5,930 research outputs found

    Bryophytes of Rio Branco Municipality, Acre, Brazil

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    A survey of the bryophyte flora of Rio Branco Municipality, State of Acre, Brazil, has revealed a total of 76 species of bryophyte; 66 are new records for the State of Acre and two hepaticas, Cololejeunea dzumacensis P. Tix. and Lejeunea bermudiana (Evs.) Schust., are new records for Brazil. The Anthocerotae are represented only by Notothylas vitalii Udar & Singh

    Bryophytes from restinga in Setiba State Park, Espírito Santo State, Brazil

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    A total of 34 bryophyte species were identified (25 hepatics, 9 mosses) from restinga at Setiba State Park, Guarapari Municipality, Espírito Santo State, Brazil. Several species reported previously from restinga appear to be erroneous records, based on misidentification

    A utilização de jogos on-line no ensino de matemática aos alunos do CEEBJA

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O presente trabalho relata algumas experiências com metodologias diferenciadas, com ênfase na utilização de jogos on-line em aulas aplicadas aos alunos do centro estadual de Educação Básica para Jovens e Adultos-CEEBJA pelos bolsistas do Subprojeto Tecnologias e formação de professores para o ensino de Matemática. O referido projeto conta atualmente com quinze bolsistas e está sendo desenvolvido em três escolas da rede pública, situadas na cidade de União da Vitória-Paraná. As atividades descritas abaixo foram desenvolvidas em várias aulas durante o ano letivo de 2014 onde os bolsistas colheram diversos dados para o seu desenvolvimento como futuros educadore

    Paradoxality of constitutionalization to right to health.

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    The health constitutionalization is directly related to the democratization process in Latin America starting from the 80s. In the following decades we lived, as stated by Bobbio, an era of rights 1, where most of the social demands became social rights. However, we still lack the right to be entitled to such effected rights

    From frankenstein to matrix: cultural perceptions of cyborgs

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente.Este trabalho lida com o gênero literário de ficção científica. Combinando os princípios da "Cultural Criticism" e "Reader-Response Criticism," ele discute e interpreta duas narrativas ocidentais: Frankenstein de Mary Shelley e Matrix dos irmãos Wachowski. O trabalho se preocupa com dois aspectos relevantes: (1) a cultura Ocidental esmagando dependência na ciência e tecnologia e (2) o papel das narrativas como um instrumento de ambos apoio e mudança em relação aos valores e verdades propostas pelo discurso dominante ou cultura paradigmática

    Working memory and writing : a comparison of two types of dynamic assessment of working memory and the relationship to writing ability of heterogeneously grouped seventh grade students

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    This study investigated the relationship of working memory under two types of dynamic assessment methods to the writing abilities of middle school-aged students. The Testof Written Language-Third Edition, Forms A and B (TOWL-3)was administered to heterogeneously grouped, seventh-grade students as pre-and post-test measures of writing. TheSwanson\u27s Cognitive Processing Test (S-CPT) was administered as an intervening measure of working memory using two types of dynamic assessment approaches, graduated prompting (GP)and mediated learning experience (MLE).Working memory is defined as the mechanism by which individuals store and retrieve information needed to perform a particular task and is highly correlated with achievement.Moreover, working memory is hypothesized to underlie the writing process, specifically those processes related to text generation.The results of this study indicate that there was no treatment effect of enhanced working.memory with participants who were administered the S-CPT under either dynamic assessment approach, GP or MLE. However, there was a statistically significant treatment effect for transfer on writing achievement. Students who were administered the SCPT under MLE assessment attained significantly higher positive writing scores than students who were administered the S-CPTunder GP conditions. Calculation of effect size indicated a medium magnitude of effectiveness of the intervention for post-writing scores. Additional results of this study indicated that pre-writing scores were the best predictors of post-writing scores, followed by gain semantic working memory, and MLE treatment. This study has implications for both psychologists and educators who work with students inmulti-ability heterogeneously grouped classes

    The Role of Morphosyntactic Awareness in Conventional Lexical Segmentation

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    A partir do estágio alfabético de aquisição da escrita o aprendiz precisa enfrentar questões relativas à ortografia, entre elas a segmentação do escrito em palavras gráficas. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a segmentação convencional de palavras e sua relação com a consciência morfossintática em uma amostra de alunos de 4º e 5º anos do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas. Os resultados revelaram uma discrepância entre a identificação oral de palavras e o desempenho na segmentação da escrita, sendo três os critérios utilizados pelos alunos para definição de “palavra”: 1º) sentido pleno; 2º) sequência de letras e não apenas uma ou duas; 3º) frequência de utilização do vocábulo. Análises estatísticas mostraram correlações positivas e significativas entre segmentação convencional e consciência morfossintática. Infere-se que as habilidades morfossintáticas favorecem o estabelecimento da noção convencional de palavra e sugere-se que os professores promovam o desenvolvimento dessas habilidades para garantir aos alunos maior domínio na linguagem escrita.Desde la etapa alfabética de adquisición de la escritura, el aprendiz necesita enfrentar cuestiones relativas a la ortografía, entre ellas la segmentación de la escritura en palabras gráficas. Se investigó la segmentación convencional de palabras y su relación con la consciencia morfosintáctica en una muestra de alumnos de 4º y 5º año de la enseñanza primaria de escuelas públicas. Los resultados revelaron discrepancia entre la identificación oral de palabras y el desempeño en la segmentación de la escritura. Los alumnos utilizaron tres criterios para la definición de “palabra”: 1º) sentido pleno; 2º) secuencia de letras, no sólo una o dos; 3º) frecuencia de utilización del vocablo. Análisis estadísticos mostraron correlaciones positivas y significativas entre segmentación convencional y conciencia morfosintáctica. Se infiere que las habilidades morfosintácticas favorecen la noción convencional de palabra y se sugiere que los profesores promuevan el desarrollo de esas habilidades, garantizando mayor dominio del lenguaje escrito.Starting with the alphabetic stage of writing acquisition, the learner struggles with issues related to spelling, including the segmentation of writing in graphic words. This study examined the conventional segmentation of words and its relation to morphosyntactic awareness in a sample of students in the 4th and 5th years of elementary education in public schools. Results reveal a discrepancy between the oral identification of words and performance in the segmentation of writing, with three criteria being used by students to define “word”: (1st) full meaning; (2nd) sequence of letters, not only one or two; (3rd) frequency of word use. Statistical analyses revealed significant positive correlations between conventional segmentation and morphosyntactic awareness. It is inferred that morphosyntactic skills support the establishment of the conventional notion of the word, and it is suggested that teachers promote the development of these skills, in order to ensure a greater command of the written language

