85 research outputs found

    A topological signature of multipartite entanglement

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    In this manuscript, we present a proposal to relate topological structure of worldline configurations to multipartite entanglement. Configurations result from the path-integral formulation of the density matrix in the limit of zero temperature. We consider hard-core bosons for which configurations, i.e. collections of particle paths, can be seen as geometric braids with a certain topological structure. We propose that properties of worldline configurations may realize a comprehensive deciphering of multipartite entanglement. By means of Monte Carlo calculations, we study checkerboard, stripe, valence-bond solids, Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 topologically ordered spin liquid, and superfluid phase. We find that each ground-state is characterized by a certain `topological spectrum' which can be used to differentiate among different ground-states.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures and supplemental material. Version 2 focuses on the discussion of topological signatures of multipartite entanglement in the ground-state expansion, with added results. The study of phase transitions and permutation cycles in version 1 has been moved to a new manuscript: arXiv:1912.00080. Version 3 corrected some typos and reference

    Permutation cycles of hardcore Bose-Hubbard models on square and Kagome lattices

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    In this paper, we study the statistics of permutation cycles of ground-state hardcore lattice bosons described by various two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard-type models on both square and Kagome lattices. We find that it is possible to differentiate quantum phases by the statistics of permutations cycles. Indeed, features in the permutation cycles statistics can be used to uniquely identify certain insulating phases, and are consistent with local resonances of occupation numbers in the ground-state expansion of the phase. We also confirm that suitable quantities derived from the probability distribution of the length of permutation cycles can be used to detect superfluid to insulator phase transitions.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures. The study of phase transitions and permutation cycles originally part of manuscript arXiv:1905.07454v1 (version 1) has been moved to this manuscript while the discussion of topological signatures of multipartite entanglement in the ground-state expansion has been further developed in version 2 of manuscript arXiv:1905.07454v

    Epidemiologic study of patients attending the Stomatology Service at Osep Dental Clinic during the 2009 - 2015 period

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    El presente trabajo consiste en una investigación de tipo retrospectivo sobre la prevalencia de pacientes que concurrieron al servicio de Estomatología de OSEP durante el periodo comprendido entre los años 2009 al 2015. Se analizaron los datos de 693 historias clínicas, con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de las patologías estomatológicas diagnosticadas, incluyendo distribución e influencia en cuanto a edad, sexo y lugar de procedencia. Además, se estableció la relación entre las patologías estomatológicas y los factores de riesgo asociados y/o enfermedades sistémicas. Para el procesamiento estadístico de los datos obtenidos, se trabajó sobre el fraccionamiento de la base de datos, obteniendo como resultados que el mayor porcentaje corresponde al sexo femenino, entre 60 y 69 años de edad; provenientes del Gran Mendoza; la patología más frecuente fué liquen, seguido de hiperplasia y leucoplasia. Las localizaciones más frecuentes fueron carrillos, labio inferior y cara dorsal de lengua.This work is a retrospective research on the prevalence of stomatological diseases of patients attending OSEP Stomatology Service during the 2009 -2015 period. Data from 693 medical records were analyzed in order to determine the prevalence of stomatological diagnosed diseases. It also aims to establish the relationship between stomatological diseases and associated risk factors and / or systemic diseases. For statistical processing of the data obtained, we worked on the splitting of the database, obtaining as results the highest percentage corresponds to females, between 60 and 69 years old, from the Great Mendoza. The most common disease is lichen, followed by hyperplasia and leukoplakia. The most common locations are cheeks, lower lip and tongue dorsum.Fil: Sansone, Fabio. Universidad de MendozaFil: Aguado, Cecilia Beatríz. Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Portillo, María laura. Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Bomprezzi, Sofía Paola. Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Fontana Bustos, Ana Melisa. Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Jorquera, María Eliana. Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Alonso, María Gabriela. Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina

    Retrospective statistical analysis of patients with carcinomas in the stomatology service of the OSEP Dental Center during a period of 15 months

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    Se realizó un análisis observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo en el servicio de Estomatología del Centro Odontológico OSEP de la provincia de Mendoza, con el objetivo de determinar el número de pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico confirmado de carcinoma epidermoide en un periodo de 15 meses, desde febrero de 2020 a mayo de 2021. Para ello se analizaron las historias clínicas de 88 pacientes, de los cuales 5 pacientes tuvieron diagnóstico definitivo de carcinoma mediante biopsias. Los datos analizados mediante la recopilación de historias clínicas fueron: edad, sexo, motivo de la consulta, tiempo de evolución, comorbidades, factores de riesgo asociados, presencia de adenopatías y diagnóstico definitivo histopatológico. El resultado obtenido fue una mayor prevalencia del sexo femenino, entre los 55 y 83 años, asociado a factores de riesgo locales y siendo las localizaciones mas frecuentes lengua, piso de boca y mucosa yugal.An observational, descriptive and retrospective analysis was carried out in the Stomatology service of the OSEP Dental Center of the province of Mendoza, with the aim of determining the number of patients with a confirmed histopathological diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma in a period of 15 months, from February of 2020 to May 2021. For this, the clinical histories of 88 patients were analyzed, of which 5 patients had a definitive diagnosis of carcinoma through biopsies. The data analyzed by collecting medical records were: age, sex, reason for consultation, time of evolution, comorbidities, associated risk factors, presence of lymphadenopathy and histopathological definitive diagnosis. The result obtained was a higher prevalence of the female sex, between 55 and 83 years of age, associated with local risk factors and the most frequent locations being the tongue, floor of the mouth and the jugal mucosa.Fil: Simón, Carolina. Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Sansone, Fabio. Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Puche, María Sol. Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Campagna, Celeste. Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina)Fil: Caputo, Guillermo . Clínica Odontológica OSEP (Mendoza, Argentina

