1,074 research outputs found

    The Topological Sphere Theorem

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    TyössÀ esitellÀÀn todistuksineen klassinen pallolause, joka antaa leikkauskaarevuksien avulla riittÀvÀn ehdon kompaktin, yhdesti yhtenÀisen Riemannin moniston homeomorfisuudelle euklidisen pallon kanssa. Todistus seuraa klassista Klingenbergin ja Bergerin todistusta, ja siinÀ merkittÀvÀ rooli on leikkauspisteillÀ - pisteillÀ, joiden jÀlkeen annetusta pisteestÀ lÀhtevÀt geodeesit eivÀt enÀÀ minimoi etÀisyyksiÀ - ja moniston injektiivisyyssÀteellÀ, joka on infimum moniston pisteiden ja niitÀ vastaavien leikkauspisteitten etÀisyyksistÀ. TyössÀ esitellÀÀn tarvittavia Riemannin monistojen perusominaisuuksia, kuten metriikka, konnektiot ja kaarevuus, ja -tuloksia, esimerkiksi Rauchin vertailulause sekÀ Bonnet-Myersin lause. Pallolauseen ohella merkittÀviÀ tuloksia työssÀ ovat Klingenbergin arvio moniston injektiivisyyssÀteelle sekÀ Bergerin tulos minimoivien geodeesien jakautumisesta kompaktin moniston ÀÀripisteiden vÀlillÀ. EdellÀ mainitun tuloksen todistukseksi esitellÀÀn myös tarvittava mÀÀrÀ Morsen teoriaa, joka tutkii funktioiden kriittisten pisteiden vaikutusta mÀÀrittelyjoukkonsa topologiaan

    Pellolla viljeltÀvÀn non food -raaka-aineen saatavuus, laatu ja hyödyntÀminen kemian teollisuuden tarpeisiin kriisitilanteissa. Tuotannon ja jalostuksen mahdollisuudet Suomessa

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    vokKirjasto Aj-kAvailability of cultured non food raw material, its quality and utilization for the needs of the chemical industry during a crisis. A study of the possibilities for production and processing in Finlan

    Somatosensory cortical input to the striatum

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    The information from whiskers is processed in layer IV of the cortex by groups of neurones arranged in discrete functional units known as barrels. Each barrel processes input obtained from a single whisker. The barrel cortex can be differentiated into the cytochrome rich barrel centres and the septal cells surrounding the barrels. Previous work in the laboratory had established two cortical inputs to striatum from the barrel cortex. One of these arises from septal cells and is bilateral and composed of thin calibre fibres. The other route involves the barrel centres, is only unilaterally represented and is composed of topographically arranged, thick fibres. Based on these morphological differences, the postsynaptic targets of the two pathways with reference to the two output pathways of the striatum were examined. A method was also developed to examine the physiological consequences of stimulation of the two pathways upon the striatal output cells of the anaesthetised rat in both normal and dopamine-depleted animals. An anatomical study of the cortical input to the GABAergic intemeurones was also undertaken as these cells strongly modulate the output of striatal neurones.The pathways differ in their connectivity, with the bilateral pathway contacting the neurones of the striatopallidal pathway more often than the fibres of the topographic system. The stimulation of the two pathways can depolarise striatal cells and give rise to EPSPs, which can be differentiated based on their rise times. EPSPs in response to whisker pad stimulation have a rapid rise time, while the contralateral cortically derived EPSPs are slower to rise and the spike initiation latency more variable. Both pathways interacted at the level of a single striatal cell and gave rise to a summation of EPSPs at a time interval of 10ms, followed by a period of inhibition, the extent of which was dependent on the order and source of the stimuli. This pattern ofinteraction was not seen in cortical neurones. In dopamine depleted animals both stimuli were also able to depolarise the spiny neurones to their firing threshold. However the EPSPs to whisker pad stimulation were significantly slower to rise compared to control animals and were similar to the rise times of EPSPs in response to contralateral cortical stimulation. The interaction of the two pathways was also affected by the loss of dopamine and the summation of EPSP amplitude observed when stimuli were delivered 1 Oms apart in control animals was no longer present. The anatomical study revealed that GABAergic intemeurones receive convergent cortical input from both motor and sensory cortices and that their pattern of innervation is different from the cortical innervation of striatal output neuronesThe results of this thesis suggest that the two inputs from the barrel cortex differ in their physiological influence on striatal neurones, and that they might convey different aspects of somatosensory information to the striatum. The changes observed in dopamine-lesioned animals indicate that the topographic, ipsilateral pathway is selectively affected by the loss of dopamine suggesting that dopaminedepletion does not have a generalized action that is independent of presynaptic or postsynaptic origins. Rather its effects are specific to the neuronal subtype affected as well to the origin of the synapses. The complex pattern of innervation of striatal intemeurones suggests that these cells play a very important role in striatal physiology and that their modulation by dopamine may serve as a possible explanation for the effects seen after lesion in this stud

    Impartiality Reconsidered: Al Jazeera and Jessica Lynch

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    Al Jazeera’s coverage of the United States’ wars in the Middle East was controversial and attracted American accusations of propaganda. It is argued in this essay that Al Jazeera reporting was, in fact, more accurate and reliable than American media outlets during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Using the incident of Private Jessica Lynch’s 2003 capture in Iraq, examination of the reporting of Al Jazeera ultimately demonstrated the impartial and critical nature of Al Jazeera reporting

