99 research outputs found


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    « Fatti gli occhi, figuratevi la sua meravigliaquando si accorse che gli occhi si muovevanoe che lo guardavano fisso fisso.Geppetto, vedendosi guardareda quei due occhi di legno,se n’ebbe quasi per male, e disse: Occhiacci di legno, perchĂ© mi guardate? » À l’origine de ce recueil d’études il y a un livre au titre Ă©nigmatique, Occhiacci di legno. Nove riflessioni sulla distanza, publiĂ© par Carlo Ginzburg chez l’éditeur Feltrinelli en 1998. En lisant ce titre pour la premiĂšre fois, je me souvie..

    Canibais e conflitos urbanos. Um estudo sobre uma fonte etnogrĂĄfica de Maquiavel

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    Este artigo propĂ”e uma anĂĄlise de alguns escritos de Maquiavel, Ă  luz de um relatĂłrio manuscrito dedicado aos canibais preservado em seus arquivos familiares e dos relatos de AmĂ©rico VespĂșcio sobre os costumes dos TupinambĂĄ. A hipĂłtese desenvolvida Ă© que essa literatura etnogrĂĄfica constitui o filtro usado por Maquiavel para interpretar os conflitos sociais na Florença do seu tempo.This paper brings together, for the first time, Machiavelli’s interest in political and social conflicts and some ethnographical sources concerning the contemporary discovery of cannibals in the Caribbean as well as in Brazil (Tupinamba). The hypothesis is that knowledge of these sources represents a filter that allowed Machiavelli to reinterpret social clashes notably in Florentine urban context

    Traduire la microstoria

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    Selon le tĂ©moignage de Jacques Revel, « le terme de micro-histoire (microstoria) est entrĂ© il y a une trentaine d’annĂ©es dans le vocabulaire de l’historiographie ». Ces quelques mots permettent de situer un moment clé : au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1980, la « micro-histoire », indiquant traditionnellement la petite histoire (« de la micro-histoire tout au plus », selon l’allusion ironique de Raymond Queneau dans Les Fleurs bleues), commence Ă  dĂ©signer, dans l’historiographie française, un projet nouve..

    Vittorio Frajese, La censura in Italia. Dall’Inquisizione alla polizia

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    Il n’existait pas Ă  ce jour une synthĂšse d’histoire de la censure dans la pĂ©ninsule italienne Ă  l’époque moderne. Le principal mĂ©rite de cet ouvrage c’est donc de combler cette lacune. Son originalitĂ© tient au choix d’une pĂ©riodisation longue qui correspond au processus que l’auteur identifie comme le fil conducteur de son analyse : la naissance, Ă  la moitiĂ© du XVIe siĂšcle, de la censure ecclĂ©siastique ; sa progressive substitution par une police des livres mise en place, dans les diffĂ©rents ..

    Machiavelli will not save democracy

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    Ciurmatori One could say of Machiavelli what has been said of an anonymous Florentine chronicler of the late fourteenth century: his was a “public” culture, “of the square”. From this crowded public space, of which Machiavelli was a participating spectator, several fragments emerge, especially in his letters. The letter of 19 December 1513 to Francesco Vettori reports the presence of a friar preacher in Florence: “a friar of St Francis is in this city of ours, magnet of all the enchanters (ci..

    Volcanology and magma geochemistry of the present day activity: constraints on the feeding system

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    Stromboli volcano is famous in the scientific literature for its persistent state of activity, which began about 1500 years ago and consists of continuous degassing and mild intermittent explosions (normal Strombolian activity). Rare lava emissions and sporadic more violent explosive episodes (paroxysms) also occur. Since its formation, the present-day activity has been dominated by the emission of two basaltic magmas, differing chiefly in their crystal and volatile contents, whose characteristics have remained constant until now. The normal Strombolian activity and lava effusions are fed by a crystal-rich, degassed magma, stored within the uppermost part of the plumbing system, whereas highly vesicular, crystal-poor light-colored pumices are produced during paroxysms testifying to the ascent of volatile-rich magma batches from deeper portions of the magmatic system. Mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic data, together with data on the volatile contents of magmas, are presented here with the aim of discussing (1) the relationships between the different magma batches erupted at Stromboli, (2) the mechanisms of their crystallization and transfer, (3) the plumbing system and triggering mechanisms of Strombolian eruptions.Unpublished203.5. Geologia e storia dei sistemi vulcanici4.3. TTC - Scenari di pericolositĂ  vulcanicareserve

    Metastatic osteosarcoma of craniovertebral junction with cervicalgia and torticollis an a pediatric patient

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    Abstract Background Primary osteosarcoma of craniovertebral junction is extremely rare and reports in paediatric patients are limited. The symptoms are subtle and mostly underestimated. Case presentation. We present an unusual case of a 11-years old girl affected by an extensive and metastatic osteosarcoma of the atlas presented with cervicalgia and right torticollis refractory to medical treatment. The patient underwent open biopsy confirming the malignant histology. Conclusions Cervicalgia with or without a torticollis refractory to medical treatment, in absence of history of fell or trauma, is highly suspicious and should be considered as a warning sign for a severe pathology and it should not be neglected

    Histoire de l’Italie

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    Jean Boutier, Jacques Chiffoleau, directeurs d’étudesEmmanuelle Chapron, maitre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Aix-Marseille-I/ProvenceJean-Louis Gaulin, professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Lyon-II/Louis-LumiĂšreSandro Landi, professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Bordeaux-III/Michel-de-MontaigneBrigitte Marin, professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Aix-Marseille-I/ProvenceOlivier Rouchon, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse Penser et reprĂ©senter l’Italie, XIIIe-milieu XIXe siĂšcle Ce sĂ©minaire i..

    2020 WSES guidelines for the detection and management of bile duct injury during cholecystectomy.

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    Bile duct injury (BDI) is a dangerous complication of cholecystectomy, with significant postoperative sequelae for the patient in terms of morbidity, mortality, and long-term quality of life. BDIs have an estimated incidence of 0.4-1.5%, but considering the number of cholecystectomies performed worldwide, mostly by laparoscopy, surgeons must be prepared to manage this surgical challenge. Most BDIs are recognized either during the procedure or in the immediate postoperative period. However, some BDIs may be discovered later during the postoperative period, and this may translate to delayed or inappropriate treatments. Providing a specific diagnosis and a precise description of the BDI will expedite the decision-making process and increase the chance of treatment success. Subsequently, the choice and timing of the appropriate reconstructive strategy have a critical role in long-term prognosis. Currently, a wide spectrum of multidisciplinary interventions with different degrees of invasiveness is indicated for BDI management. These World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) guidelines have been produced following an exhaustive review of the current literature and an international expert panel discussion with the aim of providing evidence-based recommendations to facilitate and standardize the detection and management of BDIs during cholecystectomy. In particular, the 2020 WSES guidelines cover the following key aspects: (1) strategies to minimize the risk of BDI during cholecystectomy; (2) BDI rates in general surgery units and review of surgical practice; (3) how to classify, stage, and report BDI once detected; (4) how to manage an intraoperatively detected BDI; (5) indications for antibiotic treatment; (6) indications for clinical, biochemical, and imaging investigations for suspected BDI; and (7) how to manage a postoperatively detected BDI
