11 research outputs found

    Holocene sediments of the Užava valley near the site Sise and their paleocarpological characterization

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    Bakalaura darbā interpretēti holocēna peleovides apstākļi nogulumu veidoÅ”anās laikā Užavas upes ielejā pēc paleokarpoloÄ£iskajiem, karsÄ“Å”anas zudumuanalÄ«zes, AMS 14C datējumu rezultātiem. PētÄ«jums tika veikts Ventspils novadā, ZÄ«ru pagastā Užavas upes ielejs nogulumos pie Sises. PētÄ«jumā tiek sniegts teritorijas Ä£eoloÄ£iskās uzbÅ«ves un izmantoto metožu apraksts, iegÅ«to rezultātu interpretācija, diskusija un secinājumi. IegÅ«tie rezultāti norāda uz diviem dažādiem nogulumu veidoÅ”anās etapiem Baltijas jÅ«ras iepriekŔējo stadiju Å«dens lÄ«meņa izmaiņu ietekmē Užavas upes ielejā pie Sises. Bakalaura darbs ietver 66 lpp, ievadu, 4 nodaļas, secinājumus, literatÅ«ras sarakstu, 22 attēlus, 3tabulas. Atslēgas vārdi: Užavas upe, holocēns, paleokarpoloÄ£iskā analÄ«ze, AMS 14C datÄ“Å”anas metode.In frame of Bachelor Thesis sediments of Užava River valley have been investigated in order to reconstruct palaeoenvironment condition changes during accumulation. Sediment samples were investigated using plant macrofossil, loss on ignition analyses and sediment AMS 14C dating. Investigation took place at Ventspils district Ziru Parish near Sise Site. Description of the geological structure of study area and applied methods, as well as interpretation of the obtained results, discussion and conclusions is given in Bachelorā€™s study. Obtained results indicate two different sedimentation stages during the previous Baltic Sea stages due to water level fluctuations in the Užava River valley at Sise Site. Bachelor thesis include 66 pp., introduction, 4 chapters, conclusions, reference list, 22 figures, 3 tables. Key words: Užava River, the Holocene, paleocarpological method, AMS 14C dating method

    Comparison of hydraulic conductivity determination methods for sandy soils

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    MaÄ£istra darbs ā€œSmilÅ”aino nogulumu filtrācijas koeficienta noteikÅ”anas metožu salÄ«dzinājumsā€ ir veltÄ«ts filtrācijas koeficienta noteikÅ”anas problemātikai. LÄ«dzÅ”inējos pētÄ«jumos filtrācijas koeficienta vērtÄ«bu izkliede starp laboratorijā, in situ un ar empÄ«riskajiem vienādojumiem iegÅ«tajām filtrācijas koeficientu vērtÄ«bām ir apskatÄ«ta maz. Tāpat lÄ«dz Å”im nav plaŔāk pētÄ«ts laboratorijā iegÅ«to filtrācijas koeficientu vērtÄ«bu, kas noteiktas ar dažādām iekārtām, atŔķirÄ«bas, kas arÄ« nosaka tēmas aktualitāti. Darba mērÄ·is ir novērtēt iegÅ«to filtrācijas koeficienta vērtÄ«bu un izkliedi atkarÄ«bā no pielietotās filtrācijas koeficienta noteikÅ”anas metodes. Darbā apzinātas smilÅ”ainos nogulumos izmantoto metožu nepilnÄ«bas. Secināts, ka nogulumu filtrācijas koeficienta noteikÅ”ana gan laboratorijā, gan ar empÄ«riskajiem vienādojumiem ir problemātiska. Atslēgas vārdi: laboratorijas iekārtas Eijkelkamp un GOST, glaciofluviāli nogulumi, empÄ«riskie vienādojumi, dubultgredzenu infiltrometrs, kēmu terase.The masterā€™s thesis ā€œComparison of hydraulic conductivity determination methods for sandy soilsā€ deals with problems that are related to hydraulic conductivity determination. Up until now, hydraulic conductivity values and its variations from laboratory, in situ methods, and empirical equations have not been thoroughly studied. Also, there have not been significant studies that compare hydraulic conductivity values that are given by different laboratory parameters, which ensure the topicality of this study. The aim of this study is to estimate hydraulic conductivity values and its variability depending on the methods used. In result, this study identifies shortcomings of used methods and it is suggested that hydraulic conductivity determination using laboratory methods and empirical equations is problematic. Keywords: laboratory parameters Eijkelkamp and GOST, glaciofluvial deposits, empirical equations, double ring infiltrometer, kame terrace

    Nutritional value determination of thermally processed potato main course in retort packaging

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    Consumers are increasingly demanding choices of ready-made foods with excellent organoleptic and health-related properties. There are two main trends in Europe; firstly, consumers are increasingly choosing foods that are comfortable for use, secondly, the number of people who are overweight is increasing, with more consumers paying close attention to the ingredients and nutritional value of products in order to balance the amount of the food they consume per day. The aim of the research was to develop new potato main courses and to determine their nutritional value. The research was carried out at the Faculty of Food Technology of the Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR" and Laboratory of Mineral Nutrition at the Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia. Four different potato main course types with amaranth, quinoa, bulgur and chicken were prepared for the study; plain potatoes were used as the control sample. The content of protein, carbohydrates, lipids, fibre and minerals (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo, B) was determined in all potato main course samples. The addition of amaranth, quinoa and bulgur significantly increased the content of dietary fibre, protein, carbohydrates and lipids (p<0.05) whereas the addition of chicken fillet significantly increased protein and lipid content, but reduced the content of carbohydrates and dietary fibre. The content of various minerals, which are an indispensable part of the diet as they are necessary for the body's life processes and normal development, was significantly increased by the addition of chicken to the potato main course. The highest dietary fibre content was detected in potato main course with amaranth (3.0 g per 100 g product), drawing up to 9.0 g dietary fibre per one serving (300 g). Following the Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006, potatoes with amaranth can be defined as the ā€œsource of fibreā€