292 research outputs found

    Ore controls and formation of the ore-bearing structures in the Idarado mines, San Miguel and Ouray Counties, Colorado

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    Two major ore-bearing veins were studied on two levels in the Idarado mine, on the northwestern flank of the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. The Argentine vein, striking N. 10°-20° W. and dipping 75°-85° W., and the Cross vein, striking N. 45°-50° W. and dipping 50° W. represent the two systems to which all productive veins of the mine belong. Although not formed simultaneously, all veins represent mid-Tertiary mineralization associated with volcanism that formed the San Juan Mountains. Vein minerals are galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, silver (probably as sulfides), and gold in a gangue of pyrite, quartz, calcite and epidote. Geological mapping, field investigations, and mineragraphical and petrological studies were used in determining the ore controls and the sequence of formation and mineralization of the ore-bearing structures. Five stages in this sequence can be detected. Although the primary mechanism of vein formation was simple fissure-filling, differences were detected in ore controls in the two structures. These differences are conspicuous where typical fissure-filling veins have been enlarged by replacement of favorable wall rock. Favorable wall rock consisted of relatively permeable conglomeratic beds with a calcitic or dolomitic matrix. In the older Argentine vein, this matrix was epidotized during intrusion of a pre-ore andesite dike. During ore mineralization, the epidotized material reacted similarly to the unchanged carbonate-bearing matrix of the younger Cross vein. In both veins, metasomatism was most extensive where fractures, joints, or original permeability are present in combination with the chemical wall-rock control

    Anderson Dam Spillway Design

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    This Senior Design Project is a spillway design option for the proposed Anderson Dam based on the Santa Clara Valley Water District Seismic Retrofit Project. The focus was to design a spillway resistant to cavitation to prevent a failure similar to the Oroville Dam Crisis in 2017. The design includes initial concept designs for a morning glory spillway and a chute spillway, followed by initial structural design and hydraulic verification for the chute spillway option. Hydraulic verification was done using Flow 3D and Flowsight to create accurate hydraulic models of the spillway

    Does It Make a Difference? Data Vizualizations and the Use of Research and Evaluation Reports.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    Arteritis de takayasu con evento cerebrovascular isquémico recurrente en mujer procedente de Trujillo, Perú

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    La arteritis de Takayasu es una vasculitis crónica granulomatosa idiopática de células gigantes, habitualmente afecta a mujeres jóvenes en edad reproductiva, se identifica por la presencia de signos inflamatorios e isquémicos afectando a grandes vasos; especialmente la aorta y sus principales ramas. Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 52 años quien hace quince años debutó con evento cerebrovascular isquémico, evidenciándose en angiografía oclusión de arterias carótidas y del tronco braquiocefálico; siendo diagnosticada con arteritis de Takayasu recibiendo corticoterapia y tratamiento inmunosupresor. A pesar del tratamiento, presentó reactivación de la enfermedad ocasionando nuevo evento cerebrovascular isquémico.Takayasu's arteritis is an idiopathic granulomatous chronic giant cell vasculitis that usually affects young women of reproductive age, it is identified by the presence of inflammatory and ischemic signs affecting the large vessels; especially the aorta and its main branches. The case of a 52-year-old woman who debuted with an ischemic cerebrovascular event fifteen years ago is reported, showing occlusion of the carotid arteries and the brachiocephalic trunk in angiography; Diagnosed with Takayasu's arteritis in corticosteroids and immunosuppressive treatment. Despite treatment, she presented reactivation of the disease causing a new ischemic cerebrovascular event.Tesi

    The role of urban non-capitalist activity in a developing economy: The case of Colombia

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    The major objective of this thesis is to study the articulation between urban non-capitalist activity and the capitalist sector of the Colombian economy, in an attempt to show that these two sectors which are distinct in nature are, nonetheless, inseparable as aspects of the current process of capitalist development and accumulation in Colombia. In particular, this study attempts to show that those sections of the urban labour force engaged in non-capitalist activity participate in, and actually contribute to, the development of capitalist production and accumulation in Colombia by: (i) exerting a downward pressure on the level of wages that are paid by capital to its work force, (ii) supplementing the insufficient means of subsistence that are provided by capital in the form of low wages for the maintenance and reproduction of labour and (iii) supplying essential goods and services, especially in those instances where it is either unprofitable or too costly for capital to provide them on the basis of wage-labour. The analysis is based on primary data collected by CEDE's Survey of Employment and Poverty as well as secondary data from other sources and concentrates on the four main cities of Colombia, namely, Bogota, Cali, Medellin and Barranquilla. Chapter I is concerned with a critical examination of the literature on urban productive heterogeneity, focussing in particular on the form in which the inter-relationship between the two sectors is viewed within the various approaches that exist on the problem. At a more general level, this Chapter also discusses the two major theoretical limitations posed by the main approaches to urban productive heterogeneity to our understanding of the role played by urban non-capitalist activity in the process of development in LDCs: (i) the dualist and residual mode of analysis used in these interpretations of the economy which, we argue, results from the use of traditional development theory as a general framework for analysis and (ii) the sharp division between the two sectors and their radical opposition, as expressed by their hypothesis about the existence of a' dual sector economy and labour market structure in the urban areas of LDGs. Chapter II describes the background against which urban non-capitalist forms of economic activity have been retained in the course of Colombia's capitalist development. Using secondary data, an attempt is made to show that particular features of Colombia's agricultural and industrial development have acted as conditioning factors for the permanence rather than the elimination of certain elements of non-capitalist forms of economic activity in the urban economy of Colombia. Chapter III is concerned with the methodology followed in this study for distinguishing non-capitalist activity from its capitalist counterpart, a distinction upon which the analysis of the following Chapters is based. Five distinctive features of the enterprises in which the workers are engaged provide the basis for the capitalist/ non-capitalist sector distinction used in this study. The Chapter also describes the main methodological aspects of CEDE's Survey of Employment and Poverty and provides a broad description of the employment structure in Colombia's four main cities. Chapter IV examines the role of urban non-capitalist activity in depressing wage rates. Chapter V examines the role of urban non-capitalist activity in supplementing the insufficient means of subsistence set aside by capital in the form of low wages for the maintenance and reproduction of its work force. Chapter VI focusses on this role with particular reference to Bogota's food retailing industry. The reliance of the capitalist sector on non-capitalist activity for the supply of food retailing services to the community is seen in the light of the following two factors; (i) the needs of the consumers and the response to those needs and (ii) the conditions under which food retailing becomes a profitable proposition for commercial capital. Chapter VII contains a concluding appraisal of the role of urban non-capitalist activity in the process of capitalist development and accumulation of the Colombian economy. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    The condition of the working class: Representation and praxis

