84 research outputs found

    Integrated performance framework to guide facade retrofit

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    The façade retrofit market faces some key barriers: the selection of performance criteria and the reliability of the performance data. On the demand side, the problem is approached from an investment perspective which creates "split incentives" between the stakeholders who pay for the investment and those who benefit from it. On the supply side, there is an inherent complexity in modeling these options because of the incomplete knowledge of the physical and cost parameters involved in the performance evaluation. The thermal comfort of the building occupant is an important component of the retrofit performance assessment. This research attempts to fill a gap in the approach to façade retrofit decision by 1) quantifying uncertainties in these three dimensions of performance, 2) incorporating new financing models available in the retrofit market, 3) considering the target and risk attitude of the decision maker. The methodology proposed in this research integrates key indicators for delivery process, environmental performance, and investment performance. The purpose is to provide a methodological framework for performance evaluation. A residential case study is conducted to test the proposed framework. Three retrofit scenarios including the financing structure are examined. Each façade retrofit scenario is then evaluated based on the level of confidence to meet or exceed a specific target improvement for the Net Present Value and the risk to fall below a minimum improvement threshold. The case study results confirm that risk must be considered for more reliable façade retrofit decision-making. Research findings point to further research needed to expand the understanding of the interdependencies among uncertain parameters.PhDCommittee Chair: Augenbroe, Godfried; Committee Chair: De Wilde, Pieter; Committee Member: Aksamija, Ajla; Committee Member: Brown, Jason; Committee Member: Eastman, Charle

    Utilization of Time-Based Techniques in Research and Teaching

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    This is the published version. Copyright Multi-Science PublishingThis article describes how computer animations, combined with cinematic techniques, have served as a teaching and research tool in architecture. Animations were used in the following areas: case studies of precedents in architecture using the animated modeling as a form of tectonic analysis; conceptualization of space through the study of film, specifically three approaches using film in the early stages of design: cinematic structure, film as site, and transcoding transparency; and mapping the urban fabric combining various time-based media

    Net-Zero Energy Building Enhancement for a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Platinum Educational Facility

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2014 David Publishin

    Interoperability Building Information Modeling and acoustical analysis software - A demonstration of a performing arts hall design process

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    By sharing and managing the database for a building model, Building Information Modeling (BIM) facilitates the design process at less cost. Some of BIM software has capabilities for acoustical analysis, but it is limited to noise level demonstration of MEP system in a building. Sophisticated acoustical analysis programs, such as EASE and CATT provide the useful parameters to determine the sound quality of a space with graphs, A/V systems, material database, and auralization. This research explores how BIM with discipline-specific data reinforced with acoustical information will be beneficial to both architects and acousticians, by allowing them to communicate efficiently. The design process for a performing arts hall is used to demonstrate how to interoperate between BIM system and acoustical analysis programs. Revit Architecture and EASE program are used as design and analysis tools for the project. A model is developed to improve the process of embedding acoustic information in BIM and sharing knowledge in an integrated delivery process

    Impacto de la maternidad en el salario de las trabajadoras formales privadas en Uruguay : evidencia en base a historias laborales 1996-2019

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza la penalización salarial por maternidad utilizando datos de historias laborales de mujeres que cotizaron al menos un mes entre abril de 1996 y diciembre de 2019. Siguiendo la metodología de diferencias en diferencias propuesta por Jacobson, LaLonde y Sullivan (JLS) (1993), se encuentra una importante penalización salarial que alcanza 17% al año de la maternidad, y 24% a los cinco años no condicionado a estar empleada. La penalización es más pronunciada hasta el primer trimestre posterior al evento (31%) en el caso condicionado, con una posterior y rápida recuperación que igual no logra retornar a los valores iniciales, alcanzando en el mediano plazo en el entorno del 4%. Asimismo, se analizan distintos canales por los que podría estar operando la penalización salarial y se encuentra que, las mujeres que tienen interrupciones luego de agotado el subsidio maternal, son mayormente penalizadas que aquellas que no interrumpen en un entorno de 5 años. Cabe señalar que el 46,68% interrumpe al menos una vez entre el evento de maternidad y los 5 años posteriores y en el entorno del 25% cambian de rama. Además, las que pertenecen al tercer tercil de ingresos al momento de ingresar al mercado laboral enfrentan una mayor penalización que aquellas pertenecientes al primer tercil, así como aquellas que cambian de rama, quienes se ven mayormente penalizadas en comparación con el total de mujeres que experimentan la maternidad. Finalmente, para quienes presentan multiempleo en el entorno de la maternidad, se encuentran mayores penalizaciones salariales que para quienes cuentan con un único empleador

    Silicone-coated non-woven polyester dressing enhances reepithelialisation in a sheep model of dermal wounds

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    Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) also known as V.A.C. (Vacuum-assisted closure), is widely used to manage various type of wounds and accelerate healing. NPWT has so far been delivered mainly via opencell polyurethane (PU) foam or medical gauze. In this study an experimental setup of sheep wound model was used to evaluate, under NPWT conditions, the performance of a silicone-coated non-woven polyester (N-WPE) compared with PU foam and cotton hydrophilic gauze, used as reference materials. Animals were anesthetized with spontaneous breathing to create three 3 9 3 cm skin defects bilaterally; each animal received three different samples on each side (n = 6 in each experimental group) and was subjected to negative and continuous 125 mmHg pressure up to 16 days. Wound conditions after 1, 8 and 16 days of treatment with the wound dressings were evaluated based on gross and histological appearances. Skin defects treated with the silicone-coated N-WPE showed a significant decrease in wound size, an increase of re-epithelialization, collagen deposition and wound neovascularisation, and a minimal stickiness to the wound tissue, in comparison with gauze and PU foam. Taken all together these findings indicate that the silicone-coated N-WPE dressing enhances wound healing since stimulates higher granulation tissue formation and causes minor tissue trauma during dressing changes