    Análise comparativa da visualização de limas de fino calibre, usando a radiografia digital e a convencional

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    The present work was designed to carry out a comparative analysis of the visualization of small files using digital and conventional radiographs. Forty maxillary molars inserted in human skulls were used; Maillefer K-files #06, #08, #10 and #15 were inserted in the mesiobuccal canals and measured at 0.5mm beyond and 1.5mm before the tip with 0.5-mm intervals, in order to allow five professionals to observe whether the files were at the limit, before or beyond the foramen when visualized on conventional radiographs taken on Insight Kodak film (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY, USA) and with the RVG digital system (Trophy). Based on the results obtained, the conclusions were: with the two systems it was possible to visualize #06 K-files in nearly 60% of the evaluated cases; for the others, #08, #10 and #15 K-files, visualization was higher with both radiographic systems, achieving 82% of correct visualization for #15 K-files with the conventional system. The differences between the results of the two systems studied - conventional (Insight film, Kodak F-speed) and last generation digital (RVG - Trophy) radiographs - were not statistically significant according to the Student's t test.OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a visualização de limas de fino calibre usando as radiografias digital e convencional. MATERIAL-MÉTODO: Para tal, foram utilizados quarenta dentes molares superiores inseridos em alvéolos de crânio seco, com limas Maillefer tipo K de calibre #06, #08, #10 e #15, em canais mésio-vestibulares, mensurados de 0,5 mm além ápice a 1,5 mm aquém do ápice com intervalos de 0,5 mm, de forma que cinco avaliadores pudessem observar se as limas estavam no limite, aquém ou além do forame em radiografias convencionais com filme Insight Kodak (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY, USA) e sistema digital RVG (Trophy). CONCLUSÃO: Diante dos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que nos dois sistemas foi possível visualizar as limas #06 em cerca de 60% dos casos avaliados, para as demais limas - #08, #10 e #15-, a visualização foi superior em ambos os sistemas radiográficos, chegando a 82% de acertos para as limas #15 no sistema convencional. As diferenças entre os resultados dos dois sistemas estudados - radiográfico convencional (filme Insight, F speed) e digital (RVG - Trophy) de última geração - não foram estatisticamente significativas, segundo o teste t-Student

    Prácticas organizativas en las escuelas públicas de alto rendimiento en Brasil

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    This research aimed to point out and analyse the organizational practices of the principals in high performance public schools in Brazil, considering the Basic Education Development Index. A multiple case study was conducted in six schools in Volta Redonda, municipality of Rio de Janeiro, in a longitudinal research. It was concluded that in these schools the principals have worked in the same school for more than 20 years, and whose work is recognized by the community that elected him to the position. Principals act to ensure the best results for the students while assuming the responsibility for making critical management decisions. The principals are fully active in the management teams and encourage the participation of parents. The principal of the studied high performance schools unequivocally show that their focus is on the students and their learning, by following up academically all students and offering individualized attention to those with learning difficulties. Finally, it was found that in all the school units, there is a relationship of partnership, respect and cooperation with teachers. The results showed that the involvement and commitment of the school administrators is fundamental for high performance in learning and for the continuous improvement of school performanceEsta investigación busca identificar y analizar las prácticas organizativas de los directores de escuelas públicas de alto rendimiento en Brasil, considerando el Índice de Desarrollo de la Educación Básica. Se realizó un estudio de caso múltiple en seis escuelas en Volta Redonda (Río de Janeiro) en una investigación longitudinal. Se concluyó que en estas escuelas los directores han trabajado en la misma escuela más de 20 años, y su trabajo es reconocido por la comunidad. El director actúa para garantizar los mejores resultados para los estudiantes mientras asume la responsabilidad de la toma de decisiones de gestión críticas. Los directores participan activamente en los equipos de gestión y fomentan la participación de las familias. Los directores de las escuelas de alto rendimiento estudiadas muestran que se centran en los estudiantes y en su aprendizaje al realizar un seguimiento académico de todos los estudiantes y ofrecer atención individualizada a aquellos con dificultades de aprendizaje. En todas las escuelas existe una relación de respeto y cooperación con los maestros. Los resultados mostraron que la participación y el compromiso de los administradores de la escuela es fundamental para el alto rendimiento en el aprendizaje y para la mejora continua del rendimiento escola