37 research outputs found

    Inoculación experimental en bovinos : Intento de reproducir un cuadro de hipersensibilidad

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    En el presente trabajo se exponen las diferentes etapas de un experimento relacionado con la vacunación antiaftosaAcademia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinari

    Inoculación experimental en bovinos : Intento de reproducir un cuadro de hipersensibilidad

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    En el presente trabajo se exponen las diferentes etapas de un experimento relacionado con la vacunación antiaftosaAcademia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinari

    Isolation of <i>Serpulina hyodysenteriae</i> and <i>S. innocens</i> from pigs with swine disentery signs

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    A partir de muestras de materia fecal recolectada en bolsas de polietileno o hisopados rectales de cerdos con cuadro clínico-patológico de Disentería Porcina se aisló Serpulina hyodysenteriae y Serpulina innocens, esta última apatógena. De los tres medios de cultivos sólidos selectivos utilizados, el medio de Jenkinson et al. fue el que permitió el mayor número de aislamientos e inhibió la flora fecal normal. La identificación del género y especie se realizó sobre la base de las características morfológicas y culturales (producción de beta-hemólisis franca). El crecimiento en los medios de cultivo fue escaso. Se concluye que el aislamiento de Serpulina spp. es sencillo con la metodología indicada y útil para ulteriores estudios de sensibilidad a antimicrobianos.From faecal samples taken in polyethylene bags or rectal swabs of pigs with clinical signs of swine dysentery, Serpulina hyodysenteriae and Serpulina innocens were isolated. The latter nonpathogenic of the three selective solid culture medium in use methods being used, Jenkinson’s proved to be most effective to isolate the organisms and to inhibit the growth of normal faecal bacteria. The identification by genera and species were made on the basis of cultural and morphological differences (product of a clear beta-hemolysis). The growth in liquid culture medium was unsatisfactory. In conclusion, Serpulina spp. isolated by means of the described methodology is sample and useful for further sensitivity research for in vitro testingFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Isolation of <i>Serpulina hyodysenteriae</i> and <i>S. innocens</i> from pigs with swine disentery signs

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    A partir de muestras de materia fecal recolectada en bolsas de polietileno o hisopados rectales de cerdos con cuadro clínico-patológico de Disentería Porcina se aisló Serpulina hyodysenteriae y Serpulina innocens, esta última apatógena. De los tres medios de cultivos sólidos selectivos utilizados, el medio de Jenkinson et al. fue el que permitió el mayor número de aislamientos e inhibió la flora fecal normal. La identificación del género y especie se realizó sobre la base de las características morfológicas y culturales (producción de beta-hemólisis franca). El crecimiento en los medios de cultivo fue escaso. Se concluye que el aislamiento de Serpulina spp. es sencillo con la metodología indicada y útil para ulteriores estudios de sensibilidad a antimicrobianos.From faecal samples taken in polyethylene bags or rectal swabs of pigs with clinical signs of swine dysentery, Serpulina hyodysenteriae and Serpulina innocens were isolated. The latter nonpathogenic of the three selective solid culture medium in use methods being used, Jenkinson’s proved to be most effective to isolate the organisms and to inhibit the growth of normal faecal bacteria. The identification by genera and species were made on the basis of cultural and morphological differences (product of a clear beta-hemolysis). The growth in liquid culture medium was unsatisfactory. In conclusion, Serpulina spp. isolated by means of the described methodology is sample and useful for further sensitivity research for in vitro testingFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    A pair of non-optimal codons are necessary for the correct biosynthesis of the Aspergillus nidulans urea transporter, UreA

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    In both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, synonymous codons are unevenly used. Such differential usage of optimal or non-optimal codons has been suggested to play a role in the control of translation initiation and elongation, as well as at the level of transcription and mRNA stability. In the case of membrane proteins, codon usage has been proposed to assist in the establishment of a pause necessary for the correct targeting of the nascent chains to the translocon. By using as a model UreA, the Aspergillus nidulans urea transporter, we revealed that a pair of non-optimal codons encoding amino acids situated at the boundary between the N-terminus and the first transmembrane segment are necessary for proper biogenesis of the protein at 37°C. These codons presumably regulate the translation rate in a previously undescribed fashion, possibly contributing to the correct interaction of ureA-translating ribosome-nascent chain complexes with the signal recognition particle and/or other factors, while the polypeptide has not yet emerged from the ribosomal tunnel. Our results suggest that the presence of the pair of non-optimal codons would not be functionally important in all cellular conditions. Whether this mechanismwould affect other proteins remains to be determined

    Isolation of <i>Serpulina hyodysenteriae</i> and <i>S. innocens</i> from pigs with swine disentery signs

