861 research outputs found

    ORGANIC FARMING MASTER AT BARCELONA UNIVERSITY. Fourteen years training specialists in Mediterranean Organic Farming

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    Since 1999, The University of Barcelona imparts the first Master in Organic Farming in Spain, with the aim of responding to the growing demand for professionals specialized in organic farming. This university has trained more than four hundred organic specialists. The diversity of the teaching staff, coming from numerous universities, research centers, Government Administration and private enterprises, offers the student a global vision of all the bio agri-food sectors

    The use of out-of-plane high Z patient shielding for fetal dose reduction in computed tomography: Literature review and comparison with Monte-Carlo calculations of an alternative optimisation technique.

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    When performing CT examinations on pregnant patients, great effort should be dedicated towards optimising the exposure of the mother and the conceptus. For this purpose, many radiology departments use high-Z garments to be wrapped around the patient's lower abdomen for out-of-plane organ shielding to protect the fetus. To assess their current protection efficiency, we performed a literature review and compared the efficiencies mentioned in the literature to Monte-Carlo calculations of CT protocols for which the overall scan length was reduced. We found 11 relevant articles, all of them reporting uterus exposure due to CT imaging performed for exclusion of pulmonary embolism, one of the leading causes of peripartum deaths in western countries. Uterus doses ranged between 60 and 660 µGy per examination, and relative dose reductions to the uterus due to high-Z garments were between 20 and 56%. Calculations showed that reducing the scan length by one to three centimetres could potentially reduce uterus dose up to 24% for chest imaging, and even 47% for upper abdominal imaging. These dose reductions were in the order of those achieved by high-Z garments. However, using the latter may negatively influence the diagnostic image quality and even interfere with the automatic exposure control system thus increasing patient dose if positioned in the primary beam, for example in the overranging length in helical acquisition. We conclude that efforts should be concentrated on positioning the patient correctly in the gantry and optimising protocol parameters, rather than using high-Z garments for out-of-plane uterus shielding

    Web Vulnerability Study of Online Pharmacy Sites

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    Consumers are increasingly using online pharmacies, but these sites may not provide an adequate level of security with the consumers’ personal data. There is a gap in this research addressing the problems of security vulnerabilities in this industry. The objective is to identify the level of web application security vulnerabilities in online pharmacies and the common types of flaws, thus expanding on prior studies. Technical, managerial and legal recommendations on how to mitigate security issues are presented. The proposed four-step method first consists of choosing an online testing tool. The next steps involve choosing a list of 60 online pharmacy sites to test, and then running the software analysis to compile a list of flaws. Finally, an in-depth analysis is performed on the types of web application vulnerabilities. The majority of sites had serious vulnerabilities, with the majority of flaws being cross-site scripting or old versions of software that have not been updated. A method is proposed for the securing of web pharmacy sites, using a multi-phased approach of technical and managerial techniques together with a thorough understanding of national legal requirements for securing systems

    A chemoemitter system mimicking chemical communication in insects

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    AbstractThe first chemoemitter based on the concept of infochemical communication is presented emphasizing details on the microfabrication and functionality of its elements, particularly the biomicroreactor and the evaporator. The functionality of the integrated chemoemitter has been evidenced in electrophysiological assays using antennae from Spodoptera littoralis males for pheromone detection and quantification

    Relações hídricas em povoamento de eucalipto com diferentes densidades populacionais.

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    Em experimento realizado na regiao de Santa Barbara (MG) no periodo de agosto de 1994 a fevereiro de 1995, avaliaram-se a precipitacao pluviometrica interna, a evapotranspiracao da cultura (ETc) e o regime hidrico do solo sob povoamento de Eucalyptus grandis (dos 32 aos 38 meses de idade) com densidades populacionais variando de 500 a 5.000 plantas ha-1. A unidade volumetrica do solo, em uma secao de controle de 0 a 285 cm de profundidade, foi determinado quinzenalmente, por meio de moderacao de neutrons. A interpretacao de agua pelas copas aumentou linearmente com o aumento da populacao de plantas, enquanto a ETc nao foi significativamente influenciada. A unidade do solo tendeu a aumentar com a reducao da populacao de plantas. A umidade do solo em todas as epocas monitoradas nunca apresentou valores inferiores aquele correspondente a agua retida a tensao de 1,5 MPa

    Cap on van els Programes de Garantia Social? Estudi i anàlisi de la implantació.

