73 research outputs found


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    In order to obtain an adequate impression of demarcation line area of a prepared tooth located in or below the gingival edge it is necessary to perform the dilatation and drying of the gingival sulcus using retraction cord impregnated with adequate retraction agents. The aim of the study was to carry out comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of commercially available gingival retraction agents. Commercial retraction agents include astringents (metal salts) and vasoconstrictors on the basis of epinephrine. Further research should be aimed at examining the possibility of using sympathomimetic vasoconstrictors (tetrahydrosolin and oxymetasolin) for gingival retraction

    Assessment of psychosocial dimension of the quality of life of patients with operable breast cancer

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    Uvod: Karcinom dojke čini oko 25% svih malignih tumora žena, sa incidencom u porastu. Novije dijagnostičke procedure i terapijski modaliteti lečenja rezultiraju uspešnijim lečenjem i većom stopom preživljavanja žena obolelih od karcinoma dojke. Cilj savremenog lečenja podrazumeva i bolji kvalitet života (QoL) pacijentkinja obolelih od karcinoma dojke. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se proceni psihosocijalna dimenzija kvaliteta života pacijentkinja obolelih od karcinoma dojke pre i posle hiruške intervencije. Materijal i metode: Analiziran je kvalitet života kod 170 pacijentkinja sa karcinomom dojke (43 pacijentkinje <50 i 127 pacijentkinje ≥50 godina) koje su dijagnostikovane u I i II kliničkom stadijumu bolesti, pre i nakon hiruškog lečenja. Pacijentkinje su popunjavale uputnike Evropske organizacije za istraživanje i lečenje karcinoma (EORTC-C30), specifičnu verziju za karcinom dojke (EORTC-BR23), Bekovu skalu depresivnosti (BDI) i sociodemografski upitnik. Rezultati: Analizom upitnika EORTC-C30 pokazano je da je hiruško lečenje visoko statistički značajno uticalo (p<0,001) na promenu kvaliteta života svih analiziranih pacijentkinja sa karcinomom dojke a najveći pad je u dimenzijama kognitivne i socijalne funkcije. Analiza uticaja hiruškog lečenja na kvalitet života primenom upitnika EORTC-BR23, pokazala je statistički značajno pogoršanje kvaliteta života nakon hiruškog lečenja u svim analiziranim kategorijama kod svih pacijentkinja. Analiza rezultata skora depresivnosti (BDI skor) pre i nakon hiruške intervencije, pokazala je da je prosečna vrednost skora BDI nakon hiruške intervencije gotovo dva puta povećana i da je ova razlika statistički značajna. Analizom potreba za socijalnom podrškom u vidu savetovališta i drugim vidovima socijalne podrške, pokazano je da postoji statistički značajna povezanost sa opštim zdravstvenim stanjem i socijalnim funkcionisanjem pacijentkinja pre hiruške intervencije. Zaključak: Hiruško lečenje pacijentkinja sa karcinom dojke utiče na promenu svih kategorija kvaliteta života nezavisno od starosne dobi, a naročito u fizičkom i psihološkom domenu. Rezultati ukazuju i na jaku potrebu za socijalnom podrškom, što zahteva posebnu pažnju i ukazuje na neophodnost multidisciplinarnog pristupa lečenju žena sa karcinomom dojke.Introduction: Breast cancer accounts for about 25% of all malignant tumors in women, with an increasing incidence. Newer diagnostic procedures and therapeutic modalities have resulted in more successful treatment and a higher survival rate for women with breast cancer. The goal of modern treatment is also to improve the quality of life (QoL) of breast cancer patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychosocial dimension of quality of life (QoL) of breast cancer patients before and after surgery. Material and Methods: The quality of life of 170 breast cancer patients (43 female patients <50 and 127 female patients ≥50 years) who were diagnosed in the first and second clinical stages of the disease, before and after surgical treatment, was analyzed. Patients completed the guidelines of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC QLQ-C30), breast cancer specific version (EORTC QLQ-BR23), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and sociodemographic questionnaire. Results: The analysis of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire showed that surgical treatment had a statistically significant (p <0.001) change in the quality of life of all breast cancer patients analyzed, with the largest decrease in the dimensions of cognitive and social function. The analysis of the impact of surgical treatment on quality of life using the EORTC QLQ-BR23 questionnaire showed a statistically significant deterioration in quality of life after surgical treatment in all analyzed categories in all patients. An analysis of the results of the depression score (BDI score) before and after surgery showed that the average value of the BDI score after surgery increased nearly twofold and that this difference was statistically significant. By analyzing the needs for social support in the form of counseling and other forms of social support, it was found that there is a statistically significant correlation with the general health status and social functioning of patients before surgery. Conclusion: Surgical treatment of breast cancer patients affects the change of all QoL categories regardless of age, and especially in the physical and psychological domain. The results also indicate a strong need for social support, which requires special attention and indicates the need for a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of women with breast cancer

