250 research outputs found

    The observed recent surface air temperature development across Svalbard and concurring footprints in local sea ice cover

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    The Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic North Atlantic is experiencing rapid changes in the surface climate and sea ice distribution, with impacts for the coupled climate system and the local society. Using observational data of surface air temperature (SAT) from 1980–2016 across the whole Svalbard archipelago, and sea ice extent (SIE) from operational sea ice charts, a systematic assessment of climatologies, long-term changes and regional differences is conducted. The proximity to the warm water mass of the West Spitsbergen Current (WSC) drives a markedly warmer climate in the western coastal regions compared to northern and eastern Svalbard. This imprints on the SIE climatology in southern and western Svalbard, where the annual maxima of 50–60% area ice coverage are substantially less than 80–90% in the northern and eastern fjords. Owing to winter-amplified warming, the local climate is shifting towards more maritime conditions, and SIE reductions of between 5% to 20% per decade in particular regions are found, such that a number of fjords in the west have been virtually ice-free in recent winters. The strongest decline comes along with SAT forcing and occurs over the most recent 1–2 decades in all regions. In the 1980s and 1990s, enhanced northerly winds and sea ice drift can explain 30–50% of SIE variability around northern Svalbard, where they had correspondingly lead to a SIE increase. At the same time, interannual temperature fluctuations within the WSC waters can explain 20-37% of SIE variability in a number of fjords on the west coast. With an ongoing warming it is suggested that both the meteorological and cryospheric conditions in eastern Svalbard will become increasingly similar to what is already observed in the western fjords, namely suppressed typical Arctic climate conditions

    Cold Air Outbreaks in Fram Strait: Climatology, Trends, and Observations During an Extreme Season in 2020

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    Fram Strait in the northern North Atlantic is a key region for marine cold air outbreaks (MCAOs), southward discharges of polar air under northerly air flow, which have a strong impact on air-sea heat fluxes, boundary layer processes and severe weather. This study investigates climatologies and decadal trends of Fram Strait MCAOs of different intensity classes based on the ERA5 reanalysis product for 1979–2020. Among striking interannual variability, it is shown that the main MCAO season is December through March, when MCAOs occur around 2/3 of the time. We report on significant decadal MCAO decreases in December and January, and a significant increase in March. While the mid-winter decrease is mainly related to the different paces of warming between the surface and the lower atmosphere, the increase in March can be related to changes in synoptic circulation patterns. As an explanation for the latter, a possible feedback between retreating Barents Sea sea ice, enhanced cyclonic activity and Fram Strait MCAOs is postulated. Exemplifying the trend toward stronger MCAOs during March, the study details the recordbreaking MCAO season in early 2020, and an observational case study of an extreme MCAO event in March 2020 is conducted. Thereby, radiosonde observations are combined with kinematic air back-trajectories to provide rare observational evidence for the diabatic cooling and drying during the MCAO preconditioning phase

    Long-term monitoring of landfast sea ice extent and thickness in Kongsfjorden, and related applications (FastIce)

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    Landfast sea ice covers the inner parts of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, for a limited time in winter and spring months, being an important feature for the physical and biological fjord systems. Systematic fast-ice monitoring for Kongsfjorden, as a part of a long-term project at the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) was started in 2003, with some more sporadic observations from 1997 to 2002. It includes the ice extent mapping and in situ measurements of ice and snow thickness, and freeboard at several sites in the fjord. The permanent presence of NPI personnel in Ny-Ă…lesund Research Station enables regular in situ fast-ice thickness measurements as long as the fast ice is accessible. Further, daily visits to the observatory on the mountain Zeppelinfjellet close to Ny-Ă…lesund, allow regular ice extent observations (weather, visibility, and daylight permitting). Data collected within this standardized monitoring programme have contributed to a number of studies. Monitoring of the sea-ice conditions in Kongsfjorden can be used to demonstrate and investigate phenomena related to climate change in the Arctic