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    Copyright © 2013 Immanuel Ness and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This is the accepted version of the following article: Wayne, M. and O'Neill, D. (2013), The Condition of the Working Class: Representation and Praxis. WorkingUSA, 16: 487–503, which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/wusa.12076/abstract.This essay reflects critically on the political context, production process, ideas, and strategies of our feature-length documentary film The Condition of the Working Class. It explores why we were inspired by Friedrich Engels' 1844 book of the same name and how that book connects with the contemporary neoliberal capitalist project that has dominated the political scene internationally for several decades. We conceptualize our film as a constellation, in the manner of Walter Benjamin, between the 1840s and the contemporary moment. The essay explores the production process of the film, which involved setting up and working in conjunction with a theatrical project. The essay reflects on the theatrical work of John McGrath and its connections with our own work. In the final section of the essay, the authors consider the finished film in more detail, analyzing how the film focused on the process of theatrical production and contextualized that process within wider spatial and temporal frames. The film and the theater project explore the possibility of reconstituting in a microcosm a working class collective subject that has been atomized and demonized by 30 years of neoliberal policy, which in the context of the present economic crisis seeks to drive its project even further


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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado Rentabilidad en la Empresa Bustimi Inversiones EIRL, Lambayeque, tuvo como propósito universal Determinar el nivel de rentabilidad en la empresa Bustimi Inversiones EIRL, Lambayeque. Es por esta razón que se formuló la siguiente interrogante ¿Cuál es el grado de rendimiento en la corporación Bustimi Inversiones EIRL, Lambayeque?, el tipo de indagación que se empleó fue descriptivo, con estructura no aplicada, la estadística estuvo constituida por la documentación del área contable de la empresa y el muestrario seleccionado fue conformado por los estados financieros de la misma. Para el análisis de la variable rentabilidad se utilizó el método de análisis documental y como medio la guía de análisis documental, ello con la intención de recoger datos importantes del área contable para un adecuado análisis de la situación financiera por la que atraviesa la empresa. En conclusión, respecto a los resultados que se obtuvieron después del análisis realizado a la empresa, podríamos asegurar que el margen de provecho en la empresa Bustimi Inversiones EIRL, Lambayeque es deficiente ya que ha reducido en un porcentaje considerable en el periodo 2018 con relación al 2017, llegando la utilidad neta a descender en un 79.27 %, como consecuencia los siguiente factores como: la deficiente gestión de cobranza, carente empleo de marketing, inadecuado servicio al cliente, escasa gestión de inventarios, empleo incorrecto de recursos económicos.Trabajo de investigació

    Factores sociodemográficos y obstétricos asociados para el parto pretérmino en gestantes atendidas en el Hospital la caleta, Chimbote, 2016

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los factores sociodemográficos y obstétricos asociados al parto pretermino en gestantes atendidas en el hospital La Caleta Chimbote 2016, se estudiaron a 100 gestantes mujeres de las cuales 50 tuvieron diagnóstico de parto pretermino y 50 no lo tenían. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, los datos se recogieron de las historias clínicas en una ficha que fue estructurada para el logro de objetivos. Se encontró factores de riesgos importantes asociados significativamente al parto pretermino como la ocupación en este caso amas de casa, los números de controles prenatales y las patologías obstétricas más comunes.Tesi

    Rentabilidad en la empresa Bustimi Inversiones EIRL, Lambayeque

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado Rentabilidad en la Empresa Bustimi Inversiones EIRL, Lambayeque, tuvo como propósito universal Determinar el nivel de rentabilidad en la empresa Bustimi Inversiones EIRL, Lambayeque. Es por esta razón que se formuló la siguiente interrogante ¿Cuál es el grado de rendimiento en la corporación Bustimi Inversiones EIRL, Lambayeque?, el tipo de indagación que se empleó fue descriptivo, con estructura no aplicada, la estadística estuvo constituida por la documentación del área contable de la empresa y el muestrario seleccionado fue conformado por los estados financieros de la misma. Para el análisis de la variable rentabilidad se utilizó el método de análisis documental y como medio la guía de análisis documental, ello con la intención de recoger datos importantes del área contable para un adecuado análisis de la situación financiera por la que atraviesa la empresa. En conclusión, respecto a los resultados que se obtuvieron después del análisis realizado a la empresa, podríamos asegurar que el margen de provecho en la empresa Bustimi Inversiones EIRL, Lambayeque es deficiente ya que ha reducido en un porcentaje considerable en el periodo 2018 con relación al 2017, llegando la utilidad neta a descender en un 79.27 %, como consecuencia los siguiente factores como: la deficiente gestión de cobranza, carente empleo de marketing, inadecuado servicio al cliente, escasa gestión de inventarios, empleo incorrecto de recursos económicos.Trabajo de investigació