    Physical activity of patients with internistic diseases

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    Uvod: Telesna dejavnost ima kot dejavnik življenjskega sloga ogromno pozitivnih učinkov na zdrave in bolne osebe. Dokazano je, da se da preprečiti nastanek ali vzdrževati internistične bolezni z zdravim življenjskim slogom, vključno z redno telesno dejavnostjo. Kljub temu število telesno dejavnih oseb ni na tako zavidljivi ravni. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšen je vpliv telesne dejavnosti hospitaliziranih pacientov z internističnimi boleznimi na njihov življenjski slog in zdravstveno stanje. Metode dela: Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda dela. Izvedena je bila kvantitativna retrospektivna raziskava. Iz 228 individualnih negovalnih načrtov pacientov z internističnimi boleznimi so pridobljeni podatki o njihovi stopnji telesne dejavnosti ter socialno-demografski podatki. Podatki o telesni dejavnosti so vneseni in obdelani v programu Microsoft Excel. Rezultati: V raziskavo je vključenih 135 ženskih in 93 moških pacientov z internističnimi boleznimi. Največ pacientov je starejših kot 60 let (66,4 %) ter upokojenih (76,8 %). Večina jih ima normalno telesno težo (60 %) in večina pacientov tudi ni redno telesno dejavna (59,5 %). Od 40 % pacientov, ki so redno telesno dejavni, jih največ (30 %) telovadi trikrat tedensko. Razprava in sklep: Pokazalo se je, da pacienti, ki imajo kronično internistično bolezen in so bili vključeni v raziskavo, niso tako telesno dejavni kot je opisano v strokovni literaturi. Obstaja veliko različnih dokazov, da ima redna telesna dejavnost kot tudi nasploh zdrav življenjski slog, razne pozitivne učinke: lahko zmanjša bolečine ter poveča samostojnost pacientov in s tem izboljša njihovo kakovost življenja. Pacienti bi se morali čim več ukvarjati z redno telesno dejavnostjo, zato jih zdravstveni delavci učijo ter jim svetujejo, kako čim bolj zdravo živeti kljub bolezni.Introduction: Physical activity as a lifestyle factor has many positive effects, both for healthy and for sick people. It has been proven to prevent the occurrence or maintain internist diseases with a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity. Nevertheless, the number of physically active people is not at such an enviable level. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of the physical activity of hospitalized patients with internist diseases on their lifestyle and health. Methods: The used method is descriptive. Performed study was quantitative retrospective. From 228 individual care plans of patients with internistic diseases, data on their level of physical activity and socio-demographic data are obtained. Physical activity information is entered and processed in Microsoft Excel. Results: The study included 135 women and 93 male patients with internistic diseases. The majority of patients are older than 60 (66.4%) and retired (76.8%). Most of them have normal body weight (60%), and most patients are also not regularly physically active (59.5%). From 40% of patients who are regularly active, most of them (30%) do exercise three times a week. Discussion and conclusion: It has been shown that patients with chronic internistic illness who were involved in the study are not as physically active as described in the professional literature. There is a large variety of evidence that shows positive effects of regular physical activity: it can reduce pain and increase the patient\u27s autonomy, thereby improving the quality of life. Patients should be engaged in regular physical activity as much as possible, so health professionals are teach patients and advise them how to live as healthy as possible despite the illness

    What are the reasons behind publishing non-financial reports by Croatian public sector entities? – A survey of public managers

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    The number of studies on non-financial reporting by public sector entities is steadily increasing. Public sector entities have begun to report non-financial data to meet the needs of various stakeholders. Previous research has shown that public entities have begun to disclose non-financial information through various non-financial reports, such as sustainability reports, popular reports, integrated reports, and reports on websites or social media. This paper examines the disclosure of non-financial information in the form of non-financial reports by Croatian public sector entities and the reasons for publishing or not publishing such reports. The research is based on a questionnaire survey of Croatian public sector executives conducted in 2022. The results show that Croatian public sector entities have started to publish non-financial reports and that publication in the future is viewed positively. However, most of those who indicated that their institution does not prepare non-financial reports and those who do not know if their institution prepares the report are unfamiliar with non-financial reporting and non-financial reporting standards. This paper adds to the limited literature on non-financial reporting in the public sector. It reveals that the most important reason for not publishing non-financial reports by public sector entities is the absence of a legal requirement for non-financial reporting

    Digital forensic procedures of European anti-fraud office and protection of personal data

