2,230 research outputs found

    Liderazgo empresarial

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    Este documento se enfocará, en mostrar los efectos de la influencia que ejerce un líder en la toma de decisiones gerenciales, respecto al tema específico de la generación de alternativas de riqueza para la organización. También determinará, como lograr influir en los colaboradores comunes y conseguir colaboradores de alto rendimiento, que generen mayor eficacia y eficiencia en las empresas y las lleven al éxito sostenible

    Una propuesta para la superación de sesgos en el razonamiento probabilístico

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    tema en el contexto educativo colombiano, llevan a que dos profesores de matemáticas de educación básica y media, se den a la tarea de diseñar y desarrollar una propuesta para la superación de sesgos en el razonamiento probabilístico de sus estudiantes. De esta manera, en el marco de la investigación-acción, se recoge la experiencia y reflexión de tres implementaciones de aula consecutivas: La primera con estudiantes de grado décimo, cuyo énfasis estuvo dado en el enfoque clásico de probabilidad, que llevó a que los estudiantes no tuvieran cambios significativos en sus argumentaciones respecto a los fenómenos de probabilidad; la segunda con estudiantes de grado séptimo, donde el enfoque fue netamente experimental, convirtiéndose en un obstáculo para desarrollar procesos de institucionalización del saber, que permitieran a los estudiantes formalizar algunos conceptos. Las reflexiones suscintas a esta experiencia llevaron al desarrollo de una tercera, también con estudiantes de grado séptimo, pero en otra institución, donde se construyó de manera conjunta y horizontal con los estudiantes una situación problema abierta a los dos enfoques de probabilidad (clásico y experimental) que permitió desarrollar las actividades de acuerdo al avance de cada grupo en el proceso de resolución. De ésta manera se contribuyó en forma significativa a la superación de sesgos probabilísticos, y se consolidó para nosotros un instrumento modelo para la enseñanza de las matemáticas

    Dialect formation in fragmented populations of the endangered North Island kokako (Callaeas wilsoni)

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    The role of behavioural ecology in the conservation of species and biodiversity remains poorly understood. Observational and experimental studies of bird song, using a biogeographic approach, provide an opportunity to address this issue. Here I test hypotheses on the emergence and divergence of song cultures related to historical as well as more recent population fragmentation events. The North Island kōkako (Callaeas wilsoni) is a duetting songbird endemic to New Zealand that was once widespread but, due to habitat loss and introduced predators, has become endangered. These birds are sedentary and monogamous with poor flying abilities. Therefore, all of the c. 1500 surviving individuals are marooned in 13 scattered surviving populations and 11 translocated populations. The historical fragmentation of populations, the kōkako’s territorial nature and capacity to learn songs, and the establishment of new populations through translocation make this species a good candidate for studies on the emergence of song cultures, social divergence and landscape effects on conservation from a behavioural perspective. Song sharing and comparisons of acoustic characteristics were used to reconstruct associations of song traditions and acoustic traits at both macrogeographic and microgeographic levels in the six largest surviving populations of kōkako (Chapter 2 and 3). Distinct song cultures or dialects were discovered in all populations examined. However, patterns of vocal similarity observed were not correlated with historical fragmentation patterns or linear geographical distance (Chapter 2). Instead, rapid vocal drift following fragmentation and isolation as well as founder effects linked to population contraction may explain current macrogeographic song variation (Chapter 3). Nevertheless, a fragmentation effect on song similarity, generating song repertoire divergence, was observed at a microgeographic scale within discontinuous populations (Chapter 2). In addition, juvenile dispersal across portions of tenuously connected habitat, which have strikingly different song cultures, suggests that kōkako learn songs after dispersal (Chapter 2). Post-dispersal learning may explain the lack of consistency between dialect membership and genetic relatedness among surviving populations. Dialect formation may occur as different cultural trajectories are forged by fragmentation and isolation; subsequent song convergence may then occur due to social selection or chance events. The effects of population size on song attributes, repertoires and sharing, vocal versatility and syntactical structure were examined within the six largest natural populations, as well as two translocated populations of kōkako (Chapter 3). Repertoire size, song diversity and the predictability of syntactical structure were positively correlated with population size. Song traditions and the rate of cultural evolution may depend on social interaction and population size, as the neutral model of song microevolution predicts. Smaller populations of kōkako, with reduced social stability under relaxed selection pressures, may resemble small colonizing groups undergoing founder effects and vocal drift leading to loose syntax, consistent with the ‘withdrawal of learning’ hypothesis. Furthermore, social modulation of vocal behaviour and song traditions are discussed in the context of reproductive success and adaptation to differing social conditions as in the case of translocation events (Chapter 3). Recently isolated translocated populations exhibit remarkable acoustic divergence and reduced song sharing with the corresponding source population (Chapter 4). Translocated populations showed relatively low song diversity and increased song sharing as well as acoustically distinct song features. To investigate how meaningful this vocal divergence was for individuals in source and translocated populations, a reciprocal playback experiment was performed to examine vocal and approach responses to simulated local and non-local intruders. Responses to simulated intruders differed among populations but there was little evidence of discrimination based on stimulus type. The degree of song divergence (i.e., repertoire and acoustic features) and vocal response to playback relative to the source population was greater in an older translocated population than a more recently translocated population (Chapter 4). Consistent with the consequences of founder effects and vocal drift, these results demonstrate that kōkako populations vocally diverge in isolation following the establishment of a population with a vocal subset and subsequently a different cultural trajectory (in accordance with the ‘withdrawal of learning’ hypothesis). Cultural erosion in small translocated populations may affect their viability as reduced vocal virtuosity can be associated with a reduced capacity for territory defense and mate attraction, and consequently low reproductive success. Song divergence can ultimately have important implications for our understanding of the evolution of animal societies and our ability to conserve animal populations

