751 research outputs found

    Copyright Implications Attendant upon the Use of Home Videotape Recorders

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    Copyright is the Cinderella of the law. Her rich older sisters, Franchises and Patents, long crowded her into the chimney-comer. Suddenly, the fairy godmother, Invention, endowed her with mechanical and electrical devices as magical as the pumpkin coach and the mice footmen. Now she whirls through the mad mazes of a glamorous ball

    Barring Slayers\u27 Acquisition of Property Rights in Virginia: A Proposed Statute

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    The above passage by Justice Benjamin Cardozo clearly reflects the age-old maxim of the common law, Nullus commodurn caperepotest de injuria sua propria, which expounds the philosophy that no individual shall profit from his own wrong. The present Virginia statute concerning homicide and succession to property was enacted by the legislature to reflect this common law policy. However, because of the very narrow scope of the statute and the requirement that it be strictly construed, it is presently inadequate to respond to many of the issues facing our judges in Virginia. Section 64.1-18 of the Virginia Code states that no convicted murderer shall be allowed to acquire any interest in the estate of the person he murders either by descent or distribution or by will, nor shall he be allowed to receive any payment on a life insurance policy covering the victim\u27s life

    The Impact of Long-Term Teaching Abroad in Ecuador

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    Research has been conducted on the benefits of studying abroad and short-term teaching abroad (one year or less); however, little research has been conducted about teachers who teach abroad long-term. This study investigated the experiences of teachers who have taught abroad in Ecuador for two years or more. This study specifically examined the teachers’ reasons for going to Ecuador, staying and teaching in Ecuador long-term, as well as the professional, cultural, and personal skills acquired. A qualitative approach was selected in order to understand their perceptions as educators who have made the decision to teach abroad long-term in Ecuador. The interviews incited discussion about cultural experiences and the skills and lessons learned that have impacted their professional and personal growth. Keywords: teaching abroad, international teaching, study abroad, global educator, intercultural competenc

    Effects of a Multimodal Approach on EFL University Students’ Attitudes Toward Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

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    Teaching William Shakespeare’s plays has long been argued as too difficult for ESL/EFL learners. However, Shakespeare can be considered a valuable and authentic material for teaching language learners and teaching Shakespeare’s plays in the language classroom can lead to a meaningful language learning experience. This study examined the implementation of a multimodal teaching approach to teaching Romeo and Juliet in an ESL/EFL university classroom in Ecuador, and whether this approach would improve students’ attitudes toward reading Shakespeare. Index Terms: multimodal teaching, teaching Shakespeare, language teaching, teaching Romeo and Julie

    An Empirical Study of Ecuadorian University EFL Learners’ Comprehension of English Idioms Using a Multimodal Teaching Approach

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    The present study investigated the effect of using a multimodal teaching approach toward teaching English idioms to Ecuadorian EFL students. The control group was taught 20 English idioms using a traditional teaching method and the experimental group was taught the same 20 English idioms using a multimodal teaching approach. An idiom comprehension quiz was administered to both groups with the experimental group scoring significantly higher than the control group. The study provides pedagogical suggestions on using a multimodal approach to teaching English idioms

    A subjective comparison of unilateral photorefractive keratectomy vs. daily disposable soft contact lenses

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    BACKGROUND: Daily disposable soft contact lenses have provided a new level of convenience for patients who are non-compliant or sensitive to preserved lens care regimens. Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) is becoming the surgery of choice for permanent refractive error correction. Subjects who underwent unilateral PRK were fitted with one day disposable contact lenses on the unoperated eye. The patients were surveyed pre-operatively to determine their past experience with contact lenses and their reasons for pursuing refractive surgery. The subjects were again surveyed six months post-operatively to compare the subjective response of the post surgical eye vs. the eye wearing the contact lens. Of particular interest was whether being aware of the option of a one day disposable lens would have influenced the subjects decision to pursue refractive surgery. METHODS: Eighty-three subjects ranging in age from 21 to 61 years underwent unilateral PRK. The unoperated eye was fitted with a One Day Acuvue disposable lens. The subjects refractive errors ranged from -1.00 to -6.00 diopters with less than -0.75 diopters of refractive astigmatism. RESULTS: Most respondents found the contact lens to be comfortable, yet 89% stated that they would still have pursued the refractive surgery even if they had been aware of the One Day Acuvue contact lens. The eye that underwent the PRK was found to be significantly more comfortable than the eye wearing the contact lens however, vision at night was significantly better with the eye_ wearing the contact lens. Vision during the day was better than vision at night through both modalities. CONCLUSION: Most subjects found the daily disposable lens to be comfortable and easy to handle yet, they preferred the overall performance of the post surgical eye

    Arts, News, Poetry — The Art of Framing

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    Teaching in the digital age : adaptation and competency development for academics

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    When lecturers join a university, they generally possess high-level, domain-specific expertise. In addition, as a result of their education and professional experience, teachers also have good information and communication technology (ICT) competencies. But when examining lecturers' pedagogical skills and knowledge of digital technologies, a completely different picture emerges: Both are often only rudimentary. Plugging these competency gaps is a key goal in the process of socialization and development of new university lecturers