    Gestión turística del Sitio Patrimonio Mundial Parque Nacional Iguazú, Argentina: una propuesta de medición de gestión del Sitio

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    El presente trabajo pretende dar cuenta de los desafíos que surgen con respecto a los impactos generados por la actividad turística ante la inscripción de un bien a la Lista de Patrimonio Mundial (LPM) por UNESCO. Se utiliza como caso de estudio el Parque Nacional Iguazú (PNI) en Argentina por haber sido declarado como Patrimonio Mundial en el año 1984 y ser uno de los principales atractivos turísticos del país y con gran recepción de turismo internacional. Se realiza una caracterización del PNI y se analizan los impactos turísticos y no turísticos que influyen tanto en la conservación de los sitios como en la calidad de vida de las comunidades involucradas en el destino, centrando el análisis en el uso turístico que se le da a los bienes patrimoniales y los conflictos que se desprenden de ello. La metodología propuesta responde a un instrumento elaborado por el equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Investigaciones en Turismo (IIT) de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (FCE) de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) el cual pretende medir impactos de la actividad en los bienes patrimoniales en sus distintas dimensiones: económica, ambiental, política-institucional y turística.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    La configuración del espacio urbano a través del movimiento de las asambleas populares en Buenos Aires

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, profundizar y relocalizar la investigación sobre asambleas populares en Buenos Aires que venimos realizando desde Febrero de 2002. Las asambleas poseen por lo menos dos características fundamentales; la primera, consiste en ser un fenómeno íntegramente urbano surgido al calor de la revuelta del 19 y 20 de Diciembre del 2001. Es decir, su singularidad es tanto espacial como temporal; no ha habido cacerolazos y posteriormente prácticas asamblearias que tengan como finalidad reconstituir sobre una nueva base el poder político en ningún otro período de la historia de nuestra sociedad. Relacionado con la primera característica, la segunda es que es un fenómeno mayoritariamente de los sectores medios.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    HuD is a neural translation enhancer acting on mTORC1-responsive genes and counteracted by the Y3 small non-coding RNA

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    The RNA-binding protein HuD promotes neurogenesis and favors recovery from peripheral axon injury. HuD interacts with many mRNAs, altering both stability and translation efficiency. We generated a nucleotide resolution map of the HuD RNA interactome in motor neuron-like cells, identifying HuD target sites in 1,304 mRNAs, almost exclusively in the 3' UTR. HuD binds many mRNAs encoding mTORC1-responsive ribosomal proteins and translation factors. Altered HuD expression correlates with the translation efficiency of these mRNAs and overall protein synthesis, in a mTORC1-independent fashion. The predominant HuD target is the abundant, small non-coding RNA Y3, amounting to 70% of the HuD interaction signal. Y3 functions as a molecular sponge for HuD, dynamically limiting its recruitment to polysomes and its activity as a translation and neuron differentiation enhancer. These findings uncover an alternative route to the mTORC1 pathway for translational control in motor neurons that is tunable by a small non-coding RNA

    Disentangling the Possible Drivers of Indri indri Microbiome: A Threatened Lemur Species of Madagascar

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    Research on the gut microbiome may help with increasing our understanding of primate health with species’ ecology, evolution, and behavior. In particular, microbiome-related information has the potential to clarify ecology issues, providing knowledge in support of wild primates conservation and their associated habitats. Indri (Indri indri) is the largest extant living lemur of Madagascar. This species is classified as “critically endangered” by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, representing one of the world’s 25 most endangered primates. Indris diet is mainly folivorous, but these primates frequently and voluntarily engage in geophagy. Indris have never been successfully bred under human care, suggesting that some behavioral and/or ecological factors are still not considered from the ex situ conservation protocols. Here, we explored gut microbiome composition of 18 indris belonging to 5 different family groups. The most represented phyla were Proteobacteria 40.1 ± 9.5%, Bacteroidetes 28.7 ± 2.8%, Synergistetes 16.7 ± 4.5%, and Firmicutes 11.1 ± 1.9%. Further, our results revealed that bacterial alpha and beta diversity were influenced by indri family group and sex. In addition, we investigated the chemical composition of geophagic soil to explore the possible ecological value of soil as a nutrient supply. The quite acidic pH and high levels of secondary oxide-hydroxides of the soils could play a role in the folivorous diet’s gut detoxification activity. In addition, the high contents of iron and manganese found the soils could act as micronutrients in the indris’ diet. Nevertheless, the concentration of a few elements (i.e., calcium, sulfur, boron, nickel, sodium, and chromium) was higher in non-geophagic than in geophagic soils. In conclusion, the data presented herein provide a baseline for outlining some possible drivers responsible for the gut microbiome diversity in indris, thus laying the foundations for developing further strategies involved in indris’ conservation