196 research outputs found

    Determination of the moisture content of wooden materials by the electrical resistance method using Trotec T2000

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    Wood contains different mass ratios of water so determining the moisture content of wood is important information for monitoring the condition of a living tree through the process of drying and preparation of the raw material throughout the entire exploitation life of the wooden product. Wood is a dielectric by nature, but it conducts electricity thanks to the presence of water. The electrical resistance of wood is strongly correlated with the amount of moisture contained in the wood itself, along with the specifics of the variety and other parameters. Special instruments, hygrometers can be used to determine moisture in wood, or standard methods of measuring electrical resistance can be applied. In this research, a Trotec T2000 moisture meter with an external temperature probe was used to measure moisture in two different types of wood under different conditions. Measurements were made at different input temperatures of the instrument for known resistances and the influence of temperature correction of the instrument on the measurement result. At the same time, the influence of the measurement directly on the measurement result and the value of the measured moisture in dependence on the measurement depth was observed

    Hormone disruptors – the molecules that mimic the hormones

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    Četrdesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća nagla promjena ponašanja životinja izazvala je zabrinutost. Nakon dugotrajnih istraživanja dokazano je kako su uzrok hormolažci; spojevi koji zaustavljaju stvaranje ili pak blokiraju prijenos hormona u tijelu i tako narušavaju stanje organizma. Interekcijom s hormonima hormolašci negativno djeluju na endokrini, reprodukcijski, imunološki i neurološki sustav. Iako u početku nismo mogli predvidjeti negativne utjecaje spojeva koje smo sintetizirali, nismo ništa učinili kako bismo učili na greškama. I dalje proizvodimo tone tih spojeva, iako je više nego očita njihova gotovo identična struktura molekule. Sličan oblik molekule očito nikoga ne navodi na moguće slično djelovanje i interakciju s hormonima. Upravo zbog zanemarivanja više nego očitih činjenica, dopustili smo da ti kemijski spojevi odrede spol, ponašanje i zdravlje jedinki još u majčinoj utrobi. Dopustili smo da se rađaju djeca pod utjecajem DES-a, DDT-a, fenola i mnogih drugih hormolažaca koje još uvijek bezobzirno ispuštamo u okoliš i unosimo u organizam. Pošto je trenutno u prodaji više od 100 000 sintetskih spojeva od kojih su većina hormolažci, danas je nemoguće govoriti o trajnom rješenju. Trenutno je najvažnije širiti znanje i svjesnost o spojevima koji nam mogu otuđiti sve ono što nas čini individuom, što je ujedno i osnovni cilj ovog seminarskog rada.A sudden change in animal behaviour caused concern in the 1940-ies. After long-lasting researches it was proven that it was caused by hormone disruptors; compounds which stop formation or block the transmission of hormones within the body and impair the condition of the organism. In interaction with hormones they have negative effect on the endocrine, reproductive, immune and the neurological system. Although in the beginning we weren't able to predict any negative effects of the compounds which we had synthesized, we didn't do anything to learn from our mistakes. We still produce tons of these compounds, although their molecule structures are obviously almost identical. Similar shape of a molecule obviously does not suggest to anyone that there might be similar action and interaction with hormones. Due to neglect of more than obvious facts, we allowed the chemical compounds to determine gender, behaviour and health of the individuals while still in the mother's womb. We allowed the birth of children under the influence of DES, DDT, phenol and many more hormone disruptors which are still recklessly released into the environment and entered into the organism. Today it is impossible to speak of a permanent solution since there are more than 100 000 synthetic compounds on sale and most of them are hormone disruptors. Currently, the most important thing is to broaden the knowledge and awareness of the compounds which can take away everything that makes us an individual, which is the main aim of this paper

