3,862 research outputs found

    Atributos relevantes no transporte de granéis agrícolas: preferência declarada pelos embarcadores

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    The objective of this study was to identify the relevant attributes of the services offered for the transporter, under the point of view of the shipper. The understanding of the preferences of the users of the transport services is important for the identification of the necessities and developments waited in the market. The relevant attributes had been raised under the bedding technician of the declared preference, in the form of ranking, using the method of confusing in the application of the cards to the shippers of grains in the state of the Paraná. The results had signaled for a significant concern with the fulfillment of contracts with customers and commitments in the ports and ships. As it could be evidenced, the shippers reflect the concern of the precariousness of the infrastructure, searching more guarantees of that the contracted service is fulfilled. As the attribute in the preference of the shippers was the performance consistency, that also has relation with these concerns, wanting to say that the given service must have a regular performance with small variance. These priorities of the shippers had guided in the elaboration of new strategies of act of contract of freights, looking for legalized rendering of service, with contractual relation.Transport demand, Logistics, Brazilian agribusiness, Stated preference, Agribusiness,

    Nas páginas dos periódicos: construção social e realidade do fenômeno morador de rua

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    O presente texto analisa a construção social do fenômeno morador de rua a partir da ótica da imprensa escrita, bem como tematiza os esteriótipos emergentes dessa construção. Em contrapartida, dá visibilidade da condição do morar na rua, a partir de um periódico elaborado por esses sujeitos – os moradores de ru

    Critérios pragmáticos da definição de near miss neonatal: um estudo comparativo

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to test the validity of the pragmatic criteria of the definitions of neonatal near miss, extending them throughout the infant period, and to estimate the indicators of perinatal care in public maternity hospitals. METHODS: A cohort of live births from six maternity hospitals in the municipalities of São Paulo, Niterói, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was carried out in 2011. We carried out interviews and checked prenatal cards and medical records. We compared the pragmatic criteria (birth weight, gestational age, and 5’ Apgar score) of the definitions of near miss of Pileggi et al., Pileggi-Castro et al., Souza et al., and Silva et al. We calculated sensitivity, specificity (gold standard: infant mortality), percentage of deaths among newborns with life-threatening conditions, and rates of near miss, mortality, and severe outcomes per 1,000 live births. RESULTS: A total 7,315 newborns were analyzed (completeness of information > 99%). The sensitivity of the definition of Pileggi-Castro et al. was higher, resulting in a higher number of cases of near miss, Souza et al. presented lower value, and Pileggi et al. and de Silva et al. presented intermediate values. There is an increase in sensitivity when the period goes from 0–6 to 0–27 days, and there is a decrease when it goes to 0–364 days. Specificities were high (≥ 97%) and above sensitivities (54% to 77%). One maternity hospital in São Paulo and one in Niterói presented, respectively, the lowest and highest rates of infant mortality, near miss, and frequency of births with life-threatening conditions, regardless of the definition. CONCLUSIONS: The definitions of near miss based exclusively on pragmatic criteria are valid and can be used for monitoring purposes. Based on the perinatal literature, the cutoff points adopted by Silva et al. were more appropriate. Periodic studies could apply a more complete definition, incorporating clinical, laboratory, and management criteria, including congenital anomalies predictive of infant mortality.OBJETIVO: Testar a validade dos critérios pragmáticos de definições de near miss neonatal, estendendo-as para todo o período infantil, e estimar indicadores de assistência perinatal em maternidades públicas. MÉTODOS: Constituiu-se uma coorte de nascidos vivos de seis maternidades dos municípios de São Paulo, Niterói e Rio de Janeiro em 2011. Foram realizadas entrevistas e consultas aos cartões de pré-natal e prontuários. Critérios pragmáticos (peso ao nascer, idade gestacional e escore de Apgar 5’) das definições de near miss de Pileggi et al., Pileggi-Castro et al., Souza et al. e Silva et al. foram comparados. Foram calculados sensibilidade, especificidade (padrão-ouro: óbito infantil), percentual de óbitos entre recém-nascidos com ameaça à vida e taxas de near miss, mortalidade e desfechos graves por 1.000 nascidos vivos. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 7.315 recém-nascidos (completude das informações > 99%). A sensibilidade da definição de Pileggi-Castro et al. foi maior, resultando em um maior número de casos de near miss; a de Souza et al. apresentou menor valor, e as de Pileggi et al. e de Silva et al. apresentaram valores intermediários. Há um aumento da sensibilidade quando se estende o período de 0–6 para 0–27 dias, e um declínio quando se amplia para 0–364 dias. Especificidades foram elevadas (≥ 97%) e superiores às sensibilidades (54% a 77%). Uma maternidade de São Paulo e outra de Niterói apresentaram, respectivamente, as menores e as maiores: taxas de mortalidade infantil, near miss, e frequência de nascimentos em situação de ameaça à vida, independentemente da definição. CONCLUSÕES: As definições de near miss baseadas exclusivamente em critérios pragmáticos são válidas e podem ser utilizadas para fins de monitoramento. Com base na literatura perinatal, os pontos de corte adotados por Silva et al. foram mais adequados. Estudos periódicos poderiam aplicar uma definição mais completa, com incorporação de critérios clínicos, laboratoriais e de manejo, incluindo as anomalias congênitas preditoras do óbito infantil

