13 research outputs found

    Mapping the landscape of research on workplace sexual discrimination: A bibliometric analysis

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    Sexual discrimination in the context of the work environment is an adverse phenomenon where individuals are treated unfairly or unequally based on their gender or sexual orientation. This study aims to trace the evolution of the literature surrounding sexual discrimination in the workplace over time. Bibliometric methods were used in this study to review 298 research samples conducted between 1986 and 2023. The data was obtained from the Scopus database. The reason for using Scopus as the main reference data in this study is because the Scopus database is a citation and abstract index database that covers a wide range of scientific literature and focuses on various fields of science published worldwide in high-quality journals with comprehensive and representative data to accurately identify research trends and academic impact. Besides, the features provided by Scopus greatly facilitate in-depth bibliometric analysis. The focus of this study lies on scientific performance evaluation and literature mapping using Vosviewer and BibExcel tools. The research findings confirmed a significant increase in the number of publications and citations on this topic over the past five years. In addition, cross-disciplinary collaboration seems to have made an important contribution, involving the fields of health, law, psychology, as well as other social sciences. However, this study indicates the limitations of interdisciplinary cooperation in generating a more holistic and comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon


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    Pendapatan merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting dalam menentukan laba atau rugi dari suatu usaha, laba atau rugi tersebut diperoleh dengan melakukan perbandingan antara pendapatan dengan beban atau biaya yang dikeluarkan atas pendapatan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biaya, perimaan dan penadapan serta R/C Ratio petani bawang merah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2019 sampai Januari 2020 di Trans Koli Kecematan Oba Kota Tidore Kepulauan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kuantitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa Komoditas bawang merah yang diproduksi oleh petani di Trans Koli Kecamatan Oba Kota Tidore Kepulauan dengan jumlah total biaya produksi sebesar Rp 2.064.779 per satu kali musim tanam dan jumlah penerimaan dalam satu kali musim tanam. sebesar Rp 32.857.142 Selanjutnya, pendapatan yang diperoleh selama satu kali musim tanam oleh petani di Trans Koli Kecamatan Oba Kota Tidore tersebut sebesar Rp 30.792.363. Usahatani komoditas bawang merah layak untuk dikembangkan karena nilai R/C Ratio yaitu 15,91. Maka dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, nilai R/C Ratio >1 atau penerimaan lebih besar dari biaya sehingga usaha yang diproduksi selama satu kali musim tanam oleh petani di Trans Koli Kecamatan Oba Kota Tidore Kepulauan menguntungkan


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    Low farmer welfare level is one development problem in Tidore. This is explained in the medium-term regional development plan of Tidore Islands 2016-2021. Regarding to the public welfare phenomena, this research aims at knowing the influence magnitude on the effectiveness of nutmeg processing and packaging reformulation activity to the public welfare in Jaya village. The method used in this research was quantitative research conducted by survey sample research approach. The sampling used from the population used stratified random sampling technique. The data collection used literature review, research questionnaire and observation. Data analysis used included item validity test, instrument reliability test, correlation coefficient measurement, determination coefficient measurement, hypothesis test using t-test and regression equation measurement. The research result showed that there was a positive and significant effectivity of nutmeg processing and packaging reformulation activity to the public welfare in Jaya Village of Tidore Islands


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    Malaria adalah masalah kesehatan serius disebabkan parasit Plasmodium falciparum telah resisten (kebal) terhadap obat antimalaria yang ada seperti chloroquin. Obat baru dengan struktur molekul dan mekanisme aksi yang unik sangat diperlukan untuk menggantikan obat-obat yang telah reisten. Uji bioaktivitas antimalaria ekstrak metanol spons P. ficiformis telah dilakukan terhadap parasit Plasmodium falciparum strain 3D7. Ekstrak spons diperoleh dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol dan uji aktivitas antimalarial menggunakan metode in-vitro dengan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak 0,01, 0,1, 1, 10, dan 100 µg/mL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak metanol spons P. ficiformis sangat efektif menghambat pertumbuhan parasit malaria dengan nilai IC50 = 20,489 µg/mL


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    Buku dengan judul “Manajemen Pemasaran” menguraikan teori dan konsep yang terdiri atas 10 bab dan dijelaskan secara rinci dalam pembahasan mulai dari bab tentang memahami manajemen pemasaran, perumusan strategi pemasaran, strategi pemasaran, segmentasi, menciptakan nila dan kepuasan pelanggan, perilaku konsumen, mengelola komunikasi pemasaran terpadu, bauran pemasaran, strategi penentuan harga, serta strategi saluran distrbusi