    Catalytic Applications of Metal-Organic Frameworks

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    In recent years, metal organic frameworks (MOF) have received considerable interest due to their physicochemical properties, such as structures’ flexibility, high surface area, tunable pore size, and topologies, among others, which have lead to promising applications, particularly in the area of catalysis. In this chapter, we present the most important results of research conducted with MOF in catalytic applications; mainly in the design of its structure, synthesis, characterization, and possible limitations

    Perfil gerencial de los directivos del sector financiero en tiempos del teletrabajo durante la crisis del covid-19 en la ciudad de Chiclayo

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    La crisis del Covid-19 significó un reto para todo el sector empresarial peruano, el sistema financiero no fue ajeno a esta realidad y como la mayoría de las empresas con el afán de cuidar a sus trabajadores inició en la medida de lo posible la migración de sus colaboradores al teletrabajo. Este modelo demandó un cambio en los procedimientos y organización de la empresa y también en el perfil de sus directivos. Este trabajo de investigación busca: Definir el perfil gerencial de los directivos del sector financiero en tiempos de teletrabajo durante la crisis del Covid-19 en la ciudad de Chiclayo. Para llevar a cabo esta labor, siguiendo un enfoque cualitativo, se contactó con 10 directivos de distintas instituciones financieras de la ciudad de Chiclayo a quienes se les realizó una entrevista a profundidad para conocer su experiencia teletrabajando con el fin de encontrar puntos de coincidencia que ayuden a definir el nuevo perfil requerido. Este nuevo perfil incluye mayores conocimientos tecnológicos, un mayor uso de habilidades blandas como, efectividad interpersonal, empatía y acompañamiento; y una nueva actitud, en la que se destaca el optimismo y la confianza mutua. Por lo tanto, se puede inferir que el teletrabajo en empresas del sistema financiero demanda de los directivos un nuevo perfil gerencial, que se adapte a los nuevos retos que garantice el cumplimiento de los objetivos comerciales y de consolidación del equipo de trabajo. Palabra

    Apuntes sobre la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia de España