    Symptoms of Arctic Amplification observed in Ny-Ă…lesund

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    Over the recent decades, temperature increase in the Arctic has been almost twice as large as the global average. This amplification of global warming is attributed to various feedback mechanisms present in the Arctic environment. Some processes are locally confined to the diminishing sea ice cover of the Arctic ocean, particularly the sea ice – albedo effect during polar day. Other amplifying processes related to the increasing open water surface of the Arctic ocean include e.g. the increasing heat flux from the ocean to the atmosphere. The resulting latent heat flux and augmenting evaporation contribute to an increasing atmospheric moisture content, which affects the longwave downward radiation directly or via changing cloud microphysics. Furthermore, atmospheric moisture and heat are more frequently advected from lower latitudes into the Arctic in relation to changes in the atmospheric circulation. During the dark period of polar night, the Arctic warming trend is not homogenously distributed over the polar cap, but occurs strongest at the surface in the Barents / Kara Seas and in the free troposphere of the Arctic North Atlantic sector. Thus, Svalbard is located in a key region of climate change. Observations from Ny-Ålesund at the west coast of the Svalbard archipelago show an annual temperature increase of 1.4 K per decade since the 1990s, with an average temperature that by now exceeds those observed during the early Arctic warming period in the 1920 to 1940s. The recent winter warming is even twice as high, and is accompanied by an increase in atmospheric moisture. Surface radiation observations in winter further indicate a change in cloudiness along with an increase in net longwave radiation. Although the winter warming is bottom-amplified, radiosonde observations show that the increasing temperature signal occurs over the entire troposphere. Indeed, part of the Svalbard winter warming is associated with enhanced warm and moist air advection in the free troposphere caused by increased cyclonic activity related to changes in atmospheric circulation patterns. The various processes contributing to Arctic amplification of climate warming link the local observations from Ny-Ålesund with processes occurring both in the Arctic and in the northern hemispheric mid-latitudes

    Nudging allows direct evaluation of coupled climate models with in situ observations: a case study from the MOSAiC expedition

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    Comparing the output of general circulation models to observations is essential for assessing and improving the quality of models. While numerical weather prediction models are routinely assessed against a large array of observations, comparing climate models and observations usually requires long time series to build robust statistics. Here, we show that by nudging the large-scale atmospheric circulation in coupled climate models, model output can be compared to local observations for individual days. We illustrate this for three climate models during a period in April 2020 when a warm air intrusion reached the MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) expedition in the central Arctic. Radiosondes, cloud remote sensing and surface flux observations from the MOSAiC expedition serve as reference observations. The climate models AWI-CM1/ECHAM and AWI-CM3/IFS miss the diurnal cycle of surface temperature in spring, likely because both models assume the snowpack on ice to have a uniform temperature. CAM6, a model that uses three layers to represent snow temperature, represents the diurnal cycle more realistically. During a cold and dry period with pervasive thin mixed-phase clouds, AWI-CM1/ECHAM only produces partial cloud cover and overestimates downwelling shortwave radiation at the surface. AWI-CM3/IFS produces a closed cloud cover but misses cloud liquid water. Our results show that nudging the large-scale circulation to the observed state allows a meaningful comparison of climate model output even to short-term observational campaigns. We suggest that nudging can simplify and accelerate the pathway from observations to climate model improvements and substantially extends the range of observations suitable for model evaluation

    Wildfire smoke, Arctic haze, and aerosol effects on mixed-phase and cirrus clouds over the North Pole region during MOSAiC: an introduction

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    An advanced multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar was operated aboard the icebreaker Polarstern during the MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) expedition to continuously monitor aerosol and cloud layers in the central Arctic up to 30gkm height. The expedition lasted from September 2019 to October 2020 and measurements were mostly taken between 85 and 88.5ggN. The lidar was integrated into a complex remote-sensing infrastructure aboard the Polarstern. In this article, novel lidar techniques, innovative concepts to study aerosol-cloud interaction in the Arctic, and unique MOSAiC findings will be presented. The highlight of the lidar measurements was the detection of a 10gkm deep wildfire smoke layer over the North Pole region between 7-8gkm and 17-18gkm height with an aerosol optical thickness (AOT) at 532gnm of around 0.1 (in October-November 2019) and 0.05 from December to March. The dual-wavelength Raman lidar technique allowed us to unambiguously identify smoke as the dominating aerosol type in the aerosol layer in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). An additional contribution to the 532gnm AOT by volcanic sulfate aerosol (Raikoke eruption) was estimated to always be lower than 15g%. The optical and microphysical properties of the UTLS smoke layer are presented in an accompanying paper . This smoke event offered the unique opportunity to study the influence of organic aerosol particles (serving as ice-nucleating particles, INPs) on cirrus formation in the upper troposphere. An example of a closure study is presented to explain our concept of investigating aerosol-cloud interaction in this field. The smoke particles were obviously able to control the evolution of the cirrus system and caused low ice crystal number concentration. After the discussion of two typical Arctic haze events, we present a case study of the evolution of a long-lasting mixed-phase cloud layer embedded in Arctic haze in the free troposphere. The recently introduced dual-field-of-view polarization lidar technique was applied, for the first time, to mixed-phase cloud observations in order to determine the microphysical properties of the water droplets. The mixed-phase cloud closure experiment (based on combined lidar and radar observations) indicated that the observed aerosol levels controlled the number concentrations of nucleated droplets and ice crystals
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