10 research outputs found

    Rational curves and instantons on the Fano threefold Y_5

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    This thesis is an investigation of the moduli spaces of instanton bundles on the Fano threefold Y_5 (a linear section of Gr(2,5)). It contains new proofs of classical facts about lines, conics and cubics on Y_5, and about linear sections of Y_5. The main original results are a Grauert-M\ufclich theorem for the splitting type of instantons on conics, a bound to the splitting type of instantons on lines and an SL_2-equivariant description of the moduli space in charge 2 and 3. Using these results we prove the existence of a unique SL_2-equivariant instanton of minimal charge and we show that for all instantons of charge 2 the divisor of jumping lines is smooth. In charge 3, we provide examples of instantons with reducible divisor of jumping lines. Finally, we construct a natural compactification for the moduli space of instantons of charge 3, together with a small resolution of singularities for it

    Fraud detection and link analysis in Genertel\u2019s customer network

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    This thesis describes the development of a fraud detection scheme for car insurance customers, based only on information that is available at the moment of underwriting. It explains how we manipulated raw anonymised data and turned it into a graph, and how we used this graph to assign a fraudulence score to each node. Finally, it evaluates the performance of this score in identifying unknown fraudsters. The results obtained in the thesis have been obtained by means of several ad hoc optimised and parallel algorithms, which have been tested and run on multiple HPC platforms

    Non-Ulrich representation type

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    We show that a smooth projective non-degenerate arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay subvariety X of P^N infinite Cohen-Macaulay type becomes of finite Cohen-Macaulay type by removing Ulrich bundles if and only if N = 5 and X is a quartic scroll or the Segre product of a line and a plane. In turn, we give a complete and explicit classification of ACM bundles over these varieties

    Non-Ulrich representation type

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    We show that a smooth projective non-degenerate arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay subvariety X of P^N infinite Cohen-Macaulay type becomes of finite Cohen-Macaulay type by removing Ulrich bundles if and only if N = 5 and X is a quartic scroll or the Segre product of a line and a plane. In turn, we give a complete and explicit classification of ACM bundles over these varieties

    Posterior airways and orthognathic surgery: What really matters for successful long-term results?

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    Although it is well known that orthognathic surgery modifies the upper airways, it is still unclear which are the determining factors to achieve adequate and predictable results in all the patients regardless of the initial malocclusion type and satisfying all the traditional orthognathic treatment objectives. This study aimed to correlate airway changes with surgical movements and other variables and the planning modalities to better understand how to control airway dimensions with treatment

    Proposal for Perioperative Pharmacological Protocol for the Reduction in Early Complications in Orthorhinoseptoplasty: Five Years of Experience

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    Septorhinoplasty is a crucial intervention in functional and aesthetic facial surgery. Although rare and usually manageable, complications could lead to disfiguring consequences. There is no universal protocol for perioperative management in the literature. The aim of this article is to analyze the surgical complications in patients who underwent open rhinoseptoplasty and were treated in the perioperative period with the standardized protocol used in our department, in order to propose it as a standardized protocol for a more global application. Methods: The patients included underwent rhinoplasty between 2017 and 2022 and were managed with the same treatment protocol. Perioperative and intraoperative data, as well as possible complications, were collected. Results: A total of 129 patients were included, 73% of which reported either mild or no complications. Abnormal scar healing was the most frequent complaint (9%), followed by edema (6.2%), nasal dyspnea (3.9%), infection (2.3%), and bleeding (2.3%). No severe complications were reported. Conclusions: Our protocol appears to be effective in minimizing complications such as infection and bleeding, although it is very difficult to compare the results with the literature


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    : A woman presented a right submandibular gland lesion with cytologic diagnosis of mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Patient underwent sialoadenectomy en bloc with supraomohyoid neck dissection. Positivity for ETV6-NTRK3 genes fusion on surgical sample led to final diagnosis of secretory carcinoma (SC). Secretory carcinoma has been renamed by WHO in 2017 from mammary-analogue-secretory carcinoma (MASC). Only 649 have been reported until 2019. While cytologic alteration are shared with other neoplasms as the acinic cell and mucoepidermoid carcinomas, ETV6-NTRK3 rearrangement is pathognomonic of SC. Although usually indolent and with low-stage presentation, SC has higher rate of local recurrences and nodal involvement than ACC. Surgical treatment represent the gold standard. Real prevalence of SC is probably underestimated due to the recent WHO 2017 reclassification. While cytologic analysis does not allow to discriminate SC from other malignancies, chromosomal examination is recommended. When low-grade SC is diagnosed, complete surgical resection assures good prognosis

    The Influence of industrial dehydration on quality of fig fruits

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    The effectiveness of a dehydration process on the quality of "Niedda longa" fig fruits was studied. Drying was carried out either with an industrial two-stage dehydration system, requiring no blanching treatment, or with a simulated sun-drying procedure. During the industrial process fruits were: (a) initially moved for 3 hours in a tunnel with a gradient air temperature from 95°C to 85°C; (b) then moved into a second tunnel at 85°C for 14 h. Sun-drying was simulated keeping fruits for 120 h at 32°C and 35% of relative humidity (RH). Finally dehydrated figs were rehydrated, or equilibrated with environmental RH (sun-dried figs), and both treated with potassium-sorbate solution, then film-packaged into hermetically sealed air tight bags. Moreover, half of the bags were packed in-modified atmosphere (MAP). Fruits were, then, stored at 20°C for 6 months. A 11 h dehydration time was sufficient to obtain microbially stable fruits without chemical treatments, reaching a dry matter content (DM) of 88 % and water activity (aw) of 0.60, whereas after 17 h DM and aw were 91% and 0.57, respectively. DM of industrial rehydrated figs and environmental equilibrated sun-dried figs were 71% and 74%, respectively, requiring a potassium-sorbate treatment. After packaging and 6 months of shelf life, no microbial growth was revealed on fruits. MAP resulted in no additional improvement on the microbial quality of the product. Based on these results we can state that industrial dehydration performed well, even if fruit calibration is needed before drying