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    The establishment of a National Commission of Markets and Competition Law (CNMC) by statute 3/2013 aims to ensure fair competition and to regulate all economic activities in the Spanish markets and, by this means, to protect consumers. In order to understand the Commission’s nature, this paper examines the emergence of independent authorities in Spain, as well as the existing trend to design competition and regulatory bodies under identical standards. Although the eu Court of Justices refer to the complementary nature and role of Competition Law as a safety net, the integration in a single entity like the CNMC can ensure legal certainty, investment and an appropriate regulatory framework for Spain.La creación de la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia mediante la Ley 3/2013, cuyo objeto es el de garantizar la libre competencia y regular todos los mercados y sectores productivos de la economía española para proteger a los consumidores, requiere de un análisis detallado desde el surgimiento de las Autoridades Independientes y el concepto de regulación y la incorporación de dichas autoridades en el ordenamiento español, haciendo especial énfasis en las Comisiones Reguladoras de los Servicios de Red. Se analiza además la revisión del modelo comparado y la tendencia de unificar organismos de igual naturaleza regulatoria o de competencia, así como los fallos proferidos por parte del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea sobre el carácter complementario y el papel que cumple el derecho de la competencia como red de seguridad

    Agave pulquero (Agave salmiana), socio-economic and agro-ecological importance and its development perspectives: a literature review

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    Artículo científicoHistorically, the agave pulquero (Agave spp.) has played an important ecological, economic, social, and cultural role in Mexico. Based on a systematic exploratory review of 125 scientific documents, four areas of knowledge associated with the study of agave pulquero were identified: i) biochemistry (46,4%), ii) socioeconomics (20%), iii) cultural studies (11,2%), and iv) agroecology (22,4%). Research converges on the need to value and preserve agaves since they can play an important role in rural development actions and the life quality of future societies, depending on the diversity of food, industrial, agro-ecological and cultural uses they provide. However, there is a fragmentary construction of the research problems that prevent a comprehensive vision of the producing territories as subjects of development. It is concluded that it is necessary to generate interdisciplinary perspectives for the valorization of the agave pulquero as an asset of rural development, based on inclusive innovation strategies, adapted to the specific needs of producers and consumers.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Análisis por condición de servicio causado por vibración vertical inducida por peatones en estructuras

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    Civil engineering structures such as grandstands, slabs, footbridges and staircases have reported unacceptable vertical vibration when they are affected by human activities. Even when most of these structures are designed according to current guidelines and design codes, there are still misunderstandings in the human-structure interaction effects that, in some cases, may increase the vibration response compromising the structural serviceability performance. As a result, the serviceability load conditions due to pedestrian activities control, in most cases, the design for these structures. Therefore, a systematic overview regarding vertical pedestrian-structure interaction is carried out to demonstrate the need for a realistic analysis to properly incorporate these effects toward more rational structural designs. The discussion establishes a body of knowledge regarding pedestrian loads and structural responses, yielding the potential for more rational approaches to improving the analysis and design of pedestrian structures.Estructuras civiles tales como tribunas, losas, puentes peatonales y escaleras están presentando vibraciones verticales inaceptables cuando se ven afectadas por actividades humanas. Por lo tanto, todavía no se tiene claridad sobre los efectos producidos por la interacción entre el ser humano y la estructura que, en algunos casos, pueden llegar a aumentar la respuesta estructural comprometiendo el desempeño para condiciones de servicio. Un examen a las normas y códigos de diseño existentes, arroja una amplia gama de resultados, lo que demuestra que no son consistentes cuando las estructuras están expuestas a cargas inducidas por peatones. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los mecanismos de vibración, los modelos matemáticos y los métodos para abordar la vibración vertical excesiva en las estructuras peatonales. Este análisis establece un conjunto de recomendaciones sobre las cargas que producen los peatones y las respuestas estructurales que pueden producir, lo que genera el potencial para futuros enfoques más racionales que mejoren el análisis y el diseño de estructuras peatonales