31 research outputs found

    La revolució ètica (Francesc Torralba)

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    Obra ressenyada: Eduardo MENDIETA ; Jonathan Van ANTWERPEN (eds.), The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere. Nova York: Columbia University Press, 2011


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    Obra ressenyada: Alessandro FERRARA, El horizonte democrático: El hiperpluralismo y la renovación del liberalismo político. Barcelona: Herder, 2014

    Moral and political legitimacy of secession : a theoretical and comparative analysis

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    This doctoral thesis examines the legitimacy of secession in the context of liberal democracies. This is a recent debate in political theory since secession has been an excluded issue by liberal theories of democracy. The thesis defends the necessity of incorporating principles and criteria to analyze the legitimacy of secession from a liberal-democratic perspective. The first article is a critical review of the theories of secession through a typology. The review outlines the shortcomings and normative basis of existing theories. The second paper examines three cases of secession legitimisation (Quebec, Scotland and Catalonia) through the discourse of political parties. It concludes that these parties advocate for secession from a moderate and pluralistic approach, a spirit of consensus and a modern conception of the state. The third article discusses recent developments in Catalan politics in relation to the theories of secession. This suggests a lack of accommodation and recognition as a key element. It also concludes that Catalan secessionist discourse is based on diverse normative basis beyond liberal-nationalism. Finally, the fourth article establishes the basis for including the legitimacy of secession within the theory of liberal democracy: plurinational recognition, setting criteria for defining political units and a consent-based legitimacy of the state.Aquesta tesi doctoral analitza la legitimitat de la secessió en el context de les democràcies liberals. Aquest és un debat recent a la teoria política ja que ha estat un tema exclòs per les teories liberals de la democràcia. La tesi defensa la necessitat d’incorporar principis i criteris que permetin analitzar la legitimitat de la secessió des de la democràcia liberal. El primer article fa una revisió crítica de les teories de la secessió mitjançant una tipologia normativa. La revisió apunta les mancances i les bases normatives de les teories existents. El segon article analitza tres casos de legitimació de la secessió: Quebec, Escòcia i Catalunya, a través del discurs dels partits polítics. Conclou que aquests defensen la secessió de manera moderada i plural, des del nacionalisme liberal, amb voluntat de consens i amb una concepció moderna de l’estat. El tercer article analitza els darrers esdeveniments de la política catalana en relació a les teories de la secessió. Aquest apunta la manca d’acomodació i reconeixement com un element clau. També conclou que el discurs secessionista català troba la legitimitat des de diversos pols normatius més enllà del nacionalisme liberal. Finalment, en el quart article s’estableixen les bases per incorporar la legitimitat de la secessió a la teoria de la democràcia liberal. Es considera que aquesta ha d’incorporar el reconeixement de la plurinacionalitat, criteris per definir les unitats polítiques i una concepció de la legitimitat de l’estat basada en el consentiment


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    This paper analyzes the forms of legitimation of Canadian federalism in relation to the Rawlsian notion of overlapping consensus as applied to federalism by Wayne Norman. From the works of Dimitrios Karmis and Alain-G. Gagnon, the paper presents three types of federalism: universalist, communitarian and utilitarian, which are discussed in relation to the constitutional situation after the repatriation of the Constitution in 1982 and the Trudeau model. These three approaches to federalism are subsequently applied to the case study of immigration policies and their decentralization. Through the example of these policies the article shows that, even if from a constitutional point of view there is a lack of overlapping consensus on the principles of the federation, certain aspects of the reforms that were part of the failed Meech Lake (1988) and Charlottetown (1992) agreements have been rescued out of the Constitution. This allows for the conclusion that the Canadian federation’s modus vivendi allows for its institutional functioning but is far from satisfying the ideal overlapping consensus, which could only emerge out from a multinational pact

    El dret de secessió: un enfocament normatiu

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    Conferència a càrrec de Marc Sanjaume (Universitat Pompeu Fabra i Institut d'Estudis d'Autogovern), sobre les teories polítiques que tracten el dret de secessió, discussió de casos i enfocament normati

    Griffiths, Ryan D., and Muro, Diego (eds.) (2020). Strategies of Secession and Counter-Secession. ECPR Press. 244 pages.

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    The book Strategies of Secession and Counter-Secession edited by professors Ryan D. Grifiths and Diego Muro is a major and necessary contribution to the study of secessionism. The book should be read not only by scholars and students of territorial politics but by practitioners and political actors too. The chapters gathered in this volume offer useful reflections to understand this global phenomenon.El libro Estrategias de secesión y contra-secesión, editado por los profesores Ryan D. Grifiths y Diego Muro, es una contribución importante y necesaria al estudio del secesionismo. El libro debe ser leído no solo por académicos y estudiantes de política territorial, sino también por profesionales y actores políticos. Los capítulos reunidos en este volumen ofrecen reflexiones útiles para comprender este fenómeno global

    Anderson and the Imagined Nation

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    This article is a synthesis of the Theory of Nationalism in Anderson’s work and argues its applicability to ‘Stateless Nations’. The author’s point of departure is the interpretations that have been made of Anderson’s definition of nations as ‘imagined communities’. Anderson’s definition is presented as universal, realistic and capable of embracing diverse facets of nationalism — oppressive or liberating as the case may be. The paper ends with a short reflection on the complexity of The Catalan Lands from an Andersonian point of view


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    Obra ressenyada: Eduardo MENDIETA ; Jonathan Van ANTWERPEN (eds.), The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere. Nova York: Columbia University Press, 2011


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    Obra ressenyada: Alessandro FERRARA, El horizonte democrático: El hiperpluralismo y la renovación del liberalismo político. Barcelona: Herder, 2014