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    The European Anti-Fraud Office is established in order to step up the fight against fraud, corruption and other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of the European Union. In that fight essence of investigation makes a digital forensic procedure. Digital forensic procedure implies a technological inspection, acquisition, and examination of digital media or their contents using forensic equipment and software tools. The objective of digital forensic procedure is to locate, identify and collect data which may be relevant to an investigation and use it as evidence in administrative, disciplinary and judicial procedures. These operations can include acquiring personal data what may be perceived as privacy invasive. In this paper, the authors will try to analyze the legislation of European Union in this field and the European Anti-Fraud Office legislation in order to explain the conditions of use and protection of personal data


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    Regulation 596/2014/EU and Directive 2014/57/EU were adopted in order to provide adequate protection of investors and the smooth functioning of the capital market in European Union (EU). They envisage the obligations of Member States to prescribe, under national law, misdemeanor and criminal sanctions for conduct that constitutes abuses in the capital market. Their aim was to provide the same level of criminal justice protection at the level of all EU countries. As EU candidate country, the Republic of Serbia has prescribed sanctions by the Law on the Capital Market, the Law on Takeovers of Joint Stock Companies and the Law on Open-Ended Investment Funds subject to Public Offering. Although serious abuses in the capital market of the Republic of Serbia constitute criminal offenses, in practice it seems impossible for prosecutors and courts to prove their existence. Therefore, we cannot say that there is adequate protection of investors or unhindered functioning of the capital market. Given that national courts do not recognize as valid circumstantial evidence, it is impossible to prove some of these acts without the use of specific evidentiary actions such as, for example, eavesdropping on telecommunications. However, the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia only provides for a limited number of criminal offenses to which such evidentiary actions can be applied. This provision does not cover offenses under the secondary criminal legislation and, therefore, offenses representing abuses in the capital market. In the previous period, the Securities Commission has filed several criminal charges against the perpetrators of such criminal offenses, however, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has not filed any lawsuit or notified the authorized applicant on the outcome of the proceedings. Such actions could further discourage institutions authorized to monitor legitimate capital market operations from filing criminal charges against capital market abusers in the future, some of which may be related to corporate business corruption. This could certainly have a negative impact on the decisions of both existing and potential investors in the capital market. This paper starts with the analysis of compliance of the regulations of the Republic of Serbia with Regulation 596/2014/EU and Directive 2014/57/EU, then points to the lack of provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code which provides for the limited application of special evidence in criminal proceedings. Based on this analysis the authors strive to make recommendations in order to improve the implementation of provisions that enable the suppression of criminal offenses which threaten the capital market integrity. In this way, we would like to point out that alignment with the acquis communautaire also implies the possibility of applying its standards in the territory of both candidate and EU Member States. Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary not only to adopt new regulations, but also to harmonize the existing provisions of some other regulations which enable their implementation in the practice

    Establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and suppression of Criminal Offenses against the EU financial interests

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    During 2017, at the level of the European Union, two regulations of importance for the suppression of criminal offenses against the EU financial interests have been passed: Directive on the fight against fraud to the Union’s financial interests by means of criminal law and Regulation implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO). The protection of these interests by the criminal substantive legislation did not encounter such resistance in the Member States as an idea of the establishment of the EPPO. Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the EPPO are carried out by national delegated prosecutors, and the criminal proceedings are conducted by the courts of the Member States. The experience of the public prosecutors and judges in proceedings concerning those criminal offenses may also enhance knowledge and skills of relevance to the conduct of proceedings against perpetrators of offenses against financial interests of the Member States’. In the paper authors are trying to point out the importance of timely and adequate sanctioning the perpetrators of the above-mentioned crimes. Consequently authors point to the advantages of establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office in order to combat crimes that damage not only the financial interests of the European Union, but also the national financial interests. However, the concept of the European Public Prosecutor is not fully accepted, because the Regulation contains illogicalities that still make it unacceptable for member states. Therefore, in order for wider acceptance the establishment of the EPPO, it is necessary to amend these provisions of the Regulation

    Analysis of polymorphism in the survivin gene promoter as a potential risk factor for head and neck cancers development

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    Introduction. Association studies have shown that gene polymorphisms in various classes of genes can modulate cancer risk. The -31G/C polymorphism in the promoter of survivin gene, affects the expression of the anti-apoptotic protein survivin which in turn may predispose an individual to some types of cancer. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine whether the survivin promoter -31G/C polymorphism could be a susceptibility factor for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the skin. Methods. The DNA obtained from 88 patients with SCC, 60 patients with BCC and 111 healthy individuals was subjected to polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR- RFLP) in order to determine genotype and allele frequencies in patients and control groups. Logistic regression was used for cancer risk assessment. Results. The following distribution of genotypes was obtained: CC genotype 15% in the SCC group, 13% in the BCC group and 12% in controls; CG genotype 41% in SCCs, 35% in BCCs, 48% in controls; GG genotype 44% in SCCs, 52% in BCCs and 40% in controls. Allelic frequencies were as follows: G allele 0.65 in SCCs, 0.69 in BCCs and 0.64 in the control group; C allele 0.35 in SCCs, 0.31 in BCCs and 0.36 in the control group. There was no statistically significant difference in allele or genotype frequencies between the patients and controls (p>0.05). Conclusion. In Serbian population, -31G/C polymorphism in the promoter of the survivin gene cannot be considered as a risk factor for oral squamous cell carcinoma and skin basal cell carcinoma. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175075