    Quality of life in patients with stable coronary artery disease submitted to percutaneous, surgical, and medical therapies : a cohort study

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    Background: Clinical, surgical, and percutaneous strategies similarly prevent major cardiovascular events in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). The possibility that these strategies have differential effects on healthrelated quality of life (HRQoL) has been debated, particularly in patients treated outside clinical trials. Methods: We assigned 454 patients diagnosed with CAD during an elective diagnostic coronary angiography to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), or optimal medical treatment (OMT), and followed them for an average of 5.2 ± 1.5 years. HRQoL was assessed using a validated Brazilian version of the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey questionnaire. The association between therapeutic strategies and quality of life scores was tested using variance analysis and adjusted for confounders in a general linear model. Results: There were no differences in the mental component summary scores in the follow-up evaluation by therapeutic strategies: 51.4, 53.7, and 52.3 for OMT, PCI, and CABG, respectively. Physical component summary scores were higher in the PCI group than the CABG and OMT groups (46.4 vs. 42.9 and 43.8, respectively); however, these differences were no longer different after adjustment for confounding variables. Conclusion: In a long-term follow-up of patients with stable CAD, HRQoL did not differ in patients treated by medical, percutaneous, or surgical treatments

    Validity of corneal topography in refractive surgery with excimer laser

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the refractive results and safety of PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) based on the preoperative corneal topography. METHODS: 44 operated eyes, using the photorefractive keratectomy process, and which presented preoperative topographical abnormalities. The control group consisted of 44 eyes with preoperative normal corneal topography. Eighty-eight eyes were submitted to the photorefractive keratectomy process using the Summit Apex plus Excimer Laser. Corneal topographies were accessed by the EyeSys Analysis system; the topographic abnormalities which were considered are the following: apex displacement above 1.5D (AD), asphericity above 0.25D/mm (AS), obliquity above 15 degrees (OB), inferior-superior asymmetry equal to or more than 1.5D (IS), curvature above 47D (CU) and two combined features (CB). Main measured outcome: loss of one or more lines were safety defined for the prognosis. RESULTS: All patients were followed up during 6 months. A significant loss of BCVA occurred in PRK-AD (p<0.001) and PRK-CO (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: These data suggest that patients, who wish to be submitted to the refractive surgery must undergo preoperative corneal topography analysis and if any topographic abnormality is found in these patients, this can indicate the loss of lines of corrected vision after surgery.OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados refracionais e a segurança do procedimento cirúrgico PRK (ceratectomia fotorrefrativa) com base na topografia de córnea no pré-operatório. MÉTODOS: Participantes - 44 sujeitos que tinham realizado cirurgia refrativa, com o procedimento ceratectomia fotorrefrativa, os quais apresentaram topografias irregulares pré-operatórias. O grupo controle consistiu de 44 sujeitos com topografia regular pré-operatória. Os 88 olhos foram submetidos a ceratectomia fotorrefrativa utilizando-se o Summit Apex plus Excimer Laser. As topografias irregulares e regulares foram obtidas pelo Corneal Analysis System(EyeSys), sendo consideradas como topografias irregulares os seguintes achados: ápice deslocado acima de 1,5 D (AD), asfericidade maior que 0,25 D/mm (AS), obliquidade maior que 15 graus (OB), assimetria inferior-superior igual ou maior que 1,5 D (IS), curvatura maior que 47 D (CU) e combinação de 2 critérios (CB). Principal efeito medido: perda de uma ou mais linhas que foram definidas com segurança para o prognóstico. RESULTADOS: Todos os pacientes foram acompanhados por 6 meses. Verificou-se perda significativa de acuidade visual corrigida em pacientes submetidos ao procedimento PRK-AD (p< 0,001), PRK-CO (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo sugere que pacientes que desejam ser submetidos a cirurgia refrativa devem realizar a topografia de córnea pré-operatória e que, se encontradas irregularidades topográficas nestes pacientes, isto pode indicar a perda de linha de visão corrigida pós-operatória.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de OftalmologiaUniversidade de Mogi das Cruzes Departamento de Oftalmologia Setor de Córnea e Doenças externasUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de OftalmologiaSciEL

