3,797 research outputs found

    Magnification bias in the shear-ratio test: a viable mitigation strategy

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    Using the same lens galaxies, the ratios of tangential shears for different source galaxy redshifts is equal to the ratios of their corresponding angular-diameter distances. This is the so-called shear-ratio test (SRT) and it is valid when effects induced by the intervening large-scale structure (LSS) can be neglected. The dominant LSS effect is magnification bias which, on the one hand, induces an additional shear, and on the other hand, causes a magnification of the lens population. Our objective is to quantify the magnification bias for the SRT and show an easy-to-apply mitigation strategy that does not rely on additional observations. We use ray-tracing data through the Millennium simulation to measure the influence of magnification on the SRT and test our mitigation strategy. Using the SRT as a null-test we find deviations from zero up to 10%10 \% for a flux-limited sample of lens galaxies, which is a strong function of lens redshift and the lens-source line-of-sight separation. Using our mitigation strategy we can improve the null-test by a factor of  ⁣100\sim \!100.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Combining the characteristics of sustainability, frugal innovations and washing machines in the industrial nations – A literature-based analysis of the common features for future sustainable developments

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    Sustainability is an internationally discussed topic in the development of products and services. Frugal innovations aim to conserve resources in the manufacture and use of such products and services. It can therefore be assumed that the areas of sustainability and frugal innovation overlap. This work is intended to show the connection between sustainability, frugal innovations and household appliances in the form of washing machines in industrialized countries. For the analysis, the characteristics of frugal innovations are compared with the requirements of washing machines in industrial nations and then the parallels to the social development goals (SDG) are determined as characteristics for sustainability. The existing literature will be reviewed for evaluation. The aim of the work is to show the connection and give an indication of the sustainable development of an everyday product as a frugal innovation in the industrialized countries

    Copyright Implications Attendant upon the Use of Home Videotape Recorders

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    Copyright is the Cinderella of the law. Her rich older sisters, Franchises and Patents, long crowded her into the chimney-comer. Suddenly, the fairy godmother, Invention, endowed her with mechanical and electrical devices as magical as the pumpkin coach and the mice footmen. Now she whirls through the mad mazes of a glamorous ball

    Barring Slayers\u27 Acquisition of Property Rights in Virginia: A Proposed Statute

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    The above passage by Justice Benjamin Cardozo clearly reflects the age-old maxim of the common law, Nullus commodurn caperepotest de injuria sua propria, which expounds the philosophy that no individual shall profit from his own wrong. The present Virginia statute concerning homicide and succession to property was enacted by the legislature to reflect this common law policy. However, because of the very narrow scope of the statute and the requirement that it be strictly construed, it is presently inadequate to respond to many of the issues facing our judges in Virginia. Section 64.1-18 of the Virginia Code states that no convicted murderer shall be allowed to acquire any interest in the estate of the person he murders either by descent or distribution or by will, nor shall he be allowed to receive any payment on a life insurance policy covering the victim\u27s life

    Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior to Purchase Sustainable Cosmetic Products in a German Context

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    In today's markets, corporate social responsibility is a new consumer expectation. Organizations across all industries are trying to meet these expectations by building a positive reputation and sending a signal to their stakeholders. However, consumers’ environmental behavior is not always the result of their positive attitudes towards environmental issues. Potentially, their environmentally friendly attitudes are contradicted by their actual behavior. This means that people, who have positive attitudes about sustainable products and state that they would purchase them, may not actually buy them after all. In addition, consumers often do not wish to spend more money on buying sustainably, even if they have higher expectations towards sustainable products or companies. Further research is therefore needed to explain the gap between consumer awareness and actual purchasing behavior. In several contexts, environmentally friendly consumption, called sustainable consumption, has been explained by the theory of planned behavior (TPB), such as when buying food or apparel. Sustainable consumption often results from planned decisions rather than hedonic reasons.        &nbsp

    A New Treatment for Aphasia? Borrowing from the Field of Foreign Language Learning

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    This is a report of a new type of aphasia treatment using a single subject design. The treatment was based on the principles of TPR (Total Physical Response), an innovative method for teaching language, whose main principle is that language is best learned when paired with movement and gesture. The underlying principle of TPR for aphasia treatment lies in the recruitment of the right hemisphere to help in language reorganization. We present a subject with severe fluent aphasia, 2 years post-stroke with no prior treatment, and report on his progress during TPR-based therapy

    Rehabilitation der chinoloninduzierten Tendinopathie der Achillessehne

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    Copyright 2018 ThiemeHintergrund: Der Einsatz von Antibiotika gehört zum medizinischen Alltag. Ein dabei häufig eingesetzter Wirkstoff ist die Gruppe der Chinolone. Physiotherapeutisch relevant sind deren muskuloskeletale Nebenwirkungen, insbesondere auf das Sehnengewebe. Meist sind die Achillessehnen durch Tendinopathien oder Rupturen betroffen. Es besteht ein Mangel an Literatur bezüglich der Pathophysiologie als auch der Rehabilitation dieser klinischen Muster. Ziel: Diese Fallstudie evaluierte die Anwendung eines exzentrischen Trainingsprotokolls bei chinoloninduzierter Tendinopathie der Achillessehne. Methode: Die physiotherapeutische Rehabilitation einer 48-jährigen Frau mit unilateraler Tendinopathie der Achillessehne unter Einnahme des Antibiotikums Ciprofloxacin nach Lungentransplantation wird beschrieben. Dabei wurde ein kriterienbasierter Ansatz mit ausschließlich Hands-off-Therapie unter Einsatz eines exzentrischen Belastbarkeitsaufbaus der Achillessehne angewendet. Ergebnisse: Nach 9 Einzeltherapien fanden sich Verbesserungen beim 1-Minute-Sitz-Stand-Test, der Range of Motion bei Dorsalextension des oberen Sprunggelenks rechts, beidseitige Kraft von Knieextensoren und -flexoren, Dorsalextensoren und Plantarflexoren des oberen Sprunggelenks, beim VISA-A-Fragebogen sowie bei Schmerz und Partizipation. Schlussfolgerungen: Bei chinoloninduzierter Tendinopathie der Achillessehne ist ein exzentrisch betontes Trainingsprotokoll durchführbar und wirksam, wobei die zahlreichen Komorbiditäten der primär betroffenen Population zu beachten sind. Da Physiotherapeuten aufgrund der demografischen Entwicklung zunehmend mit hochkomplexen Fällen konfrontiert werden, ist es für sie wichtig, die unerwünschten Wirkungen von Medikamenten zu kennen

    Let\u27s Cure Cancer!

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    From ancient Egypt to modern times, scientists have been learning new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer. In this book, you’ll learn about cancer and how veterinarians, veterinary technicians, physicians, and other scientists are working together to find a cure for cancer in people and their pets.https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/vetbooks/1003/thumbnail.jp