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    Suvremeno tržišno okruženje kristalizira novu generaciju potrošača kojoj organizacije u svojim komunikacijskim aktivnostima moraju služiti. Jedna od novih mogućnosti sa značajnim potencijalom u domeni suvremene marketinške komunikacije podrazumijeva korištenje „influencera“, kao utjecjanih osoba na društvenim mrežama. Influencer marketing se usvaja kao suvremeni koncept koji predstavlja sve značajniji oblik promocije na društvenim mrežama, a nastao je kao rezultat razvoja inoviranih strategija digitalnog marketinga. Primjenom dvostupanjskog komunikacijskog tijeka konkretnoj ciljnoj grupi pristupa se na poseban način kojim se stvara specifičan odnos između brendova, influencera i krajnjih korisnika, što u konačnici osigurava bolje pozicioniranje brenda i rast prodaje. U radu se utvrđuju sličnosti i razlike između marketinga u online i offline okruženju, te, istraživanjima, na uzorku koji su činili predstavnici poslovnih subjekata i korisnika društvenih mreža iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske i Srbije, analiziraju specifičnosti influencer marketinga i uspoređuju sa rezultatima prethodno provedenih globalnih istraživanja.The contemporary market environment gives rise to a new generation of consumers to which the organisations, through their communication activities, must serve. One of the new possibilities with a high potential in the contemporary marketing communication domain, entails the use of “influencers”, i.e. influential individuals, on social networks. Influencer marketing is being welcomed as a modern concept which represents the more and more significant way of promoting brands on social networks, and which emerged as a result of the development of the innovative digital marketing strategies. By applying the two-phase communication to the specific focus group, a special relationship between brands, influencers, and the end users is being created, which, after all, secures better positioning of the brand, as well as the growth of sales. The paper probes into differences and similarities between the online and offline marketing, and elaborates on the research conducted on a sample comprised of business subject representatives and social networks users from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia, by analysing the peculiarities of influence marketing and contrasting the acquired results with the outcomes of the previously conducted global-scale studies


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    Suvremeno tržišno okruženje kristalizira novu generaciju potrošača kojoj organizacije u svojim komunikacijskim aktivnostima moraju služiti. Jedna od novih mogućnosti sa značajnim potencijalom u domeni suvremene marketinške komunikacije podrazumijeva korištenje „influencera“, kao utjecjanih osoba na društvenim mrežama. Influencer marketing se usvaja kao suvremeni koncept koji predstavlja sve značajniji oblik promocije na društvenim mrežama, a nastao je kao rezultat razvoja inoviranih strategija digitalnog marketinga. Primjenom dvostupanjskog komunikacijskog tijeka konkretnoj ciljnoj grupi pristupa se na poseban način kojim se stvara specifičan odnos između brendova, influencera i krajnjih korisnika, što u konačnici osigurava bolje pozicioniranje brenda i rast prodaje. U radu se utvrđuju sličnosti i razlike između marketinga u online i offline okruženju, te, istraživanjima, na uzorku koji su činili predstavnici poslovnih subjekata i korisnika društvenih mreža iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske i Srbije, analiziraju specifičnosti influencer marketinga i uspoređuju sa rezultatima prethodno provedenih globalnih istraživanja.The contemporary market environment gives rise to a new generation of consumers to which the organisations, through their communication activities, must serve. One of the new possibilities with a high potential in the contemporary marketing communication domain, entails the use of “influencers”, i.e. influential individuals, on social networks. Influencer marketing is being welcomed as a modern concept which represents the more and more significant way of promoting brands on social networks, and which emerged as a result of the development of the innovative digital marketing strategies. By applying the two-phase communication to the specific focus group, a special relationship between brands, influencers, and the end users is being created, which, after all, secures better positioning of the brand, as well as the growth of sales. The paper probes into differences and similarities between the online and offline marketing, and elaborates on the research conducted on a sample comprised of business subject representatives and social networks users from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia, by analysing the peculiarities of influence marketing and contrasting the acquired results with the outcomes of the previously conducted global-scale studies