    Product information on freight emissions for consumers : changing the market towards sustainability

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    This chapter assesses the visibility of the environmental role and effect of freight transport in (global) supply chains and from this point of view questions whether the consumers in fact can make sustainable choices based on information available to them. As opposed to being integrated, the EU’s approach to transport, overall, is fragmented. The same can be said about the Commission’s approach to ‘closing the loop’ with circular economy as well as to carbon emissions in general. However, one key prong of the circular economy package is where all these fragmented strategies should meet: the objective to help consumers choose sustainable products and services. To reach this goal, consumer information on the environmental impact of products sold on the EU internal market should ideally include also transport-related emissions within the value chains – both global as well as local ones – in which they are made. This chapter argues that such consumer information is currently missing and consumers cannot make an overall evaluation of the sustainability of products they purchase. The assessment starts with a practical example from the field of apparel manufacturing and retail, which is followed by general review of the existing indirectly or directly related EU law and how it fails to generate information-fuelled consumer behaviour resulting in market-led change. This leads to the question: what could be the role of law in incentivizing all related companies to support the EU approach – as advocated by the Commission – via more sustainable choices by consumers to rise to the challenge of planetary boundaries and the goal of circular economy, including harnessing the (global) effects of freight-transport?Peer reviewe

    Collective valuation of common good through consumption : What is (un)lawful in mandatory country-of-origin labelling of non-food products?

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    Abstract This chapter aims to assess whether the concept of sustainable consumption would support a reinterpretation of relevant trade law—namely EU and WTO rules—to allow robust and harmonious country-of-origin (COO) labelling. Some—but only some—consumers have a bias towards goods and services produced locally, which relatively recent opinion polling confirms. Nevertheless, 40 percent of the EU population, when polled, signals a willingness to pay more for goods ‘produced under certain social and environmental standards’, and roughly a fifth claim that the origin of products affects their everyday purchase decisions. A product’s COO arguably works as a proxy for social and environmental standards in its production. COO is also material product information in itself, especially in light of product safety statistics. EU case law on the (discriminatory) requirements of COO indication has traditionally been interpreted as holding mandatory COO requirements to be ‘obviously illegal’. To uphold national COO labelling measures, defences based on consumer protection and the fairness of commercial transactions have been rejected as ‘equally applicable in form only’. This is despite the fact that a duty to disclose COO arguably already exists in EU law and the European Commission continues to pursue harmonised mandatory COO labelling rules for non-food products. Under WTO law, mandatory COO labelling—understood as information on processes and production methods (PPMs)—is a suspect category of trade barrier. Assessment of its lawfulness may fall under Article XX GATT and Article 2 of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Hence the legality of mandatory COO labelling under both EU and WTO law remains unclearPeer reviewe

    Oppimista motivoiva moninaisuus : opettajien vinkkejÀ opettajille

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    Propongo seguir desustantivizando gĂ©neros y sexualidades, interrogando feminidades/masculinidades, desde los enclaves relacionales que proporcionan. Invito a seguir, reseguir, perseguir, tanto los ideales de coherencia, como las linealidades normativas con que se enredan conceptos/sujetos/prĂĄcticas. AsĂ­ como investigar estas hilaturas liminares, que parecen invisibles e inocuas, pero que en realidad son constructos activos, tan polĂ­ticamente institucionalizados, como todo aquello que son capaces de enredar. Propongo mirar invisibilidades y silencios, cuyos significados hace falta analizar, incluso desde incorrecciones polĂ­ticas.I propose the continued ‘de-nominalizing’ of gender/sexuality, questioning femininities/masculinities, from the relational points that provides. I also encourage the following/reaching of both the ideals of coherence and the normative linealities that link concepts/subjects/practices. Also there is the need to research those places which are in between, which seem invisible and innocuous, but that really, are active constructions, both those that are politically institutionalized as well as all that can be included. I propose looking at the Invisibilities and the Silences, whose meanings need to be analyzed, to the politically incorrect

    From Resource to Burden: Rescaling Solidarity with Strangers in the Single Market

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    'Organised solidarity' of a mediated legal form constitutes the backbone of the modern welfare state built on solidarity between strangers. The interplay between the single market and the national social systems is key in defining who owes what to whom under the 'transnationalised' European solidarity. Free movement rights have increased the 'entanglement' of national social systems' revenue and expenditure sides, considered to jeopardise their steering capacity. As a corollary to free movement, transnational solidarity does not take place beyond or between national welfare states, but rather within: as solidarity with strangers. Here transnational solidarity is applied by way of a sociological framework to trace the evolutionary path of free movement of persons as it fluctuates between 'commodification' and 'decommodification'. Against that backdrop, this article reviews whether a paradigm shift is currently promoted as to the question where solidarity with strangers begins and ends

    Neutrosophic Linear Diophantine Equations With Two Variables

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    This paper is devoted to study for the first time the neutrosophic linear Diophantine equations with two variables in the neutrosophic ring of integer
