    Aim: To analyze the attitude of university nursing students at Spanish universities toward organ donation and transplantation and the factors affecting to their attitude. Background: The opinion of future nurses toward organ transplant donation could have an important influence on the population. Knowing that opinion and what factors influence it is important to improve the attitude towards organ donation and transplantation. Design: A multicenter, sociological, interdisciplinary and observational study including university nursing diploma students in a complete academic year. Methods: Selected and randomized sample was taken of students from 52 of the 111 faculties and nursing schools and faculties in Spain with teaching activity Participants: A sample of 10,566 students was selected stratified by geographical area and year. Measurement instrument: The instrument used was a validated questionnaire of attitude toward organ donation and transplantation, self-administered and completed anonymously. Results: Completion rate: 85 % (n = 9001). Of the students surveyed, 78 % (n = 7040) would donate their organs after dying. Variables related to a favourable attitude: (1) Interest in listening to a talk about organ donation and transplantation [Odds ratio 1.66, 95 % confidence interval 2.05–1.35]; (2) Family discussion [Odds ratio 2.30, 95 % confidence interval 2.79–1.90] or discussion with friends about organ donation and transplantation [Odds ratio 1.56, 95 % confidence interval 1.86–1.31]; (3) Knowing that one’s father [Odds ratio 1.54, 95 % confidence interval 1.94–1.22], mother’s [Odds ratio 1.44, 95 % confidence interval 1.82–1.13] or partner [Odds ratio 1.28, 95 % confidence interval 1.60–1.03] has a favourable opinion; (4) Having a good self-assessment of information about organ donation and transplantation [Odds ratio 2.94, 95 % confidence interval 4.90–1.78]; (5) Not being worried about possible mutilation of the body after donation [Odds ratio 2.73, 95 % confidence interval 3.36–1.72]. Conclusions: Nursing students in Spain tend to have a favourable attitude toward organ donation and trans- plantation although more than 20 % of those surveyed are not in favour. Tweetable Abstract: To maintain a high rate of organ donation for organ transplantation, it is necessary to improve the social awareness of future generations of nurses towards organ donation

    Student nurses at Spanish universities and their attitude toward xenotransplantation

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    Introduction: Recent immunological and transgenic advances are a promising alternative using limited materials of human origin for transplantation. However, it is essential to achieve social acceptance of this therapy. Objective: To analyze the attitude of nursing students from Spanish universities toward organ xenotransplantation (XTx) and to determine the factors affecting their attitude. Materials and methods: Type of study: A sociological, multicentre, and observational study. Study population: Nursing students enrolled in Spain (n = 28,000). Sample size: A sample of 10 566 students estimating a proportion of 76% (99% confidence and precision of ±1%), stratified by geographical area and year of study. Instrument of measurement: A validated questionnaire (PCID‐XenoTx‐RIOS) was handed out to every student in a compulsory session. This survey was self‐administered and self‐completed voluntarily and anonymously by each student in a period of 5‐10 min. Statistical analysis: descriptive analysis, Student's t test, the chi‐square test, and a logistic regression analysis. Results: A completion rate: 84% (n = 8913) was obtained. If the results of XTx were as good as in human donation, 74% (n = 6564) would be in favor and 22% (n = 1946) would have doubts. The following variables affected this attitude: age (P < 0.001); sex (P < 0.001); geographical location (P < 0.001); academic year of study (P < 0.001); attitude toward organ donation (P < 0.001); belief in the possibility of needing a transplant (P < 0.001); discussion of transplantation with one's family (P < 0.001) and friends (P < 0.001); and the opinion of one's partner (P < 0.001). The following variables persisted in the multivariate analysis: being a male (OR = 1.436; P < 0.001); geographical location (OR = 1.937; P < 0.001); an attitude in favor of donation (OR = 1.519; P < 0.001); belief in the possibility of needing a transplant (OR = 1.497; P = 0.036); and having spoken about the issue with family (OR = 1.351; P < 0.001) or friends (OR = 1.240; P = 0.001). Conclusions: The attitude of nursing students toward organ XTx is favorable and is associated with factors of general knowledge about organ donation and transplantation and social interaction