894 research outputs found

    Italianità e cucina. Ricette e consigli di Carla Cerati

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    Known more for her activity as a photographer – the report on the condition of Italian asylums entitled Morire di classe earned prestigious awards – Carla Cerati (1926-2016) was also a talented writer: «photography is used to document the present, the word to recover the past», stated in an interview. The analysis of the short and peculiar book by Carla Cerati (1926-2016) entitled Un uovo una frittatona. Dal quaderno di cucina del tempo di guerra 121 ricette antispreco e un racconto, allows to demonstrate how, sometimes, food, gastronomy and cuisine/cooking, can be faithful expression of identity.Conosciuta più per la sua attività di fotografa – il reportage sulla condizione dei manicomi italiani intitolato Morire di classe le valse prestigiosi riconoscimenti – Carla Cerati (1926-2016) è stata anche una talentuosa scrittrice: «la fotografia mi serve per documentare il presente, la parola per recuperare il passato», affermava in un'intervista. L'analisi del breve e peculiare libro intitolato Un uovo una frittatona. Dal quaderno di cucina del tempo di guerra 121 ricette antispreco e un racconto, permette di dimostrare come, a volte, l'alimentazione, la gastronomia e in generale la cucina possano essere fedele espressione identitaria

    Spanish translations of Cosima: Grazia Deledda and Spain

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    Grazia Deledda es de momento la única escritora italiana galardonada con un Nobel. Su formación autodidacta no le impidió trazar un original retrato de Cerdeña, su isla natal, ilustrando la vida de unos personajes que luchan entre fuertes pasiones y sentido del deber. Su obra se desarrolla en un espacio temporal que abarca los últimos años del siglo XIX y las tres primeras décadas del siglo XX, cuando a pesar de la reciente unificación de Italia, la cultura sarda era para la mayor parte de los italianos, algo totalmente desconocido. En este artículo tal y como indica su título se proporcionará información sobre la relación entre Deledda y España a través de las traducciones que se han hecho al castellano de su última novela, Cosima, publicada póstumamente en 1936.Grazia Deledda is currently the only Italian writer to have won the Nobel Prize in literature. Her self-training did not stop her draw an original portrait of Sardinia, her native island, illustrating the lives of characters who struggle between strong passions and sense of duty. Her work takes place in a space-time spanning the last years of the nineteenth century and the first three decades of the twentieth century, when despite the recent unification of Italy, the Sardinian culture was for most of the Italians, something totally unknown. In this article, as its title indicates, it will be provided information about the relationship between Deledda and Spain through the Spanish translations of her last novel, Cosima, published posthumously in 1936

    Italianità e cucina. Ricette e consigli di Carla Cerati

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    El artículo se centra en el estudio de los aspectos más sobresalientes del relato titulado "Un uovo, una frittatona. Dal quaderno di ricette di guerra" de la escritora italiana Carla Cerati

    Grazia Deledda’s autobiographical masks

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    All’interno della produzione di Grazia Deledda, Cosima è il personaggio più autobiografico, come si può notare dagli esempi riportati. È anche possibile scorgere assonanze tra l’autrice ed altre tre figure femminili protagoniste delle sue opere: Regina, protagonista di Nostalgie, Nina di Il Paese del Vento e Maria Concezione di La chiesa della solitudine.Among Grazia Deledda’s characters, Cosima is the most autobiographical one, as we can notice from the examples. Concordance can be noticed between the author and the female characters of her works: Regina is the main character of Nostalgie, Nina in Il Paese del Vento and Maria Concezione in La chiesa della solitudine

    Survey of the genetic variability of populations of <i>Ruditapes philippinarum</i> from tre Gulf of Olbia (N-E Sardinia) by microsatellites = Indagine sulla variabilità genetica di popolazioni di <i>Ruditapes philippinarum</i> provenienti dal golfo di Olbia (N-E Sardegna)

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    Genetic variability was investigated at six microsatellite loci of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams &amp; Reeve, 1850) (Bivalvia) from the Gulf of Olbia (N-E Sardinia) and Sacca di Goro (N Adriatic Sea). We found no significant differentiation among Sardinian samples and between those and the Adriatic one, which suggests the absence of a founder effect in Sardinian population

    "Gli Asolani" de Pietro Bembo: algunas consideraciones críticas sobre el estado de la cuestión

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    En este trabajo analizaremos algunos de los puntos que se consideran fundamentales para emprender la edición y traducción al español del tratado Gli Asolani de Pietro Bembo desde una perspectiva de género. Nos detendremos sobre la historia de las distintas redacciones de esta obra renacentista y sobre la influencia que ejerció la biografía del autor en su desarrollo. También se examinará la única traducción al castellano existente de Gli Asolani y las principales aportaciones que han puesto de manifiesto hasta el momento el papel desempeñado por las figuras femeninas en el tratado a través del análisis de los fragmentos más significativos del texto

    Meta-Substituted Asymmetric Azobenzenes: Insights into Structure–Property Relationship