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    La inquietud creada en amplis sectors del professorat per la implantació de la LOGSE ha tingut un ressò singular en els Programes de Garantia Social (PGS), especialment pel que fa als mecanismes legals i psicopedagògics, que haurien de permetre articular els diferents components que constitueixen I'entramat de la seva estructura i de les seves modalitats

    Coding the assembly of polyoxotungstates with a programmable reaction system

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    Chemical transformations are normally conducted in batch or flow mode, thereby allowing the chemistry to be temporally or spatially controlled, but these approaches are not normally combined dynamically. However, the investigation of the underlying chemistry masked by the self-assembly processes that often occur in one-pot reactions and exploitation of the potential of complex chemical systems requires control in both time and space. Additionally, maintaining the intermediate constituents of a self-assembled system “off equilibrium” and utilizing them dynamically at specific time intervals provide access to building blocks that cannot coexist under one-pot conditions and ultimately to the formation of new clusters. Herein, we implement the concept of a programmable networked reaction system, allowing us to connect discrete “one-pot” reactions that produce the building block{W11O38} ≡ {W11} under different conditions and control, in real time, the assembly of a series of polyoxometalate clusters {W12O42} ≡ {W12}, {W22O74} ≡ {W22} 1a, {W34O116} ≡ {W34} 2a, and {W36O120} ≡ {W36} 3a, using pH and ultraviolet−visible monitoring. The programmable networked reaction system reveals that is possible to assemble a range of different clusters using {W11}-based building blocks, demonstrating the relationship between the clusters within the family of iso-polyoxotungstates, with the final structural motif being entirely dependent on the building block libraries generated in each separate reaction space within the network. In total, this approach led to the isolation of five distinct inorganic clusters using a “fixed” set of reagents and using a fully automated sequence code, rather than five entirely different reaction protocols. As such, this approach allows us to discover, record, and implement complex one-pot reaction syntheses in a more general way, increasing the yield and reproducibility and potentially giving access to nonspecialists

    Compositional and structural variabilities of MG-rich iron oxide spinels from tuffite.

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    A maghemita (yFe2O3) de tufito e, excepcionalmente, rica em magnesio, se comparada as comumente encontradas em outros litossistemas maficos. Na tentativa de investigar em detalhes a variabilidade composicional e estrutural desses oxidos naturais de ferro, alguns conjuntos de cristais foram separados de amostras coletadas a diferentes posicoes de um manto de intemperismo de tufito. Esses conjuntos de cristais foram, individualmente, estudados por difracao de raios-X, espectroscopia Mossbauer, medidas de magnetizacao e analise quimica. Da difratometria de raios-X, observou-se que o parametro da celula cubica (ao) varia de 0,834(1) a 0,8412(1) nm. Os valores mais baixos de ao sao caracteristicos de maghemita; os mais altos sao atribuidos a magnetita, mineral magnetico precursor. Os teores de Fe0 alcancam 17 mass % e os valaores de magnetizacao espontanea variam de 8 a 32 J T1 kg1. Os espectros Mossbauer, obtidos com a amostra mantida a temperatura do ambiente, na ausencia de campo magnetico aplicado, sao bastante complexos, om indicacoes de ocorrencia de superposicao de distribuicoes de campo hiperfino, devidas ao Fe3+ e ao ion de valencia mista Fe3+12+. A variabilidade estrutural dos oxidos de ferro, isoestruturais ao espinelio e ricos em Mg e Ti, e, essencialmente, relacionada com os graus variaveis de oxidacao do mineral precursor, a magnetita rica em Mg e Ti