    Hormone disruptors – the molecules that mimic the hormones

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    Četrdesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća nagla promjena ponašanja životinja izazvala je zabrinutost. Nakon dugotrajnih istraživanja dokazano je kako su uzrok hormolažci; spojevi koji zaustavljaju stvaranje ili pak blokiraju prijenos hormona u tijelu i tako narušavaju stanje organizma. Interekcijom s hormonima hormolašci negativno djeluju na endokrini, reprodukcijski, imunološki i neurološki sustav. Iako u početku nismo mogli predvidjeti negativne utjecaje spojeva koje smo sintetizirali, nismo ništa učinili kako bismo učili na greškama. I dalje proizvodimo tone tih spojeva, iako je više nego očita njihova gotovo identična struktura molekule. Sličan oblik molekule očito nikoga ne navodi na moguće slično djelovanje i interakciju s hormonima. Upravo zbog zanemarivanja više nego očitih činjenica, dopustili smo da ti kemijski spojevi odrede spol, ponašanje i zdravlje jedinki još u majčinoj utrobi. Dopustili smo da se rađaju djeca pod utjecajem DES-a, DDT-a, fenola i mnogih drugih hormolažaca koje još uvijek bezobzirno ispuštamo u okoliš i unosimo u organizam. Pošto je trenutno u prodaji više od 100 000 sintetskih spojeva od kojih su većina hormolažci, danas je nemoguće govoriti o trajnom rješenju. Trenutno je najvažnije širiti znanje i svjesnost o spojevima koji nam mogu otuđiti sve ono što nas čini individuom, što je ujedno i osnovni cilj ovog seminarskog rada.A sudden change in animal behaviour caused concern in the 1940-ies. After long-lasting researches it was proven that it was caused by hormone disruptors; compounds which stop formation or block the transmission of hormones within the body and impair the condition of the organism. In interaction with hormones they have negative effect on the endocrine, reproductive, immune and the neurological system. Although in the beginning we weren't able to predict any negative effects of the compounds which we had synthesized, we didn't do anything to learn from our mistakes. We still produce tons of these compounds, although their molecule structures are obviously almost identical. Similar shape of a molecule obviously does not suggest to anyone that there might be similar action and interaction with hormones. Due to neglect of more than obvious facts, we allowed the chemical compounds to determine gender, behaviour and health of the individuals while still in the mother's womb. We allowed the birth of children under the influence of DES, DDT, phenol and many more hormone disruptors which are still recklessly released into the environment and entered into the organism. Today it is impossible to speak of a permanent solution since there are more than 100 000 synthetic compounds on sale and most of them are hormone disruptors. Currently, the most important thing is to broaden the knowledge and awareness of the compounds which can take away everything that makes us an individual, which is the main aim of this paper

    Influence of environmental factors on multixenobiotic resistance mechanism in earthworm Eisenia fetida, Savigny

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    Mehanizam multiksenobiotičke otpornosti (MXR) dio je staničnog detoksifikacijskog mehanizma posredovan aktivnošću ABC transportnih proteina. Glavni predstavnici MXR mehanizma su P-glikoprotein (P-gp; ABCB1), multidrug resistance associated proteins (MRP1-5; ABCC1-5) i breast cancer resistance (BCRP; ABCG2) protein. Navedeni transmembranski prijenosnici prisutni su u svim organizmima i predstavljaju prvu liniju obrane organizma. Uz pomoć ATP-a izbacuju iz stanice endogene spojeve, ksenobiotike, uključujući antropogeno stvorene spojeve, spriječavajući na taj način potencijalno toksičan učinak u stanici (organizmu). Bisfenol A, zbog sve šire upotrebe u industriji polikarbonatne plastike postao je sveprisutno okolišno zagađivalo. U ovom radu po prvi puta je identificirana prisutnost MXR mehanizma i identificiran nukleotidni slijed gena koji kodira za P-glikoprotein u gujavici vrste E. fetida. Uz to, u navedenom modelnom organizmu istraživan je utjecaj bisfenola A i onečišćenih uzoraka snijega na MXR mehanizam.Multixenobiotic resistance mechanism (MXR) is cellular detoxification mechanism mediated by the activity of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. The main representatives of MXR mechanism are P-glycoprotein (P-gp; ABCB1), multidrug resistance associated proteins (MRP; ABCC1-5) and breast cancer resistance (BCRP; ABCG2) protein. These transmembrane efflux proteins are present in all organisms and represent a first line defence mechanism, by extrusion endogenous chemicals, xenobiotics, including man-made chemicals out of the cell (organism), thus preventing toxic effect. Bisphenol A is one of the highest volume chemicals produced worldwide because of their use in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastic. In this study was for the first time identified presence of MXR efflux activity, determined the partial sequence of P-gp/ABCB1 and defined impact of bisphenol A and polluted snow samples on detoxification mechanisms in earthworm Eisenia fetida


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    Iako ne pripada skupini najistaknutijih hrvatskih baroknih pisaca, Jure Radojević Gizdelin zasigurno ne zaslužuje da padne u zaborav, tim više što je u vrlo turbulentnom dobu hrvatske povijesti u obranu domovine ustao u jednakoj mjeri i sabljom i perom. S tom mišlju vodiljom autori članka nastoje osvijetliti lik i djelo ovoga hrvatskoga vojskovođe i pjesnika bosanskoga podrijetla, s posebnim osvrtom na njegov odnos prema Blaženoj Djevici Mariji koju u svojim djelima štuje s posebnim žarom. Njegova djela Okolišenje i uzetje grada Budina te Skazanje vazetja lipoga Biograda prožeta su dubokom pobožnošću prema Gospi od Olova kojoj on piše pohvale i u čiju se pomoć uzda u borbi protiv omraženih turskih osvajača i uzurpatora bosanskoga kraljevstva.Although he doesn’t belong to the group of the most prominent Croatian baroque writers, Jure Radivojević Gizdelin certainly does not deserve to be forgotten, even more because during a very turbulent period of the Croatian history he defended his homeland equally with both saber and pen. With that leading idea the authors of this article endeavor to throw light upon the character and work of this Croatian soldier and poet of Bosnian origin, with a reference to Holy Virgin Mary, whom he reveres with a special zeal. His works “Okolišenje i uzetje grada Budina” and “Skazanje vazetja lipoga Biograda” are pervaded with a deep devoutness to Our Lady of Olovo to whom he writes praises and in whose help he relies upon in the fight against obnoxious Turkish conquerors and usurpers of the Bosnian Kingdom