    Taxa de excreção urinária de albumina e taxa de filtração glomerular em pacientes com diabetes tipo 2 e apenas um rim

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the urinary albumin excretion rate and the glomerular filtrationrate of single-kidney type 2 diabetic patients and of single-kidney nondiabetic patients.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients who had only one kidney for at least 5 years,with no renal disease or hypertension at the time of the nephrectomy and with nocalculus or systemic disease at the time of the evaluation, were included in thiscontrolled cross-sectional study. A total of 20 single-kidney type 2 diabetic patients(eight men, age 62 ± 9 years; diabetes duration 8.5 ± 7 years), 17 single-kidneynondiabetic patients (two men, age 57 ± 13 years), and 184 type 2 diabetic patientswho were matched to the single-kidney diabetic group for age, sex and body massindex were studied. Urinary albumin excretion rate was measured byimmunoturbidimetry in timed 24-h sterile urine, and glomerular filtration rate wasdetermined by the 51CrEDTA single-injection method.RESULTS: Single-kidney type 2 diabetic patients presented a higher proportion (eightof 20; 40%) of microalbuminuria (urinary albumin excretion rate 20-200 mg/min)than single-kidney nondiabetic patients (three of 17; 17.6%) and type 2 diabetic patients(37 of 184; 20%). Single-kidney diabetic patients presented a higher proportion ofmacroalbuminuria (urinary albumin excretion rate >200 mg/min; six of 20; 30%) thansingle-kidney nondiabetic patients (one of 17; 6%) but were similar to type 2 diabeticpatients (43 of 184; 23%). The glomerular filtration rates of normaoalbuminuric singlekidney nondiabetic patients (71.7 ± 21.4 ml × min-1 × 1.73 m-2 ) and single-kidney type2 diabetic patients (73.0 ± 21.5 ml × min-1 × 1.73 m-2 ) were similar but higher than theone-kidney glomerular filtration rate (GFR¸ 2) of the age-, sex-, and body massindex-matched normoalbuminiric type 2 diabetic patients (54.0 ± 11.6ml × min-1 ×1.73m-2).CONCLUSIONS: Increased GFR related to single-kidney status confers an increasedrisk of developing renal disease in the presence of diabetes.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a taxa de excreção urinária de albumina e a taxa defiltração glomerular em pacientes com apenas um rim e diabetes tipo 2 e empacientes não-diabéticos com apenas um rim. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foi feito um estudo controlado, de cortetransversal. Este estudo incluiu pacientes que tivessem apenas um rim por,pelo menos, 5 anos, que não apresentaram doenças renais ou hipertensãoquando da nefroctomia, e que não tivessem cálculo ou doença sistêmicaquando da avaliação. Foram avaliados 20 pacientes com apenas um rim ediabetes tipo 2 (oito homens, idade 62 + 9 anos; duração da diabete 8,5 + 7anos), 17 pacientes não-diabéticos com apenas um rim (dois homens, idade57 + 13 anos), e 184 pacientes com diabetes tipo 2, que foram agrupadospor idade, sexo e índice de massa corporal com os pacientes diabéticoscom apenas um rim. A taxa de excreção urinária de albumina foi medida porimunoturbidimetria através de coletas de urina esterilizada obtidas a cada24 h. A taxa de filtração glomerular foi determinada pelo método 51Cr-EDTAde injeção única.RESULTADOS: Os pacientes com diabetes tipo 2 e apenas um rimapresentaram uma proporção maior (oito em 20; 40%) de microalbumnuria(taxa de excreção urinária de albumina 20-200 mg/min) do que os pacientesnão-diabéticos e com apenas um rim (três em 17; 17,6%) e do que ospacientes diabéticos do tipo 2 (37 em 184, 20%). Pacientes diabéticos comapenas um rim apresentaram uma proporção maior de macroalbuminuria(taxa de excreção urinária de albumina>200 mg/min; seis em 20; 30%) doque os pacientes não-diabéticos e com apenas um rim (um em 17; 6%),mas semelhante à mesma proporção dos pacientes com diabetes tipo 2 (43em 184; 23%). As taxas de filtração glomerular dos pacientes não-diabéticose normoalbuminúricos com apenas um rim (71,7 + 21,4 ml x min-1 x 1,73m2), e de pacientes com diabetes tipo 2 e apenas um rim (73,0 + 21,5 ml x min1 x1,73m-2) foram semelhantes. No entanto, estas foram mais elevadas doque a taxa de filtração glomerular (TFR ¸ 2) dos pacientes com diabetes tipo2 e normoalbuminúricos, agrupados por idade, sexo e índice de massacorporal (54,0 + 11,6 ml x min-1 x 1,73m-2).CONCLUSÕES: Uma TFR elevada, associada à condição de um único rim,confere um aumento do risco de desenvolvimento de doença renal napresença de diabetes

    Iz Hrvatske agencije za hranu

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