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    This article presents a comprehensive investigation into the functionalization of methoxyphenylazobenzene using electron-directing groups located at the meta position relative to the azo group. Spectroscopic analysis of meta-functionalized azobenzenes reveals that the incorporation of electron-withdrawing units significantly influences the absorption spectra of both E and Z isomers, while electron-donating functionalities lead to more subtle changes. The thermal relaxation process from Z to E result in almost twice as prolonged for electron-withdrawing functionalized azobenzenes compared to their electron-rich counterparts. Computational analysis contributes a theoretical understanding of the electronic structure and properties of meta-substituted azobenzenes. This combined approach, integrating experimental and computational techniques, yields significant insights into the structure–property relationship of meta-substituted asymmetrical phenolazobenzenes

    Neurosteroidi: i modulatori endogeni delle emozioni

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    The discovery that facilitation or inhibition of γ aminobutyric acid (GABA)-mediated neurotransmission results in anxiolytic versus anxiogenic, hypnotic versus somnolitic, and anticonvulsant versus convulsant effects, respectively, provided important early insight into the physiology and pharmacology of central GABAergic transmission. This realization, together with subsequent evidence that high-affinity recognition sites for positive and negative allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors are located on these GABA-gated Cl– channels, led to the concept that GABAA receptors contribute directly not only to the pharmacology but also to the neurobiology and physiopathology of a variety of neurological and psychiatric diseases characterized by changes in emotional state, sleep pattern, or neuronal excitability. These findings have suggested the hypothesis that the brain and peripheral organs in mammals might produce endogenous compounds that selectively modulate central GABAA receptor function. Evidence directly supporting this hypothesis has been provided over the last decade by the discovery that steroid hormones synthesized in the brain or in peripheral organs are among the most selective, potent, and efficacious allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors. Neurosteroids are steroid derivatives that are synthesized de novo from cholesterol in the central nervous system (CNS), some of which modulate GABAA receptor function with potencies and efficacies similar to or greater than those of benzodiazepines and barbiturates. These molecules have thus been suggested to be the endogenous modulators of GABAA receptor–mediated neurotransmission. In fact some of these molecules have the capability to modulate synaptic activity by binding to membrane sites associated with ligand-gated ionotropic receptors including GABAA receptors. Here we summarize some of the most recent evidences obtained by our and other laboratories pertaining the role of two neuroactive steroids allopregnanolone (AP) and tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (THDOC) actives in modulating the function and plasticity of GABAA receptors in nature

    Immunomodulation of fucosyl-lactose and lacto-N-fucopentaose on mononuclear cells from multiple sclerosis and healthy subjects

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    The 1,2-fucosyl-oligosaccharides, and among these the 2’-fucosyl-lactose (2’-FL) and lacto-N-fucopentaose (LNFP)-I, are quantitatively the most represented oligosaccharides of human milk. They are also seen to represent an important immune device to prevent nursing infants from severe infectious diarrhoea. Recent evidences show that the appearance of 2’-FL and LNFP-I in human colostrums is synchronised with the macrophage inhibition and that LNFP-III induces a Th2 response from the mouse peripheral immune system. Since mannosyl-fucosyl receptors are described on the macrophage surface, all these evidences allow us to investigate on the possible immune function of human 2’-FL and LNFP-I in vitro on LPS-activated mononuclear cells (MNC) from 12 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and 20 matched health controls (HC). We found that 2’-FL and LNFP-I significantly decrease, to a different extent, the MNC proliferation from both HC and MS patients, in a linear and dose-dependent manner. 2’-FL and LNFPI also reduce the production of IL-12 and IFN-γ, particularly in MS patients as compared to HC (p=0.01 and p&lt;0.001, respectively), while increasing that of IL- 10. The overall immunomodulatory effect of 2’-FL and LNFP I here presented may represent a future therapeutic option for the abnormal immune response found in some monocyte-mediated diseases

    Influence of different stabilizing operations and storage time on the composition of essential oil of thyme (Thymus officinalis L.) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.)

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    Abstract The effect of different stabilizing techniques on the composition of essential oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and thyme (Thymus officinalis L.) during one year of storage is reported. The study was aimed to know what is the stabilizing technique to keep at the best the original essential oil composition. The fresh samples were collected and treated as follows: air-dried in a laboratory scale pilot dryer, frozen in a forced-air freezer and freeze-dried in a laboratory freeze-dryer. The fresh sample served as control. The treated samples were packaged with appropriate packaging material and stored at 20 °C or −20 °C for 12 months. All the samples were hydrodistilled every three months and the oils composition was obtained by means of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Quantification of known compounds was done with the use of an internal standard. Freezing best maintained the composition of rosemary and thyme essential oil. Appropriate packaging of air-dried and freeze-dried herbs resulted in negligible quality loss up to one year of storage. The frozen and stored thyme samples showed the best retention of thymol, the most important compound, as well as of γ-terpinene and carvacrol
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