    Clinical differences among the elderly admitted to the emergency department for accidental or unexplained falls and syncope

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    It is difficult to distinguish unexplained falls (UFs) from accidental falls (AFs) or syncope in older people. This study was designed to compare patients referred to the emergency department (ED) for AFs, UFs or syncope. Data from a longitudinal study on adverse drug events diagnosed at the ED (ANCESTRAL-ED) in older people were analyzed in order to select cases of AF, syncope, or UF. A total of 724 patients (median age: 81.0 [65–105] years, 66.3% female) were consecutively admitted to the ED (403 AF, 210 syncope, and 111 UF). The number of psychotropic drugs was the only significant difference in patients with AF versus those with UF (odds ratio [OR] 1.44; 95% confidence interval 1.17–1.77). When comparing AF with syncope, female gender, musculoskeletal diseases, dementia, and systolic blood pressure >110 mmHg emerged as significantly associated with AF (OR 0.40 [0.27–0.58], 0.40 [0.24–0.68], 0.35 [0.14–0.82], and 0.31 [0.20–0.49], respectively), while valvulopathy and the number of antihypertensive drugs were significantly related to syncope (OR 2.51 [1.07–5.90] and 1.24 [1.07–1.44], respectively). Upon comparison of UF and syncope, the number of central nervous system drugs, female gender, musculoskeletal diseases, and SBP >110 mmHg were associated with UF (OR 0.65 [0.50–0.84], 0.52 [0.30–0.89], 0.40 [0.20–0.77], and 0.26 [0.13–0.55]), respectively. These results indicate specific differences, in terms of demographics, medical/pharmacological history, and vital signs, among older patients admitted to the ED for AF and syncope. UF was associated with higher use of psychotropic drugs than AF. Our findings could be helpful in supporting a proper diagnostic process when evaluating older patients after a fall

    Direct Imaging of Transient Fano Resonances in N2 Using Time-, Energy-, and Angular-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy

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    Autoionizing Rydberg states of molecular N2 are studied using time-, energy-, and angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. A femtosecond extreme ultraviolet pulse with a photon energy of 17.5 eV excites the resonance and a subsequent IR pulse ionizes the molecule before the autoionization takes place. The angular-resolved photoelectron spectra depend on pump-probe time delay and allow for the distinguishing of two electronic states contributing to the resonance. The lifetime of one of the contributions is determined to be 14±1 fs, while the lifetime of the other appears to be significantly shorter than the time resolution of the experiment. These observations suggest that the Rydberg states in this energy region are influenced by the effect of interference stabilization and merge into a complex resonance

    Ultrastable, high-repetition-rate attosecond beamline for time-resolved XUV-IR coincidence spectroscopy

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    The implementation of attosecond photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy for the investigation of atomic and molecular dynamics calls for a high-repetition-rate driving source combined with experimental setups characterized by excellent stability for data acquisition over time intervals ranging from a few hours up to a few days. This requirement is crucial for the investigation of processes characterized by low cross sections and for the characterization of fully differential photoelectron(s) and photoion(s) angular and energy distributions. We demonstrate that the implementation of industrial-grade lasers, combined with a careful design of the delay line implemented in the pump-probe setup, allows one to reach ultrastable experimental conditions leading to an error in the estimation of the time delays of only 12 as. This result opens new possibilities for the investigation of attosecond dynamics in simple quantum systems

    Probing the therapeutic potential of marine phyla by spe extraction

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    The marine environment is potentially a prolific source of small molecules with significant biological activities. In recent years, the development of new chromatographic phases and the progress in cell and molecular techniques have facilitated the search for marine natural products (MNPs) as novel pharmacophores and enhanced the success rate in the selection of new potential drug candidates. However, most of this exploration has so far been driven by anticancer research and has been limited to a reduced number of taxonomic groups. In this article, we report a test study on the screening potential of an in-house library of natural small molecules composed of 285 samples derived from 57 marine organisms that were chosen from among the major eukaryotic phyla so far represented in studies on bioactive MNPs. Both the extracts and SPE fractions of these organisms were simultaneously submitted to three different bioassays—two phenotypic and one enzymatic—for cytotoxic, antidiabetic, and antibacterial activity. On the whole, the screening of the MNP library selected 11 potential hits, but the distribution of the biological results showed that SPE fractionation increased the positive score regardless of the taxonomic group. In many cases, activity could be detected only in the enriched fractions after the elimination of the bulky effect due to salts. On a statistical basis, sponges and molluscs were confirmed to be the most significant source of cytotoxic and antimicrobial products, but other phyla were found to be effective with the other therapeutic target
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