    Assistência pré-natal às gestantes com diagnóstico de sífilis segundo os enfermeiros da atenção primária à saúde

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    Objective: to analyze how prenatal care to pregnant women diagnosed with syphilis is provided by nurses working in primary health care, in a health region of the interior of the State of São Paulo. Method: non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive correlational research with a quantitative approach. Results: it was possible to observe that 29.6% of nurses reported not performing subsequent prenatal consultations, and also an important association where most nurses who performed the subsequent consultations based their care on municipal protocol (P=0.000). Among the results, 30.4% of nurses did not prescribe benzylpenicillin benzathine for pregnant women who were reagent to syphilis, and 22.7% did not administer it without the presence of a physician in the unit. Another result that deserves attention is the prescription of a single treatment protocol for pregnant women regardless of the stage of syphilis. Conclusion: There are gaps between the protocols for the care of pregnant women diagnosed with syphilis and the care provided by nurses in primary health care. It is expected that the actions evidenced in this study will promote improvements in the practice of nurses and that they will contribute to reaching the goal recommended by the World Health Organization for congenital syphilis in Brazil.Objetivo: analisar como ocorre a assistência pré-natal às gestantes com diagnóstico de sífilis pelos enfermeiros que atuam na atenção primária à saúde, em uma regional de saúde do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Método: pesquisa de delineamento não experimental, transversal, do tipo correlacional descritiva e de abordagem quantitativa. Resultados: foi possível observar que 29,6% dos enfermeiros referiram não realizar consultas subsequentes de pré-natal, e ainda uma associação importante onde a maioria dos enfermeiros que realizaram as consultas subsequentes baseava sua assistência em protocolo municipal (P=0,000). Destaca-se entre os resultados que 30,4% dos enfermeiros não cumpriram a prescrição de benzilpenicilina benzatina para as gestantes reagentes à sífilis e 22,7% não administraram a mesma sem a presença do médico na unidade. Outro resultado que merece atenção, é a prescrição de protocolo único de tratamento para gestantes independentemente do estágio da sífilis. Conclusão: Há lacunas entre os protocolos para a assistência às gestantes com diagnóstico de sífilis e a assistência prestada pelos enfermeiros da atenção primária à saúde. Espera-se que as ações evidenciadas neste estudo promovam melhorias para a prática dos enfermeiros e que contribua para atingir no Brasil a meta preconizada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde para a sífilis congênita

    Effectiveness of clinical, surgical and percutaneous treatment to prevent cardiovascular events in patients referred for elective coronary angiography: an observational study

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    Purpose: To ascertain the most appropriate treatment for chronic, stable, coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients submitted to elective coronary angiography. Patients and Methods: A total of 814 patients included in the prospective cohort study were referred for elective coronary angiography and were followed up on average for 6±1.9 years. Main outcomes were all-cause death, cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke and late revascularization and their combinations as major adverse cardiac and cerebral events (MACCE): MACCE-1 included cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, and stroke; MACCE-2 was MACCE-1 plus late revascularization. Survival curves and adjusted Cox proportional hazard models were used to explore the association between the type of treatment and outcomes. Results: All-cause death was lower in participants submitted to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (0.41, 0.16–1.03, P=0.057) compared to medical treatment (MT). Coronary-artery bypass grafting (CABG) had an overall trend for poorer outcomes: cardiovascular death 2.53 (0.42–15.10), combined cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, and stroke 2.15 (0.73–6.31) and these events plus late revascularization (2.17, 0.86–5.49). The corresponding numbers for PCI were 0.27 (0.05–1.43) for cardiovascular death, 0.77 (0.32–1.84) for combined cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, and stroke and 2.35 (1.16–4.77) with the addition of late revascularization. These trends were not influenced by baseline blood pressure, left ventricular ejection fraction and previous MI. Patients with diabetes mellitus had a significantly higher risk of recurrent revascularization when submitted to PCI than CABG. Conclusion: Patients with confirmed CAD in elective coronary angiography do not have a better prognosis when submitted to CABG comparatively to medical treatment. Patients treated with PCI had a trend for the lower incidence of combined cardiovascular events, at the expense of additional revascularization procedures. Patients without significant CAD had a similar prognosis than CAD patients treated with medical therapy
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