    Fragmentiranost europskog zračnog prostora: Procjena zasnovana na troškovnoj učinkovitosti

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    Due to the ANSPs’ (Air Navigation Service Providers’) unit rates variability in different European airspace areas, the AUs (Airspace Users) pay different financial amounts for the same ANS (Air Navigation Service) provision. The AUs’ interest is to achieve the lowest possible operational costs, so it is often the case that the aircraft, if there is an alternative, fly on longer but economically more acceptable routes through cheaper charging zones. Over the time, the application of such practice has led to the creation of different business interests – that is a critical issue hindering further air transport development in Europe. This paper investigates the research question of whether and if so, how the European airspace is fragmented in terms of cost-efficiency features. By the application of the spatial autocorrelation methodology, i.e. by associating every ANSP’s unit rate value with its spatial position within the European ATM (Air Traffic Management) system, the research question has been answered. Research findings indicate that the European airspace is fragmented from a cost-efficiency aspect and divided into several different homogeneous areas. Such areas are characterized by a certain similarity level of adjacent unit rates, whereas one charging zone represents a hotspot in terms of its dissimilarity to adjacent spatial units.Zbog varijabilnosti jediničnih cijena Pružatelja usluga u zračnoj plovidbi na različitim područjima europskog zračnog prostora, korisnici zračnog prostora za istu uslugu u zračnoj plovidbi plaćaju različite financijske iznose. Interes korisnika zračnog prostora je ostvariti što niže operativne troškove, pa je čest slučaj da zrakoplov, ukoliko postoji alternativa, leti dužim, ali ekonomski prihvatljivijim rutama kroz jeftinije naplatne zone. Tijekom vremena, primjena takve prakse dovela je do stvaranja različitih poslovnih interesa - što predstavlja kritični problem koji ometa daljnji razvoj zračnog prometa u Europi. Ovaj rad se bavi proučavanjem istraživačkog pitanja je li i ukoliko jest, kako je europski zračni prostor fragmentiran s aspekta troškovne učinkovitosti. Primjenom metodologije prostorne autokorelacije, tj. povezivanjem jediničnih cijena Pružatelja usluga u zračnoj plovidbi s njegovim prostornim položajem u okviru europskog sustava upravljanja zračnim prometom, dobiva se odgovor na postavljeno istraživačko pitanje. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je europski zračni prostor fragmentiran s aspekta troškovne učinkovitosti i da je podijeljen u nekoliko različitih homogenih područja. Pri tom, takva područja karakterizirana su određenom razinom sličnosti susjednih jediničnih cijena, dok jedna naplatna zona predstavlja žarišno područje u smislu svoje neusklađenosti sa susjednim prostornim jedinicama

    Projektiranje automatiziranog sustava za sortiranje obradaka i robotsko paletiziranje

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    Razvojem tehnologije i povećanom željom za učenjem i smanjivanjem fizički napornih poslova u proizvodnim pogonima i svakodnevici pojavljuje se želja za uvođenjem automatiziranih i robotskih sustava u proizvodnji. Brojni automatizirani sustavi zahtijevaju vrlo brze odzive na pojave ulaznih signala, što je puno jednostavnije izvesti pomoću PLC kontrolera nego sa zastarjelim složenim sustavima pomoću upravljanja relejima. Projektiranje ovog automatiziranog sustava uključuje odabir dijelova, korištenje različitih postupaka obrade materijala, spajanje različitih vrsta shema, projektiranje izgleda, pisanje i simuliranje programskog koda u „CyPro“ i „RoboCel“ programskim jezicima te rješavanje problematike kretanja i sortiranja određenih dijelova. U praksi se učestalo nalaze primjeri automatizacije starih sustava čiji su projekti financijski ograničeni. Za kvalitetan sustav koji će raditi bez problema potrebno je pronaći idealno ali i jednostavno tehničko rješenje koje će omogućiti nesmetan rad sustava. Tako i u ovome slučaju gdje se radi o dvije potpuno različite platforme „Cybro“ PLC sustava i „Intelitek“ robotske ruke Scorbase er 4u koja se temelji na Siemensovoj tehnologiji objedinjene su u funkcionalnu cjelinu u svrhu paletiziranja