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    A partir de muestras de materia fecal recolectada en bolsas de polietileno o hisopados rectales de cerdos con cuadro clínico-patológico de Disentería Porcina se aisló Serpulina hyodysenteriae y Serpulina innocens, esta última apatógena. De los tres medios de cultivos sólidos selectivos utilizados, el medio de Jenkinson et al. fue el que permitió el mayor número de aislamientos e inhibió la flora fecal normal. La identificación del género y especie se realizó sobre la base de las características morfológicas y culturales (producción de beta-hemólisis franca). El crecimiento en los medios de cultivo fue escaso. Se concluye que el aislamiento de Serpulina spp. es sencillo con la metodología indicada y útil para ulteriores estudios de sensibilidad a antimicrobianos.From faecal samples taken in polyethylene bags or rectal swabs of pigs with clinical signs of swine dysentery, Serpulina hyodysenteriae and Serpulina innocens were isolated. The latter nonpathogenic of the three selective solid culture medium in use methods being used, Jenkinson’s proved to be most effective to isolate the organisms and to inhibit the growth of normal faecal bacteria. The identification by genera and species were made on the basis of cultural and morphological differences (product of a clear beta-hemolysis). The growth in liquid culture medium was unsatisfactory. In conclusion, Serpulina spp. isolated by means of the described methodology is sample and useful for further sensitivity research for in vitro testingFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus

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    Incluye más de 100 autoresBackground: The fungal genus Aspergillus is of critical importance to humankind. Species include those with industrial applications, important pathogens of humans, animals and crops, a source of potent carcinogenic contaminants of food, and an important genetic model. The genome sequences of eight aspergilli have already been explored to investigate aspects of fungal biology, raising questions about evolution and specialization within this genus. Results: We have generated genome sequences for ten novel, highly diverse Aspergillus species and compared these in detail to sister and more distant genera. Comparative studies of key aspects of fungal biology, including primary and secondary metabolism, stress response, biomass degradation, and signal transduction, revealed both conservation and diversity among the species. Observed genomic differences were validated with experimental studies. This revealed several highlights, such as the potential for sex in asexual species, organic acid production genes being a key feature of black aspergilli, alternative approaches for degrading plant biomass, and indications for the genetic basis of stress response. A genome-wide phylogenetic analysis demonstrated in detail the relationship of the newly genome sequenced species with other aspergilli. Conclusions: Many aspects of biological differences between fungal species cannot be explained by current knowledge obtained from genome sequences. The comparative genomics and experimental study, presented here, allows for the first time a genus-wide view of the biological diversity of the aspergilli and in many, but not all, cases linked genome differences to phenotype. Insights gained could be exploited for biotechnological and medical applications of fungi

    Verificação da administração ilegal de estrógenos através de marcadores imunohistoquímicos na próstata de bovinos

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    The immunodetection of diverse cell markers was evaluated in prostatic samples from bullocks, and bullocks showing epithelial hyperplasia-metaplasia, with oestrogen-induced changes, and in experimental samples from bullocks inoculated with dietylstilbestrol (DES). Antigen-retrieval procedures allowed the use of tissues that had been fixed in formalin for long periods. Three tissue markers were chosen for the study: cytokeratins 13 and 16, vimentin and desmin. Monoclonal antibody K8.12 (specific for cytokeratins 13 and 16) stained basal cells and hyperplastic-metaplastic epithelium; monoclonal antivimentin, and desmin, allowed the definition of fibromuscular changes.A imunodeteccão de marcadores celulares foi avaliada em amostras prostáticas de bovinos com hiperplasia ou hiperplasia-metaplasia epiteliais, induzidas por estrógenos administrados ilegalmente e em próstatas de bovinos inoculados com dietilstilbestrol (DES). A técnica de recuperac ão antigênica permitiu o uso de tecidos fixados em formalina, por longos períodos. Foram utilizados os anticorpos monoclonais K8.12, anti-vimentina e anti-desmina para determinação de células basais coradas/epitélio hiperplásico-metaplásico, células do estroma e células musculares, respectivamente. As alterações tissulares observadas nos casos de campo e nos experimentais foram semelhantes, através do que se concluiu que houve administração ilegal de estrógenos. O teste imunohistoqu ímico com esses marca-dores específicos foi útil ao exame histológico da próstata, uma vez que a análise das imagens permite maior e melhor quantificação das altera- ções observadas. Os testes bioquí-micos, entretanto, são necess ários para uma avaliação mais precisa.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 outbreak on pig farm, Argentina

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    In June-July 2009, an outbreak of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 infection occurred on a pig farm in Argentina. Molecular analysis indicated that the virus was genetically related to the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus strain. The outbreak presumably resulted from direct human-to-pig transmission.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Outbreak on Pig Farm, Argentina

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    In June–July 2009, an outbreak of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 infection occurred on a pig farm in Argentina. Molecular analysis indicated that the virus was genetically related to the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus strain. The outbreak presumably resulted from direct human-to-pig transmission