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    Potensi perkebunan kelapa yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat Kecamatan Weda Selatan hanya memanfaatkan daging buah kelapa untuk pembuatan Kopra sehingga selain daging kelapa hanya menjadi sampah seperti Serabut, Tempurung dan ampas kelapa. Selain itu, potensi perkebunan kelapa tidak serta merta dapat meningkatkan taraf kesejahteraan petani yang terdapat di Kecamatan Weda Selatan, Kabupaten Halmahera Tengah sebab harga kopra mengalami fluktuasi harga yang akhirnya mengakibatkan kerugian yang dialami oleh petani kelapa. Penguasaan teknologi dan inovasi dalam mengelola buah kelapa menjadi produk turunan lain selain kopra tidak diketahui oleh petani sehingga tidak menambah niali guna produk yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi dalam meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga petani. Kegiatan pengelolaan kelapa terpadu melaui PKM Kubermas Tematik ini bermitra dengan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) di Desa Lembah Asri, Kecamatan Weda Selatan, Kabupaten Halmahera Tengah. Melalui kegiatan PKM Kubermas akan dilakukan pelatihan pengolahan kelapa terpadu Zero Waste melalui pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), Minyak Kelapa Klasik, pembuatan pakan ternak dengan memanfaatkan ampas kelapa, dan pembuatan arang aktif. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini dimulai pada tanggal 22 Maret sampai dengan bulan Juli 2020. Tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan dimulai dari Observasi Lapangan, Sosialisasi kegiatan, Pelatihan, Evaluasi, Publikasi dan Pelaporan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan ini yaitu dapat meningkatnya pengetahuan dan kemampuan mitra khususnya dan umumnya mahasiswa kunermas dalam mengolah buah kelapa menjadi VCO, Minyak kelapa klasik, pakan ternak, dan arang aktif

    An Analysis of the Planning of the Direct Regional Election in the New Normal Period

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    This study aimed to find out the planning, challenges, rational vision and mission offers, and the implementation of the 2020 regional election in Tidore during the new normal period. The applied method in this study was descriptive-qualitative using an interactive model approach. The results of this study can be stated with the following conclusions. (1) In the context of planning and preparation for the 2020 regional election in Tidore, it is necessary to pay attention to the successes and possible failures of the 2019 general election by setting a transparent and integrated planning and preparation concept for all parties who will determine the success of this regional election; (2) The general challenge faced by the government and the people of Tidore, especially for the Regional General Election Commission (in Indonesian: Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah (KPUD)) in organizing the 2020 regional elections, is how to carry out the regional elections democratically based on the direct, general, free, secret, honest, and fair principles as a process of maturing public political behavior; (3) The special challenge faced by each pair of candidates is to offer a concept of a realistic, actual, accurate, and precise development vision and mission according to the development, needs, potentials, and problems of the people of Tidore

    Exploring the Research Landscape of Marketing Communication in Tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The purpose of this investigation is to map the current state of marketing communications studies in the tourism industry. In this article we used a bibliometric analysis technique. Scopus data indicated that there were 195 documents concerned with marketing communications in the tourism industry. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out using VOSviewer and Excel. This analysis involves identifying relevant keywords, co-occurrence analysis, citation analysis, and network visualization. Our findings provide an overview of research trends, prominent authors, influential journals, and key themes in the tourism marketing communications domain. The results highlight the growth in research output in this area and reveal emerging topics and research gaps. Moreover, this research uncovers collaborative networks and knowledge flows among researchers and institutions. This bibliometric analysis helped shed light on the dynamic nature of the tourism industry's marketing communications research landscape. This study serves as a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners and policy makers interested in advancing marketing communications strategies for tourism development. The practical implication of the findings is that by understanding research trends related to tourism marketing communication, tourism practitioners can adopt more effective marketing communication strategies to promote tourist destinations, increase interaction with customers, and gain a competitive advantage


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    Technology has an important role to play in advancing sustainable tourism destinations. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of technology on tourism marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia which can be used as material for decisions by tourism practitioners and is useful for researchers in the tourism sector. This research was conducted using a systematic literature review (SLR) of 2 reference articles from Scopus. The results show that there is no antecedents from tourism marketing that were studied during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, there is a positive influence of technology on tourism marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are several consequences of technology adoption in tourism marketing, namely image, trust, visitors' interest and tourist behavior. However, this research still has limitations on the reference sources used (only Scopus), it is recommended to add a database for future researchers and add other research problem formulations. Keywords: Technology ; Tourism Marketing ; COVID-19 pandemi

    Identification Of Business Knowledge Management Strategy: Using The Research Skills Development Framework Concept

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    The qualitative study discusses and guides the business people with the strategic management of business knowledge using research skills development framework. The success of the development of business strategy management is closely related to the framework of developing specific field expertise. One of them is through the research skills development framework (RSD). For that purpose, we have taken a strategic step, namely collecting data and information from various literature sources that seek and examine several scientific publications related to the framework and concepts of developing research expertise. After the data is collected, we next analyze with a phenomenological approach to ensure that our findings are valid and reliable in answering research formation questions. The analysis process involved coding the data, in-depth interpretation, and conclusions so that the findings could line up with the problems of the research. Finally, we could conclude the results that the RSD framework can be a conceptual framework in developing a business management strategy with analysis of approaches and communication assisted by rubrics and autonomy for researchers. Thus, these findings are to become part of a formal reference for starting a business that is useful and effective